@Toronto Maple Leafs

BS Analysis Toronto Maple Leafs Recap Game 66 Hurricanes 5 – Leafs 4 (SO)

I’ve now seen it all. Coach throws out the snail Tavares to protect a 1 goal lead. Wonder how that worked out????


  1. caines were terrible leafs just blew it on defense why is not benoit playing brodie and lilly unplayable oh yea keefe thought holl was good too and somebody tell mathews he is a sniper

  2. You cant blow a 2 goal lead with less then 3 minutes to go.I dont care about the referees you find way to hang on thats why good teams do.Like i said before there penalty killing is absolutely garbarge they better figure that out soon or else no chance in hell in playoffs.Where is,13.3 million dollar matthews been lately seems lost without marner

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