@Minnesota Wild

Matt Dumba hit on Connor Bedard – Tough Call Review

Matt Dumba nailed Connor Bedard flying into the boards. Was it late? Was it necessary? Was it boarding?


  1. I feel like he was expecting bedard to brace in ANY fashion and bedard was literally in savant la la land admiring a probably great pass.

    No bracing and no resistance and the momentum of the arms probably just made the shove look worse

  2. I agree with you for the most part. I would like to see Bedard anticipate the check, plant his back foot and stop himself from flying into the boards, or do just about anything to stop Dumba from thinking he can just hit him like that.

  3. Man’s league… bedard needs to start playing like there are guys on the ice who can hurt him.

  4. Why???…. needless hit :1) he's not in a scoring position 2) the Hawks are not going to make the playoffs 3) he has a bubble on and he's eighteen.
    The sooner Dumba is out of the league, the better. Has he ever made a team better?…. USELESS!!!!

  5. Late yes, dangerous, can't use the boards as a weapon. Dumba is a joke of a defender. And I am not a Hawks fan.

  6. He didn't have to follow through with his arms, that was just an attempt to punish a player for having been a puck carrier. I think there should be a focus that the purpose of a body check is an attempt to change possession of the puck

  7. I know hockey has changed a lot since I started playing in the 70's, but there seems to be some common sense that has been lost throughout the years. As a kid growing up playing with hitting as part of the game you needed to have your head on a swivel. Coaches used to teach how to take a hit, and to never put yourself in a position to be drilled headfirst into the boards. A hit from behind was a very rare, and egregiously violent thing. It just didn't happen that often because we were taught not to show our number when going into a corner. I know I'm out of touch with today's game but there is a point where a player needs to be responsible for their own well being.

  8. "Was it necessary" biggest pussy thing I've ever heard about hockey. Playing the body is always necessary. Its about wearing down the other player. Bedard needs to learn to brace and take a hit.

  9. This hack referee adds the following to the discussion:
    – NHL Rule 41, boarding is imposed on any player who checks or pushes a defenseless opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously. This definitely meets the violence threshold, but even though Dumba is a clown, as a referee I can't say Bedard is defenseless (even though I'm on the "player safety" bandwagon) because there is space, he has not turned his back, and the hit is basically on his shoulder within his periphery. This rule also discusses "an enormous amount of judgment involved in the application of this rule by the Referees".

    As far as the hit being late, I barely got to 2 Mississippi's between the pass and the hit. Bedard already saw Dumba, and when he turned to pass he saw the backchecker coming. He, as some younger players do, was looking at the play he made, not the one coming.

    Even though I don't like this hit and I don't like Dumba's style of play, an NHL referee is 99% not calling it. I hate to see rookie players learning the NHL at the expense of potential, or realized, injuries. When NHL players feel like they need to throw hits like this to be of value, and the NHLPA and DoPS positively reinforce this behaviour (and weaponizing of the stick) by not penalizing it more (on the ice or with sanctions), the fans of violence for violence sake get their way. There's a time and place for hard nosed hockey and a fight here and there, but the current NHL is not my ideal hockey, and why I only come here to discuss some technicalities.

    "Keep yer heads up" everyone…🙄

  10. The explanation throughout this video is brutal. The only thing you need to point out is that the wording of Boarding in the rule book states –
    " A boarding penalty occurs when a player pushes, checks, or makes physical contact with a defenseless or vulnerable opponent and sends him dangerously or violently into the boards."

    All the rest of the diatribe was unnecessary.

  11. Surprised Bedard doesn't get crushed like this more often. He never protects himself and he's puny

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