@Boston Bruins

Iron Sharpens Iron | Illawarra Hawks

Iron Sharpens Iron | Illawarra Hawks

Can I can I say bad words here or no no A Daniel Greer and I’m from Perth Western Australia and I’ve been here for 6 years now I’m wer also from Perth Western Australia I’ve been here for two years now I’m H Julie I’m from South Korea it’s my first year Sam Fring from Townsville and this my 5th Year so

Stands for Australian Institute of sport just the Hub of Elites for in Australia for I don’t know a long time my parents went There the AIS basketball program transitioned into the basketball Australia Center of Excellence when I first got there it was just 12 scholarships for Australian players and then during my time there they started the NBA Academy for Internationals you know all the guys on scholarship there are the best Aussie Junior so you know

It’s iron sharpens iron you’re going up against the best every day growing up you know when you’re going through the national championships and stuff and like you’re playing against other states and like all that kids at the like that’s a big deal like they’re one of

The better players so yeah always a goal to to get There it was me Greer and mud at the the NBL camp and we were we were having lunch and Greer was sitting over by himself and he had this like massive long hair the B cut the baby cut it was in back then all right me and me and M

Were like oh we should can’t sit with this guy it looks sad lonely we went and sat with him and then we got along real well and before we knew it we were friends and then when Wy came I remember he had like a trial tournament with us right the c classic I

Was at the camer classic and he come in and he’s like this new guy and everyone was like oh we’ll see how he goes and he ended up like he was killing it Lee came who’ you come in with you came in 2018 right yeah 2018 probably one of the most

Pure Shooters I’ve ever seen and didn’t speak much English when he first got there so was it was fun teaching him all the swear words to and he was teaching us ones too remember I remember I sawani eating Korean spicy noodle and goes so that’s that’s how I remember him

Yeah that’s how we Sam um obviously Tommy why you and I didn’t I didn’t know what that means that for first 3 months I was really struggling like communicate and just playing basketball I actually really appreciate the guys tell me that’s how I get closer to all

The guys so I was I’m cool with it there was some really like tough periods of time there like physically and like emotionally we’re all away from home how tough it is like you really like grow like all you got is your teammates so like you become a family and yeah your

Best friends and you know we still keep up with all the guys it’s a real special time for all of us and I think uh yeah we’ll remember each other and be friends forever I don’t think we really thought we would end up here together but once we did

Yeah I mean it was pretty cool it was pretty funny cuz I left the Institute and came here and we just played a game in cans had a massive win you know I was out all night in cans having a good time and then the next morning we had like a

Late flight so I’m at the resort Sun bacon outside I get a call from Sam like a FaceTime and he went to Katon in America freezing cold I’m like yo Sam we just had a massive wind like I’m Sun bacon right now like you got to come to

The NBL like come to the Hawks I remember that conversation with Greer as well and that was talking to him about it the opportunity here was going to be a good one um I had my first year I had guys like Dave Anderson and AJ and Timmy

Conrad to learn off I remember one moment I think it was in the semi-finals when I was in Sydney and Sam was playing for the Hawks and um it was like third quarter or something and me and Sam was standing next to each other and he brought out the fact how

Pretty cool this is like we were at the a like a couple years ago and now we’re in the finals and like sharing this moment and I remember him telling me like let’s just enjoy this and take it all in um grea Sam W they all reach me

Out how are you doing good play for the Hawks um I feel like AUST straling the NBL is going to develop my game but but I’m not going to lie he didn’t text me for a year that’s a li I’m joking I’m joking Le Lee that was nice so gre’s most

Annoying thing is he’s really hard to go shopping with because you can buy something that looks absolutely horrendous and G be like no it looks fire bro and then you wear it out every com it’s going to look good what are you Wearing and then Lee I don’t know who taught him but he says too much oh I love all the guys no no there’s got to be some for the media I got to hide something I’ll keep it inside the most annoying thing about Lee it’s always fouling on the

Court always fouling me whenever we’re going up against each other oh wnie always fluff by way no theck go yo they they have no F that all right swag oh God he’s always on do not disturb we had a classic example 5 minutes ago when he was late

For this interview fro fro like my father almost like he’s kind of yo yo he’s loing my daddy he’s always like you know we got to take the bins out we got to do this and I I’ve been better for him but I can yeah you know he he

Nags me a little bit but it’s it is my fault I should be more on top of things it’s cool and that’s the thing with sports is you’re never on like there’s no team that’s the same two years in a row so opportunities pop up for guys you

Know if it’s better for them or you know money’s better it’s you got to take it and there’s no hard feelings no love lost or anything it’s we enjoy it while we’re here and have fun and you know we’ll be happy for each other moving forward you just got to stay in Prison

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