@National Hockey League

Should this be a suspension?

Should this be a suspension?

by Only-Highlights


  1. 100% raised his elbow and only made contact to the head.

  2. Yes, you can’t do that. The way DoPS is though the question is will he get suspended?

  3. Should not be allowed to turn down a fight the rest of the season

  4. dragons_fire77

    But like…why was he waving after declining the fight?

  5. Miracl3Work3r

    An elbow to the head is not a question of “is there going to be a suspension”, its “there will be a suspension but how long”

  6. yeah… he had the hit, why raise the elbow. clear intent to injure

  7. Lillehammered

    Rempe thinks he’s hot shit after a handful of fights. He’s about to fuck around and find out.

  8. Delicious_Jeweler_15

    Minimum 5 games. Clear intent to the head

  9. GreeceyNubz

    I’d say he gets a minimum of 2, mostly for the hand wave after seeing how deliberate it was. It’s his “first” offense but he’s gotten away with quite a few charges lately.

  10. Saw_Doctor

    Rempe is a monstrous cunt. Bitched out from retribution from his pussy, cheap shot ass actions.

    Hopefully next meeting, he won’t shy away from the bell – like a pussy.

  11. Queasy_Astronomer705

    Yes, when he raised the elbow. That warrants a game.

  12. MDFan4Life

    Actually, with Rempe’s rep, he should be kicked out of the league.

    Dude gives off some serious “Dale Hunter” vibes. The only difference is, at least Dale Hunter had balls, while this dude gets in a dirty hit, and acts all smug about it. He’s got a “what are going to do about it?” attitude, and hopefully, it’s going to bite him in the ass, soon!

  13. JimmyFeetWorld

    This kid has been in the league for less than a month and managed to make everyone but Rangers fans hate him. Nothing wrong with fighting and physical play, when it’s warranted. Rempe only cares about hunting heads and throwing fists. I hope he flames out real fast.

  14. energizernutter

    He’s shown he’s trash, get that trash out of the league.

  15. Die hard fan, but I say yes. Hit to the head and the player didn’t return.

  16. Impeccablediscretion

    Rempe is so damn big…he doesn’t need to be cheap…F that guy

  17. How could it not? Even with the useless department of player safety, there is no way that doesn’t get a suspension.

  18. Equivalent_Goose_226

    Damn. Before this Rempe really toed the line well. But this is bad. Reputation forever destroyed and honestly this could end his NHL career in terms of how much of a liability he is to waste a roster spot on.

    This is a shame, it was kind of fun to see him out there throwing mostly clean massive checks like an oversized Bambi. Now he’s a cunt forever.

    Wave bye bye Rempe

  19. HurricanePirate16

    Why are the refs protecting the punk ass bitch like he’s their son? Let him get his ass beat

  20. TrippyHomie

    This should be 5 games, especially with the wave. Like I get he wants to make an impact but this is not the way to do it.

  21. Responsible-Fox-9082

    No shit he deserves it. He turned a near miss into a headshot

  22. Seekingsumthings

    There is finishing your check and there is you are an asshole with no regard for other players. If he doesn’t get himself in check, gonna be out of league. Too many leaving the feet, sorry about elbow. guy has played 9 games and injured 3 players with dirty hits.

    Menace or just a dick.

  23. AncientPCGuy

    Absolutely. Intentionally using elbow to the head on a late hit.

    I know they won’t do it, but this kind of a hit should be 10-15 game suspension and the team should lose a roster spot until suspension is served. Just losing a player for 5 games is not deterrence.

  24. Gwalchmaiaplot1963

    Yes. Not only did he elbow him, he raised the elbow up to make sure he got his head, imo. Xekaj is waiting.

  25. OkraNo8365

    Yes. And why did the refs protect him? Let the kid take an ass beating for that shit

  26. Canadian_mk11

    Guys that tall usually don’t have little man syndrome, unless…

  27. aGoodVariableName42

    Yeah…most of the time these kinds of videos are posted, I’m just like.. wtf, that’s not even a penalty?! Not this time. That was dirty af.

  28. kingofmankind

    Absolutely, main point of contact is the face via the elbow.

  29. IntrepidBandicoot8

    And then ran from MacDermid right after, if you’re gonna do shit like that you gotta answer the bell. What a pussy

  30. dr00bles1

    Yes. I like Rempe but if he’s going to be effective he needs to learn these hard lessons.

  31. PuzzleheadedBox774

    Yup he raised the elbow right to his face

  32. Odd_Philosopher1712

    Sure wish the refs would have made the call after macdermid had his turn

  33. Piercinald-Anastasia

    “I don’t know let’s ask the Jim’s.”






    “Honestly I don’t even know what we’re debating about; thats pretty clearly over the line.”

    “Thanks Jim’s!”

  34. rricenator

    Refs gotta let Kermit have his feast. Man would eat Rempe’s face for that sh*t.

  35. davesnotonreddit

    Avs fan here. I really wish they let Dermy have a go.

  36. sextoymagic

    Rempe is a pos at this point. Just a dirty player.

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