@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres’ Overtime Winner Called Back for Offside

Sabres’ Overtime Winner Called Back for Offside

Here com the Sabers the underway 20 seconds left Byron shot and that Miss tied love rebound Byron 10 seconds big hit Hyman taken away from nurse to the Victory and then t k it off his stick Owen power’s got to hurry he’s got to shoot he does it scores with two seconds

Left in overtime Owen power brings the Sabers all the way back three to the [Applause] final at 20 seconds and no no goal are you kidding me wow they’re bringing this goal back for an offside that is incredible I me all the players have left the benches they’re all in the

Dressing room Buffalo celebrating right now and they’re going to have to come back out they’re going to put some time on the clock and they’re going to have to finish [Applause] this I mean it’s already been a strange day that it just got stranger that is incredible and there it is right there

You can see as bym is entering the Zone this Puck hasn’t fully crossed the line and you can see the skate above him is inside the zone wow wow and of course so much time elaps between that Freeze Frame we showed you and when Owen Power Shot went

In I mean again the Sabers and O the Oilers might be partially undressed players on both sides might be partially undressed right now there’s only 20.1 seconds on the clock so I don’t know if that was that’s what they’re putting back on it I mean this is truly entering into the

Theater of the Absurd Edmonton we have not seen any Oiler other than the assistance yeah the Sabers for sure the Oilers my guess Lou and you’ve been there as a player are in various stages of undress right now promise you one thing that they’re going to have to go

Dig out some new sticks from the stick rack because some were broken on the way to the dressing room guarantee you that so get a new twig and finish off the 20 seconds if that’s all that they put back on the clock and 20.1 is what will

Remain and if it’s not finished in that time which is probably unlikely I mean Evon did score in 29 seconds to start the game but here it is here here’s the offside you can see just as Byrum crosses Over The Line I think it’s Alex tuck it’s a right-handed

Shot just a little bit too inside the zone and that’s kind of a microcosm of his season and afternoon a bunch of near misses he had the assist on what turned out to be what we thought was going to be the OT winner but before that he had

Had one go off his backend yeah of a guy that someone just stole his bike yeah Glen gson the assistant coach for the Edmonton ERS says Hey at some point we got to get a few guys back here so we can finish the 20 seconds of overtime I

Mean Edmonton is this is incredible like I I’ll tell you though after a loss like that and you a perceive loss I mean Stuart Skinner’s just trying to gather his wits here because he’s got to get in there both goenda a shootout here the Oilers have by now gotten their uniforms back together

It’s kind of ironic it’s in this building cuz I thought that was going to happen in 99 that’s right excellent point and that’s what Buffalo’s thinking where was this a quarter century ago when we needed it sorry Brett but he was in the blue paint there’s no

Doubt about it it counted despite the skate in the crease and the Sabers fence must be thinking about that was a great pull by you L absolutely there it is yeah could have been it is you never know if you keep playing an overtime maybe a force of game

Seven and win it back in Dallas we’ll never know what we do know apparently they did go around and say they were going to amend the rule and make it so that if it wasn’t any weight or shape or form in the play or had a any problem

With the goal tender that they were going to keep the goal alive so the players have been informed now from I understand but here’s a Faceoff win for dryon and now the Oilers can win it right here in overtime

March 9, 2024: The Buffalo Sabres had their overtime game-winning goal overturned after the NHL’s Situation Room determined that the play was offside. 

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