@New York Islanders

Process Of Making Swing Changes


  1. dude the before swing is where I am at 90% the time right now with my swing change and trying to get what you're achieving at the end. I'll try out what you're doing here!

  2. Looks like your right elbow is too flared out at the top of all of your swings. Your forearm should be much closer to perpendicular to the ground at P4. That will help you flatten your plane a lot. Flaring it out and then trying to correct by pulling it in will lead to inconsistency

  3. this is literally me every single day as I'm working on my swing with my coach. I record every rep, iterate for 40 minutes or more, and then maybe get one good rep DTL and one good rep face-on. GOLF IS HARD

  4. Why is it important to bring the club back more vertical and then actively shallow? Why not just bring it back on a more shallow plane and then you’re already in that position? Thanks!

  5. Just a question but don’t you think this is a little too analytical to technique? There’s so such thing as a universal swing, just how well you hit the ball. Is this trying to accomplish something to change any result other than how the swing looks?

  6. Holy fuckkkkkkkkk I was a natural puncher if I tried to shallow it I'll put way to much back but but but now omg it just feels natural and because I'm a puncher I still have controle of of my divit…… dude I love your vids it clicks with my adhd mind. Ty

  7. That's funny, I'm working on this exact feel right now and this video shows up in my feed. Also I'm working on lifting the right elbow more in the backswing, I was too laid off. That elbow motion really pops the club up where it should be, even though it feels funny. It feels a bit less strange every day I work with it. Like your music/videos man!

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