@Boston Bruins

Billy Jaffe: Bruins Absolutely Need to Consider Trading Jake DeBrusk – Toucher & hardy

Billy Jaffe: Bruins Absolutely Need to Consider Trading Jake DeBrusk – Toucher & hardy

Billy Jaffy Bruins analyst for nessen and he is delivered by Granite City Electric’s GCE Night Train electrical contractors get on board the GCE Night Train order your materials to be delivered overnight to the job site the following morning and save time and money go to gcit Billy’s in studio am almost are you

Plugged in you’re ready to go there pal yeah I am look at him wearing the 985 the sports up sweatshirt it was it was sitting on bed I just get grabbed it and went looks good though doesn’t it oh it looks spectacular it nice sh I get I get paid

In uh in sweatshirts all right it’s it’s better than nothing the the swager I’m at the little kid’s table like right here I’m so low the chair is too low it is anyways it’s okay I’m going you stand up like Pat McAfee that’s what you want

To do when you cut the sleeves off that bad boy you’d be great what are you going to do if matafe he starts doing hockey because he does a little bit of hockey but not he loves it from what I understand I don’t watch it don’t listen

To it I but I’m told he he he loves it I’m a guy pengu fan isn’t he yeah a guy I work with a lot at NHL Network Mike rup worked with him a lot and said he loves hockey yeah he had the uniform on but he cut the sleeves off the hockey

Uniform did he oh yeah you got to stay true to yourself Billy it’s very important it is okay very important stuff not a Hardo move at all um let’s before we get into the uh the the all the rumors out there and swirling around everything Bo has it been busy 24 48

Hours yeah yeah yeah I just I want to I want to touch on the bees a little bit that finished the other night it seemed like you didn’t have a problem for the most part with the way they played Edmonton uh except you know you you’re disappointed in the goal that was given

Up now it is Edmonton and you’ve done a beautiful job two games in a row first Toronto then Edmonton back to back um I heard you guys referencing it lost dzone faceoffs they lost 61% if I remember correct of dzone face offs in that game

And it was a a regular amount as the game went on it got more and more and that’s concerning and and and that’s you know deficiency now duh you’re seeing the missing of number 37 and even number 46 at times right between brron and Cree um

However you would have loved to have won one of those and and finished the game off and and that that’s frustrating um the overtime okay is I want to say it is what it is and not act like I don’t it isn’t an issue because but it’s three on

Three it’s not regular overtime and five on five come playoffs but it’s part of the extra point you’d love to get do I still like three of four points sure am I sitting here saying oh you got to be happy no but you know I’m being realistic now you’re tonight 7 o’clock

Toronto again go out and play your way that you’ve done the last couple of games and then you’re real happy if if you see that but now but now you get to a point where you have the trade deadline coming up and Bruins have obvious needs not just in one place in

Multiple places getting a guy who could take face offs in his own defensive end would be nice that’s going to be more expensive but we’ve spent a lot of time talking about clearing the net in front a big physical guy to move people out of there and that seems to be a desperate

Need for this team well big physical guy is yes but but you don’t confuse playing the system well too meaning that you just need a physical guy GI to clear the middle you got it’s also about rotation it’s about stick picking up sticks it’s a you you

Can be a small guy heck couple of games ago Matt grizzli played really well up in Toronto really well cuz he’s moving his feet and he was picking up and he was boxing out so I don’t disagree and they’ve talked about needing physical players wanting some snarl whatever the

Term you want to use is but it’s also about playing the structure the system well um can they get a couple of tougher more more physical players I think if they could find that in the depth Market yeah they would absolutely and that in theory would should help could help uh

Not just in front of the net but winning wall battles and also getting in on the for check more tenderizing the opponent John what do you I’m sorry one more thing I apologize the the rumor that’s out there Kevin weeks had yesterday of Jake gensel going to Vancouver Elias

Lindholm going here and Jake de bruss going to Pittsburgh do you think that’s viable and would you do that I think that there’s um look I think the Bruins and a couple teams but the Bruins are looking to move some salary okay and who are you going to look at you’re going to

Look at guys like Jake um like forbert like Grizz I’m talking about guys that are UFA to be you’re probably going to look or consider moving them because they may be easier you know you got to make a decision are we going to keep our

Own rental so to speak are we going to move them um if you’re not going to be able to sign Jake I you absolutely have to consider making that move now you guys mentioned I caught this part of the show lindol has been up and down he’s he

Was early on he was a rightwing when he went to Vancouver not his natural position now uh last couple of games have been slotted as the three SE slot right there um I don’t know are you going to look to sign him are you going

To wait to see how he performs if you make that deal there’s a lot of layers to this would I consider a move yeah John I would a absolutely if again if you got to look at how many you’re always going to lose a couple of guys to

Free agency you’re always going to you’re willing to do that especially you know based on age and everything but if there’s a guy with value you have to consider moving that because if you don’t you’re not even if you end up not doing it you have to consider doing it

John you have to can you just talk about why Vancouver would flip lindol because they just brought him in from Calgary they gave up a first rounder and other currency for him so five weeks later they’re potentially going to flip him at the deadline May again what do you

Believe this is the what do we call it the Silly Season crazy I mean this is where this in in free agency in July 1 is where you can make a lot of mistakes but you that’s why you got to be careful um but uh why would they move him one

Maybe with with with signing Pon maybe he maybe when they get healthy again they’re missing one or two players Johnny uh RJ maybe they say well we don’t know if he actually fits best at Center here now gensel they might think is a a better scorer for them and would

Fit them well by the way if you don’t know who Jake gensel is folks he plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins he’s had a good career there not just playing with Crosby but he can play with Crosby he can really do some wonderful stuff not a big guy um but they’re going to they’re

Not going to be able to resign him so that’s why they’re looking to move him they need return they need to get younger there they talked about Kyle dubis the GM there said that exact thing we need to get younger um yeah John John Henry’s running things there now so you

Got to get younger and cheaper that’s how it works if they think that if they think that they if Vancouver is probably looking at it and saying all right well wait you know uh lindome might not fit what we’re doing here maybe it’s the style the structure not doing as well if

We feel that we need a more scoring Winger and we’re happy with because they got Miller and and Pon as their centers and they’re their top two centers that maybe they’re saying that’s where we fit maybe maybe they’re looking at Lindholm saying as a 3C that’s really a luxury

But maybe not what we need maybe we need more of another big time scorer on the wing to be able to get you know to where we want to go by the way they’ve been scuffling lately yeah you know they’ve been they were the hottest team around

For a long time until the Rangers got the hottest and now they’ve been scuffling the what the last three weeks now two three weeks there what was the move uh yesterday that was most eye popping to you or the most game Chang ing in terms of what it’s going to mean for a

Team wow um I think what Colorado did they didn’t do one they did two moves you know they bring in um you I’m curious to see what middlest stat does the kid Casey midat was traded from Buffalo to to Colorado but Colorado also got rid of Ryan Johansson who just never took off

There Ryan Johansson is a big right shot centerman uh who had salary retained from the the Nashville Predators organization and um had his best years with Nashville but the last couple Hardy has struggled and they were able to get rid of him and part of a trade to Philadelphia for another guy Shawn

Walker who is a very mobile right right shot defenseman smart I wouldn’t you know he’s not like a 50o guy but in that system of Colorado that could give them more depth that that they needed there I I think middlest should be an upgrade over Ryan Johansson now middlest has not

Played for a what you would call a very um high level organization the last couple of years since he’s been the NHL in Buffalo so you’re always cautious about those players who get thrust into a team situation that is expecting big things right now he’s having the best

Year of his career this year maybe he’s matured maybe he started too soon in the NHL he may have been rushed a little bit to the NHL by Buffalo coming out of Minnesota yeah so let’s see but I I’ve liked what they’ve done um I mean

The the the the other thing is and obviously Noah hanifen I mean Noah hanifen going to Vegas could be a game you know they they can they did it without moving one of their defensemen off the roster they’re still they’re still having some issues up front but if

They get fully healthy and I don’t know if Mark Stone’s going to come off LTI or not with the with with his injury I I don’t know if he’s going to but if he does and he’s able to and that’s how they can afford to do what they’re doing

Right now is because Mark Stone’s on LTI will be until the playoffs right so the look of of of what Colorado’s done and and and Vegas you know I would say those on paper right now seem to be the most significant what what about Tarasenko move down to Florida because I know

You’ve been really high on the Florida Panthers we’ve talked about you know you think they’re the probably the team to beat in the East how much better does that make them um I think if he accepts his role there I think he’ll be you know he’s a left

Shot who plays the right side they’re pretty established already on their top two right wings um if he can do the old you know 13 to 15 minute a game and be still very productive and doesn’t you know he’s a shooter RJ if they can get

Him the puck I think he could be effective for them this was a deal that he he manufactured from the moment he signed the contract in Ottawa they gave him a one-year deal in Ottawa with a no trade clause which is really almost unheard of I can’t remember if there was

Another forgive me for not remembering that but what that did is it basically said that teras Sanko if he was going to get traded controlled his destination 100% 100% where he’s going to go he owns a place or two down in Florida in South Florida he wanted to go there before so

He manufactured pretty much his still I again this is one of those I I’m not as sold on it perhaps as some others but he’s gonna if he does he old lesses more and accepts that role it might be good for them should be because the Bruins

Are so cap strapped and they need a top six forward I they desperately need a top six forward I think would you and you’ve said no for the last three or four weeks that I’ve asked you this but now that we’re up against the trade deadline I’m going to ask you again if

You could get a top six forward would you trade lenus olark to do it well so you’re just okay tough answer but I’ll say this if you’re moving him and trades are so hard to do in season I went over a couple of them they are so hard to do

And for some reason people just don’t trade for goalies because because this is worth talking about for a moment here because goalies people just say oh just put them in the net and they’ll be fine no I mean like Razer and I have talked about this I trust his opinion

Implicitly but also just in general goalie’s also rely on the system in front of them where are the looks where are the shots coming from where are rebounds usually going to be com second shots what what are we looking to do what are reads in the dzone handoffs ETC

It’s a lot more complicated than just putting the guy in the net and say go make saves the biggest one that we’ve had years and years uh was Ryan Miller years ago from Buffalo to St Louis and that didn’t go well at all that for for for anybody that now if I remember

Correctly I was looking at this I think Robin Leonard got traded in season um and it was to Vegas Darcy keer got traded in the off seon and that worked for Colorado they got a first rounder for him but he got traded from Arizona but you know he had the he they they

They really desperately needed somebody in Colorado but again that was an offseason deal so I don’t know how many much you see him with regard to moving money for the Bruins if that becomes the most important thing and you can make a significant move to add somebody up

Front now there’s a good chance if you make that move and you can add somebody you’re I don’t know if you swap that five million for another 5 million you might be keeping all these other ufas that you have and you ride it out with

Them and you see if you can add to it again John lame answer but I’d consider it I would but I I don’t love it because if you’re still thinking you’re doing something in the playoffs you know you’ve been in a tandem and are you thinking you know

What if something happens to swayan what if something happens you’re now asking either a rookie from Providence or a backup to lead the way for your team from a position of strength you’re going from to a position of question and that is okay the position of strength and you

Think it’s a luxury I think it’s a luxury I think it’s ridiculous to have you know if if not the backbone and I’ve heard it this is not my words what other people told me the identity of this team is in the go tending they’ve got this

Awesome go tending tandem to me that’s foolish so so part of your identity is on the bench every game it doesn’t make any sense to me and and it’s it’s nice to have but luxury is the best word to put it the the the point that you just made is

An excellent one if you decide that okay now we’re going to do it you know we we tried it but we realized it’s silly who’s going to be the backup it’s a big question because it’s not just easy to go get another guy I’m going to use a hypothetical name like Jake Allen

From even though he’s been a one of they’ve had three starters in Montreal theyve kept three goalies up all year but that’s a whole another thing there you can’t can you again you got to be able to afford him well afford afforded is one thing and it’s not just for the

You know emergency scenario uh that’s a big part of it but to spell you in a few games down the stretch when you might be needing the wins the way the Bruins have played and some of the loss that they’ve taken you know you’re you’re the the

Wins are going to come at much more of a premium this season than they did last season and you do want the ability to to get wins on the nights when your starter isn’t going of course so of course you want a good backup that’s it you want a

Good backup and you’re going to leave yourself with literally call calling up a guy yeah I know and again I just I I do think the Bruins are going to try to get move some money because of just for obvious reasons not even though they already have a lot of money available

Next year because the cap goes up but also because of expiring contracts if they can move it now I mean it might give them a little cache here or there some assets too um I always say this real easy game sitting here behind the mic or up on the fifth floor right

Compared to what’s going on but you know Bruins manager Don Sweeney he is he’s he’s pretty he’s rude he you know we didn’t expect a lot of things to happen over the years that he’s been in there and and then he’s come through with

Stuff and I I you know he’s got to be working you know diligently at trying to make this team better for the now but also for next year also for the keeping in mind that they do have cap space available next year but could they could

They even add to that um I don’t know could they could they could they move some players and and they have some young prospects that are that have either played or you know are on in the pipeline of bit I I think they’d also be willing to move one of them because of

The way that the Bruins have gotten other kids to to to help out and also they’ve still got a lot of guys in what you would call sweet spots of careers of their of their NHL careers and the Bruins love to win and and and they’re

Going to continue to try and win at a very high level all right did we ask him about Joel Edmonson no big by the way I think his I think his contract is at 8 his is at 1.5 or so yeah I wanted to I wanted to mention that cuz Billy texted

Me right after we talked about that but there was a report this morning from Darren Drager up in Canada that Joel Edmonson from Washington left shot dman Toronto Tampa and Boston are among the club circling and he says as of late last night the Bruins seem to have the

Inside track Billy pointed out to me on text uh Montreal you’re right I did look that up Montreal retained salary in when they dealt him to Washington last year so there’s his cap hit’s only about 1.7 right now so if let’s say they retain 40

Or 50% of his deals we all know that’s a huge part now of Trades um then he becomes a let’s just call it becomes affordable yeah and and I’m going to I stink at math but I can do half of that so 850 Grand right right right so if if

That if that’s what you can get the team to do and teams are retaining money to sweeten the pot for a return um big strong you know he’d be a depth defense with strong I I do think the Bruins will looked at whether it’s a guy like

Edmonson I do think going back to what Johnny said earlier a a a couple of more physical players they’re going to do I think a lot to try to make that happen that’s just my take on on on looking at him and and if they can get let’s say a

Forward like that and a d like that that will help with the depth of the team be nice to clear guys out from in front of the net say with a minute 20 left in the game when you’re leading one nothing and don’t just you know allow them to camp

Out down there I know I know I mean it was McDavid and dry CLE and Heyman it was three of the best in the league and I’m not saying that makes it okay I’m with you but you know eventually they’re going to get something you just wish it

Was you wish it didn’t you’re right it wasn’t just that moment it was I know you’ve seen it I’ve heard you say it it’s like it’d be nice to clear that guy out out of the slot it’d be real nice by the way H home skating so

Hopefully soon you know he’s been on the ice a couple times so hopefully get that soon tonight good game six o’clock pre 7 face off all right where you where you going what you GNA do where am I uh Bruin’s actually a morning skate today

At TD Garden so I’m going to go down to uh yeah TD Gard they do it a couple times a year and go down there and then I’ve got uh mom and dad coming into town going to go to the airport pick them up

Oh wow you busy busy yeah I give him a special Uber rate that’s nice thanks for taking the time with us Billy good to see you Billy good to see you guys too all right next week we’ll have a lot to talk about again oh yeah we will yep see

You guys all right see you Billy jaffy there

on Thursday’s edition of Toucher & Hardy, Billy Jaffe who is a Bruins analyst for NESN, joined the show and explained how the Bruins will need to consider trading Jake DeBrusk if they’re going to make a move at the deadine.


  1. Sweeney won't do it because he'd be admitting that he blew the 2015 1st round. DeBrusk is all that he has left from that 1st round.

  2. I would absolutely do a DeBrusk for Elias Lindholm UFA swap. Lindhom is much better defensively and is outstanding on face-offs. AND he likely has a bit higher offensive upside (having had 42 goals a few years ago).

    Even if he was 25-30 goals, 60+ points a year Lindholm would be a MAJOR upgrade (he finished second in Selkie voting to Bergeron) to help lock down leads and match up against top offensive players.

  3. It’s foolish saying you can’t trade Ullmark because if swayman gets hurt. That’s like saying what if PASTA GETS HURT . Then we are done anyways too. Trade Ullmark for a 1st and Holtz

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