@Vegas Golden Knights

NHL NYIslander Goalie Poulin gets pulled down by NHLSens Lehner Scuffle Fight NHL New York Islander Goalie Poulin gets pulled down by NHLSens Lehner Scuffle Fight


  1. I'm guessing those were the Islanders commentators? xD Made it sound like Lehner killed him… Sigh… Gotta learn to skate Poulin!

  2. @Gravez0r Could it be just because in Sweden players actualy gets punished for fighting. It's not 5 mins then go back and play. If your lucky you only get 1 match ban including the match you fight in. That's why most swedes doesn't fight in NHL, we do have fighters such as Murray. But we do have fighters in Sweden, that's probably coming to NHL and some have been in NHL, Nils Ekman, Brodin and so on.

  3. @EkengreN93
    Dont forget Ulf Samuelsson šŸ˜‰
    There is only one problem with the Swedish Elite League and thats the failure to develop and create a more attractive hockey.. say what you want about fights, it draws a big crowd.

  4. "He skated at me and was yelling alot of stuff and im not one to walk away". -Lehner in todays paper. He also thought he fell easy and that there was no elbo but a shoulder.

  5. Ekengren93: Va fan snackar du om?! Fighters? Ekman? Brodin? Visst spelar Brodin tufft och bra men INGEN av dom Ƥr verkligen nĆ„gon fighter… Hmmm…

  6. Va fan snackar du om Ekengren93; Ekman och Brodin som fighters? Haha! I Dif har vƤl Printz och Kronwall gjort nƄn hyfsad fight "over there" som var okej ur svensk synpunkt! Ekman som Fighter, kan vara Ƅrets stƶrsta skƤmt!!

  7. @VegaK17 well the thing was he was saying som ugly things to Lehner when he skate by so he must have been ready to some revenge any way šŸ˜›

  8. @Crapisthat It's like your mom.. let's 5 guys score every day. I couldn't care less that she's your mom, she's terrible.

  9. Really funny, Poulin says he got hitted in the head, but you can clearly see that the elbow hits him in the chest! Diving is not a part of hockey!

  10. @TheTitio22 Poulin is 20…..They're both rookies. Listen I'm not saying Lehners a bad goalie, but when someone calls our future goalie a pussy for drawing a game changing penalty, I'm gonna stick up for him. Especially since DP can barely cash his check without tearing a labrum.

  11. Swedes dont usually fight?" Douglas MOurray? he is swedish and hes not the typicall cuddling teddybear…..

  12. lehners the man šŸ™‚ poulins a dick and itz obvious he was bugging lehner thorughout the 2nd period…..poulin deserved to get injured because he clearly dived

  13. @XxCanada27xX @Rqoiz Some people think Kronwall fights. But the fights with Kronwall on youtube is his brother Staffan. Nicklas Kronwall doesnt have a single NHL fight.

  14. Haha what!? Kronwall? When was the last time you saw Kronwall fight?
    Murray and rarely J. Eriksson and Grossmann are the only ones who fight.
    / Swede

  15. kronwall doesnt fight … and murray only fights a few times in a season mainly because hes so big and hes pretty much an exception so …

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