@Buffalo Sabres

What’s More Likely? Are Tomas Hertl And Logan Couture Done For The Season?

What’s More Likely? Are Tomas Hertl And Logan Couture Done For The Season?

Shang Pang of San Jose hockey now joins where we play what’s more likely on some of the big topics surrounding the Sharks on today’s episode you’re locked on sharks your daily podcast on the San Jose Sharks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day

Hello welcome to lock on sharks the premier hockey podcast covering your favorite team in the Bay Area my name is JD young contributor at San Jose hockey now want to thank you for making lock on sharks your first listen probably part of the lockdown Network we covery your

Team every day and if you want to be in everyday or all you do just foll wherever you get Podcast or you can watch on YouTube as well and Shang Pang uh the Exquisite extraordinary amazing beat writer for San Jose hockey now joins uh where we discuss uh we play

What’s more likely I POS Shang with two kind of out there questions uh about some of the big storylines including curle and Coor’s injury uh McKenzie Blackwood and cap kadam getting traded and of Mario Ferraro his long-term future with the shark so before we get

Into that do want to let you know that today’s episode is brought to you guys by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on for $20 off your first purchase also the Shar return tonight uh against the win and pick Jets game starts at 4:30

Pacific Time catch every hit every shot every goal from the Sharks Hometown broadcast with the Serius XM on the sxm app search sharks and now it’s we bring in it’s been a while even though I’ve seen you in person more and I’ve seen you in person way more which is actually really

Weird than you’ve been on the show but Shang Pang of San Jose hocke know Shang how’s it going buddy very good uh well very busy today it’s been a bit we are recording this Monday night because time is a weird thing uh even though you’re GNA hear this on Wednesday but you know

I had to get in Fabian edland uh sorry Shan you have bumped for fabians I so uh you know uh you gotta do what you gotta do but we are going to be playing uh what’s more likely where I’m G to pose weird questions with Shang and

We’re g to talk about those scenarios so we’re going to start of course with the big news of to much hurtle uh he’s going to be out for a few weeks uh log Couture is week to week right now uh so what’s more likely Shang uh neither cotor or

Hurdle play another game this season or we actually get to see uh cotor hurdle Nico Sturm and Mel granet all in this lineup all for at least one game which is more likely how about coutur and herdle come back but then granin or Sturm get hurt

Because that’s been the way you have to pick what that’s the game you have to pick one or the other uh I Pi the the latter uh I think that hurdle with his injury I know that it’s going to be very close to the end of season or my guess

Is that it’s very close at the end of the season when he comes back but I would think that he will want to get some games in he wouldn’t want to start next season with about a 9mon break from from that’s that’s quite a bit and it sounds

Like it’s actually if you read the statement the most blatantly work on a tank press release I I I think I’ve ever read because basically they say that he could play but no I love it’s they’re taking a pit from the NBA NBA does this all the time uh

Like but they’re even more blatant of the like hey like he’s got like cough we’re just going to send home for this like they’re worse with it but um I’m going to disagree I think okay neither one of them plays uh for the rest of the season wow neither one of

Them plays uh here’s my my thought process behind it right you you mentioned hurdle the timeline it’s going to be really close and if he maybe he wants to get a game a couple games in but uh career has to think of the longterm Greer and Quinn both have to

Think of the long-term future of of the Sharks and is it worth getting hurdle in for like five games in April to like get legs under him or right we saw last year how close the draft lottery was uh we’re talking that Jonathan Tay’s Breakaway uh goal

Away from the Sharks being third and therefore winning the draft lot like you’ve come this far why as well like you might as well finish a job and then with cro right he missed the first you know chunk of the Season 51 games or whatever it was um T plays what five or

Six games right and then he’s out again um just and we’ve seen right setback caught multiple setbacks with him if we get past the trade deadline and Couture’s still not back why why rush it right uh you you expect Kor to still be a future part of the Sharks and you know

We can discuss if they’re going to have if any trade uh if potential trade in the offseason I don’t think either one of them is a realistic trade deadline unless either one of them goes to Greer and says I want out like Brent Burns did

Uh I think they both want to be here they both have said they want to be here but again you got to protect the future the future is the number one overall pick and then having cotor and hurdle like making sure that they’re ready for next year when you’re going to have a

Potential infusion of talent so you’re saying that Miker is gonna make like Woody and be like hold up let him cook let him cook let him cook but uh know we’ll know if something’s up if eckan gets like a like a eckan or grin it’s like oh yeah those

Guys and they start going on hot stre send eckan down for the the Barracuda playoff push like last the playoff run yes we’ll know but um I I think there’s so much time left though and of course with Couture it’s uh it’s very early to

Say that oh he’s not he he may not be around to the trade deadline because as far as we know um he could be back within a week two weeks really open right he could be back in days really if he feels well enough I imagine uh of

Course though that openness also leaves itself open to yeah he could be done for the season uh he might have surgery and things like that right and so it’s it’s certainly possible and like you said it certainly does line up in the shark’s best interest probably if these guys

Don’t play or don’t play too many games to end the season um but I think it does go against the nature of these players I know herdle says yeah I can play but I’m not but he’s going to actually have surgery and so that will take him out

And so um so it’s not like it’s not like he’s just sitting on the shelf for two months and not playing when he totally can play and um same thing with kind of with with couture couture battled his way back uh missed the first 45 games he

Could have shut it down at any point just said let’s just punt on the season and he’s I don’t think that’s that’s his type um I don’t think that the Sharks would probably tell him to do that and so um I think that if they can come back

Uh I think that they will um just in time for them to make a uh Kevin Bank like push at the end of the season no Gregor Revenge toward. um no I I totally get that you know and I think though like with gor you have to commend like what he did

Coming back right and he talked about you know how much of a struggle for him both physically and mentally and I think yeah coming back and getting some games in was good for him and but again like at what point you have to weigh the

Whole like w risk reward of like uh is it worth having these guys back in the lineup uh to play meaningless games in April especially by then right you want to see bordalo you want to see gusan you want to see Shakir you want to see some

Of these young guys who’ve worked hard in the AHL get their opportunity um to to play at some point and that way they get them a taste of it before going into the this off season so and another thing we didn’t even talk about like uh the

Whole key what if GR a Sturm just aren’t back right like those are I know they have a couple years left on their trade deadline on their contracts but um I think if a team comes offering for granin who’s had a great season before his injury or Nico Sturm if somebody

Wants to try to uh really solidify their you know bottom six lineup with a guy like NCO Ser who we know is a great penalty killer great on the faceoffs great guy in the locker room like that could be you know just blow the whole thing up where for the at least the

Other plausible where all four of them were in the game right sure sure I guess one more thing I would say for Couture too and actually this speaks to his longterm because you talk about the mental uh grind that he he he experienced a missing action he said

Himself that he thought he would never play again even though the do that’s not what the doctors are telling him but that’s what yeah kind of he was thinking mentally because that’s in the place he was and I want to contrast Couture and hurdle hurdle obviously is coming off uh

If if if hurdle played his last game this season he was an Allstar he showed a lot of uh the the same Tomas turle from a couple of years ago basically Prime Thomas shtle the way that he was sing through people um controlling the puck that kind of stuff right Couture

Honestly since he’s been back hasn’t been that good and I think for a guy like him it’d be great to have a even uh just for his mental kind of place and even the Sharks to see him kind of have a a five 10 game Run and that could be

Without Herd on the line that could be without crin or sterm if they’re trading but um but I I think it’ll be really good for him in the actually for the long run and whatever is good for T in the long run is good for the Sharks and

So if he can come back and have a nice 10 game spell put him some points feel like he’s back on his game and then go into the season on a high I think that would be nice as opposed to going cold the rest of the season not playing and

Then coming back next season and you know looking at the back of your hockey card and whoa six games zero goals one assist yeah at least that assist was pretty epic uh it was a great assist and a great even better Celebration by vasic so uh

Yeah I think cotor I could see that part uh with cotor with the the mental aspect I think that’s something you know I’m trying to be more cognitive about uh you know is kind of with athletes and just kind of that mental game you know like talking to zerin about like that mental

Game of getting traded and uh kind of just being more so uh but yeah I think it’ll be interesting to see what Mike G does as he continues uh with the number one pick come on Mike career finish the job here I would just I would just

Remind it one one last thing on this I know the tank and the number one pick is most important but uh if you look big picture though whatever like I said whatever is good foror is good for the Sharks whatever is good for herdle is good for the Sharks because if those

Guys play well then they become more they become actually movable if if herdle plays like he did last year you’re not moving him for for anything right and so even though it may hurt you in your quite for the best draft lottery odds again whatever is good for them

Long term I think is good for the Sharks again if they play well then they they keep their value which is what you need if you want to move on from them eventually or just have them around with the young guys and right that way that too

Uh all right before we continue with Shan we talk about capak and and McKenzie Blackwood and if either one both uh could be traded or if they just are going to run it back next year uh just need to take a quick break you shouldn’t have to worry about

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Locked on lck Ed n for $20 off download game time today lastman tickets lowest price G ranted let’s move on to the goenda and Blackwood Mackenzie Blackwood who both had uh really good years right uh I know looking at the Save percentage and all that stuff uh not that great but again

Uh we’ve seen this sharks team right the these guys have played some of the best go tending we’ve seen in San Jose in a while I I think it’s pretty fair to say so I pose to you this question either McKenzie Blackwood or sorry both McKenzie Blackwood and cap kakenan are

Back with the Sharks next season or neither one of them is back is with the sharks after the trade deadline okay well let me first promote an article that I just had come out today some of the micro stats analytics behind how good Blackwood and caclin have been this

Year I think that cumulatively uh they’ve been sort of the the gold sharks gold tting has been the the MVP of the shark season their co-mvps of the shark season but uh anyway in terms to answer your question my guess is that it’s more likely that they’re both back um I would

Say if I a little cheat that I do think it’s more likely CAC gets traded and Blackwood is on his own before and they’ll add someone to him obviously at some point I have I I can’t pict for some reason I cannot get out of my mind

Aaron Dell’s back in San Jose for some Reon I know he’s with the Ontario rain on AHL deal I just can’t get shake it that he’s back in San Jose at the end of the season for some reason but’ll about it yeah on I’m sure you talked about it

On your pod but it was really bizarre looking back on it uh and a couple weeks ago I I talked to Barracuda with Patrick Williams uh on my podcast the San Jose hockey Now podcast um but anyway um uh one of the things I was curious and I’ve talked with other people people

About it Scouts execs whatever right like man it was really weird that bar decided to go on a season with three young goalies one of them was injury prone um and that’s that’s what you decided to roll with a lot of teams like to have a sort of a veteran guy there

Who is who would also qualify as NHL number three that’s what the Barracuda did last year with Aaron Dell and for what reason the Barracuda decided not to do that this year and I think that their record has suffered for it and I think unlike the Sharks obviously you don’t

Get a a number one pick for having the worst record in AHL or being a last base team in AHL you want to be good in AHL or at least you want to be really a playoff race and so I thought that that was a very curious move and it’s I think

All the go tending has been consist inconsistent mami’s been hurt uh a bunch um I talked with one exec he’s like yeah every time we play these guys it’s a different goalie uh that’s none of these are are good thing so I was surprised that they didn’t bring back a guy like

Dell in in the first place and D was sitting at home the whole time right there he was practicing he was helping out and and jumbo just two months ago so it’s not like he he wasn’t around and available and so I I find it um I don’t

Know uh it won’t I don’t know if it’ll be Dell up because I just find that curious that that that he was sitting there the whole time and in literally in the backyard and had the keys to the locker room you know not not literally

But you know what I mean come in and out and they his past still works they did yeah his past still works right they didn’t deactivate that one but yeah so I I think I think with Blackwood and kacen though I see them uh more likely the

Both being back because it’s been an effective duel I think that it’s important to have good Goen even a rebuild because that helps if if your Bing is awful and it just makes it harder on your guys like a willse right everything right yeah the whole domino

Effect coup Seas yeah that’s been the argument that past couple Seasons it’s uh you know like you know even discussing the Martin Jones buyout way back in the day it’s like uh if if the go tending is bad it’s like that one guy at work who just doesn’t do their job

And everyone else has to kind of cover for it and it just makes everyone else’s life harder and yeah uh sorry I keep interrupted you but yeah I I I agree with you I think kacin and Blackwood being back makes the most sense because you’ve stumbled into good goal tending

Uh from Blackwood it was literally a cast off and I think if you like the uh the Devils right now would love to have a gender like blackboat in their building because they’ve struggled back for a second round pick that’s the ultimate flip but like uh you know you you you’ve struggled

Especially since Martin Jones turned into a pumpkin uh you had James Rymer for like a half a year where he was really awesome but like it’s been it’s been such a you’ve been wandering the desert to try to find some goal tending and the year where you’re like the worst

Team in the league at least you have goal tending to kind of build upon right right right well here’s here’s a fun TR idea how about trading Blackwood back to the devils and take away the condition on that first round pick so it’s a first round pick no matter what just take that

Condition off and here go go go go take Mackenzie back but anyway yeah I think uh I think that um uh uh it’s it’s one of those things where yeah you you found something uh like you said also I want to point on to about Blackwood too it

Occurs to me that um a lot of people are are kind of killing not killing but a lot of people are criticizing career for Addison for Stena oh you’re wasting ass right and in my opinion those are good shots on young players with some talent

And you see if it works and the same thing with Blackwood right they threw a six round pick maybe someone else would have given a seventh that Addison right they traded a fifth way in the future too maybe someone would give a six right and same with the do matter shots

Exactly especially a couple years from now too so I I I I find that argument that I’ve seen a couple times kind of curious because you’re not gonna hit on there’s a reason why these guys are worth at the time of the Trade A fifth or sixth round pick they are flawed in

And some kind of way they’re not all going to hit and so for one of the three to hit and it to be your potential starting go the future I think is is pretty good and it shows that to me that’s that’s a good strategy and so

Yeah so anyway uh I think that with kacan though obviously because he’s a pending UFA that there’s a chance obviously seems more likely that he’s the one to move also to because Blackwood is a Greer is a guy thatw required K in was a Joe will acquisition

And so that could play a little bit into just that Blackwood is Greer’s guy and so we’ll see so I don’t know if we’ll see both back but I would pick that over the I I can see both of them getting getting dealt that would be wild that’s

How you really take it yeah it is it is and then and then also to it would be also like a re like kind of like a reali calibration of the Golding tradem Mark that that I haven’t seen or something like that right that two go yeah I would

Think the Sharks would need overpayment to basically gut their at top right so it be like a first for Blackwood and a second for K which I don’t think you’re getting so yeah and I I could see too with K right uh because you mean you you saw the factor in last

Year where he was not a great goal un again I know this team wasn’t bad last year and maybe you’re kind of selling high on him right now if you’re Mike career uh because maybe you’re like am I getting this year’s kenin going forward am I getting last year’s kinism if you

Could potentially sell High um and then try to kind of you know scour the veteran goalie Market next year in the offseason to try to find a 1B behind Blackwood because uh as we mentioned the Kudo goalies none of those guys are ready to be playing uh NHL games you

Know at least even 30 Games next year I I you know I know cap cadin look solid or not cap sorry U I know e academies look solid at times but again like that guy can’t stay healthy right now and you know you need you need someone who can

Play at least 30 35 games and hope that blackwick can continue to stay healthy so say that I need to cover this team on a nightly basis like I really like covering competence all right I’m yeah uh hey we’ll have a bunch of again uh celebrities coming baby that’s that’s the hope so

Um all right guys before we finish up with Shang and we talk about Mario fararo and if he’s going to be here the Trad on the L or he earns another contract from the Sharks just need to take a quick break start that again all right before we finish up with

Shay and we talk about uh whether Mario far is going to be trade at the trade deadline or if he earns another contract from uh Mike Greer just need to take a quick break get buckets with your first bet on FanDuel America’s number one sports book right now new customers get $150 in

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Is a guy who’s there’s been you know especially a lot of Leafs fans a lot of Leafs are kind of circling as a as a guy that they try to kind of fix their blue line on the Fly uh I know they’ve dealt with a lot of injuries uh looks like

Somebody’s getting suspended here for uh Shenanigans uh trade for him right now trade for him right now uh really quick as side uh before we get into that uh what did you think uh who who was in The Fault there with the Riley Greg uh Riley well I don’t think you should

So I’m not saying he deserve that edit that oh do you sorry about that yes it’s okay I The Sound Hockey Now podcast we have no rules all right guys no part there anyway yeah some of us are owned by a news company so you know we gota go keep cleaning up now

So uh but anyway um it reminds me actually of uh of uh Pier ton being uh being cross checked by Dale Hunter I think that’s probably been cited a bit right and that was a 21 game suspension and I I do get that point too that while

Greg shouldn’t do that on other hand though um uh you shouldn’t do that either too you shouldn’t be you shouldn’t be uh hitting people in a c post even if you don’t like their cele that’s just not the not the time and place and so I think that does need a

Very strong suspension uh but it also needs to be probably I think ideally needs to be handled or answered in some kind of way by the maple leavs uh with with Greg because you just don’t do that I understand it’s emotional game and that kind of thing right but that’s also

Showing up your opponent I I’m not really sure how how else it looks uh to uh to to people who uh non- leash transfer people that said oh he’s just he he he’s just in the moment or whatever he’s just excited okay yeah he is but that’s also showing up your

Opponent and so that’s going to draw some kind of response and I’m not saying I deserve that and I am saying that Riley should be suspended for a long time um because you just can’t have that you can’t have players hitting each other just because they don’t like the

Other team celebration but nonetheless though yeah someone’s got to take grega side I don’t know if it’s a coach or another player teammate I mean just be like you can’t do that uh score cool goals uh that’s fine with me but yeah rally should definitely be

Suspended for a while so all right uh so Mario back to Mario fararo so I posed this question to you so Mario fararo uh so far has the largest contract from Mike GRE handed out uh so here’s the question Mario feraro is traded at the trade deadline or Mario feraro earns a s

Contract from my career I know this is a couple years down the line but which is more likely this is actually the toughest one to me because uh Mario especially in the last couple of months don’t know if you agree but I think that he’s been he’s really

Picked up his play especially on the offensive end and not just off like he’s never gonna be Eric Carlson no one’s asking for that but just in terms of just picking the right moments to rush um making uh making some plays uh uh making that pass and that sort of thing

Right things that we haven’t seen a lot of and I know that it’s a relative rookie season I’d say yeah since it’s rookie season yeah compared to like kind of the yeah the the the rest like you mentioned the rest of his career um it you haven’t we

Haven’t quite quite seen on a consistent basis but this is sort of the the Maro feraro that we were all sort of excited and prom and that we were all promised after this rookie season like this was the guy that was okay of course he’s never gonna be Bren burn J Carlson but

Can he be a guy that’s Sol defensively maybe be on your power play too maybe be a guy that could chip in 25 30 points or something like that and be a pretty good to a guy play a lot of big minutes um we’re kind of seeing that right now and

In kind of the worst possible circumstances this is the worst team that farl has has played on to be yeah it’s it’s clearly the worst team he’s played on and one of my criticisms I like FR a lot as I’ve said many times everyone knows that but one of my

Criticisms of him is that he’s a guy that as much as I like him he’s never kind of risen above his team in a way and it’s because he’s a guy I think he’s so frenetic out there he wants want to do so much he ends up doing a lot of

People’s jobs out there trying to and that ultimately becomes that that hurts him that makes him look bad and goals go in makes the whole team look bad uh but I think it comes from a good place but just in terms of his individual talent I

Think it’s I think it’s a top four defenseman I’ve always said that always thought that and but this year though he’s actually rising in those of circumstances so uh this is all kind of a long preamble to say that he might be a guy that could attract a first round

Pick I’m just speculating in the past uh the way he played even before with sort of his frenetic M you know kind of maybe mistake ridden style yeah we we originally called him The Blair Witch Project because he’s always shaking and doing stuff way way back in the day uh

Rookie but he was yeah but he could do a lot with that style too though he was tough to beat oneon-one all that kind of thing right with with that kind of frenetic style and I would talk to people last be like yeah I think you

Could get a second for him uh even with his contract and all just because he was young and people love off ice all the intangibles everybody thinks that he is a winner winning attitude a guy that you want to bring into your room uh so so if

You can get possibly a second uh it’s sort of uh when he wasn’t as good so to speak yeah um then maybe I mean he’s he’s 25 but that’s the flip side of it that he is young enough that and I’ve theorized a lot a lot about this uh on

My podcast on the website that I think the shark’s plan seems to be to have a lot cat space in a couple of years and see where they’re at with their prospects and see if maybe that’s the time that they can start making moves to

Actually really try to try to win and so feraro is definitely young enough to be part of that team he’s your alternate captain now he’s beloved in the room he’s a great glue guy um he’s not like a Couture or hurdle that you could kind of

Feel uh as great as they are in the room that they’re in their 30s and they want to win that cup you know kind of they’re kind of looking at the that at at the other side of the fence kind of right and understandably so too it’s no

Criticism whereas Faro Faro is I think locked in to to be locked on uh to to be with the sharks and um and so there’s a lot of reason to to keep him and so that’s where it’s tough because if you get a good offer for him and he is the

One shark I would say right now um that uh is sort of kind of bandied about in in trade rumors that might be able get actually H you a first straight up without retention without all kinds of minations or or whatever um and so that’s got to be tempting but on her

Hand though um there’s a reason why a team might be willing to offer you a bit more because he’s young because if this two-way game is actually legit then his contract becomes quite reasonable um and obviously surr of my better players again like that’s always been my theory

Right and so so I think that’s that that’s that’s really tough to say uh so I’m going to Trend toward yes the sharks keep him but he earns a second contract yeah yeah but I think there’s a reason why those rumors are out there too and there might be a

Little fishing going on and if and I think that offer could be could be there by the deadline so so yeah yeah uh okay this what I’ve struggled with uh yeah I I as much as I’ve criticized for especially the past couple Seasons he’s definitely been a much I think a much

More effective player and I think to maybe just having different style defenseman right you got look at guys like K buros you know you look at like emberson you you know I know he kind of struggled with injuries but when he’s been out there he’s been I think an

Effective player Henry thrund who’s kind of come along um where he feraro especially the past couple seasons has kind of had to be the guy right because you had Brett Burns who’s doing Brett Burns things and Eric Carlson doing Eric Carlson things and um Mario Ferraro kind

Of had a cover for a lot of this I think now there’s a maybe a better distribution uh among the Starks forwards right or the defense and right and Mario far doesn’t have to be the top guy every night you can you know if Kyle

BRS is having a good night if Dr we like I said we’ve seen some of these guys kind of pick up the pace and kind of step up a little bit and help out Mario FR and I think maybe that’s putting FR in a position to kind of be the best

Mario ferar the rookie ferar ferar that we were waiting to kind of see and if fi maybe kind of plateaued over the couple last couple Seasons so um but yeah I struggled with I’ve I came up with this question I’ve been struggling with this question since I it’s the hardest one I

Think right it’s the hardest one uh but that’s what makes good good podcasting so uh for the sake of it and for the I’m gonna say he gets traded because I think some team gets so desperate uh that they’re willing to put up that first and

I think Mike Greer uh he knows it’s like hey yes Ferraro has been great this year but again uh we we’ve asked the sharks have asked a lot of Mario for over the past you know three four seasons are we sure he’s going to continue to kind of

Hold up we’ve seen the little Nicks and bruises over the past couple Seasons especially play Shots he you know he does a lot of stuff and youve seen you know Mario far 1,000% a warrior that dude that dude will you you have to drag

Him off the ice but uh again I I I think if if someone offers you a first for Mario Faro I think you have to take take it and then you hope that Henry thr and your some of your other guys can kind of

Pick up the St for far I know Defan is next year I mean it should have never been farl in the first place this year but now you’re like oh let’s take our number one who’s actually number four defenseman off the board and now our Shan save of the day baby

Yeah so no pressure but yeah no pressure uh you got some cap space you can sign somebody this offseason so uh we’ll just keep every year just mik career brings in another Matt betting uh Burrows the 3x 1.1 deal every offseason it will be great

The long deal right that no one else the long cheap deal that you can bury in the AHL if you need to at some point so um Jen thank you so much uh of course where can people find you you can find me at Sound Hockey now at the sounds hockey

Now podcast at changor Pang on Twitter and at MBC sharks and I’m sure Keegan will be on to talk about the bean pot here next episode yeah I’m looking forward to that uh little Lucky Duck getting to go to the I guess he does that is the one thing about living in

Boston you have to live the Terrible Weather uh but you do get to go to the beat pot so lot of great hockey yeah a lot of great College hockey uh free pretzels apparently and free pretzels and I’m I assume uh it’s just is Duncans around every corner uh so Keegan if

You’re listening uh yeah buddy hope you had fun so uh yeah of course you can follow the show on lockon sharks where you get Podcast and of course watch on YouTube as well uh follow on Twitter Facebook and Instagram at lockon sharks follow me on Twitter at my fry hole and

If you’ve missed my Fabian out interview uh go back and listen to that because uh it’s pretty good if I do say so myself so until tomorrow we actually have hockey again bye friends

San Jose Hockey Now Editor and Chief Sheng Peng joins to play “What’s More Likely?” We analyze some of the biggest stories around the San Jose Sharks and examine two scenarios. We start at the latest news around Tomas Hertl and Logan Couture and if we’ve seen both of them for the last time this season or if the Sharks will play a game with Hertl, Couture, Mikael Granlund, and Nico Sturm all in the same lineup. We debate if the Sharks should shut down Couture and Hertl for the season and the benefits of bringing them back. Next, if Kaapo Kahkonen and Mackenzie Blackwood will both be on the team next season, if Mike Grier has solved the Sharks’ goaltending for the foreseeable future, and if it would be worth breaking it up. Finally, Mario Ferraro has had his best season since his rookie year. Could Mike Grier try and sell high, or is Ferraro a long-term solution in San Jose?

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  1. Sheng is great! Please have him on more often! 🙂 Also regarding this particular trade deadline, it has been a dud so far from the fan perspective. What are your thoughts on the slowness thus far?

  2. Although there is a chance the next version of competitive Sharks get consistently knocked out of the playoffs by a Chicago team lead by Bedard and Celebrini, I think they will always prioritize what guys like Couture and Hertl want to do, even at the risk of worse lottery odds.

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