@Vegas Golden Knights

Everyone, this is my bby girl, Panda.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is no.

If I was gonna go THAT route, I would have named her Flower!

-points to the drummer-


Okay okay okay, we like to have a good time around here, but seriously folks: it’s too small.

This isn’t what you showed up for, but here is an unrelated rant: Don’t you think it’s kinda absurd for dog clothing manufacturers to only include a waist measurement and not a chest measurement
In their sizing charts? Especially considering that the range of available dog waist-to-shoulder ratios is… know……a fucking range?

My baby is half pit and the width of her chest very much reflects that. I don’t want you guys thinking I don’t my dog purchases seriously. I do. I went and got a fucking tape measure for this purchase. And not the type that retracts into a metal container, aka the kind I know how to find in my house instantly.

No. A tailor style tape measure. I lost 15 minutes of my life tracking that stupid thing down.

Anyway, anyone able to give a Large dog jersey a good home? Looks like I need an XL. This is fine for photos but if she tried to run she would get friction burns, I’m certain of it. I don’t require monetary compensation.

The trade off is that you owe ALL of us photos.

(Yes. I meant to post after Calgary. I didn’t make it to the 2nd INT of Calgary. Do you expect me to apologize for having a comfy couch? You’ll have to kill me first.)

by AbsoluteScott

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