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Peyton Krebs Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

Peyton Krebs Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

Pton Krabs and Company hosting the wings tonight as mentioned Payton’s with us now um you want to start with your new teammate and good friend Bo byon yeah um wow it’s crazy to get that guy here um kind of you know czy and uh bo and I

Have played together uh you know since we’re really young and um you know it’s it’s special to have him it’s every day I see him coming to the locker room it’s a bit weird for sure so uh no it’s been great like how far back does it go how

Old um well we played pewy hockey so what what 11 12 yeah I I said eight earlier but I think I was a little bit off on that but uh yeah I think it was like 1011 we started and then uh so Bo and I played against each

Other uh beat us in the peee finals I think or something over there I remember him beating us he always had our number and then uh I played spring hockey with Bo um growing up uh actually his um and then yeah played spring hockey with him uh then played banam

Against him then played all the team Alberto events and then here we are now you described him as a beauty I want to know what’s your definition of beauty because people are going to say like well there’s the Beauties at the bars that always get to get in trouble and

Then there’s the Beauties in the locker room there’s there’s different different type of beauties yeah I just I don’t know always has a smile on his face uh just you know I think I think that’s a big thing you’re always just you gravitate towards those guys I think

They’re you know they always have something good to say and uh that’s kind of bow for positive guy always type of a positive guy well I mean I mean sometimes but you know sometimes they aren’t but that’s when they’re they’re passionate about something and they’re giving her heck so yeah what’s it like

Uh seeing him with Dalene right now and just yeah I think um you know I think we’re only we’re seeing a little bit of him um you know he’s got so much to bring um you know what I’ve seen you know we watched in the staning Cup

Playoffs there I mean um you know that’s when he was at his best I think and we he still got so much more and I’m I’m excited to see um you know how Doan can bring the best out of him and Bo can bring the best out in doing so um you

Know it I mean the past few games what is he had three points or something so um yeah it’s uh it’s fun to watch what brings the best in you um I saw a highlight real gold this morning in morning skate a back door in the air

Like in on the two-on one already had forgotten about it right but uh what brings the best in you like a situation where you’re playing on a different lines different linemates type of thing uh is that a kind of an energy producing type of uh situation for you yeah I

Think um you know when I’m feeling it I I’m I’m making hits I’m you know holding the puck Lots um you know getting under guy skin I think for me with JJ right now and skinny I think JJ I can get him to Puck a lot he you know he’s got good

Wheels and Jeff and I can go do more of a give and go type of situation so um no I think for me I like guys that obviously just work their brains out and get the puck I think that’s the biggest thing we a puck possession player and I

Like to do that so um no I think uh you know something I’ve been focused on lately is just demanding the puck actually I watched a thing on on Wayne Gretzky and he said every night I don’t care I didn’t care about how many points

I was going to get who’s what I just went out there and demanded the puck and I kind of you know took that to heart and I’ve been doing that every game does it feel like there is uh an extra pressure on you to produce points based

On a the new line mates B the you know departure of Casey midad C where you’re at in your career and you know now kind of the outward talk of like oh you know Payton can jump into this role and and do this this and this right yeah I think

Um I think points are you know a tough one cuz you know you’re always striving to get him but you want to play the right way you know and you want to get the win and for me me I think you know the biggest thing is I’ve built uh a

Foundation my game where I feel like my defensive game is is really elevated uh I feel like I’m I’m pretty elad at that and I I want to continue that but also allow myself to produce and um you know I think points are only going to come when you have those those positive

Analytics like that and uh that’s what I’ve just been striving to do is every game I’m not I’m not trying to force offense like I said I’m demanding the puck um and I know those pucks are going to go in for me and uh when they do it’s

Going to come in bunches I know it’s kind of like a desperate desperate time of the year right now you got Detroit twice this week the Islanders which lost last night I don’t know how much hockey you watch I you know there’s guys that watch a ton guys that don’t watch but

The question I have for you did you know that if you pull your goalie in overtime you have a chance to Forfeit the uh loser point if you give up an empty net goal I like Minnesota oh see I I’m so surprised cuz Matt Baldi scores in overtime for Minnesota with flurry got

Pulled and he’s like I didn’t know somebody asked him he didn’t know that if Nashville grabs a puck shoots it in the MPN you you forfeit the loser Point by pulling the Goan OT make sure you let your boys know I watch a lot of hockey

Too and I didn’t but that also almost never happens nobody it happened twice and it was like in in 200 and 2003 so yeah so we’re looking at far behind yeah yeah when I was one and two exactly I know that one for sure okay well here’s

One for you the Sabers have been going to overtime and shootouts a little more often of late I was noticing that you haven’t had a shootout attempt yet in your NHL career what were you like on the shootout in Junior and would you welcome this opportunity here uh junior

I was pretty good I think um I didn’t have many um but I scored on most of them I think so um yeah i’ flip and take a penalty shot or a shootout any day of the week I’ll go out there and score do you look

Back to Donnie like if you guys are in the shootout and it goes to like fourth shooter fifth shooter are you like 19 but 19 ready to go yeah I mean I haven’t lost the Tim Horton shoot out whatever we do at the end of practice so

Pretty uh you know he calls my number I’m ready to rock that that should be like the first pre Scout like how is krey and the Tim Hort shootout like the way to do it yeah I’m pretty good soever Donnie wants to call me out there be

Ready oh my gosh so uh Marty was just bringing up just the you know the schedule this week is pretty unique based on who you’re chasing in the standings what is what is the talk like is it different um yeah I think you know we look back and we realize you know we

Have a chance here for sure um you know I think that’s exciting for us we want to take it game game by game obviously but um you know I think that that really gets guys uh motivated to go out there and you know have a have a really good

Game and um know I think it’s it’s exciting and uh these are the games you want to be in right um you know we’re obviously a little bit back in the in the standings there but this gives us a shot and uh it’s exciting another one of

Your friends just quickly for me is Jacob Bryson I’ve really liked when Bryson has been playing and and what he’s had to go through this year right like go down to Rochester seventh and eighth defenseman don’t play at all and then he’s forced into a a a position in

The top six and he’s played really good what is is that like sin Bryson and and guys dealing with adversity and responding in that way yeah Bryce is he’s a trooper man I mean um that guy a beauty and the Trooper different same thing okay same he’s a beauty and a

Trooper I mean like uh he he he never came to the in with the B Attitude once the whole year um you know he he put his head down and went to work um the nicest guy ever um I couldn’t say enough good things about him I love that guy all the

Guys do in the locker room and uh to see him get this opportunity and and flourish is uh it’s unreal um you know it’s it’s exciting and he’s he’s a heck of a player I mean you can see him skate um the way breaks a puck out I think uh

Stands out for sure and um uh it it feels good to see him out there and um it was nice for him to get that goal last night I was pretty fired up for him have a great one tonight thank you for the time awesome thanks Guys

Sabres forward Peyton Krebs joined Brian Duff and Martin Biron on Sabres Live to discuss playing with defenseman Bowen Byram, some history of their friendship, his role on the team and the importance of the team’s schedule ahead.

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