@Buffalo Sabres

Sabres To The Future – Matthew Savoie Update

Sabres To The Future – Matthew Savoie Update

Hi folks welcome to Sabers to the Future this is the video on the channel if you’re new here that discusses talks about prospects within the organiz ation that have yet to Dawn the Sabers Jersey potential players that we think are going to be Buffalo Sabers or damn close to it so tonight I

Wanted to discuss um talk about one of our very promising prospects and here he comes and yes folks Matthew seavoy it’s time we talk about Matthew seavoy a little now we will discuss why and what is going on with this guy he is no longer uh of course for those of you

That don’t follow the WL the Winnipeg ice are no longer and became the wachi Wild and wachi had traded him to the moja Warriors so I’ll give you guys uh a glimpse of that and there you can see that trade for those of you who didn’t know that he

Was traded and wondering what’s happening with him we don’t hear much about him well uh right now he’s with moja and you can see the package they gave up they gave up a 20 24 first rounder a 2027 first rounder a 20 26 second rounder a

20 24 third rounder a 20 274th rounder a 20 24 6 rounder and a 2025 eth rounder and let’s look at his numbers folks and that is combined okay now you’re looking at uh the 30 games you’re looking at the 20 8 goals 32 assists

I’ll break it down for you on wachi he played 11 games this year and had 11 goals 13 assists for 24 points and on Moosejaw he’s played 19 games 17 goals 19 assists for 36 points so the numbers are great this year you can see why he

Was a former first overall pick in the WHL as he is going to leave the WHL with a bang I think this I know a lot of people will argue Kulik I think this might be the next guy that cuts the team it’s going to it’s going

To be a tight one or they both might next year but I wanted to touch base on uh Matthew SEO kind of a forgotten draft all of a sudden because we’re so caught up with 10 other things that are going on in the Buffalo Sabers world that we

Forget about these young studs that we have and I think um we I’ve heard his name in rumors I think it would be a mistake moving uh some Soo I don’t think we should move seavo I think we should hang on to him he’s one of those pieces that

Really unless we’re getting such a good offer folks that we have no choice no choice but to make the deal like this is a real promising Prospect right now and if you’re wondering about the 30 games played only injuries this year he had injuries you might recall in the uh the

Prospects he got hurt there he got hurt with Team Canada he got hurt with and he and he was hurt recently again recently but look nothing that’s keeping him out right now he he is he’s back and it’s precaution if I’m right he’s out right now they’re thinking of of letting him

Have a day or two or game or two rest right now just to make sure he’s 100% uh cuz they went and acquired him gave up all those draft picks because moja believes they have a shot at the Memorial Cup it’s the only reason they’ve done all that and Soo at the end

Of his WHL career and he’s going to be a pro so whether he’ll be in the AHL next year or on the Sabres is yet to be seen we have to wait till next year to see what that means he uh just cut it by one

He he he he he missed it by one day if you go look at his age he turned 20 right on the first and I don’t want to get into all the details about that but it’s just funny that he he gets to play down there one more

Time and um yeah I know he he got one game on the Sabers but I don’t count that on this video guys I’m calling it like this is a prospect that a huge Prospect in our pipeline that uh um I think we’ll be a saber next year

I think he’s going to be a buffalo saber next year I think he’s going to make the jump from from the WHL straight to the NHL and I don’t think he’ll be playing any any minor hockey uh if you know and this was also one of Zack Benson’s

Linemates keep in mind guys so they can grow up together as a buffalo saber and um I’m excited about this guy it’s something I I should be making more of these videos I know it’s what I’m planning putting a good day today guys so I’m just going to get on it but uh

Seavo is one of the guys and kulak I think that are Keepers and the other guys are kind of you know we we can talk about you know some of them like like osen and and uh and Rosen I mean there’s goty we got to really be careful with

Our prospects too we can’t just be giving them away but if we can make a deal I would like this not to be part of the package that goes to whoever uh for whoever we get let’s say it’s a 25-year-old stud on this team you know depending who it is I’d be open-minded

If it was really a piece that I said oh my goodness we got to get him you know we got to get him these are guys I want to see grow up into the Sabers as a Sabers continue to get younger folks cuz next year will be a younger team than

This year mathematically now that we have Oso gone and Johnson gone those 35y olds are off the team now uh um that’s a big chunk of Youth when it comes to our number our team number team number cuz we do have experience no matter what we might be

Younger but we have more experience in that dressing room now of NHL games played that’s one thing we have now so this I believe folks is a big piece of the future I think we’ve got to protect and keep this in our system unless if we

Go and we really go for it in the in the offseason in a deal I’d hate to see us lose this guy I mean he is really dominating now the league he’s in he had a great playoff last year if I had that there no I didn’t keep it on there right

But you know last year in the playoffs let me just see if I do have a clip there with it guys last year in the playoffs he was dominant he just was he was dominant in the playoffs oh there it is uh last year for the Winnipeg guys 19

Games 11 goals 18 assists 29 Points in the playoffs he slowed down in the finals he did when they lost but no matter what way you cut it this guy’s numbers are awesome you know 20 2122 he had 35 goals 55 assists last year slow start finished

With 38 goals 57 assists and this year I mean my goodness you know he he already has 28 goals in 30 games so I can only imagine if he would have played double he we would be looking at a 60g goal season out of him 55 60 goals

Folks I think he’s a keeper is the point of this video this is one of the guys I want to see the Sabres hang on to I don’t want to see them move him cuz I think this would be a piece that we would dearly regret moving and the truth

Is he has that Danny Brier look he looks like Danny Brier he does he looks like Danny Brier and and the fact he looks like it’s almost like an omen that we were close in ‘ 06 but this time around we’re going to get over the hump and and it’s like God’s even

Sending us the same guys that look like like some of the players we had before so um I’m not sure how many you feel about him I know he doesn’t have the biggest size what I’ll see what he’s listed at this year he should be a bit

Bigger something I didn’t talk about e he is listed right now currently yeah 59 59179 and they have them down in um but in in in the in the um in the Juniors they have them is 510 176 they’re usually more accurate down there than DB they usually are more

Accurate these guys okay so he probably is about 5’10 now got to remember he’s 20 now so I think he’ll be ready to be a saber next year guys I think this is a piece of our future if we love Zach Benson I think we’re going to love this

Guy too put them on a line together again and let them take over another youth movement on the Sabers you know know coming in next year him and kulok I think will both be Buffalo Sabres next year just my thoughts on that one all right guys done

For this one I got a bunch of videos coming your way tonight got to get on them see you in the next One

Hey all, time to talk about one of our main prospects in this one as Matthew Savoie is lighting it up in the WHL as his playoffs is only a few weeks away..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. I think Savoie needs to develop in Roch, not Buffalo. He won’t hit and will be a kid vs men. Let’s sign some grit and bring in the little skill guys up when they’re stronger with more experience. We all LOVE Benson’s game but he’s developing on a team that’s expected to make the playoffs. Two different objectives .

  2. The only issue I have with him is that he is only 5'10". Mind you I still want him in the NHL especially with his old teammate Benson. I don't get how a WHL can trade so much for a guy that may only play this season there. I don't get why so much for like 3/4 of a season. I also think he would be one to make the jump next year over Kulich, but I do like that Kulich is much bigger and won't be bullied as much.

  3. Wayne, can you make a video on Ostlund? I think it would be a mistake to move that guy. According to Jerry in our scouting department, he is the most well-rounded prospect we have. Ostlund is such a stud

  4. Savoie is going to be a stud. He needs to round out his game and be able to play responsibly at both ends of the ice, and put on some weight. He also needs to get healthy. Savoie like every other elite talent won't get there by skill alone though. He's going to have to put in the work and focus on his development.

  5. If our potential forward lines next season are:

    We’re looking at a team that RJ would refer to as “Scary Good”!!

  6. I agree it would be a MASSIVE mistake to move savoie, This guy is going to be a top 1st and 2nd line center. And team is already stacked with prospects, acquiring more would be a mistake, and I think acquiring a older vet is shooting our future in the foot to get what maybe a deep playoff run we are not ready for? I'd rather be 100% competing for the cup then to bandage our roster to just scratch a playoff itch. We all know this has been rough, but it needs to matter.

  7. Wayne, Saturday could be a glorious day!


    Our Sabres defeat the Dead Wings.

    The Ottawa Otters upset the Brooklyn Islanders.

    Roam's Rangers should beat the flightless birds of Pittsburgh.j

    The Canucks should crunch the Olvechkin's.

    When we water our horses tomorrow night, the standings could be:

    Red Winkys 72 points
    Islanders 72 points
    Sabres 71 points
    Das Capitals 71

  8. Noah Östlund is maybe the best prospect. He has played with men not juniors for three years now. He will be in training camp next season. He could be a big surprise!

  9. Savoie is like the Dollar Tree version of Benson and that's why people forget about him. The second they drafted Benson that made Savoie less necessary here and thus less valuable.

  10. I also think Savoie will be a Sabres next season and not in the AHL, and I believe Savoie is one of the few legit prospects who made Mitts look more expendable, along with Kulich.

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