@Pittsburgh Penguins

Don’t Touch Gretzky!

Keith Tkachuk (Jets) runs Wayne Gretzky (Kings)
Marty McSorley (Kings) lives by the code…


  1. I was pretty sick of the game being tailored for Wayne Gretzky. He was a tremendous talent, but the League went overboard. I'm old enough to have seen him throughout his career, going back to the WHA, but don't miss him much.

  2. He was the biggest pussy I have ever seen in any professional sport. I saw him take 3 big hits in his career and every one left him hurt or temporarily hurt. McSorely was one of the biggest pieces of shit in the league at the time and was even charged with assault during one of his games. He's the kind of worthless scumbag they never should have allowed in the league.

  3. I had heard the elder Tchasuck was just as dirty and lame as the younger ones, but this is indisputable proof.

  4. Piece of crap can't even take a clean hit without being a bitch … Tkachuk is 10times the player Mcsorely was.

  5. Finish the check cleanly? Lol the commentator is out to lunch, that was a full second delayed hit. And a sucker punch worth 2 in the box hahaha! Gotta love the 80’s!

  6. this is the myth behind 99, he rarely hit anyone, and few dared to hit him . . . he wasn't even the best player of his time, Mario Lemieux was

  7. That was not "finishing the check" the puck is off of 99's stick and dummy there has to take a few extra steps to continue into Gretzky. . Glad he got his bell rung for that one.

  8. You have to wonder is the NHL paying attention to this. This is what the people want! They want the super skilled players like Gretzky to do their magic, and a cement head like McSorley to teach the other team, that you have to leave Gretzky alone or else. NHL ratings would be up, if hockey was still like this.

  9. One time Gino Odjik hit Doug Gilmore and rattled him. Wendel Clark skated over to Pavel Bure and said “Tell Gino that if he touches Dougie again, you’re dead”
    Bure talked to Odjik and Gilmore didn’t get touched again

  10. I was at Mcsorley’s last game in Vancouver where he lost his shit and took a stick to Brashear’s head. What an idiot.

  11. That was such a late hit. Cant believe this was considered a good hit back in the days, hockey has evolved so much.

  12. Gretzky was protected by the nhl owners
    If you touched him
    You were out
    This is how everybody do if your name makes them sell for millions

  13. "finshes the check cleanly" – Way late, but not a dirty hit. Tkachuk knew the rules. lol

  14. Both of these absolute legends should have never left he cut of CHAMPIONS. Peter puck, I’m looking at you buddy

  15. Can you imagine McSorely accompanying Gretzke to a strip club? Every time a dancer gets too close Marty slides in and hip checks them out of the booth or off his lap, then beats them silly if they don't take the hint. There could be some great comedy skits written about NHL enforcers "protecting" teammates in off ice, everyday activities using the same force and attitude that they display on the ice. 😛

  16. Some people complain that 99 had bodyguards. Maybe so but in those days there was a lot more dangerous play and some guys head hunting looking to make a name for themselves.

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