@New Jersey Devils

Full Rempe Chicken Wing Hit & Running From The Consequences Segment! #NJDevils #NYR

Matt Rempe injures a second Devils player in as many games, turns his back on fighting MacDermid bc he knows he was about to get his ass beat, then as he skates off he waves like a psychopath. This guy needs to be suspended from the league, the next player injured by him should file suit on the league.


  1. “running from the consequences” ok buddy let’s ignore the refs pushing him away from the other players

  2. Ranger fans are loving it, but we will see if they love it when Rempe takes a major in the playoffs and it costs them a win. It's one thing to play a heavy game, it's another to chicken wing and hit a guy in the head with your elbow. How do you even excuse this behavior. This is intent to injure. I would give him 10 games for this. I don't give a sh!@ if he's a rookie. He's shown in a short period of time that he is a dirty head hunter. The league gave him the benefit of the doubt on the Bastian hit, and look what happened he goes out and makes an even dirtier hit 2 weeks later

  3. Rempe might want to sit out the next game against the Devils cause MacDermid will throw him a beating 10 times worse than Olivier did for that taunt lol

  4. This guy cant win a fight and does this he is making all the losers that have never won anything feel good about them selfs

  5. I cannot remember ever seeing refs get so involved in stopping a fight, especially when something like this happens on the ice. Let's see what happen on April 3 boys !!!!

  6. yeah thats bad, at 1:20 angle can clearly see eyes fixed on siegenthalers head as the elbow lifts, hopefully the league gives him a reality check as well as some players if hes still in the league after this, lol

  7. There must be clean hit, but Devils player stopped to avoid it and took the hit to the head

  8. Georges Laraque would have ate Rempe for dinner if he was around in a real thug era xdd

    This kid running around at Men's Rec League NHL that is filled with soccer-on-ice wimps.

  9. Even ny broadcasters said it was bad hit. But the experts here can't agree. Must be Biden lovers that still belive open boarder is a good thing while they flee their own city cowards.

  10. After all of the progress the NHL has made ridding itself of "Goons", they now take a major step backwards with the emergence of the Rempe show. I hope they take action against it before someone is seriously injured "or worse".

  11. Do you think rempe is scared of any one heck no whoever thinks he is are a bunch of losers he’s a great player and fit for the team and game New Jersey devils are just cry babies 😢😢😢😢😢

  12. I watched it several times, but was he trying to avoid getting hit by the other players high stick after he shot the puck away. His size hinders him and will get in more trouble because of it.

  13. I swear if Marchand did this people would call for ten games smh I like rempe but that’s a very unnecessary dirty play suspension worthy imo he rose his arm way to high like bro you 6,7 or whatever he is no need for that

  14. Macho Man Randy Savage used to deliver the flying elbow off the top rope – even Randy would say that was a dirty bit by Rempe – which it was – the league is going to suspend him for 5 games and warn him big time – also vets around the league who admired him are now going to make him a marked man – i like Rempe but there is a difference between playing physical, aggressive and being an out of control assassin –

  15. You want to be an enforcer in the NHL kid that isn’t the way to go about it. Not a good look

  16. As a ranger fan I was all about it when Rempe wanted to be the guy to throw hands, but this is getting carried away. No place in the sport for cheap shotting people. You can be an enforcer without being a goon.

  17. It was a cowardly act fer sure,He better be on his P"S AN Q"S next time they play each other, Mcdermid is gonna tear him a new A– hole…

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