@Boston Bruins

Bruins Highlights: Best From Boston’s OT Thriller Against Canadiens

Bruins Highlights: Best From Boston’s OT Thriller Against Canadiens

Welcome to Bruins overtime live presented by byat for our first Not Seen On TV visit by with billian Razer I’m Sophia a lot closer than the Bruins wanted it to be they wanted to come out make a have a statement win after losing big against

St Louis but two won the final needed OT guys they got it done they did they got the extra point okay and so that’s nice and it was a beautiful pass and a wonderful finish the best part though was quick it was quick was because that was starting to get tough watching some

Of that you know but listen when it’s all said and done this is one of those late season games you get two points that’s the most important thing that’s right we you know we we were hoping that Montreal was going to bring it we were hoping that A team out of the playoffs

Would find they didn’t and when you’re the team on the other side of that that’s in the playoffs that’s that’s secure that’s trying to find their game uh it’s hard to play against that and with that and I think we saw that the ruins brought it initially Canadians

Tied it up and then from that second period third period it was just of a pillow fight yeah that’s what it was um which again love to see them close it out right away they get their two points leave Montreal with again they didn’t let Montreal score more than one goal

That like for me that’s that’s the bonus too in that defensively it wasn’t pretty offensively and they weren’t connecting but they didn’t spend a lot of time in their Zone they they did keep things simple in the third period they only gave up 19 shots like those things are

All kind of the good part of the game as well Jake de Brusque with the gamewinner his 16th of the season that’s where we’re going to start guys like you said Billy quickly into start in the dzone though right so mat who’s got great acceleration lindol right here closes on

Him a little bit of a support here by De brusk helps and then here they go oh Off to the Races de brus puts the Jets on opens up to give Maran more room to make the sauce pass he’s got to go to his forehand which he does smart thing to do

It it gives him the option to pass or shoot but as soon as he goes and he commits to it it’s one of those quick up and downs I mean he makes it look easy because he’s great but it’s not that easy we saw David Cree do that an awful

Lot from in tight marshia makes a beautiful little sauce pass and de bruss in stride takes there’s no chance of monbo here with his speed no not what’s also not easy is handling that saucer in full stride keeping it under control pulling it to your backand like Jake the

Brusted no chance for monteno as soon as that even no chance for the defender really he didn’t play it that poorly it was a perfect sauce perfect handle and then a perfect finish into the open net great goal at overtime from the Bruins he is our Subaru star of the game as

Mentioned this is Jake de br’s 16th goal of the season and in his last six games three goals four assists for seven points 17 shots on net two of those Power Play points tonight he got his third career overtime goal and of course he was the guest for Adam pin Jay congratulations on the overtime winner you guys go to OT again able to finish this one off just take us through the game winner yeah it was obviously kind of a scramble uh I thought I was going to get roasted wide by the defenseman came in our Zone but Lindy

Won a big battle and we just kind of poked it out and it was a two-on-one and uh I know just to get to the right areas it’s going to come across so uh it was a great pass and just happy to finish it with other boys you 14 games left in the

Year now obviously it’s all about building towards the playoffs you know what do you take from this game that can help you moving forward yeah I don’t think it was our best you know you got to give them credit as well I thought they played a definitely harder game we

When we saw him last in uh in Boston so we knew they were going to be a little more intense and um I think it was one of those games where we just kind of stayed with our game obviously was a little sloppy at times and uh games you

Know this time year usually are but uh we found a way to win and you know to be honest with you it’s always nice to get a overtime win it seems like we’ve had 45 overtime so I hopefully we can even it out 24 uh but you know lead the

League uh and finally just you win the season series over the Canadians 3 and one you know regardless of where they are in the standings you know how much sweeter is the oh it’s always special you know it always uh gets me fired up personally uh you know obviously the the

Rivalry just the the jerseys everything and um you know it’s one of those things where you always get excited to play in the Bell Center and obviously we’ve been lucky enough to have the edge as you said this year so um you know it’s one of those things that we love winning

Here they got good hot dogs and can’t wait to have one congrats go celebrate with the boys thanks good hot dogs they do uh they’re media right the medium meal the hot dogs M all right the Bruins had a four or a bit less because they

Were already um on the penalty kill but they they were short-handed but they had a chance late guys when they got a 4minute power play because Charlie Mak took a high stick to the face very similar to the game in general the Bruins Power Play here’s the penalty

Suzuki takes we said it in the Green Room why do he got to stick all the way up there the penalty was indicative of the game just watch he’s carrying his stick way up and then it goes right into Charlie chin before Charlie tries to

Elevate to get it so the refs got it right okay use technology to your advantage review here Bruins will go on the power plan what I was saying is really this was indicative the penal the power play was remember the first Power Play razor in the game first one long

Time ago it was good and we talked about it it was movement and then after that you know some here brazo actually worked his his his butt off at times I felt to get into a good spot but otherwise again it was sloppy very emic you know

Asymptomatic of the game yeah was and there’s no real way around it uh we just heard Jake the bruss talking about it essentially alluding to gains at this time of year can turn into these um you would have loved to have seen the power play just close it out here that that

Would have been if they do that then it’s it’s perfect right then the game then then there’s nothing um at the end of the day we’re we’re not going to run that’s that slash is still crazy to me I haven’t seen one of those that’s old

School um so so not ideal way for the power play to finish up the game but they’ll have another opportunity on on Saturday Danton Heinen open the scoring for the Boston Bruins giving him four goals at the time in four periods cuz this was in the first Dan Heen stays hot

Against the Montreal Canadians and and again the Bruins came out with perfect intensity perfect pace through the first five minutes of of the the start of the game that the fence were jumping in this was a great shift of rotation forward cycling and then a great pass from zaka

To find the Costa and a great finish from behind it yeah really really good coordination um composure while falling he doesn’t end up trying to you know scramble too much he just actually stays a little patient enough actually the Bruins go three High they’re trying to draw Montreal out of their Zone that

They’re down there and they end up getting the cycle going and that’s the key Raz we said it all night you’re talking about you know taking advantage or trying to of the Young D of the Montreal Canadians in this shift even though sar’s one of their vetan players

Out there you still get the young guys moving around sov slovsky’s there but hinen though again showing great control being pushed by the bigger lvovsky Heinen goes down keeps it on his stick and shovels it into the net yeah Danton Heinen had to earn his contract with the

Boston Bruins as we take a look at his numbers with Pittsburgh last season and where he is with the Bruins this season so already more goals in fewer games tied for assists but again with five fewer games and he looks like the way he’s been playing he’ll continue out if

He’s help you would have signed up for 30 points from Dan hin at the start of the Year huh holy cow it’s a beautiful yep it is a beautiful thing and he’s definitely earned it as usual after the first commercial break we hear from Jim Montgomery he goes oneon-one with Andy

Brickley we’ll love to hear his thoughts in his hometown we’ll be right back after this and Brad marshan celebrated a, games recently we have a great new documentary coming out for Mary’s 1000 and we’ll take a look at that in postgame final Bruins overtime live on nessen is presented by biat for offers Not Seen On TV visit bi

Boston Bruins Goals: Danton Heinen (12), Jake DeBrusk (16, GWG)

Montreal Canadiens Goals: Nick Suzuki (26)

Bruins Goalies: Linus Ullmark (18 Saves on 19 Shots)

Montreal Canadiens Goalies: Sam Montembeault (22 Saves on 24 Shots)


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