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“We Came Out Hot and Ready To Play” | Bowen Byram Joins Postgame Show | Buffalo Sabres

“We Came Out Hot and Ready To Play” | Bowen Byram Joins Postgame Show | Buffalo Sabres

Six shot attempts unofficially for Bowen Byam in this game tonight and he joins us now after a two-goal game his first multi-goal game as a saber Bowen welcome to the broadcast thank you and congratulations on the two-goal game tonight uh how would you sum up this one

Yeah thanks guys um first off nice to meet you both uh yeah I thought it was a good game uh you know I think we came out um hot and ready to play and we got a couple goals and then built off that so um you know all these areas you can get

Better in so we’ll focus on that so your second goal I believe it was the one where Tage shot it and you got to the rebound um talk me through it because you pinched on the wall and instead of saying I’m going to go back to the Blue

Line when the puck got to Tage you be line for the front of the net like is is that your Natural Instincts on that play to say I’m creating something or is it something that maybe with Dalene you guys talked about anytime you can create some offense in the offensive zone you

Go um I think a little bit of natural instinct um you know I just kind of seen that um you know tommer and Z were were high so I knew I could uh go to the net and um you know luckily the the puck

Popped me and I was able to put it in before lining up with Dalene which you have for three games now I’m really curious to know what you might say you took away from not just the experience of playing with uh you know another offensive-minded defenseman like kale

Marar but the entirety of the group like do you think of those players that you played with the Taves and the Mansons Gerards of the World Eric Johnson as well and and take little things at the front end of your career that you have with you now yeah uh lots of things

Obviously I was very lucky to go into a organization that um had a lot of good players and and a lot of good leaders so um yeah you know I got to learn from uh a lot of good players and it was uh it was a great experience for me and um you

Know just tried to pick up little things uh along the road and you know now hopefully I can um bring that into to my game and um you know our game here uh when you got traded to Buffalo everybody talked about the fact that’s your left

Shot and there’s a lot of left shots on the team when I played goal I caught with my left hand normal way if somebody asked me catch with your right hand I would say no way I’m done uh but playing the right side often like dalen is on

The right but you found yourself on the right side too um how comfortable are you with switching sides of the Ice uh in the middle of a game yeah uh I think me and Dolls just kind of talked and um you know we just want

To go out there and play and not worry about thinking too much so kind of wherever you end up is where you end up and um you know I I know he’s really comfortable over there and um I feel like over the last couple years I’ve I’ve became more um comfortable playing

The right side you know it’s a little awkward at times but uh I played it quite a bit in Colorado so um yeah I think we’re both comfortable with it and when we’re out there we just try to play and uh if we end up over there it’s it’s

Fine how close are you and with how many Sabers as far as the friendships because boy it sure seemed like everyone said you were super excited to come here and we’ve heard nothing but great things from those that seem to know you well uh take us through the relationships the

Friendships that you have here on this team uh yeah well um Dylan and Payton I uh I played with them growing up a lot so two of my uh best friends um you know know those guys very well uh Jack Quinn I I played with him

At at World Juniors um so I know him quite well uh Tyson J I played with in Colorado um for a couple years and then Eric Johnson was here obviously uh he’s in Philly now but um he was my deep partner for two or three years in

Colorado as well so um you know I’m just so happy to come to a place where there’s a lot of familiar faces for me um you know makes me feel comfortable right away and I feel like when you’re comfortable off the ice makes comfortable on the ice Bo if Duffer and

I guarantee you will continue to put our names inside our great na police suit will you guarantee putting your name on the Stanley Cup with the Buffalo Sabers is that a deal we can make yeah well uh we’ll definitely try your best Okay Google everybody watching Google that

Interview Bo did when in Colorado about uh you know having his name on the cic cup it’s awesome Kyle ke that was amazing and uh bo thank you for this and uh continued success and settling in here which seems to have happened rather quickly in Buffalo all the best yeah thank you guys

Buffalo Sabres defenseman Bowen Byram joined Brian Duff & Marty Biron on the Postgame Show following the Sabres’ 7-3 win over the Detroit Red Wings on March 12, 2024. Topics include: his two-goal game, playing with players like Rasmus Dahlin and Cale Makar, the trade that brought him to Buffalo, his friendships with Dylan Cozens and Peyton Krebs and more.

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  1. Will always wear my Avs #4 jersey proudly and probably the first ever purchased as it was custom and well before he ever played an NHL game. Glad he went to this team specifically as it’s the perfect situation for him to thrive and you’ll all love a thriving Bo. Just go watch 2022 finals highlights.

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