@Buffalo Sabres

“We’ve Been Very Good Defensively” | Jacob Bryson After Win Over Edmonton

“We’ve Been Very Good Defensively” | Jacob Bryson After Win Over Edmonton

Goal if you would go through it yeah I mean I didn’t see it Go in originally um but I saw CU celebrating after so um it kind of just seots the net and uh got lucky and uh that was a nice shot I thought so did you just anticipate that

Pass to step up in and cause the turnover yeah I mean I saw the putt kind of laying there and kept it in and I did the best I could to get to the net and you know good things worked out Owen scores in overtime would you guys come

Back in the room how do you find out what happened what was that scene like for you guys yeah I mean I was saying that’s probably the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in the game I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before um but um I’m glad

We you know stuck together there and uh still pulled out a win after what happened there um but yeah it was very weird and um you know played that 20 seconds and then a lot of the guys came up big in the shootout I got to figure

Some of you guys probably had your jerseys and shoulder pads off didn’t you yeah we were yeah I came running in and half the guys were undressed already so um yeah that was crazy your back half of the Season you’ve had a lot of minutes a lot of opportunity what’s been your

Mentality to keep building off of those chances yeah well I think my stint that I had in R helped a lot uh build confidence and um you know playing back here it feels good I feel more confident with the puck and I feel like I’m making

Good decisions on the I what role did buo play in that comeback today yeah I mean he’s been big the last what 30 Games whole season for for all that matters um you know he’s been unbelievable and he’s been our kind of rock back there um he made a lot of big

Saves tonight and um you know as a Decor we can always trust him and uh he’s good at playing the puck he’s good at basically everything so uh he’s got good numbers and uh there’s there’s a good reason for that they scored early but I mean what allowed you guys to settle

Into the game after that they were going to get their chances but you seem you guys seem to you know settle in I guess yeah I mean they came out and they got a goal early but um I feel like that hasn’t stopped us and um you know I feel

Like we’ve been very good defensively recently and um you know keeping the pocket of our net so I feel like we knew we were able to come back and as a team and on the bench I feel like we knew that uh we were in that game still so uh

You know one goal doesn’t didn’t really matter

Buffalo Sabres defenseman, Jacob Bryson speaks to the media after a 3-2 win over the Edmonton Oilers. Bryson scored the game-tying goal late in the third period to send it to overtime. He talks about the goal that was called back from Owen Power that was thought to have won the game.

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