@National Hockey League

Hurricanes are surveying fans over new concept logos

Hurricanes are surveying fans over new concept logos

by Only-Highlights


  1. Fuck_Face-

    Those are all terrible. Should just stick with what they have now

  2. DonCorlealt

    Not opposed to them changing their logo. But their current one is better than all 6 of these options. So if these are the only choices, they might as well keep what they have

  3. kngnxthng

    The hurricane flag logo is better than all of these and if they want to switch they should permanently adopt that.

  4. Top_Contract_4910

    Looks like the logos off-brand soda companies would use.

  5. 35RoliSmith41

    I like their logo. These all suck compared to what they have. 

  6. Hockey stick with the hurricane flag on it or nothing.

  7. big-chicago-guy

    these are just amended baseball/football logos? i see guardians, bears, cubs and cardinals.

    another team that chose a terrible name/logo combo that seriously hampered the development of the franchise just like the wild and thrashers. non-entities right from jump street. no history and no aesthetic – bad combo.

    anyhow teuvo rules.

  8. Talkin-Muffin

    Might as well rename the team to Carolina Colas

  9. McMetal770

    The last three with the lettering are sensationally terrible. If you got a first year graphic design student with delusions of grandeur high on ether and told them to make a logo for a teeball franchise, that’s what you would get.

  10. Their logo is fine as is why worry about changing it to one of these? If they were going to change it though why wouldn’t they do something based off of the alternate jersey? These make no sense.

  11. Poop_and_Pee69

    They’re all fuckin bad. Oof.

    The hurricane flag jersey is rad though.

  12. 3 corporate logos and 3 baseball logos… am I missing something? I thought this was a hockey team

  13. ScienceMountain2709

    Difficult to make a wind and a flag look cool.

  14. I second what another said. These are all for a baseball team, not hockey. Hell, the last three are just classic baseball cursive.

  15. Virtual-Orchid-8793

    Why are they trying to reinvent the wheel there’s nothing wrong with the current logo

  16. Proskills500

    The bottom left is the only one that looks decent but it only makes sense on the jersey not as a logo

  17. Garbage. Just rock the flag. Even their stadium series were trash. Idk why they need to change anyway. It’s not like they have a long history.

  18. darthduder666

    I think they should keep the logo they have now, but change their colors.

    It would be sick for them to use the Whalers colors with their current logo and jersey design as their primary.

  19. DungeonMaster45

    Aaaand they’re all as ugly or worse than the current ugly logo.

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