@Minnesota Wild

I’ve NEVER seen a coach do this in Overtime…

In today’s Minnesota Wild and Nashville Predators game we saw the very risky and very rare goalie pull in Overtime. I’ll talk through the full effect of that on today’s NHL hockey video!

The NHL rule you’ve never seen called:


  1. Man doing this is even more insane than the Patrick Roy pulling the goaltender 10 minutes before the game ends, additional insanity goes to the fact they lose the extra point if an OT goal is scored on them.

  2. The only time it make sense to risk the guaranteed point would be if you need a ROW on the last day of the season to get a playoff spot. This was a pure gamble that paid off. Can you imagine what the coach looks like if Nashville wins the game? And yes, I know "but they didn't". To which I reply, "they definitely could have"… so that is not a valid argument.

  3. Lose thr point if you get scored on. Earn the extra point if you win. Show me 3 point OT games.

  4. I remember this happening a few years back. Maybe the 09-10 season. Whoever were fighting for the last seed on the playoffs did it to get the better matchup for their playoff series but that was also like the very very end of the season. Not quite the same as this. This was pretty random

  5. happened in 2017 LA vs Boston but it was less than 0.9 sec left and Toffoli made a buzzer beater this on the other hand is wild ( haha get it)

  6. Crazy story, but a little confused lol. Why pull the goalie in OT when they could've still gotten 2 points with a win in the shootout? Nashville already gets the one point either way, just seems much riskier to pull goalie than to take it to a shootout to see if they could win. Is it for ROW?

  7. The NHL point system is flawed anyways there's nothing to lose in overtime. You're already guaranteed one point just go for the win

  8. "This is why you need to be subscribed to my YouTube channel". Truer words have never been spoken. Well done Eck.

  9. Perfect situation for this. If it failed, you would still not fault the coach. Let's see if it lights a fire under the Wild. Faith from your coach does inspire players.

  10. I cant believe so many people in general didn't really know the rule.
    It's basically why you don't see teams do it for an offensive face-off with 5 to 10 seconds left in OT.
    If teams got the loser point, teams would easily take the risk.

  11. I was there an also realize that I had never seen that happen in a game before. The building went nuts when they realized they had pulled Fleury. And like you, I had no idea that the “you forfeit the point if they score against you. “rule even existed. Balls of steel move.

    The NHL does have to fix the overtime though. It has just become a boring game of keep away until someone makes a mistake.

  12. In NCAA women's hockey, Ohio State tried something similar at the end of the 3rd period a couple years ago, thinking they needed the regulation win. It backfired.

  13. Wild are great at being mid, can't wait for us to get a terrible draft pick, not make the playoffs and still be mid

  14. I think it's great when rare thing like these happens! Makes the game more exciting. More teams should do these kind of tactics

  15. I was at that game. Everyone in the crowd was super confused. Fleury was at the top of the circles like twice before and I was wondering what he was doing. I didn’t even think pulling him was a possibility because like who does that lol. But in the end it worked out and it was a cool moment to see live. ❤

  16. It would be even more interesting if scoring with the empty net made it so the other team doesn't get the free point for losing in overtime.

  17. I was at that game and I knew about the rule! I can't believe I got to see that live

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