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Zach Benson Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

Zach Benson Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

We are happy to be joined by uh Zach Benson and uh I’ll start with something light and easy for you I was doing a little research yesterday and uh I don’t know if we have to trust Wikipedia as much as uh some might but I found out

What your full name is Zachary Ruben Benson is there a story behind Ruben as a middle name or like a is this a family name what what’s going on there yeah it’s a family name it was my uh dad’s great grandpa or my dad’s Grandpa’s uh

Name and then uh he just decided to to make him my middle name so like nobody knew what my middle name was and it was kind of like the same thing it was my Godfather’s name it was Gaston and nobody it’s nowhere you can’t even see

It on my passport or anything yeah and one time somebody found out and then it became a thing they’ be a gastone and they’d be calling me by my middle name and I’d be like this is not happening so as as do the guys know in the locker

Room your middle name is Reuben would they start calling you Reuben um I think most you guys know my middle name or at least some do but uh no I haven’t been called that it’d be fun like I I was going through like famous Ruben and I’m

Like maybe you can become the most famous of them all here in Buffalo we have Ruben Brown who played for the bills he was a lineman offensive lineman he was loved here um you know Ruben stuttered I think was the America American Idol guy but do you know any

Other Reuben no I’ve never met a Reuben in my life h honestly okay so that’s the part of the the interview that’s for fun uh let’s get to the serious stuff um you had a fantastic game last game against the Red Wings you Greenway cousins why is it

Working so well yeah I mean uh we were kind of going up against Kane’s line um and I think you know our our uh main priority is just to keep the puck out of our net and um you know when you play the right way and play on the defensive

Side like we that’s kind of our uh you know first priority like I said um you know it leads the offense and um I think when we get in the ozone we’re all creative players and um skilled enough to make plays and um you know I think

That’s what we did last game what was that like to play against Patrick Kane here in Buffalo knowing that he’s from Buffalo yeah was pretty surreal honestly that was my first time obviously playing against him so um it was pretty cool moment uh you know that first face off

But uh you know after that it was uh it was game on yeah pretty shifty is this somebody you like watched for years and was like oh I’m going to try this and practice tomorrow what Patrick Kane’s doing exactly that’s that’s exactly what it was um you know when I was younger

Growing up he was the guy and um you know playing against him just seeing how creative and Shifty he is it’s uh it’s pretty magical well his I don’t know if that’s his that definitely is not his middle name but his nickname is Showtime so maybe we can have Reuben Showtime

Like one of the the big nickname going on um but this week is huge obviously you guys took care of the Red Wings on Tuesday got the New York Calenders and and not that you have to look at Saturday as well but did you or did the

Team make a conscious effort to say hey not just one game at a time and one period at a time but let’s look at the week here and what we can accomplish yeah I mean uh you know everyone looks at the schedule and sees what we have

Coming up but um you know our kind of main focus right now is just New York Islanders uh you know the one game at a time approach and um you know I think you look too far ahead you know games start slipping by you so uh we’re with

The mindset you know one game at a time and um you know we look to to get the two points here tonight do you watch uh did you watch the games last night to see oh what’s happening in the league do you do scoreboard watch at this time of

Year or were you ever a guy that scoreboard watch Ever um I mean you do a little bit obviously you look at the standings um you know obviously the Oilers game was at I think 10:30 last night so you didn’t watch any of that but uh you know you wake up this morning

You see that you know the capitals lost so um you know you do look at it um you know I’d be lying if I said I don’t um so it was definitely nice to see that the Oilers uh beat the capital that they were able to do it and they you didn’t

Have to stay up too late they scored early and then they never looked well it was 32 after 1 but then after that they kind of took took care of it so by midnight I was in bed and I was pretty good that uh this was going to go on uh

Okay um Sabres are going to be playing in Europe next year uh you know one preseason game in in Munich and Germany and then two games in Prague um what’s that experience for you to think hey May you know I could be going to play in in Prague in Czech Republic and and

Whatever with the Sabers to start the season next year what’s the what’s the buzz about it in the locker room and knowing that that’s happening next year I yeah I mean I think everyone’s pretty excited um you know obviously JJ’s going back home so it’s pretty cool for him

And uh and it’s October Fest there at that time of year so it could be a little crazy in Germany yeah I don’t know what that is but I’ve heard it’s going to be October Fest um yeah I mean I’ve played in Europe before played a tournament when I was younger yeah okay

Um but other than that I haven’t really been over there so um I’m sure it’ll be a cool experience do you get phone calls from your friends and your family parents and hey this is so cool they announce you guys are going to play in Europe next year um honestly I haven’t

Really heard from anyone uh but uh I’m I’m sure as the time gets closer I’m sure people will be more curious as to to what it’s like and um you know I’m sure a few people are going to want to make the trip down there I’m sure

There’s going to be a lot of Sabers fans they travel well especially with JJ PKA there uh you know with other Czech players that have been in the organization um one notable Dominic hashek uh that has been pretty well known for uh for what he’s done here and

With the you know Czech Republic at the Olympics so it’s going to be great okay I like to do a little this or that basically I’m going to give you a couple of either or kind of situation um so I was talking to some of the guys this

Morning and there’s also an article in the SPN uh that came out about uh you checking out at the hotel and going to Hotel daline so which one has the better service the regular hotel or hotel Dalene better service um I mean probably Hotel Dal I

Was going to say you had to think about it long and hard so it probably was close right well I mean the hotel they come and clean your bed and all that but uh Hotel dally you know uh car makes really good uh dinners and stuff so uh

It’s been awesome stay there uh so Rasmus doesn’t go and make your bed in the morning that doesn’t happen no no no he doesn’t I’m going to have to talk to him about that uh okay and and you know a lot of the debate here in Buffalo has

Always been living in the city or in the suburbs um are you a city guy or a suburb guy this or that probably a suburb guy yeah yeah you like the quiet you like the land and a little bit neighborhood type of feel yeah I mean that’s really where I’ve stayed the

Whole time so I’ve never really lived in this City of Buffalo yet obviously at the hotel but I didn’t have a car or anything so um I’d probably say suburb okay um when we talk about traveling in that article you mentioned uh it’s different because you you used to take

The bus to games and now you take planes to game What’s the best way to go to a game and I’m not talking about 12-hour trips here but uh is the bus or the plane the best way to get to a game plane okay I’ll tell you this train is

The right answer here the train one one day you’ll get get to experience a train trip to a you know a close proximity it is by far the best uh although now there’s Wi-Fi on the plane and everything but it used to be the one

Thing like you’d be on the train and you just chill and relax and go that was always the best way to do it um Netflix or video games when you uh have time to chill video games okay old consoles or new like upto-date cons the new so I

Just lost to Ryan Miller playing Nintendo 64 Mario Kart today um and I thought I was the king of Nintendo 64 and he just crushed me do you do you ever play have you ever played Nintendo 64 I’ve I don’t even know what that is yeah okay exactly would you like if I

Handed you that controller you probably wouldn’t know what to do with it yeah I probably wouldn’t have a clue okay and then uh I guess that’s it for me oh no actually one more um you like to walk what like when did The Walking start like being something you like to do you

Like to go to malls and walk uh when did that start to be something that you you you started to do yeah I mean uh it it did didn’t really just start like my billets would always go for like bike rides and walks okay and I thought

It was super enjoyable just to get like fresh air and stuff so uh I mean I wouldn’t say I’m the biggest Walker I don’t know I don’t know where you got your Source from but but they said that you like went to the mall and you like

To walk around the mall and just like get out right and just kind of a change scenery is good yeah I mean uh I like to get out of the house once in a while uh but I wouldn’t say yeah like when the winter stops then I’ll start going

Outside I mean like yesterday uh you know oh it’s beautiful out there today too you have a game tonight so you’re not going to go for a big walk but uh the weather is definitely turning here in Buffalo so go out and enjoy the outdoors in Buffalo here abolutely well

Zach it was great to have you thank you so much good luck tonight yeah thank You

Sabres forward Zach Benson joined Martin Biron on Sabres Live to discuss his career-high three-point game against Detroit, chemistry with his linemates, games down the stretch, playing in Europe next year and Dis or Dat rookie in the NHL edition.

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  1. Nice to see the boys are paying attention to the out of town scores because Buffalo has been getting a ton of help lately. Tonight's the most important game of the season, at least until the next one 😂

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