@Detroit Red Wings

Stat Card (3/14 v ARI): The “No Pi for You” Edition

Stat Card (3/14 v ARI): The “No Pi for You” Edition

by ForkzUp


  1. [Origin](

    [Data Source](

    [Details of model]( [Further details](

    **Disclaimer 1:** These models are *not* supposed to replace the “eye-test” but to provide supplementary information. No one is arguing that they are the “be all and end all” of hockey analysis (whether quantitative or qualitative).

    **Disclaimer 2:** Cards can change within 12 hours as additional actions are credited to a player. What is posted should not be seen as “definitive” even within the constructs of the model.

    **Disclaimer 3:** Where these really become useful is to see trends with a player’s performance. To do that, go to and search for a player. You can then see breakdowns of their season-wide score along with trends over time and individual game logs.

  2. kermitthefrog57

    This tracks with the eye test but everybody played like shit really. Even Lyon. Especially Lyon actually. 2/3 were weak ass goals to give up, he makes a couple of those I think we have this

  3. KornDawg22

    Walman has been one of the worst players on the team this year, and especially during this stretch. He scores fun goals, but his defense is horrendous and he is looking much more like the players we thought he was when we got him, not some revelation that we thought he was last year. He should be included in the names we are trying to move on from IMO

  4. MemeLordOverKill

    Not one player having a positive offensive game tonight. What a joke

  5. _jemappellejones

    Guys I’m sorry I know we hate all of our defensemen rn and deservedly so. But Lyon is bad, like really bad. He’s letting in softies left and right


    Just how bad is Simon Edvinsson? Because at this point the only explanation is that he’s complete dog water to not be able to crack this lineup.

    I know that isn’t the case, but the idea that were actively throwing away the season while we have better players in the AHL who we keep there so they can get more seasoning is somehow worse than if he sucked.

  7. leafssuck69

    I know he’s a fan favorite here but wow Jake Walman has been horrible

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