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“That is ILLEGAL!”- Liam Smith forces Kerman Lejarraga to rewrap hands

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Tensions brewed backstage on Friday 20th May 2022 as Liam Smith, represent JJ Metcalf was unhappy with Kerman Lejarraga’s handwraps… Watch our extended feature from the dressing room!

#LejarragaMetcalf #LiamSmith #Boxing


  1. Being in the game that long and not knowing that stacking is illegal but then quickly cutting it off before officials get there is just absolutely embarrassing🙈🤣 go home mate 😂

  2. Good spot from Liam. I suspect that he’s got away with that before . Why is it not allowed?

  3. He was trying to make his fighter's hands harder inside the glove, how many other fights has he done this with and got away with it?

  4. True professional in and out of the ring. We all know its illegal they knew they had messed up that's why was cut off before officials arrived

  5. Always trying to slip a fast one.
    Scuff up the tip of the glove so chunks of flesh come off why dont you?

  6. This is 100% illegal but guess who was allowed to do it when he fought GGG? None other than Canelo, after GGG complained so much, the NSAC actually changed their rules for Canelo to allow stacking. What was ironic when Abel Sanchez confronted the inspector about the stacking, the inspector actually said "its not stacking what they did, only light stacking " wtf does that even mean? Canelo was allowed to cheat against GGG

  7. Well….we all know the reasons why they try to get away with it so it just shows what goes on in the sport…..I'm sure many fighters do it

  8. Boxing must be one off the top 3 sports in the world so you can imaging how much money is involved and it must be the one off the most dangerous also so why are they not watched as this goes on as it’s got to be easy to cheat as we’re witnessing in this clip, here we got Liam having to check it himself for his fighter which he handles like a true gent by the way , but can not see why such a important part off the fight ritual is not watched for obvious reasons, this could off been a genuine mistake who knows but Liam shouldn’t have to check himself and surely something needs to be done about it

  9. Deffo cheating I don’t box and I can understand he’s making the fist a harder surface by using tape that’s so wrong 😡🙈

  10. Any hand wrapper who does this filthy behaviour should be forced into a bare knuckle boxing match with a pro and used as a punch bag for a minute. This dirty behaviour has happened too many times and boxers have got seriously damaged from the sustained partially padded blows to the head.

  11. He’s never had that problem before because nobody had the balls to watch you do it and say something about it. That’s a scouser mate. He ain’t missing anything 😂

  12. Well done smith. Why where not the officials present from start of wrapping and then left immediately after then meeting to decide they were not legal ?

  13. Some commissions in the USA actually permit "stacking" though not many. It is actually very common in training wraps as well though most boxers wear bigger gloves when they spar compared to a bout. Tons of trainers put pre-wrap on and then put tape on the pre wrap THEN start the main wrap of gauze and then tape to cast it. Some commissions have crazy rules about wrapping hands but from wrapping hands myself, I think the standard gauze tape done works for everyone. It wouldn't shock me if in Spain that this is legal but I don't know. I have seen tons of kickboxers from Holland use this method too.

  14. BREAKING NEWS: Everyone leaving his comment without taking a while to do a quick search.
    It is not illegal

    Hand Wraps

    Hand wraps shall be restricted to no more than twenty (20) yards of soft gauze, not more than two (2) inches wide. The gauze shall be held in place by no more than eight (8) feet of adhesive tape, no more than one and one-half (1 ½) inches wide. The adhesive tape shall not cover any part of the knuckles when the hand is clenched to make a fist. The use of water, or any other liquid or material, on the tape is strictly prohibited.
    Hand wraps shall be applied in the dressing room in the presence of a Commission representative and, if requested, one representative of the other boxer.

  15. Why would you need to do bandage then tape in layers if it wasn’t an advantage? Wouldn’t it make more sense if it were just bandage then tape..

  16. Is the hand wrapping that liam wanted the British standard? British boxing board of control

  17. This entire thing is weird anyway,The Boxing Commissioner is suppose to be back there the entire time, he's never to leave the fighter at any point once the fighter arrives fight night,and he's definitely suppose to be back there as fighters are wrapping. Very strange no one's back there

  18. You can tell the officials just agree with Smith in a way like ‘just give the scousers what they want to shut them up’🤣🤦‍♂️

  19. I’d love to know what they were saying to eachother, of course they only subtitle English lol 😂

  20. Tiene cojones que en un vídeo de boxeo con millón y medio de visitas y un español de por medio el protagonista sea el vendaje ilegal de Kerman. Lo que también me parece increíble es que sea el entrenador rival y no el árbitro o el personal de la federación oportuna el que se de cuenta de la ilegalidad.

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