@New York Rangers

I still love him

I still love him

by explosivebuttfarts


  1. Teknicsrx7

    Everyone realizing that our letter to the NHL was a warning not a cry.

  2. Dysliptic

    Yeah, but hes gotta learn how to use his body properly

  3. PurplePenguin501

    Might be just bias talking but I don’t think Rempe is out to hurt people like Wilson, even on the hit last night. Just seems like he’s trying to do too much to feed into the hype combined with being 6’8 and clumsy af on skates.

  4. MendelWeisenbachfeld

    Rempe is still young enough to learn to be a safer player. That ship has long sailed for Wilson.

  5. Grouchy-Power-806

    The reaction by Wilson and rempe is the same. Bravado. I wasn’t bothered by Wilson’s penalty box antics. I was bothered he rag dolled panarin.

  6. bobby_booch

    I will say, between Rempe and Trouba and I can’t remember the last time the Rangers had a team that other fanbases consider dirty. It’s oddly refreshing after years of watching Cody Eakin drill Lundqvist, or watching Dan Carcillo beat the shit out of Gaborik while Girardi stood there and watched.

  7. AWolfGaming

    Tim Wilson is a psychopath and a douchebag. Fuck Tom Wilson

  8. AdamAshhh

    The difference is that Rempe is a rookie who needs to learn how to effectively hit at 6”8 while Wilson is a bitch who acts tough but isn’t

  9. Crafty-Hovercraft579

    People making the comparison between the 2 of them now are completely failing to realize that Wilson is considered a middle to top 6 forward and has been his whole career, whereas Rempe is literally a 4th liner and most likely will be a career 4th liner, but he’s also more noticeable as a fan than Wilson ever was(size pun not intended). Literally every time he’s on the ice you notice it right away. You only really notice Wilson when he’s doing something dumb.

  10. Zealousideal_Total50

    I surely didn’t like it but I didn’t betray

  11. Mysterious_Wheel

    Slamming a player onto the ice with a suplex after a scrum in front of the net and flexing in the penalty box is different than waving at a whole roster of guys chasing you around for a fight after a questionable hit. I missed the game and looked back to try to find the hit and if it is what I think it is, my reaction is “Really?!” Dangerous hit? Yes. Intentional/dirty? No. Like many others have said, it’s evident the kid doesn’t know how to use his size yet, he was moving with momentum towards a hit and Siegenthaler chickened out, so Rempe went flailing towards the boards. I agree that he should be in better control of his extremities, but for people to call out that he intentionally threw an elbow at him is a bit ridiculous. I’m sure the kid would’ve answered the bell if he thought he was being dirty. The same people mad about this kid are the same people that loved Scott Stevens and love Tom Wilson

  12. Key-Tip-7521

    The day Rempe destroys Tom Wilson, this fanbase, social media, and r/Rangers will go bananas.

    But r/Hockey would hate it.

  13. TreeFugger69420

    If Rempe has half the career Tom Wilson has had we’ll be very very lucky

  14. Purplish_Peenk

    I’m upvoting you just for your Reddit username

  15. MayerTopKat100

    I fucking love the kid. He’s brought a different feel to this team and I’m all about it. He will need to relax and learn to deal with the insane amount of attention and eyes that are on him . He went from no chance of making the roster to the most talked about guy in the league he’s probably all geeked out.

  16. … so one is a rookie and learning the other literally has cvs receipt of cheap shots, caused injuries and dirty hits… but they are the same I guess because reasons

  17. -RomeoZulu-

    I only caught part of the game last night, but it seemed that the Devils (and especially MacDermid) were trying to goad him into a fight all night and Rempe wanted to actually play/establish himself as an effective 4th liner and not sit in the box. Am I wrong?

    Chicken winging Sigenthaler was bad, but he’d had enough crap from that bench all night so I have no problem with him making hand gestures. That said, the refs should have let him answer the bell for that hit.

    We’ve got a monster on our hands. He’s already got other teams on edge when he’s out there. If he can learn to tuck his elbows and play an Avery-esque heel in the process.

  18. Stonewall30NY

    Rempe is a gigantic kid who’s had a few borderline dirty hits and now this elbow, and a few mutual fights. Tom Wilson was consistently one of the dirtiest assholes in the NHL for years. It’s not even a comparison

  19. The Rangers had some toughness when I first became a fan (Orland Kurtenbach, Reggie “Cement head” Fleming, Vic Hadfield, Wayne Hillman), not so much in later years. I’m glad they have Rempe, who looks like he may actually be able to play hockey, but he’s got to calm down a bit (hard when guys on other teams constantly challenge him) and learn how someone his size should hit. I hope Siegenthaler is OK.

  20. Even before the hit, people saying he “was scared to fight Macdermid” earlier in the game, it was a great decision not to fight him. Rangers were completely outplaying the Devils when he said no.

    r/hockey cries for his brain when he fights too much, cries and is “scared” when he decides not to fight every game.

  21. GeorgeOrwells1985

    It’s OK to have a villain arc every now and then. Embrace it, you guys are a wagon

  22. duckets615

    Tom Wilson! Tom Wilson! Tom Wilson! Tom Wilson! Go the other fans Every time a Ranger throws a hit. I love the broken logic of mocking a team being outraged by a hit by being outraged by a hit lolol. Just shut the fuck up

  23. Marshmallow5198

    The fights are fine, this hit was dangerous.

    Not dangerous like “the guy could’ve died it was clearly intent to injure” but more like “this could’ve been much worse and was a negligent hit”. Gotta keep the elbows in. I’m fine giving em the lumber but you gotta toe the line kid.

    Love remps, he lives in every goalies head, he draws bodies, he can really fuck guys up (though maybe lav should send him for boxing lessons?), but I didn’t like this hit. Not one tim bit

  24. TheBigFatToad

    I think we’re glorifying an atrocious hit a bit too much.

  25. jkman61494

    I’m sorry but I won’t be a hypocrite. I can’t defend Rempe’s hit and especially him doing the wave after the hit. Now. I don’t think he’s as malicious as Wilson but I do feel like he’s an overwhelmed 21 year old kid who has had hundreds of thousands of Ranger and hockey fans in general glorifying him for being the ghost of 1990’s past.

    And I do feel like that played a part in his actions last night. I hope he takes the suspension, holds himself accountable and starts to learn about what you do and don’t do in the league.

    He has the skills to be in this league for 10-12 years. He’s a freak. But if he continues to hit the way he’s been hitting, he’s not going to be in the NHL long at all.

    2 game misconducts and likely should have been a 3rd one at Toronto and a lengthy suspension coming…in 12 games. No bueno

  26. Mysterious_Eggplant3

    Devils fans can cope and seethe. They don’t have a right to complain on account of Scott Stevens.

  27. Hawksbill85

    After watching the replay Rempe was clearly sticking his elbow out to make contact. It was’t incidental. With his size Rempe is lucky he didn’t do more damage.

    I may be alone in this, but I don’t want Rempe on the team. I want to watch people play hockey, not get carried off the ice on stretchers. The Rangers have been on the thresshold of another Stanley Cup for a few years now. We don’t have time for this goon shit.

  28. TheNantucketRed

    Rempe never crosschecked a dude’s head into the ice, then immediately tossed another, smaller dude on his head.

    Also, remember when they pulled Wilson from that game because the Rangers kept going after him? My big what if is when Buch went murder mode for a boarding call on Wilson, but Kreider cut him off by playing the puck.

  29. Rookie or not if you play dirty you deserve punishment. I don’t care how big he is. The player tried to avoid getting hit by rempe so rempe extended his elbow and clocked the guy in the jaw. Deserves a big punishment. If Reilly is getting 5 games for hitting the Ottawa player then rempe should get something similar

  30. NYdude777

    With all due respect FUCK the rest of the NHL and the dumb fans of other teams. All I care about is the Rangers. Let them hate.

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