@Detroit Red Wings

Alex DeBrincat & Derek Lalonde Practice Updates | March 15, 2024

Alex DeBrincat & Derek Lalonde speak with the media following Detroit’s practice on Friday March 15, 2024 at the BELFOR Training Center.


  1. The whole team cannot seem to pass or manage to keep the puck at all, maybe Lalonde should push how about just holding onto the puck and play keep away, tire the other team out a bit and slow them down, right now their passing and possession is what is killing them as much as anything else.

  2. "going through this you're going to be fragile" Lalonde must be talking about his hemorrhoids? It can't be about tough hockey players, right?

  3. I hope that putrid garbage advertisement on one of the most historic jerseys in all of professional sports was worth it.

  4. I hope before the game they all throw their jerseys in a pile like the Mighty Ducks and say theyre not wearing those and then Lalonde comes in the room with a box full of jerseys that dont have that s**t stain on it.

  5. Hey Cat, maybe start by working on your shot. That’s why you’re here right? Because you’re supposed to have a good shot.

  6. Yzerman should take over as coach until they can find a good replacement in the summer. Guarantee the team would play harder. Lalonde should have been fired by now. He clearly lost the room and they're not playing for him. You don't lose 7 in a row against mostly subpar teams and it's not mostly on the coach. I'm so tired of subpar play and lax effort from this team. It's embarrassing and unacceptable.

  7. Lalonde you don't wanna play berggren because you want the best lineup? But you keep chiarot and PETRY together all the time when you know that they both need to be cut off the team and dont bench either of them. Sorry newsie but its time that you coach somewhere else.

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