@Toronto Maple Leafs

Frank Corrado on what Edmundson does well

Frank Corrado on what Edmundson does well

by DougFordsGamblingAds


  1. Infinite_Physics220

    We were definitely missing that type of player. We will really appreciate this come playoff time.

  2. Cheap_Wash216

    I think Edmonson, Boosh and Dewar are good pickups. We needed heavier D, and better PK.

    May be unpopular opinion, but we aren’t as good as Florida, or even Boston, Rangers or Tampa. So we aren’t getting out of the east. And if we somehow do, Vancouver and Vegas are crazy good.

    So I don’t think this is the year to go all in, but we are a good team and have some depth. Anything can happen. We addressed some glaring issues, and now it’s time to see our core perform.

    Here’s hoping for a deep run.

  3. Spare-Notice-224

    Great. His first job is to imprint the words from his stick onto the rats spleen. Maybe pull Coyle into a fight and cause some bodily harm. Could even teach our core four to have a spine too…that could be asking too much tho.

  4. thismadhatter

    He’s not wrong. Leafs defense tends to lack very simple hockey plays that can prevent goals.

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