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Ohio State’s Ryan Day has the most to prove in 2024, Best Cover Athletes for NCAA Football & More!

Ohio State’s Ryan Day has the most to prove in 2024, Best Cover Athletes for NCAA Football & More!

Who should be on the cover of EA sports’s college football game when it drops this summer which programs are the biggest question to answer in Spring practice and which coaches have the most to prove in 2024 let’s go it’s the number one college football Show what’s up kid folk welcome to the number one college football show I am your host RJ young thank you for watching on the Fox Sports app YouTube we’re listening wherever you get your podcast today on the show I want to talk about the best candidates to be on the cover of EA

Sports’s college football game when it comes out I also want to an ask the question who has to answer the biggest questions in Spring practice in 2024 but first let’s start with another list which coaches have the most to prove in 2024 and I got a list of five

Here and I think we all got some pretty strong candidates here so I’m gonna jump straight into number five go to number one so at number five I have Michigan head coach Chiron Moore he’s got a lot to prove he’s got to prove that a he can

Do this without Jim Harbaugh B he can do this without Jim Harbaugh’s team and C he can do this without Jim Harbaugh staff a lot of without Jim Harbaugh in there but this is also a really interesting year for Michigan because they’re coming off a winning National Championship Chiron was a very important

Piece of that National Championship team even being head coach for four of their wins and grooming JJ McCarthy grooming what might be the deepest offensive line unit for a single year that the NFL draft has ever seen they got have seven guys selected in April and being the

First black man to be head coach at the University of Michigan is just a big deal and we’re all going to remember how it it goes right it’s the biggest deal for me since Tyrone Willingham took over Notre Dame and that went pretty well at

The start right so I think Shone is in a good spot but he’s he’s got work to do right he’s hired some really great people he elevated kurk Campbell he’s got wink Martell in there they’re going to keep trying to do the same Baltimore Raven style of defense that they had

Been I don’t expect them to change their offense at all I expect them to try to figure out who the quarterback is going to be what their tailback situation is going to be behind Donovan Edwards and if they have some answers for guys like Roman Wilson out there at wide and see

What they can do on that but he’s got a lot to prove in this being his first opportunity to be a head coach and following a national championship season number four on the list got Lincoln Riley at USC this is a huge year for USC

As it is entering the Big 10 for the first time but also a big year for Linc Riley because he has had to fire the second defensive coordinator he has ever hired and the one that he has been with the longest in Alex Grinch last year

They were just giving it up and no matter how many points that USC could score with the Reon Heisman winner at quarterback they could not score enough to get to 10 wins and now we’re looking at a Lincoln Riley who has not made the Pack 12 championship game and will never

Make the Pack 12 championship game hasn’t made a college football playoff since leaving Oklahoma and while can still recruit the hell out of this Sport and develop the hell out of the quarterback position just hasn’t been able to get into this conversation of college football playoff teams while

Steve sarkeesian has made that move at Texas one of the reasons he’s not on this list Kaylin D’Or Leap Frog uh Lincoln Riley at Washington showing that doesn’t matter what level he’s coaching at he’s gonna get it done so now that Riley went and got Danton Lyn and Matt

An my goodness just put together a staff on that defense that is studded he’s got to get some production out of those guys they have to show up ready to compete they’re going to play a really difficult schedule which while also having I believe not just the Big 10 on

This schedule but still Notre Dame and there’s there’s one big non-conference in there but I don’t want to I don’t want to get ahead of myself and get that one wrong I’m just gonna say that USC’s got a tough schedule right and if Miller Moss is your guy then fine I’m not going

To second guess Lincoln riy on who he select to be his starting quarterback but it does say a lot that until Miller Moss threw for a billion yards and six7 TDS yeah we thought that will Howard might end up there or that Riley was going to go into the portal and bring

Out somebody else that could spin it he still might given how spring practice might go but Malachi Nelson decided he didn’t want to stick around he’s at Boise State where he’s gonna get offens coordinator Dirk cutter which again NFL guys coming back to college that’s kind

Of fun I think L riy has a lot to prove this year and going into what I think is going to be a pivotal year not just for the Big 10 but for the fortunes of SC as they’re joining with Oregon and Washington man it’s going to be tough

For them and he’s going to have to pull this out number three on the list for me LSU coach Brian Kelly Brian Kelly left Notre Dame because he did not believe he could win a National Championship at Notre Dame in that way he and Lincoln riy basically shared the same idea they

Left one program that they was in a great position that did make the college football playoff to go to another program because they believed that they would have the infrastructure to not just make the playoff but to win the whole damn thing so far neither one of those guys has sniffed the college

Football playoff since taking the job and only one of those guys made a conference Championship game and in that game LSU got boat raced by Georgia also in here Brian Kelly had a better quarterback in 2023 then Lincoln Riley as evidence by the Heisman winner being

At LSU and Jaden Daniels which which is another way of me saying if Brian Kelly had Jaden Daniels who put together one of the greatest statistical Seasons that we have ever seen and couldn’t so much as make the playoff what can I expect from him in a

Much more loaded and much more powerered SEC As Old Miss is doing the LSU what Washington did to USC Lane ke’s out in front okay they’re in a great spot they won 11 win 11 games for the first time in history last year and they got stronger in 2024 and they should feel

Good about their chances of competing for the SEC Championship which is not a small thing especially given what LSU wants to be who they have to be and how bad those fans really want it I think there’s a lot of pressure on Brian Kelly because now you you getting into the

Time for which LSU fans gonna be like hey dog clack been ticking all right Ed oron can get this done Ed oron can get this done you’re trying to tell us you can’t get this done Les Miles could get this done okay we’re not saying you got

To be Nick Savin because nobody is but he got it done too so I think after this year if it doesn’t go the way that it’s planned I would not be shocked to hear people start muttering Brian Kelly I don’t know dog oh know so he’s got a lot

To prove in 2024 number two on the list Colorado coach Dion Sanders now I’m going to be watching this as closely as I did 2021 as closely I did 22 because Prime is as he says box office and he makes a really good point if he was the

Head coach at Florida State you probably don’t leave out Florida state in the college football playoff that’s got everything to do with appeal and what you believe and remember at Jackson State that was the slogan slogan is I believe right that was what college football playoff selection committee

Members were saying about Florida State I don’t believe for one reason or another right now they would say we just think Alabama is a better football team than an undefeated Florida State but if coach Prime was out there campaigning for the team he thinks of as his alada

Right Florida State I think that would have gone a wrong way because that’s what that room is about that room is about votes like you we forget this but at the end of the day the people in that room on that college football playoff selection committee are voting on who

They think are the four best teams and if he can influence your vote with a good stump speech or several he will now this is also a man who sees the expansion of the playoff to at least 12 teams we’ve been hearing talk of even 14

And 16 at this point because they can’t settle on a number just yet or settle on a an amount to pay for this thing that he believes Colorado can make the playoff right now he doesn’t see why they couldn’t because there are more slots more opportunities and they’re

Moving to a conference that I don’t think is easier to win than the Pack 12 was last year though the Pack 12 was really Stout I just think that from one to 16 you can make an argument for almost everybody in the Big 12 including Colorado and there’s not really a

Runaway favorite in that League like right now we’re talking about Utah Kansas Oklahoma State really being the teams that might lead the way in the Big 12 but also remember Texas Christian came off a 5- seven played the national title game against Georgia in a year where nobody expected Sunny Dy and Texas

Christian to be about much of anything in addition to other teams that we just don’t think about being good until it’s time to play them Baylor Iowa State Kansas State it’s just gonna be tough right he’s got a lot to prove which you do we’re going into a draft eligible

Year Shiloh being draft eligible choosing to come back Travis Hunter going into a draft eligible year he needs those dudes to show up and play more than that he needs Phil Lo hold to put an offensive line out that can protect the quarterback and he’s going to need Robert Livingston to put a

Defense on the field that can keep people under 28 because that’s what it feels like feels like they gonna just give it up and then sh gonna have to throw for 500 and five TDS to go get them these wins but they’re capable I think if Prime can

Flip Around The First losing season that he has suffered as a head coach in this sport that’s going to be tremendous but if he goes 4 and eight a second time we might have to start talking about him a little bit differently he knows that better than anybody else and then at

Number one Ohio State head coach Ryan day this is going to be the 2024 topof line topic for me what is Ohio State going to do not in 2024 per se but on November 30th in Columbus when the Michigan Wolverines show up to the Sho okay all right it’s gonna be rocket it

Ought to be but Ohio State fans are nothing if not smart like yeah yeah they want it and yeah they’re a little bit irrational they understand that but they also that’s what it is they don’t hide that they’re also smart enough to tell you hey we know what you have on this

Roster okay we know what Michigan lost we know Jim Harbaugh ain’t there no more and you got a first year head coach period this is the year you got to win that game now granted Ohio State won 10 of these before they started to lose one they’ve lost the last three but they’ve

Been on his watch and each one has really mounted on more pressure for day and I say November 30th because there has never been a time for which we have thought the game was irrelevant right but the idea that you could lose the game make the playoff and

Then damn near beat the national champions on a Mis field goal and people still not give a damn I don’t know that there’s more pressure than that and then he lost the game a second year a third year going into 2024 he’s pull out all the stops he is

Handed over the play call and privileges for the first time he’s never done that to his mentor to the guy that he trusts to call the plays as well as he might in ship Kelly he reinforced the roster they go four deep like we keep going on this

And we will but I think nobody has more to prove in 2024 than Ryan day and that is a good place to go into which programs have to answer the biggest questions going into spring practice and for the time being I’m going to stick with Ohio State because

Ohio state has a champagne problem okay they got four quarterbacks on that roster who could start Aaron Nolan is a talent Julian saan is a talent Devin Brown is a talent will Howard beat the national champion runner up in 2022 who was undefeated at the time in

The Big 12 Championship he’s big he’s strong he’s fast and he wants it like nobody has more to gain on that roster at quarterback than he does because he can turn his day two prospects into first round draft prospects just by putting together a good year with Chip

Kelly and that offense who’s going to try to make use of the quarterback’s ability to be the 11th guy on the field right so that’s one two on the champagne problems list is do you realize that Jim noes could have the best safety tandem in football if they choose to leave Sunny

Styles at safety which I think that they will you have 6’4 230 and a dude that can play three four five six positions for you on defense in Sunny Styles perhaps the most talented guy on the defense last year but the reason I say 6423 is because that is the exact height

And weight of Isaiah Simmons at Clemson when he was a destroyer of worlds when Brit vbl had that dude coming off the edge playing single high playing man in slot that’s what Sunny Styles can do okay he’s that good and then you added what I think is the best defensive back

In football Caleb DS so you could essentially have Cam Chancellor and Earl Thomas just that Ohio State be stny styles and Caleb Downs dog if it feels like I’m getting it’s CU I am because as a quarterback I don’t want them problems like as a quarterback I’m looking at

Safties going which one of these dudes can I manipulate because I’m wrong either way because Sunny Styles is gonna come down he’s gonna hit he’s gonna make plays and Caleb DS is a damn pterodactyl you know what I’m saying like what what are you gonna do with this and by the

Way they play with three safeties in that 425 so that’s what what I’m saying that’s the defense CJ Hicks is going come on Cody Simon’s going to lead them up front and then Larry Johnson Senior still still stupid out defensive line jt2 moow you know what I’m saying Ty leag Jack saer they’re

Ridiculous Denzel Burke Jordan Hancock they’re ridiculous I I I’m excited I really am because I love it when you get to see great defense I love when you get to see great football but you know I’m a guy that I like to think I could have spun

It or could spin in high school right but I’m looking at that going who wants those problems like quarterback is looking at that that secondary going yeah which one of these dudes am I throwing on nobody you better hope you run the football really well that day

It’s gonna be a lot of fun all right three on the champagne problems list things they gotta answer spring practice questions at Ohio State how will Chip Kelly exploit qun Shan Judkins and trayon Henderson with jins maybe the best tailback in the SEC for the last two years right now 2023

Wasn’t great as good as 2022 but he was a true freshman ridiculous it’s ridiculous trayon Henderson who when he is right and when he is healthy will go win you the football game just ask Notre Dame trayon Henderson whose middle name is home run hitter they got speed and Power

At the tailb positions along with four Dudes that can start and oh by the way a mea Iuka over there Brandon iners over there Jeremiah Smith over there cell Tate over there here I love this team the only problem they really got to answer I think the only thing

That just doesn’t make me get him is their offensive line now they got the right side sorted okay they got Seth M Laughlin at Center you’re probably going to keep Donovan Jackson right where he is excuse me the left side Twitter Donovan Jackson at left guard and then

You’re going to move or you’re going to stay with Josh Simmons right there right on the right side maybe you bump Josh fry to Right Guard right tackle was kind of hard for him and maybe you see that Luke Montgomery can be your guy maybe he goes left tackle maybe goes right tackle

But either way Justin fried’s going to have to get that figured out but if they do get that offensive line sorted tell me where the weakness is like I’m I’m I’m dead ass serious where’s the weakness on this football team Jim noes could have won the broyal

War each of the last two years and nobody would have been really that mad now maybe right they beat Michigan he wins it right Ryan day is Ryan day but Chip Kelly is also Chip Kelly and I just mentioned those quarterbacks and I mentioned those tailbacks and I

Mentioned the wide outs and I mentioned the defensive line and the linebacking crew and the secondary yeah dog we gonna do the pre-spring top 25 but you can already see what I’m telling you you see what I’m telling you like if I had this team on a new football game y’all

Wouldn’t let me play no more y’ be like no I don’t play RJ he’ll pick Ohio State which is what most Oklahoma fans think in the first place but you get my point there you look at that and you go nah dog this is we trying to match wits I’m

Not trying to get beat by the CPU because CPU G give everybody 99 ratings because that’s what it feels like for the Ohio State it feels like they’re right there the other team that I am fascinated about that we got to talk about in Spring is Nebraska and the way that I’m

Going to frame this question is should I care about Nebraska in the spring I mean at this point you got to feel what I’m saying because you college football like I’m college football this what we do this what we do right so I’m we family I’m G talk I’m G talk to you

Like we family Nebraska Every Spring will blow it out Nebraska fans will turn up every spring we’ll talk about Nebraska because Nebraska fans show up to get talked about move the needle and it’s Spring right it’s either you’re talking about the NFL draft you’re talking about spring practice only a few

Teams that move the needle during spring football right Nebraska being one of them but I’m trying to tell y’all I don’t know if I can keep telling y’all to care about Nebraska because we we we Nebraska ain’t been nobody since these children were small okay the last time Nebraska was

Any damn good was 2009 and domican Su and com and gone you know what I’m saying all right like if I said Eric crouches some of these kids you mean you mean that old ass man RJ oh chill out for real you know what I’m saying if I

Say Tommy Frasier they look at me like I’m crazy if I say Aman green Lawrence Phillips they look at me like I don’t know what I’m talking about if I could say coach Osborne oh yeah I know about him he and the Black and Whites so now we on to Nebraska with Matt

Rule problem is Matt rule has a trajectory that his programs will follow year one they gonna be sorry and and last year they were sorry okay they they were in close games but they were sorry year two they start to show a little something something so they like at

Baylor he won one game in his first year at Temple he won two then in year two at Baylor and Temple they went bowling which at Nebraska they gonna be throwing the biggest DN party if Huskers go bowling 2024 but that’s on the trajectory right so that’s one reason to care is this

Might be the team that turns the corner because that’s what usually happens in Matt rules year two they turn the corner but it’s also in Nebraska and it’s Nebraska in the Big 10 and Nebraska in the Big 10 was a non seor a decade ago now don’t nobody know

Nebraska like we know Nebraska and I can’t tell them to like Nebraska be losing to Iowa I can’t tell you who I care the less about when I was playing High School football in the early ATS okay Iowa all right then I got to take into account Who Matt rule

Is on top of what Nebraska football means in state of Nebraska put it this way last week midweek Matt rule went to an event on the Lincoln campus where they had an occupancy Max of 70 but there were 100 High School coaches there that wanted to hear him

Talk so he spoke and then had his position coaches speak so he could get in the car same night drive to Omaha and do the same damn thing Nebraska cares terribly about his football team Nebraska High School coaches want a reason to care uh and talk about Nebraska football as a matter

Of fact they got fewer kids playing football in the state of Nebraska than they have in years most because kids just don’t want to do it that used to be the thing man you grow up in Nebraska or around it you wanted to play football so you might have the opportunity to just

Get to the Corn Huskers now that’s not the case but the last few hired that they had it’s been on again off again and you’ve heard Nebraska High School coaches say hey look we some of these dudes didn’t remember my name some of these dudes showed up only when I had a

Kid to sell them right but the feeling with Matt Rule and his staff is that there are some adults in the room right that there are some some guys that understand not just how to coach Ball but know how to talk to the community about the ball that they are

Coaching I usually check out when I hear a football coach say the word culture my my eyes glaze over like I everybody says it it’s come to mean nothing at all right and yet when Matt Ru says it I genuinely believe it’s one of the only things that he does believe

He believes in culture he believes in continuity he believes in family however the other way of saying that you believe in culture is by not winning a whole bunch of games and if I’m going to be a Debbie Downer about it and I’m prone to right because I talk

About this stuff as it is not as I want it to be can you get the six wins culture can get six wins because they lost five games last year by three points or fewer in overtime right that’s the glass half full the glass half empty

Is they put away and a half million doll to the One bank account of Matt rule to go five and seven okay uh excuse me nine and a quarter million dollars not n and a half but you get what I’m saying what what’s 250 Grand to a man that could had

Made 40 for sit 40 million for sitting on his couch and chose to coach at Nebraska you know but the way that I would put this to Nebraska fans that want to feel good about 2024 and hear me ask the question earnestly should I give a damn about

Nebraska is that my team is the Oklahoma Sooners first year we got the guy that I wanted to get that everybody know you wanted to get his name is Brent vbl and we thought we going to be going from strength to strength let me tell y’all folk that was not how 2022 went

For your boy your boy also watch Oklahoma lose a bunch of close football games give up 30 a game the defense look antithetical to the very Constitution that is Bren venables went six and seven lost to damn Florida State in a che a bowl in the che in the Chey

Bowl front of my mama but the next year Oklahoma won 10 games before the postseason started the next year Oklahoma went down to the cottonball and got into Texas behind all right that team made the college football play I won the Big 12 but you know what they

Caught that l in the RAR River shootout because that’s what matters oh man I I I I I like Texas until they play Oklahoma and I you know I’m from here you see the red curtains behind me you know what time it is I’m telling you this as nebr Nebraska

Fans because I think it does matter I think you’re just G to care about your team and most the time we were talking about Misery but I think you having a reason a real reason a uh data point to be optimistic and this season this spring I’m going to choose to care about

Nebraska I’m going to watch Dylan rayola I’m going to see if this dude dude can grow up and mature uh I’m going to see if this dude wants to post any more poems to the tweets and whether or not his homeboy is goingon to be like hey dog maybe maybe

Not Malachi Coleman get on your mans help help your mans because he’s got all the talent in the world he’s got all the bloodline in the world and he’s going to get all the help that they can give him I want Nebraska to be good I want

The kids to know what it looks like for Nebraska to be good Nebraska be good all right let’s go into our last segment of the show possibly my favorite segment that we do today and we’ve done two that I really enjoy but this one is who should be the cover athlete for EA

Sports’s NCAA football video game coming out this summer or allegedly coming out this summer because I play video games like y’all play video games and and EA get it right dog that’s all we’re saying you know what I’m saying don’t let this be Madden we care about this

One you got to get this one we’ve been waiting on this name image and likeness exist for this this is the reason get it right so here the five that I think we could see on the NCAA covered but I don’t I don’t know how courageous they gonna be down there

At Electronic Arts be messing up Star Wars games or whatnot anyway number five on the list I got actually three names but you understand what I’m doing here Prime shador Travis you understand what I’m saying here you put Prime in middle you have flanked by them two boys you

Understand what time it is because that is what college football is today it is very much them right they are cool people love to watch them people show up to watch them on television and until Caitlyn Clark started doing what it do Dart Sanders had the bestselling Jersey

On Fanatics that’s no small feat given who else plays college football you know what I’m saying Say Caleb Williams for instance right say JJ McCarthy right but shadur was that guy and Colorado wasn’t even good especially in the second half of the season I think that if you want

To move the units you want to get the kids and the kids’ kids to buy the video game in droves that’s what you do because all the youngsters love them some coach Prime their parents love them some coach Prime their mama loved them some coach Prime they just don’t want to

Say that out loud I think that’s a great way to go I think that would be really on brand for 2024 number four on the list I’m gonna get into some guys that perhaps should have been on the cover if we’ have had the cover so number four I

Got Devonte Smith what he did in 2020 let alone what he did in the nation championship game in 2018 that merits mention but the thing that struck to me was we talk about Desmond Howard being on this game sure I yeah they at one point yeah Desmond Howard was that dude the Heisman

Winner and then we went cam near 30 years without another wide receiver winning the Heisman Trophy and that guy was Devonte Smith and nobody was upset about it like that’s the thing he was that big a deal right and I think what he had done at Alabama also encapsulates

What Alabama football was at the time ni Nick segan was coaching there like the other guy that I was thinking about was derck Henry but given what the game means and given how long it’s been since Derrick Henry played college football Devonte Smith just fit for me uh I could

Also throw a Jaylen Herz in there but you understand what I’m saying here number three on the list I got Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence Trevor I think is the safest selection for this because Trevor did not win the Heisman Trophy right even though we could make an argument for

Each of the three years mostly mostly each of three years but we didn’t know who he was going to be in 2018 remember that dude came off the bench as a true freshman and led Clemson to the National Championship he’s the first guy to do

That since my man Jamal holway did it in 1985 at Oklahoma that deserves his own honor and the thing that I always try to reference when I talk about Trevor Lawrence and the way that I’m going to talk about him in the future when the kids ask me RJ

How good was this guy because they’ll say hey he didn’t win the Heisman they’ll say hey he only made first team All American one time and that was a year in which probably should have gone to M Jones but the football writers association of America was smart shout

Out to my guy sheahan J araja who kind of pointed this out if they had not made certain that Trevor Lawrence was a first team allamerican he’s not even considered for the College Football Hall of Fame and given what Trevor Lawrence had done at Clemson you know

Winning I don’t know that we could have a College Football Hall of Fame that doesn’t let him in it so even if you got to manipulate it by saying we’re going to vote for him because he deserves it that’s what you do and I think I would

Much rather and I think you would understand this be on the cover of a college football video game that everybody plays rather than win the Heisman Trophy that’s just me that that’s who I am because that’s that’s how I came to love the sport and not for nothing but we put Joey

Harrington on the cover of NCAA to which the kid always would be like who they said what now exactly Joey Harrington so don’t tell me about Trevor Lawrence when you know that Joey Harrington gets to display this at his house and if you are me and you still

Got your jewel boxes over here you got to see Joey Harrington on the wall over there at Oregon before Oregon was anybody at all put Trevor Lawrence on there if you come to it but you know what I got two more for you to go to I got got two more

Number two on the list LSU quarterback Joe burrow you know what time it is 2019 Heisman winner 2019 national champ my man showed up being Joe Cool making the money sign making it do what it do I have come to really love Joe burrow because of his get down right like At

First I thought it was kind of act because you know some dudes are just cocky to be cocky that’s just who he is and you know why I know that is who he is because Justin Jefferson follows him right because we got to see what it looks like

When he is throwing bombs like nobody made I I think to say if you were talking about a quarterback that could have done what Joe burrow did given the assets that he had maybe but they didn’t do it he did okay you’re looking around at what he

Had at his disposal and you’re going yeah yeah yeah yeah I could have won it but you didn’t not only did you not he went into the NFL and proved it wasn’t a flute want that dude to be healthy for another year year but you get what I’m

Saying here I think Joe burough would be a really great addition uh to the collective jewelbox cases over here of cover athletes because of what he did 2019 what he means to the sport and then number one the dude that has owed his cover Louisville quarterback Lamar Jackson

Like for those of y’all that have only played NCAA 14 because us old dudes make y’all play it here’s what you got to understand we didn’t allow body to play with Mike Vic and Madden because it was cheating Mike Vic has said Lamar Jackson better than me Lamar Jackson might also

Be faster than Mike Vic and I can’t tell y’all what Mike Vic meant at Virginia Tech he blew out dudes acl’s in the same game by shaking them and Lamar Jackson is more than capable we know this for the highest trophy that he won we know

This for the unanimous MVP that he won and the second MVP that he won in 2020 three but I can’t think of a dude that better encapsulates what we were all doing on the joysticks because I am running five wide running five wide because every play is run pass option

Before they call it run pass option because my quarterback’s gonna have some Wheels because if I ain’t got a quarterback that’s got no wheels I’m not playing with him that’s why you couldn’t play with Lamar Jackson because he gonna shake you like a bowl full of jello and

Then he gonna throw a ball 80 yards with a TD okay like if the game would allowed me to met let a Lamar type play safety I would have done that too right that’s who this game is for that’s what this game is about us to be on the sticks

Right us that are trying to get the CPU timing down so that we can click the triangle button and make sure that we got the user option to go pick this pass off because you put that ball in the air against me it’s mine just that’s just going I’m gon

Talking so much noise on the twitch come see me I’m I’m ready I’m ready and I hope you are too like honestly cuz this is this is fun uh tell me who you think should be on the cover of the NCAA football game when it drops this summer

And uh EA Sports don’t don’t hide don’t come out here with no Banner don’t come out here with no yard marker put a dude right there on the cover don’t play with me don’t play with me all right that is going to do it for today’s episode of

The number one college football show we will be back live next Tuesday get you started in Earnest for spring football practice out number college football show lead screening our Jack kley tour and West make us better in the film room production assistant K Santana and Jim Cunningham put the special in our

Special team social producer jbon Duncan make sure the recruits and the rivals see the cake we bake Gabe Sable is sending in the signal senior producer kather caji sees the entire field from the booth lead producer Tyler WJ calls plays from the sideline play snaps on my

Clap we will see y’all next Tuesday until then stay low keep those feet driving do

FOX Sports’ RJ Young is back to present his top 5 coaches with the most to prove in the upcoming season. Next, RJ breaks down the biggest questions going into spring practice with Ohio State and their champagne problems and Nebraska football. Then, RJ shares his top 5 Best cover athletes for EA Sports’ NCAA Football video game.

#NumberOneCFBShow #CFB #RyanDay

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RJ Young is the national college football writer and analyst at FOX Sports and host of the Number One College Football Show. He was featured in Natural Light’s 2019 Super Bowl commercial. He graduated with a master’s in professional writing from the University of Oklahoma. He doesn’t like it when his socks get wet. His book about the Tulsa Race Massacre is out in 2022.

Ohio State’s Ryan Day has the most to prove in 2024, Best Cover Athletes for NCAA Football & More!


  1. You so fun today.. You are as excited to see our Buckeyes this year as we in Buckeye Nation. We putting everything on the line for the Natty this year. The players that are returning that could have gone pro decided that right away. And Day brought in some beasts from NIL. I bet we see you at many Buckeye games this year and that would make us happy we have much love and respect for you and your knowledge and love for the game. O-H-

  2. Who and what is RB Treyvon Henderson doing? He's not Audric Estime from Notre Dame or Jadarian Price or Jeremiyah Love at Notre Dame SHOW SOME EVIDENCE ☘️☘️☘️ GO IRISH


  4. Sonny Styles Jr is a low 4 star linebacker another fake 5 star rating for Ohio State by the recruiting services buddies 🎯✌🏾☘️

  5. Michigan will surprise some people, they have tons of defensive talent coming back.
    Michigan will be just fine.
    Deion is way overrated as a head coach, sure he gets the inner-city kids to come to his team but I watched Colorado games out of curiosity, he’s a clown on the sideline just like he is pregame post game and in the outside world…

  6. The missed most obvious one ! Is nick saban! Forget coach prime and his sidekicks that’s the coach if any that deserves a cover

  7. Michigan's defense is still good, lots of talent coming back and that will help 1st year Moore greatly. It's going to be a heck of a year!

  8. R. JI like it seem like a great guy. But you truly don't know what you're talking about. When it comes to some of the Ohio state things they're not leaving sunny at safety. He's growing into a linebacker. And you've got three other safifties on that team that can start anywhere

  9. R. JI like it seem like a great guy. But you truly don't know what you're talking about. When it comes to some of the Ohio state things they're not leaving sunny at safety. He's growing into a linebacker. And you've got three other safifties on that team that can start anywhere

  10. The cover should be Nick Saban or the one and only Pirate Mike Leach ! Nobody of the current sitting coaches or players did effect the game as this 2 coaches. And nobody is even close !

  11. Nick Saban can be on the cover. It's not the most "fun" pick but no one ruled the football world since the last game came out more than that man.

  12. 1. Ryan Day has been on the hot seat for 3 years (held to impossible standards by the fans, especially in late Nov. )
    2 "Prime" is an egotistical joke, he will be done when all his sons are done with college
    3. Brian Kelley needs a DC….(head hunt Phil Parker from Iowa)
    4. Lincoln Riley needs a DC….(even worse than BK does)
    5. Sherrone Moore is a question mark…he needs to fill gaps in the Portal

  13. You killin' me today with the "Champagne problems". Love your energy and enthusiasm. Keep up the great work RJ. They gotta get you on TV for games 😀

  14. If Ryan Day loses to Michigan again and doesn’t win a natty he should be fired, especially with how loaded the team will be. I hate this idea that he’s somehow a good recruiter. The Ohio State brand recruits kids, nobody cares about Ryan Day. Literally any top 25 coach in the country could get top 3 classes consistently at OSU.

  15. Is everyone sleeping on Bama @ 9? GA, OSU, Oregon, TX, ND, Ole Miss, Mizzou, Penn State.Will the SEC have 5 in the CFP, adding LSU?

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