@Edmonton Oilers

Jesse Puljujärvi | A Work in Progress | Highlights 18/19

NHL/AHL highlights of Jesse Puljujärvi!
Edmonton Oilers

The Alans Parsons Project – Sirius
Vince DiCola – War


  1. Says a lot about your season when you need to pad the run time with footage of practice and multiple angles of fist bumping the entire bench.

  2. I admire Jesse since WJC 2016. I hope that the Oilers don't ruin him. As a Bruins fan, I would love to see him in black & gold.

  3. He just need to get used to the thing and play like when he was in u20 dominating❤️🙌🏻

  4. I really hope the oilers keep this guy, he’s awesome and that smile is something else 😂. New coach and gm this year will give him the opportunity if he wants it
    He needed time to grow, I think he’s ready now to get more ice

  5. This guy is better or at least equal compared to Laine. Skillset even better.
    Edmonton f****ed up big time.
    If you can rebuild his confidence, sky is the limit!

  6. There's a reason this deaf turd was passed on in the draft….Columbus knew the insider tip and played thier cards right I.e Dubois . Oil has done nothing but babied this kid since day one…he just refuses to listen…bullheaded…fact. Other players cant stand to play with him….anyways I could go on and on but read Kurt Leavins edm journal…he says it exactly.

  7. This kid is an under achiever. He doesn't want to be in a Oiler , get rid of him. The Oilers will have a good year and he will be sorry he didn't stay.

  8. I read that he’s too stubborn to be coached…..and he’s playing the same game over in Finland. Refuses to get his nose dirty. Columbus knew what they were doing when they passed on him

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