@Buffalo Sabres

Byram Leads A Sabres Rout Over The Red Wings – Postgame Thoughts

Byram Leads A Sabres Rout Over The Red Wings – Postgame Thoughts

[Applause] W Oh folks tonight’s game is Rosie approved all right little girl he get down and uh the Sabers tonight guys gave us hope and that’s we can’t ask for more than that at this point of the season the season we’ve had There’s Hope now there’s hope so let’s hang on to

That as the boys put a beating on the Red Wings tonight talk about a younger team making an older team look really old tonight the Sabres were so much faster in this game really we could have done we could have played six periods of Red Wings look spent after

Two but it it it just is that type of game where everything went right our way they were even breaking sticks on shots and everything all right guys let’s look at the numbers and these numbers are brought to you by Rome the sweet little bison here we

Go okay the shots on goal were 3924 for the Sabers 44% on the face us for 56% for Detroit no surprise there really uh a little disappointing 0 for four on the power play they were one for four the Sabers had 20 hits in the game

They had 40 but I felt like our 20 hits folks were good solid hits in this game we’ll talk about that in a sec we had 11 blocks they had 17 we had two giveaways they had three we had nine takeaways they had seven shots on goal per

Period a saber sweep 13-7 in the first 1412 in the second and 125 in the third for that 3924 total scoring tuck opens it up out muscles his Defender I forget who was on him there and goes in scores on the backand early the Sabers at 107 make it one to

Nothing and Bowen Byam what a night he had scor is 10th from Benson and Greenway at 10:09 the Sabres are up two nothing sherat makes it 2 to1 from Raymond and bergren at 1237 and then Benson who also looked really solid out there tonight at my dad

Benson from Greenway and Dalene makes it 3 to one at the 13-minute Mark and Skinner makes it 4 to one from Benson and cousins at the 1529 Mark and folks that’s your game winner right there our fourth goal we go to the second Clifton gets his second from Tage at

427 and the Sabers right now the route is on at this point it’s 5 to1 Byam scores again from Thompson and gurgenson at 9:05 to make it 6 to1 Raymond replies on the power play uh 24 seconds later from fabri and Kane and then the Sabres get that one back Peta

Gets it at 1349 on a nice play AER makes it 7 to1 or sorry seven to two Sabers at that point and the route just continues in the third a little disappointing we didn’t score but the Sabers went into a shell basically and wman from goth Spear and

Mat makes it 7 to3 at 1732 and that is your scoring so this was a route the score indicates how this game went one thing I’ll say though guys about the hits we’re going to talk about that in a second actually I want to get into that

In a second uh one more clip let’s look at the standings okay the Islanders now overtake the Red Wings cuz they have that game in hand so the Sabres right now are sitting Five Points out of a playoff spot yeah they hold games in hand I’m not going to worry about that

I’m just grateful we’re even this close guys I’m just grateful really uh the sa and another thing if even if we even if it was a pointless win which it wasn’t tonight I’m still glad we hurt Detroit’s chances to be honest okay so I

I want to get that out there so um yeah and the thing is if we tied the Red Wings this year guys we will uh have more regulation wins as you can see we have 25 regulation wins they have 23 that’s the column they would go

By and if the Sabers do get that and finishing a tie a deadlock with Detroit we would get the uh we would get the buy we would get the the the the nod into the playoffs just saying if it finishes a tie now the hitting tonight guys I know

That the hits were 40 to 20 okay the hits are 40 to 20 I was impressed with the Sabers hitting in this game and I know they doubled Us in hits but they were chasing all night long and the truth is we had dented their pride and

Ego very early in this game and basically kicked their ass early and and they knew right away they were in for a long night the way the sabes were skating the Sabers made them they exposed their rage in this game that’s what I seen guys the sabes exposed their

Age in the first period the sabes came out and guys like I was saying in the pregame they had to come out and it’s a statement win they had to come out and put their mark that they’re going to get back in this they have to do the same

Thing to the old Islanders when we play them next we have to do the same thing sooner or later there’s a shift in the NHL sooner or later like all these teams that keep making it like Pittsburgh and the Islanders and Washington all those teams guys in 3 years from now are going

To be seller dwellers they’re going to be struggling because they sold off all their picks long ago to maintain maintain maintain and it’s caught up to them now these franchises it has whereas the Sabers have a Riches of young Youth upand cominging and they’re secure and they say you know

Even if we don’t get in this year you guys got to remember where’s the franchise at we’re the youngest team in hockey we’re one of the lowest paid teams in hockey with our core locked in let’s remember that our core is locked in yeah of course you’re going to have

To sign guys like like Byrum of course but not next year you know we we’re the the cap will go up I’ll use that excuse like all fans do but the cap will go up so that helps us and if of course these other teams what will they do they’ll go

And max out their cap and some guy like Jersey made that mistake of uh Team o I knew that was a horrible mistake Sabers fans were talking about going after him last year absolutely no I didn’t want I didn’t want to go near a 10-ft pole with

That guy I didn’t and you seen he didn’t really show up in the playoffs or anything and they signed him to this big deal I’m very surprised Jersey did that I don’t blame Lindy I blame their GM they’re G in Jersey what’s going on over

There I don’t blame Lindy no no no I’m too much of a Lindy fan I’ve seen him for too many years accomplish tons with the minimal talent that He had look at 99 I mean we didn’t have a stacked team whatsoever we had the greatest goalie

Ever but we we didn’t have a stacked team and that team played like a unit you know and this is what we need to do now right down the stretch guys so we’re going to see as we go on forward now I want to address something about the hits

Tonight those two hits on on UPL were not answered and that worries me this is the only downfall I have of this game tonight is how we did not come to our goalies defense and drop the gloves and go after them and and and give them a few black eyes for doing

That that should have been addressed okay and I blame Granado that’s a Granado mistake tonight you do not open the door to a team a rival team being able to take out your goalie you don’t you address that right away you do not leave that and say well you know you

Know we’re winning no you address that like it’s z00 game seven you go after them so I was pretty pissed about that I didn’t not like our reaction time I had shades of memories of Lich hitting Miller you know I it brought back those memories again when the rebuild started

Let’s be honest it was that moment the rebuild kind of started here in Buffalo or the whole new era it’s not a rebuild anymore it’s a new era you know but uh this current rebuild is going okay and for those you think it isn’t you don’t know hockey okay you

Just don’t if you think that this rebuild should be rushed in any way you’re making a mistake cuz in four years from now when we’re one of the top five teams in the league year after year after year you’re going to be thrilled we didn’t sell out back in these years

We cannot sell out now I know we’re on the verge I get it guys I know how frustrating it is I’m a saers fan I’ve been a fan since 73 I’m a fan I’m frustrated like you but to sell out now now is a mistake we cannot sell out now

No we made a really good trade this bym deal is going to work out it sure looks like this is a stud this is really terrific we’re having a nice time now aren’t we I think the whole thing is going incredibly well this guy tonight

Okay Byrum in this game for those of you that don’t know throw a statistic at you pretty interesting one too I got to tell you this blew me away when I checked cuz I I I was curious oh my God they took it down God I can’t stand when they do This um yeah they took it down let me just try guys I’m going to log back in and see if it lets me in but I can tell you I already know it in my head but I want to see if it’s there so if you guys go check no God I can’t

Stand on they got a 16-year-old running this ah tonight Byam had played like two more minutes in delene on the ice Byam led the team in minutes tonight so think about that one tonight before you go to sleep Byam led the team not Dalene this is giving Dalene some

Well-deserved rest just off time Dalene was like 21 minutes or something tonight we didn’t have to play him 30 tonight because we got Byam there who’s carrying a lot of the load he looked really great tonight too and Byrum in this game had

Uh he was a plus four he had two uh two hits two goals you know that the guy was phenomenal tonight he just was he was the best saber on the ice tonight I thought really he just position every time you look at him position himself he

Knew what he was doing he knew where he was going he wasn’t like turning the puck over he was just so far I’m happy with this deal is what I’m saying so far I’m very happy with this deal so far so well guys we got our opportunity in front of us the

Sabers are now five points out as we seen in those standings which I did show to you right guys I’m so hyped I forget in case you don’t know I’m tuning in late to the video the Sabers are five points out of a playoff spot I’m sure I showed you

Yeah yeah it’s right there must have showed you um we’re five points out and if we win next game that game in Detroit is going to be a showdown game that’s what that going to be so we got to be ready next game I I Detroit’s the last thing

On my mind now I don’t care about Detroit right now I care about the Islanders we’ve got to beat these guys cuz the truth is the Islanders have had a surprisingly good year when you look at their roster really these are you know it’s an older

Core I I know they got some good young guys too they do but like they have a GM that never makes any moves really and uh they’re kind of just going with it with what they have so we we’ll we’ll see we we’ll have to beat them that’s

For sure and we got to beat them in regulation then it sets up a monster game with Detroit a monster game all of a sudden we’re knocking on the door of the playoffs if we can get these next two games but one game at a time like I said

Earlier guys so I’m thrilled I know most of you guys are thrilled tonight tonight you should be enjoy this one right when I thought I was off the hook and you were off the hook hey guys yes of course of course okay Rome Rome has his words of wisdom for Detroit

Fans for the Detroit fans that thought they had a playoff position lock that is you will be destroyed you will be destroyed destroyed words of wisdom folks words of wisdom so that is where oh Rosie’s jealous of Rome all right calm down my goodness she’s scratching my leg she

Wants her turn what the heck was that a oh my goodness it’s funny cuz you know when I watch the game sometimes I hold Rosie like this and she just leans back and watches it with me eh like I’ll have her lean back like this and she just watches the TV it’s so

Cute so the boys win they get it done convincingly absolutely look like a younger faster team out there tonight and so far this bow and bym deal is looking amazing so far in the most important games we’ve been playing all year he’s looked awesome so I’m really

Thrilled about that there you go there you go so if we can get this next game oh boy I probably won’t be able to sleep the night before for the next Redwing game then if that happens oh God all right I’m feeling good guys I’m going to leave it there I

Might do another video I have a lot to talk about after a win after a win like that guys I’m feeling pretty good I am I’m really feeling good about the season all of a sudden and I know we’re just a game over but it feels right it feels

Like the boys are waking up at the right time it just feels that way although I’m a fan I fooled myself many times before see you in the next two games if I don’t see you in the next video tonight see you tomorrow have a good one Guys

Well folks the boys totally show up and get it done with ease tonight as they rout the Red Wings and give the fans a lot to cheer about in this one..thanks as always for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. Didn't like the lack of push back against the wings, that better be addressed on Saturday They have 5 games in seven days starting on Thursday, gottta win 4 to make a run and that's going to be tough against the West coast teams they have coming up.

  2. Oloffson skated right by the guy that checked UPL. Absolutely pathetic. This team is soft. Equipment should have been flying and a brawl should have happened

  3. Thanks for the consistent Sabres videos Wayne, can you imagine if these guys actually get in this year? My god, I had them written off months ago

  4. Habs fan myself but Sabres D and goaltending looking elite moving forward. Dahlin-Power-Byram top 3 is pretty sick. Just need a little more firepower up front. Times will soon be a changing in our division I think with the Sabres, Habs and I still think eventually the Sens soon to be on the rise.

  5. Mittsy scores his first for the Avs. A speed and power move between 2 Flames D-men and then a wrister along the ice short side from in close to beat Vladar. Yes, speed. Fastest burst I've seen Mittsy execute…never saw that kind of speed from him in all his time with Buffalo.

  6. Teams that hit more means they don’t have the puck, and that was more prevalent than ever in this game. We out sped them, hustled them, and outplayed them so badly they swapped goalies 15 minutes in. Not that it made a difference, the Red Wings are an embarrassment right now and I’m so glad the Sabres capitalized for the fans that went to the home game.

  7. What a win. We beat the brakes off the wings. Great win on home ice. The only thing I didn't like was our lack of response for UPL.

  8. Look at the opening Tuch goal…it looked identical to the Vegas goal he stripped from Eichel…but instead of an EN he beat the goalie to boot. The PK was so bad for that PP goal Det had. They were just looking at the puck instead of taking the player (looking at your Power). Although Buffalo killed the goalies in this game, we NEED to stand up for UPL getting bowled over twice!! The guys have to really make these guys pay for touching UPL. Greenway was so noticeable aside from the scorers, but he is the embodiment of what the Sabres need as their identity. With them taking liberties at UPL, it may get worse…or what if he got injured? And teams know the backup is Comrie? I know alot of ppl been saying Byrams numbers on COL weren't great but thats because he was always in the shadows of Makar. Benson 3 point night and I think he reads players the best on the team by far. He gets more steals/intercepts than other players with far more minutes.

  9. How far along in the game did the hits on UPL happen / take place?
    Maybe they need a response like they had in 2007 when Drury got knocked out in a game with Ottawa.

  10. The get to OT extra point is so dumb, OT isn't even real hockey ffs, the standings would look completely different without them, Sabres would be in a play-off wildcard spot right now.

    -14 points for the islanders with 14 OT losses ffs. -9 for the Capitals, rest of the teams are about even. Sabres would be in the 3rd wildcard spot right now behind Tampa and Detroit who is on a losing streak.

    Get rid of the OT point, you win, or you lose.

  11. Sabres have sucked since Lucic hit /miller with no response. Gaustad decided to act like he wanted to fight next time Boston was in town. It was to late and pathetic.

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