@Toronto Maple Leafs

LFR17 – Game 66 – Bus – Hurricanes 5, Maple Leafs 4 (SO)

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 66 of the Toronto Maple Leafs season against the Carolina Hurricanes.



  1. WHY … WHY must we bring up that pain over and over and over again… Can we not leave the past in the past….. That game will haunt me for the rest of my life….

  2. The refs also missed Max Domi clearing it over the glass for a delay of game call. The hook was a weak call but they were bad for both teams all night.

  3. The leafs lost this game as soon as they came onto the ice in those highschool-reject outfits.

    No one would take them seriously looking like that, and no one should take you seriuosly if you argue against a player 2 hand chopping the puck carrier who's got a full stride advantage and yanking that puck carrier off the puck. Blame the officiating all you want becuase I know you need origional content following a "same ole team different choke" team for living, but if I were there I would look you square in the eyes and with a straight face and full honesty say that call will get made EVERY TIME there's that much space between the defender and puck carrier and the defender gets his stick into the arm that hard and yanks that blatently causing a loss of posession. That's the type of play that easily gets McCauley to his 2 or 3 calls per er game quota; It's the type of lazy, blatent, obvious type of play the evaluators show in seminar video sessions on "This is hooking"…

    Look at it this way: If Mathews beats Marchand into open space like that and Marchand chops Mathews arm with the same tug causing a loss of posession, and McCauley doesn't call it… are we listening to another 5 min LFR tangent on how the officials hate the leafs?

  4. Happen to be in NC for non-sports reasons this weekend. No one cares about hockey, only ACC championship in college basketball and March Madness seeding about to happen. Saw one guy in a Hurricanes hoodie since Thursday.

  5. The Leafs were just being… the Leafs. The issues are still the same. Do the Leafs lead the NHL in giving up games in the last 5 minutes of the third period?

  6. Steve, you need to start an AC/DC tribute band. But! You do original songs, like “What Are You Doing?!” and “Crumple crumple Yeet” 😋

  7. 2 points:
    They are calling it in the playoffs but only once in the first round on the leafs
    Refs dont have a reflection so looking in the mirror is kinda pointless

  8. I’m always frustrated when the leafs lose, I was literally shouting at the TV when that ridiculous penalty call against the Leafs was made. And then when Carolina tied it with less than five seconds to go, I lost it.
    We just have to get better at protecting leads and playing to the final second.
    The mystery to me was after completely stuttering in the overtime, how was it that Willie and Austin and Max all tried to deke the Carolina goalie when he proved that they couldn’t do that. Every goal in the game except for Willy’s was from bullet wrist shots 20 feet out. Why wouldn’t they try that?

  9. As a Canes fan, we played awful 90% of that game, Toronto deserved the win. You (and the puppy) were robbed.

    I mean, I'm here for it. But also, sorry for your loss.

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