@Buffalo Sabres

The NHL Needs to Fix Offside Reviews | Buffalo Sabres Owen Power OT Goal Called Back Against Oilers

The NHL Needs to Fix Offside Reviews | Buffalo Sabres Owen Power OT Goal Called Back Against Oilers

The Jessie Blake sports report with Jessie Blake welcome to the Jesse Blake sports report whether this is your first time here your last time here or somewhere in between I appreciate that you here today so that we can discuss how the NHL has officially lost the plot when it comes

To offside review so this afternoon Saturday afternoon the Edmonton Oilers are playing the Buffalo Sabers in Buffalo and with two seconds left Owen power rips AER past Stuart Skinner to win the game for the Buffalo Sabers very dramatic ending everybody in the stadium is excited everybody on the Sabers is

Happy great comeback victory for them everybody goes home all cool but the referees determined that the play was offside when the Sabers entered the Zone they were indeed offside that’s what we need to talk about here because the offside review took about five minutes and in that five minutes everybody had

Left as you can see here half the stadium is clearing out all the fans are in the aisles getting ready to leave leave and there’s no players left on the bench half of them are undressed Edmonton is I don’t know where they’re heading to their next location of their

Road trip and everybody has to come back onto the ice it took forever to get everybody back on the ice they need to play out the last 20 seconds of overtime from where they put the clock back for the offside review and then they need to go to a shootout where thankfully

Buffalo won the game in a shootout because this this call was so egregious that I think we all agreed Buffalo should probably win the game and as I said this is the main issue here the NHL has lost what the offside review should be about 11 years ago in 2013 Matt

Duchaine was a mile offside in a game against the Predators I believe it was in February of 2013 it was a missed call by the lineman the lineman who was standing on on the on the blue line just clearly missed a call and it led to directly to a goal that Matt duchaine

Scored those things need to be fixed with video review the millimeter that the Sabres were offside today that took forever to review and determine that yeah they were I don’t even like what is the inch that the centimeters that they were offside I don’t even know what that

That little smidge of ice in between the skate there is but the referees determined through pain forensics that they were offside that is not the point of reviewing offside right now the NHL has the rule where it’s yes we are going to review it and if you are this much

Offside you are offside it is a black and white issue for video review officials and I don’t think that is the spirit of the rule at all hockey is a fluid game in that it’s played at a constant Pace everything is back and forth and up and down and offside it’s

Should be a more fluid call the same way the Center Ice Line when you get to the Center Ice Line you hit dump the puck to the to the to the end other end of the ice it’s a fluid call when they determine whether or not your stick

Cross Center Ice to call it an icing so so the guys they’ll they’ll shoot the puck and if your stick passes the red line the the linesmen won’t say it’s icing but you know if you’re way past the red line and there’s no chance your stick is passing that red line they’ll

Call it icing I think offside should work in a similar way where it’s if in real time a referee can’t determine that it’s off sides it should stand and I think they should add a layer to the view video review in that there should be a third ref who’s just

Looking at it through a TV like his job you know the linesman sits on the blue line he and he looks down the line and he says that’s offside or not offside blah BL blah there should be a third guy who just sits up in the Press Box and

His job is to look down the line on a camera and say hey is this offside or not offside so if it’s egregious like Matt duchaine in 2013 the guy whose job it is to look at the camera can call Buzz the linesmen down there and don’t tell me the technology isn’t quick

Enough to where he can just buzz them and it’s instantaneous he’ll Buzz them tell them hey you missed this egregious offs side let’s pull it back let’s even stop play immediately and let’s make that the call because that’ll fix if it’s done in real time by somebody

Watching the video feed that’ll fix the millimeters where if you can see with your naked eye that he’s offside yeah let’s do it if he’s a millimeter offside that’s not the spirit of the offside rule the millimeters aren’t really what we’re looking for here if he has to do

It in real time and we take away the idea of this being a challengeable play a play that’s reviewed through video review take that all away take that out of the coach’s hands just have a third guy doing it with his eyes in real time through a TV monitor with the video feed

Then we get the egregious ones then we leave these silly little ones that really didn’t affect the play that’s my idea that’s my idea how to fix this thing because I think it’s like I’ve said a million times here in the last couple minutes it’s getting ridiculous I

Don’t think any hockey fan wants this let me know if you want this if you sat there and you watched the Sabers and the Oilers and you said yeah I’m so happy that they got this right and they took away that goal from the Buffalo Sabers because they were offside and that

Millimeter really matters that’s how the NHL set it up right now and I don’t think they’ve set it up correctly what do you think let me know in the comments if you like this video please hit like if you really like the video Hit subscribe on the channel I’m trying to

Reach 2,000 subscribers we about uh 350 away this is exciting to hit 2,000 subscribers so hit subscribe if you like the video uh it’s been a busy week on at sdpn we’ve made we made like 30 40 videos in the last three days because there’s just been so many trades and we

Churning out the videos that’s why this Channel’s been a little quiet because all the videos are going over there for trade deadline but we’re back and we’re going to have some fun heading to the playoffs here in the NHL I also need to do a video on jenz killing 90s

Basketball and taking down Michael Jordan and determining that LeBron James is the goat that video is coming I’m going to drop it tomorrow so uh thank you for being here you could have been anywhere in the world but she’ll be listening or watching this podcast right

Now and I appreciate you for that good night from Toronto is how it’s done the Jessie Blake sports report with Jessie Blake Jessie Blake the guy that likes to hear his name twice in one sentence sure I know him now he doesn’t have an ego at all

Buffalo Sabres defencemen Owen Power had has his game winning OT goal called back against the Edmonton Oilers after it was determined that 20 seconds earlier the Sabres entered the zone offsides. The review to make this call was lengthy and teams had already been in the dressing room for several minutes when the final call was made. After such a ridiculous sequence of events, it’s beyond time for the NHL to change the handling of offside reviews.

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  1. I haven't seen this same outrage all the dozen times the Oilers have had reviews exactly like this go against the Oilers. McDavid had made the comment earlier this season that if the review requires 10 minutes and telescopic zoom, it shouldn't be taken away.

  2. I think the best way to fix this is just to say that if the puck is on the line when the players cross it, it's onsides, because if the players are toeing the line with possession then the puck can be on the line without it being offsides but when you're entering it can't? makes no sense

  3. I shut off the game right after Buffalo scored and didn't know what happened until I watched coach K's interview.
    I like your third ref idea. If it's going to be called it should be immediately.
    Great video.

  4. not only that an edmonton player touched the puck which should have eliminated the offisides. I have been saying if the goal is sored like 15 seconds after zone entry it shouldn't be reviewable

  5. Jesse. I like your idea of having blue line refs for calling offsides that are missed. I also like the idea of only enforcing it if a goal occurs before 10 seconds has elapsed.

  6. So you'd rather have one team, any team get screwed by a missed call, than get the call right . If it's offside even by a milimeter it's offside. What is more important is the stupid breakaway penalties when the defensive player just touches the glove , hand or stick of the one on the breakaway. Or even more ridiculous is the cross checking in front of the nets…especially after the playis whistled dead.

  7. I never liked offside reviews at all. But if you want them when it's 3 feet offside, you have to accept it if it's 1cm offside.

  8. Officiating has lost the plot, every game has bad calls and every other games has revoked goals.

    That being said, the NHL has some weird rules, such as offsides being only one of the feet need to be on the blue line for it not to be offsides. Maybe I its because I grew up in other leagues, but offsides used to be any either leg over the blue line was offsides, even if the other was on sides. The other thing, I have been watching NHL since December and and I don't understand the icing rule on bit. I grew up with it needing to cross both the red half point and go past the goal for icing, unless a player got to the puck. In NHL, sometimes it gets dumped in from the nearest blue line and it gets called for icing. I don't understand what the point of racing to the puck to prevent icing is even for, the guy trying to prevent icing could be close enough to touch the defender and it gets called for icing.

    I would disagree about reviewing the footage though, it should provide more accountability to the refs on the ice, as they pretty much can call whatever they want anyways right now. The whole point of offsides isn't to be lenient, and a ref missing an offsides call that leads to a goal is really not good for the other team.

    I'd agree that there needs to be a time limit on a review, but officiating sucks mainly because there is no consistency with calls ever. The coach and team need some way to challenge a ref though, as often enough they make stupid calls and nothing ever happens because they are refs and their word is official and they know best.

  9. Or just make it electronic… chips in skates and the puck… not that complicated. Just a little software and assigning one teams chips in one direction and visa-versa.. one skate can enter without the puck but not both from same player. This is the only complication to solve. And still shouldn’t be the hard for a few engineers to figure out.

  10. Dude.. it was offside. Those are the rules. And whats up with saying if a ref doesnt catch it just let it go?!?! Dude, too much will be at stake like in the Finals. It will ruin hockey. Pick a new hill to die on, not subbing

  11. The Panthers had a goal disallowed against the Flames for the same thing last night. On the offside review you could barely see a sliver of white between the blue line and the puck. Luckily it didn’t matter since the Panthers won easily anyway.

  12. 100% agree with your take. Happened to the Avs vs the Wild the other day but I was glad cuz wanted my home state Wild to get a point but wanted my team to win

  13. Bad take! Get the call right every time no matter what. The NHL should do a better job of letting the on ice officials know that they are reviewing the play (I think they review all goals within the last 2 minutes ofna game and OT) so they can tell both teams to stay on the bench.
    Offside is offside, millimetre or not, terrible take Jessie.

  14. You do not want to take video review away and leave it to the on ice linesman in real time. Sports gambling has already ruined pro sports. Taking video review away would make it even worse and it would be so easy for anlineman to let shit slide.

  15. What do you mean it didn't effect the play, the guy was offside! Just wait for the puck to go over the line before you enter. It's not rocket science.

  16. Simple fix… the offside rule and review is almost fine as it is, but there should be one more stipulation. When it comes to a review there should be a timer that starts immediately after the puck crosses the blue line. If the goal isn’t scored in less than 5 seconds after the puck crosses the blue line then the offsides did not affect the play enough to cause a reversal. It’s a cherry picking rule, and that’s what it should be. Possession in the offensive zone is not cherry picking

  17. I'm glad it's not just Sabre fans that are mad about this. Offside is meant to prevent camping and cherry picking, not slightly missed timed zone entries

  18. If the Refs miss the off-sides call and there is NO coaches challenge, it should end there. Dont let the NHL bureaucrats take over during the last 2 minutes of a game.

  19. The NHL put extra zebras on the ice specifically to keep an eye on the line. They have one job.
    And they STILL blow it all the time.
    It is embarrassing for all involved

  20. Funny that this video popped up for me. My friends and I had this discussion and all agreed this is the dumbest rule in hockey (or at least the top 5). The other part of this that I hate is when the play goes on for 10+ seconds before the goal is scored. This one was almost 20 seconds. I think they should review it in real time, no slo-mo, and it needs to be obvious. If your first instinct is to think "oh, this one is close", then the call on the ice stands.

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