@National Hockey League

Sums up the current state of officiating in this league.

Sums up the current state of officiating in this league.

by Comfortable-Ad-7158


  1. jigglywigglydigaby

    Officials should be fined same as players. At the very least, hold them accountable with end of game interviews where they can explain why calls were made/ignored. I know this sounds like a witch hunt idea, but at the very least it allows refs to explain their side of things.

    “I warned (x) that of he chirped one more time I’d call him. He didn’t listen, so there you have it. Cost his team a penalty for being a jackass” sort of thing.

  2. Cheap_Wash216

    This comes down to accountability. Zebra post game press conferences.

  3. JKthePolishGhost

    I am a huge apologist for the refs but yikes.

  4. Mountainman033

    Unfortunately, don’t expect anything to be done about this stuff unless they get caught on a hot mic about how “it wasn’t much but I wanted to get a penalty on them”

  5. Arctic_Mirza

    They need to have a review at the end of the year done by teams of egregious calls and non-calls. On another note, I still can’t get over the make up call system the nhl has to make calls “even”. Call it how it is. The teams and players will adjust.

  6. Valuable-Baked

    Hit the blue line fast, good things are going to happen

  7. shmoove_cwiminal

    Looks like the ref made a mistake. I couldn’t tell what happened upon first viewing. Replay makes it clear. Refs don’t get replay tho for minor penalty calls.

  8. Low-Signal-3900

    It’s a complete joke. The NHL is a dumpster fire compared to the 90’s

  9. Ecstatic-Buy-2907

    Honestly, the first time I watched it I thought he tripped him. Refs make mistakes and flopping is an issue in modern sports, just ask the nba

  10. So anyone watch the Flyers and Lightning game yesterday with Wes McCauley?

  11. Why can’t there be a sky judge who’s not affiliated with the refs union to overturn phantom calls?

  12. Ballsahoy72

    There needs to be a third ref (fifth official) off-ice, like a judge, confirms or overturns every penalty

  13. Weegar should have just sat on the ice and refused like Torts. Time to start telling the refs to gtfo.

  14. Bobbyoot47

    Tripped over the blueline. Rink attendants didn’t lower the lines before the game.

  15. GrizzlyIsland22

    There’s literally no reason the NHL can’t implement an “eye in the sky” system, where there are officials in a war room watching replays in real time. If they catch something before the puck drops on the powerplay, they should make a call down to the ice and tell the on ice refs to rectify the call. Same with missed calls. Call down and stop the play, just like when the puck goes in the net, but people don’t notice. Bad calls and missed calls are deciding the outcomes of games, and it’s unacceptable at this level of pro sports. There’s too much at stake.

  16. Comfortable-Bowl9591

    This is how the playoffs are officiated. The refs are showing the league they are ready. It doesn’t even frustrate me anymore. It’s part of the NHL, it’s too fast for humans to referee properly.

    The playoffs are even worse because of the refs did call it by the book, the entire game would be 3-3. It will totally ruin the game.

  17. silverbacksunited12

    Happened to canucks yesterday. Jets guy fell in the corner and canucks got a penalty for tripping (I believe boeser was called for it).

  18. And we dont need any extra help getting blown out tyvm

  19. mastaj_2000

    Ouch that’s awful and about par for the course of NHL reffing.

    Did the Flames get a quick make up call shortly after?

  20. UnionGuyCanada

    Remember, people bet on this. How is there any integrity when this happens night after night? A complete joke.

  21. Sparki69420

    Imo teams should be able to challenge bullshit penalties like this with video replay, and given a delay of game penalty if it was an actual penalty.

  22. Why can’t they challenge this? I hate video review but Jesus Christ, if you’re going to use it fucking use it.

    They can review to make sure they got the right stick on a high sticking penalty, why can’t they review this to make sure the stick actually touched the feet and caused the stumble?

    I think refs should also be able to huddle and discuss and overturn calls. I ref myself and it’s extremely difficult and sometimes you get a bad angle and make a bad call. But the NHL has the resources to avoid that. Use them for fuck sakes.

  23. BettmansDungeonSlave

    Yup. Ekholm got called for Malkin tripping himself into the boards today. Stick was about a foot away from his feet

  24. JarmaBeanhead

    Pretty sure the same thing happened in the Oilers game today, too. I didn’t see (was just listening) but they said Ekholm didn’t even touch him, he just fell over.

  25. rippinkitten18

    They don’t want Calgary catching Vegas.

  26. They will spend 10 minutes to see if a guys skate lace was offside, but this would be a 1 minute review to over turn.
    Worst call I have seen in years.

  27. Openfacesandwich12

    Ref needs to keep up with the play or leave the call to the other referee. He is making that garbage call from very far away.

  28. emmybemmy73

    They should have to review every game, in slow motion, that night after the game, so they can see all of their missed/wrong calls.

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