@Buffalo Sabres

D1NZ Drifting Championship 2024: Round 1, Taupo Motorsport Park

D1NZ Drifting Championship 2024: Round 1, Taupo Motorsport Park

TM Center part of the section well it’s all about Kay and dily holding on and that is oh look like it’s going to be a big over rotation oh a Miss No my how am I and welcome to Topo International Motorsport Park for the opening of of the 2023 2024 ripco d1nz SE season Steven MAA St Marty and Tony G in the house for this one man uh we’ve seen Kazuki nagima win Pro Sport now we

Look at the start of the Season can anyone knock off bangad Dan Steve Well if there’s one person you said Pro Sport at the start and that is case pmbar he stepped up yesterday he got himself into the top two he was leading for a time

That is my pick the season yeah remember Cody Bullen bro his brothers around there Taylor James the top qualified all right get back into commentary welcome to Tony J to the commentary team mate Speedway background loves his uh drifting so yummy what do you looking forward to you this season well I think

Taylor James has had a second place in 2000 he’s had a second place in 2023 last season he’s had a third place in 22 as well can he get to the top step I hope so I think that’s what I’m looking for so in other words for you you put

Your house on Taylor James well I don’t want to put my house on it but I hope like how that he gets there all right mate welcome to the team go and follow Steve the truck awesome thanks Stephen all right there we go so Tony G Steve

The Mari and all the crew about to bring you the opening round of ripco D1 and Z it’s time to get the smoke show underway so let’s bring it well let’s bring it all right this is the D1 and Z brought to you by rco this

Is topor this is round number one we just seen our top 24 the first battle just off screen I can tell you that Shawn potros went through across the uh the nose of Adam Davies mistake but now it’s time to set ourselves up for the next battle this Fang a down out

There Limitless tires RHP Reed and Harrison performance it’s clayon daily going up against Andy Donahue it’s an LS7 versus an LSX 700 horsepower versus 700 horsepower Tony G welcome to the show Welcome to the commentary box ready for our first battle of the day oh absolutely super

Excited to be here at Topo International Motorsport Park for the rep code d1nz National drifting Championship wow what a season we’re looking forward to massive massive the pros are out on track Let’s Get It On Let’s get it on all right let’s see what he can do it’s

His first time into Pro this is Clayton Daly in the RHP readen Harrison performance Limitless TIR Supra let’s see what he can do as he drops the power of the Ali down it’s Andy Donahue trying to close the gap as they come through into the center section this is topall

This is round one Andy Donahue showing some really good proximity always made a mistake as I just say that through down the Ripple strip of the middle of the Dale itm center part of the section well it’s all about clay and dily holding on and that is oh look like it’s going to

Be a big over rotation oh it’s a mess down here today this is toport round one of the rep Cod d1nz wow Andy Donahue he did put a wheel off through the middle which is only a minor deduction as far as the judges are trying to check that out Clayton Del

Doing a really good job out front for the majority of that run but just at the very end they’re over rotating on the final turn so I guess one of the things that they’re going to look at as who CA was it on his own it’s of course it’s

The lead Driver’s Responsibility to maintain drift we watch D itm replay and Clayton year doing a really good job getting right out to the the wide part of the initiation that’s where Andy Donahue closes right up on the Gap and he’ll run almost a straight line he did

Keep a drift there and a bit of angle okay one thing to look at Tony G he maintained his drift that’s it and that’s the over rotation there from Clayton a little touch of the nose from Annie Donahue obviously not the cause of that incident and uh managing to hold on

To that drift I think we’ll see an advantage to Andy Donahue there so Andy Donahue why do we think it’s an advantage because he didn’t come out of drift when he came through yes he went gave himself a massive disadvantage coming through the center section but

Being a Chase car as well he did actually have that one wheel off look at the beautiful day here in too run through that oh it is definitely very very hot out here on track probably behind the steering wheels of these cars a 23° high it was a 12 12° low with a

Wind speed well it looks like it’s dropped over the day it was about 15 15 km an hour earlier on today right now about 11ks so the rip code D1 National drifting Championship we’re in the top 24 we’re sitting on the left hand side of the grid we’re looking for someone to

Go up against Conor helan very soon in the top 16 as we work through the heat Haze and we’ll get them through onto the first or the second pass it is the right price is 14 of Andy Donahue Andy working through look at the heat Haze as he comes through and

Switches there an aggressive switch as he makes his way through into the center section here and Andy donghu has put a nice gap on Clayton Deli as well so with the advantage after the first part of the battle he’s looking like he’s in control of this as well he swings out

Wide in the final Corner he’ll tuck right down into the inside clip and wash wide to finish off his run Andy Donahue yeah comes through to finish and they will head back on into the in um into the pit Lane where we will find out

Who took the win Tony talk us through so there’s the replay there andy donah Hugh so he was nice and wide where the judges wanted to be on the start a little shallow on the first outter clip there but yeah there’s the Gap that you can see on screen between Andy Donahue and

Clayton Del the sound of those Alis engines roaring through and a real good Strong finish as well so let’s see how tight that Andy managed to get down there’s an inside clip you can see the blue and orange cones on the inside and yeah they to finish that lap there thanks to the

Team the replays brought you by Dale itm we obviously going to go down to the grid we’ll work out who took the win we’re both expecting that Andy donu on the right hand side is going to take it let’s go to the results Andrew redward Joe counter and JT Fido who’s it going

To Be and three strikes in the form of Andy Donahue he takes the win and Mr mver points to Andy donu in the right price Collision number 23 S14 LS po he’ll go through into the top 16 he’ll take Conor heligan on in the next battle for him

Next out on track we’ll see Jordan Joyce and Calvin Clark Calvin Clark of course behind the wheel of a car that well he’s not necessarily used to one that comes from the mighty chicken man from EFI and turbo in the manowa 2 so it will be Jordan Joyce it’s a Nissan syvia versus

A master RX7 it is 2JZ versus an LS it’s an S14 versus an FC RX7 870 horsepower I think they’re line at 570 anything chicken SC has to be over 900 Prime avocados on the side of the FC RX7 it’s the Elite Performance on the side of Jordan Joyce’s S14 Jordan Joyce

The high qualifier will lead out for the first of these battles let’s see how he goes so Jordan big initiation around the outside of that white line in the Box there’s a bit of a gap opened up between him and Calvin as well Calin a little bit shallow as he goes through the

Center and down into the D itm Dipper and Jordan Joyce big smoke machine from these high horsepower monsters as they come around final turn and Calvin Clark sitting back there a little bit down on power as the stats show and that comes through as the Gap

As well certainly gets gapped at the end so that’s going to put him a massive advantage in the way of Jordan Joyce let’s have a look at the replay so they start the lap off Tony nice standard uh standard action for these two here but this is with a shallowness and of course

A lack of track speed for the chase vehicle yeah so the a little bit of lack of um of proximity there for calv Clark there he’s trying to just close that Gap right up and he’s trying to shallow his line and unfortunately Jordan Joyce plenty of grip there from those bino

Tires across the line advantage in the form of Jordan Joyce he is the lead driver he will go into the chase position this time here so they make their way back through to the start line where they’ll go to the hands of well let’s have a look at

The Battle tree link top 16 Taylor James will go up against Sean potos JY slamit versus SZ Conor helan will go up against and Andy donghu da sidman’s going to get a pass through case penb the same James mcmanaway versus Brody Mah and then Cody fenb a pass same with Luke

Think we are still in top 24 before moving through into the 16 so absolutely beautiful day Mount toter in the background there beautiful backdrop for this race circuit here Topo International Motorsport Park second part of this battle between Jordan Joyce and Calvin Clark rip Cod d1nz National drifting Championship round number one

And it is round one number one it is the final couple of battles in the top 24 before we go straight to the 16 it’s the prime avocados FC of Mr Calvin Clark who leads out and look he’s already off track Jordan Joy what’s he going to do

So yeah Calvin managed to keep it in it was only one whe off by the looks of that so Jordan Joyce needs to get back up and close that proximity has got the advantage so he can probably keep it a little bit conservative as he makes

Through the end part of the run into the final corner and they come through to finish this lap off and I think that should be enough to see Jordan Joy take the pass through and no doubt go oh look he’s straight on the brakes Jordan’s already uh swatting flies out the window let’s

Have a look at the replay talk us through this one here looked um dicey yeah so um yeah Calvin Clark there pushing the prime out of card s quite wide it looked like it gripped up a little bit before it ran off track it’s one part off there so he came off it

When as he came off the track which is really good so Jordan Joyce managing to hold a drift them behind and then Calvin Clark still pushing that AR seven right through a little bit of a correction there you can see it on the steering wheel as he makes it through the final

Turn as well so Jordan Joyce just hanging back enough to make sure that he gets safely through with the advantage after the first pass as well and he’s a little bit happy there couple of bangs on the roof to his crew as he drives

Past them on pit Lane we go down to pit Lane now speaking of right hand side Jordan Joyce in the triple three left hand side for Calvin Clark well the man that used to spend a lot of time in the same seat that you are he’s just come through he said well

He could call that rubbish Jordan Joyce takes three strikes Andrew Redwood Joe counter and JT Foo slam dunk for Jordan all right that’s the left hand side of the tree top 16 sorted for the rep Cod d1nz National drifting Championship round one here we look over

To the right hand side of the tree who was going to go against Case pandb at the top of the right hand side well there’s one man out here and it’s a very nice to welcome him back I used to call him drift sander he’s had a shave mag

And turbo on the side along with Archilles it is Bruce tanok he is back in that rb32 it is an s13 with 800 horsepower he’s going up against Michael Thorley in the inz GT radios Valene 180 of course the higher qualifier will always start on the right hand side of

The track the higher qualifier in this case being Bruce tenan yes so Bruce tanck coming in in p15 for the qualifying yesterday and Michael Thorley he got 18th position that will put them up against each other at the top of this case P andb driving very well he held on

To the number one qualifying spot for the majority of the day until Taylor James came through and ruined the the P andb one two at the end of the day T James certainly um very very good at ruining people’s day when it comes to Drifting let’s see what’s going to

Happen between these two drivers as we go down to the hands of launch Master Willie this is the ripco d1nz round number one topor international motorport Park Bruce tenan in the rocket bunny s13 Magan turbo out of the mighty W cut on the door he’s going up against the NZ GT

Radios 180 it’s RB versus RB it’s Bruce tenan versus Michael Thorley so tenic carry some good speed and go throw one wheel over the Ripple strip there which is only probably getting marked down just a little bit thly though getting lost in the Smoke back there he’s going

To pop through try and close that proximity up and take a shallow line into the final Corner he’s washed wide there and Wasing wi is going to throw an advantage in the favor of Bruce ten I am Hope on the roof of Michael thorley’s

Car we you can t drift to 469 to give a donation to I am hope so we’ll take a look at the Repco replay here so tanic a little bit shallow on the entry there not quite as wide as the judges want him to be but he happened to actually get

Himself back on line so runs the Ripple strip there a little bit fills the nice outer zone there and then washes nice and white he’s a little bit shallow on the outer there but no he’s actually got he filled that really nicely in the end

And then a real good line as thly washes wide and tanic there’s the inside clip nails that one perfectly and comes through to finish the Run big rolling burnout on their left hand side of the track to finish as we’ll head down the so great crowd here see the rookie

James Jeffrey sitting in there you a fun Pro Sport round number one go of grona drift team they’re sitting down there as well getting ready to watch their man out on track second half of this battle ready to come out as we watch Bruce tanic leading the way he

Will swap positions it’ll be thorley’s turn this time Michael Thorley will take place we’ll take position on the right hand side of the track so of course they come through they start the lap they’ve got the leader mus go on the right hand side of the Cones in the hands of launch Master Willie down there he’s going to set the cars off for the second half of their battle Michael thy and the NZ hoses against Bruce Tanner great to see him back behind the wheel of a drift car well let’s see how these two go as they

Get ready for the second half of their battle so Michael Thorley they start the lap it’s an inside clip here before coming out to an outer zone you’ll see that 180 set himself up again it’s an outer zone at this point here bringing nose back down we see an OU of Zone on

The right hand side before again bringing the nose down to the Leander inside clip motoring up to the final turn here starts from the outside we’ll see the car start to Arc the nose back down he’s got an inside clip at this point right there with those two CES a

Big rolling burnout on the left hand side of the track that was a nice clean run by Michael thy yeah absolutely spot a little mistake I’m not sure if you caught that one Steve on the way through there was a bit of a big correction as tenant came down through the rander

Well let’s have a look now of course replays brought To Us by Dale itm and there we keep an eye on tanic there there’s the big correction almost a straight line to maintain the drift but he needed to close the proximity up at that point he lost a bit of ground on

Thorley as Thorley as you called it came through on his lead run very clean and tanic another little correction there as well as he hesitates to come around that final corner so well Jim comes down to mistake versus mistake in this situation that was a really solid lead run though

By Michael thy Yeah by both cars well we head down into the lane we’re down with Steven mcy but what’s it going to be is Andrew Redwood Joe counter JT fedo thy goes through so Michael Thorley in the 180 NZ hoses Bruce tanck welcome back Michael thy of course 750

Horsepower I’m sure that’s a line product know many people on the d1nz that have got horsepower that L yeah so next up is what got fer down there so this is of course the Ford Mustang RTR spec 5D that thing running the uh the coyote V8 it is fanger Dan W house

Versus Jaren Olive croner jiren and the Lexus RCF he’s got the 1 gzf that is the Lexus V12 it’s a essentially the same as Alexus V8 with extra cylinders in the middle he is only producing 1,000 horsepower but I can tell you that that thing there is as good for 1,400

Horsepower as you’re ever going to get parts Trader NZ on the side of jaren’s car an engine by Harley engines and Motorsport jiren Olive croner it’s his first time back but he’s going up against a four time New Zealand drift King fanger Dan woolhouse he is the best

Of the best and he’s still head doing it he’s won four championships he equals that with Gaz Wier has jiren got anything he can throw down at fadan is fanger Dan going to do what fangan does we’re about to find out as they motor their way around this is round one of

The Repco d1nz this is toport international Motorsport Park let’s get the power down for fadan he suffered steering issues yesterday didn’t post down the lap he wanted to but the big man looks like he’s getting that car ready here comes Jen alono though as they come through and set the car up

Through the center part of the section fanger slightly off fanger Dan doing what fanger Dan does like you say a real solid lead run coming down through the Section he’s gone right out wide there he’s going to cut down and get that inner clip amazingly oh a little wheel

Off there puff of dust but W that should be still be enough of Banger Dan wallhouse to of course just let the judges know I might have had a bad qualifier yesterday but I’m here to party let’s have a look at the DM replay fanger Dan leads from the front so big

Sharp switch there as he goes and through the initiation around that white line that we haven’t been able to see just yet but a great fill there on the outer zone and then sort of washes out wide there fills that just nicely by Jaren Crona coming through the csection

As they try to close the gap you can see the car just aring off bringing the nose back down yeah okay he hit the inside wheel there but it comes down to mistakes versus mistakes a great drive so far for fanger but also amazing to have Jaren Olive croner back and of

Course we got the mighty Flamingo on the side of the door the car certainly one of the best looking cars that we see in the d1nz here is the head-to-head we’ve got a Ford Mustang versus a 2021 Lexus RCF it’s a V8 and it’s a big horsepower

V8 but that 1 gz made by heartley engines and Motorsport nelon Harley he is the absolute genius that builds incredible chassis chassis it is sorry Motors RTR versus RCF it’s 550 horsepower I think that’s telling a few porkys maybe 650 Who would know they like to keep that one close to the chest

It’s Castrol on the side of our champion our four times Champion it’s Sentry batteries on the other side we come back down to launch Master Willie and we are off to set them free so down into the left-hander it will be jiren Olive croner that will set the pace that will

Lead the way part straight on the side with Lexus New Zealand 1,000 horsepower versus 550 here we go so nice big wide Arc for jiren Olf croner through the initiation there it makes them a little bit shallow on the first out of clip they go through the second turn down

Through the DM part of the section they come through and it will be Jona that leads up back up into the final turn you will see fanger lots of angle he came through in their fast and he’s going to try and get on the door who is it going

To be what a drive by both of them ladies and gentlemen this is the drive of a four times champion and this is also the drive of an incredible driver back in the d1nz after a couple of Seasons off we’ll see them hook a hard left but we’ll go straight through to

The Dale itm replay let’s have a look at how these two drivers go yeah so you can see how wide Jaren Olive croner goes in the initiation there and actually ends up running over that Ripple strip somewhat fills the OU of Zone nicely there fanger down right behind though keeping the proximity relatively

Good and there throws into the final turn big angle to dial off a little bit of speed for fanger as well both of them down to that inner clip just nicely and in nice proximity as they roll across the line good battle a great battle as

We go down into the pits and we will see these light drivers line back up it is uh Jaren ol croner and the Lexus on the right it is Fang at Dan willhouse on the left the 616 versus the 12 and 1 2 3 Strikes fanger Dan smokes

Him so fanger Dan takes the one goes through fanger will be happy with that as we’ll send the cars back into the pits Banger he’s got the thumbs up he’s happy and of course great again to see Jaren back quick up the hill man did you

Hear that man that think’s quick up the hill I underestimated it I was like rolled around I was like oh yeah and I was like who who whoa oh that’s great isn’t it some live driver chat from inside their cars and Danny wouse he’ll get Cody penbury in the top 16 now we’ll

Go through to the final so at the moment we’ve got a buy run it is the roofing Industries FC of Adam camplan so Adam camplan was meant to be up against Kurt Blacky here uh Kurt Blacky unfortunately having some engine troubles and Wolfie the 86 and so Adam camplan he just needs to

Initiate uh doesn’t have to do the full run from what I understand uh he manages to get through and he’s just going to put on a show for the crowd that are here as well as you on TV at home welcome along skysport Fox Tow and across the land getting us

Getting the sport of New Zealand drifting out and about so that again was a bu run giving these drivers an opportunity to just um essentially enjoy the track so we’ll see Adam camplin head back into the I can tell you if you were battling Adam you won so he’ll grab Luke thinkink in

The very bottom of the right hand side of the bracket we move into the top 16 so this is the best 16 drivers for round number one it is the brick Co d1nz National drifting championship and what a beautiful day look at that mount to hutter in the

Background and the grass is certainly looking green out there a great crew here enjoying the sights and the sounds of New Zealand drifting the best of Al TOA and also great to see in the Pro Sport Championship a couple of Southerners joining the ranks in the Pro championship of course we’ve got a

Couple of drivers from all over the show we’ve got people from new calonia we’ve got people from Australia this is the D1 ined National drifting Championship topor Motorsport Park Repco bringing you the action So a great crowd here sitting up there on the stands enjoying the sights and sounds of d1nz Topor well it’s a great great afternoon here in topor we can see the pros just uh just getting ready to go out drifting the pro sports getting loaded up onto the trailers and a fantastic site out there in the pits as well those Transporters and of course that’s almost

Time for top 16 they are getting ready as we get ready to send them out onto track we’ve got so many drivers ready to go look at them lined up there Sam West looks like Dave Stedman there as well here comes to the battle tree we’ll take a look at that

How it sits for the top 16 link ECU top 16 Taylor James short Pro potr go ahead we got Jeremy slamet Sam West Conor helan Andrew Don Hugh Dave Stedman Jordan Joyce case penbury we get the buy through we got James mcmanaway Brody Mayer Cody pobber will take on fangan

Wallhouse and Luke thinkink and Adam klin of course that’s going to bring us through into the top eight which is sponsored by mimo huge shout out to the team from mimo in mat mat it’s going to be a fun day here toor International Motorsport Park

And of course a huge welcome to all of our viewers on KO and Motorsport TV it’s a beautiful day it’s a beautiful summer day in the beautiful uh topor International Motorsport track uh this is Taylor James leading the championship after qualifying case pen Barry sitting in second from Cody pob those po andb Brothers at quick Conor helan Luke thinkink Jeremy slamit James mcmanaway

Those three are the JDM guys we’ve got stman West and Joyce that is the top 10 currently in the Championship Cho International Motorsport Park in the central northe of New Zealand where the sun is shining and the temperature has started to go up the wick a bit it was 23° I reckon it’s a little bit hotter right now and top qualifier over here Taylor James 96.7 I think was the uh

Qualifying score that must have just blown your head yeah it was good day and we’re sort of struggling not with car setup just sort of figuring out what the judges want and that sort of stuff but um yeah managed to throw it together four run and it paid off I think you’re

First up so I’m going to get out of your way and keep moving down the line go get him against I think sha potra you’re up against I think we got Sam West here Sam West uh yeah like uh practice day you you were humming and you’re in the top

Six in already you must be feeling really good about this yeah not too bad I car’s feeling good and I’m feeling pretty good so we’ll go out there and give it our best shot yeah how are you feeling about the weekend Oh always good mate it’s good to be here all the boys

Are you know it’s good to get along with them so we’ll go and Hunt Jeremy’s door I think all right go get him mate where are we oh see just stve Steve didn’t you win this event last year and on your birthday is that right did I get that

Right yeah you did yes so was it’s not your birthday this time though right no no no it was Adam’s birthday last time but that’s okay we can we can have some celebrations anyway okay so hey F yeah really good yeah we’ve made a lot of

Changes to my car in the offseason and it’s feeling really really good so looking for a repeat for sure all right go get him mate good to see you back in rco d1nz Conor heligan bit of a surprise packet but his car looks magnificent Klan tries to run me down how you

Feeling Bud yeah not bad not bad um a little bit tired had a big week trying to get here but um got a pretty good sleep last night after qualifying so ready to go all right where’s Shawn potos I can’t find Shawn potos anywhere he’s first sha you’re first I bet I’m

Just I’m coming James McMan wants me to talk to him mate I think you’re the first battle up aren’t you uh yeah against Taylor James you ready how you feeling uh yeah good had a top 24 with Adam Davies and he had a spin so he got

The win there but yeah the track conditions changed a little bit but yeah we had to put on a show the valo ties definitely put on a smoke show for us so well mate you better go commute and get ready okay we we want to keep we want to

Keep the smoke show going better go back to James manway looks filthy at me he said oh why AR you talking to me cuz Luke think everybody talks to Luke think is right here but we’ll talk to we’ll talk to James how go mate you both

Running the same car today yeah I blew the pink one up yesterday so we’re both now in the backup car so yeah but at least you can’t face each other right WoW paper a rock if we do yeah that’s going to be crazy hey man it’s good to

Have you Luke come on back I think last saw you in what 2022 was it yeah look I had a you know bit of a mishap there I guess n it doesn’t matter you’re back mate you’re smiling you’re ready to bring the smoke absolutely um as long as it’s from the tires we’re

Happy we’ll take that mate good to have you back where am I going who am I going here where’s Michael Thorley you make it through didn’t you Mike I I just put you through didn’t I I’m just sitting here for fun yeah yeah don’t be like that

Michael it’s very early in the season it is it is now we got through past ten so yeah we’re ready to go all right Jeremy slam’s waiting hey mate nice to have you back how you feeling about the subie oh very very good um did a very good job on

The qualifying yesterday so we went went on to byr run for top 24 little of um damage on practice and uh the boys from JDM managed to fix it so now we’re just going to send it well you look you look ready to go man you are Uber Uber

Prepared hey we got another Aussie in the house too Brody M he’s a boy from tazy from tazy and he’s actually feeling he’s got pollen problems have they gone back yet since we talked to you this morning jeez you’re really running with that aren’t you is am running with it is

This is this normally the weather here like I’m sweating Bo y don’t don’t be like that are you excited about joining Repco D1 in no absolutely we’re bringing a little bit of heat into this kitchen with me and Luke on in the Series this year but yeah Big shout out for dley for

Let me use a car let’s bring it all right you bring it now where’s Jordan Joyce did you make it through I double check did you made it through you did right down the back then we’ll hustle up I’m sure I’m getting told to we need to

Start racing uh mate good to see you back m cars look great yeah no we did good this year um coming off a uh MSE challenge coming second me and sea out here driving the valino tires this year and we’re here to put on a smoke show

You know how to put on a smoke show come on Tony I think it’s time we started running cuz I’m sure the boss wants the show to get underway who am I lost where’s Andy Donahue where is he where’s Andy okay missed him where’s Andy oh you’re Andy over here come

On okay okay getting all sorts of things my ear hey how you feeling mate yeah not bad it’s cooking out here though this budy sun can turn itself down mate stop complaining you’re in rip code d1nz all right now I’m not going to put up that anymore this season uh Adam camplan

Looking fly my friend yeah mate we got the ri Ines FC hooked up now so um no more issues like we had last season got a bit of Darren Kelly secret Source in there so yeah oh the secret Source we won’t talk about the secret Source now

Case and Cody the PB boys personal best you look like you’ve just come out of Saudi Arabia mate uh it is hot yeah it’s hot is uh yeah bring on the battles let’s go you excited yep you going to take your brother down uh we got to get

To the top four first a lot of good drivers to get through before that but yeah let’s hope put on a show come on put on a show okay the big young boy steps up case how you feeling buddy uh yeah yeah yeah pretty good yeah the course course civil construction um 14

Yeah feeling good yeah so all right you look a little more excited mate you you’ve qualified P2 oh yeah it’s just nerves e little little bit of nerv that’s good that’s good when a sticker microphone you face out good all right boys I think you’ve got your cars

There’s one more I’ve got to get which is fanger Dan He I know I know I know boys getting your cars come on come on we’ve got battles to run I’m not here to slow things down come on boys we want to get going so you can stop looking at me

And uh get your cars ready to race just one more Fang cheapers creepers champ can you guys three in a row a f oh how many I know you’ve got you’ve got four in a row mate oh yeah three in a row um no we’re just here to have fun mate and

Um yeah we’ve we’ve actually struggled this weekend with um few power steering problems and uh qualifying wasn’t our best yesterday no it wasn’t but you were worried about Ring the stock car weren’t you oh yeah yeah yeah so um not we’re back um after we finish here tonight

We’ll um straight back over to Roo for the superstock um charity I I just love how you played out we had a few problems then you go and carve up go get them mate all right there’s fangan your defending Champion could you guys get in your cars and start hustling please cuz

We need to get the smoke show underway there’s a lot of people hello everybody you can wave if you want to yeah there we go all those drift Maniacs up there ready to go hey Steve the Marty I’ve run out of breath you might want to pick

This up H well I have got you of course fangan mentioned about something to do with stock car Tony G you know all about that cuz it’s at your F twws Paradise Valley Raceway tonight Ving bringing us what yeah there the Ving charity meeting it’s a great cause going for the

Starship Foundation three drifter in there yeah there is this feran the four times d1nz national champion he’ll be there Cole Armstrong he’ll be there he’s a two-time d1nz national champion and Darren Kelly three-time d1nz National Champion so seeing those guys along with the other names of the likes of Andre

Hegner Richie stanway Ryan wood he was going really well last night as well Hayden Pon uh so yeah great after you’ve watch this and if you’re in the Central North Ireland maybe you should head across there and uh shout out to Sonia hickey and the team there at Roo

Speedway Paradise Valley but this is the D1 NZ brought to you by ripco this is round number number one topor international Motorsport Park of course the next meeting that we’ve got coming up here at the park itself is going to be the historic Grand Prix that one

There I think it’s on about maybe the 18th 19th and 20th um of January and of course you can see the mighty formula 5000s we’ll see the best of the best of the historic and of course it will be the first time we’re going to see the CT

Frock drivers we’ll see Greg Murphy we’ll see lots and lots of d including Craig LS if you want to see the man that has took care of the lap of the guards he’s going to be here obviously racing speedway tonight we’ve got Perkin there’s so many others sup sprint. this is the first round of the formula Regional the Casual Toyota formula Regional Oceana a championship got it all right we have seen the cars Hing out on track these are the best Pros in Al they’re the best Pros in New Zealand and there’s some amazing pros

From Australia and one of of the great ones from new calonia here is Sam West going past our shot Dave steedman in behind Stedman is Connor helan behind helan well who’s that going to be it doesn’t matter there goes Brody Mah you can see them all lining up are you

Excited for this one Tony J oh super excited it’s absolutely great I’ve said it once I’ll keep saying it again to be part of this Comm country team this weekend it is the r code d1nz National driving Championship we’re going top 16 very shortly these guys have got

Strapped into their race car some big horsepower machines uh they got the safety gear lined up so we’ll send them out battle at a time first one up Taylor James your number one qualifier sits there at the pit exit with Shawn potos behind them and

Uh no it’s going to be a great day of drifting here in too International Motorsport Park we’ve seen some of the best Drifters in New Zealand as I said going head to-head we’ve certainly got Taylor James a 96.7 yesterday one of the best uh drifting laps that we’ve

Probably ever seen in the d1n Z we’ve seen some big ones the P andb Brothers yeah it was pull and bar it was all about pull and bares before uh Taylor James came along and ruined the P andb party as such we thought we’re going to

See a brotherly one two at the top of the qualifying well there certainly there’s the the brotherly one too of course this this Championship is full of bros anyway here’s a few of them out on track Leading The Way of course this the man you just mentioned in the top spot that

Is Taylor James and behind him sha potos then we’ve got Jeremy slamit out of toonga is Mr West and then I don’t know that’s mcmanaway we’ll find out if it’s mcmanaway or Luke thinkink shout out to everyone watching Luke thinkink from across the tazzy here comes the two pull

Andb course Cil on the side of those guys there and these amazing Brothers amazing family certainly doing their best to um put this stamp on the d1nz championship this is the pro Championship the first one of the Season our second one is in Nelson in uh when

Is it is it February I think it’s Feb I don’t know there’s Cody he’s on I’m ready I’m ready to go it’s looking pretty relaxed there he just getting that safety gear on of course that’s Paramount and these race cars drift cars and you see all the safety gear on them

They have fivepoint harnesses they’ve got um obviously they have to run ahead of Nick support device so they use anything from a hars device to the hybrid devices that you see from Simpson but this is our first battle of the day and it will be the man with two NZ

Forever the bridesma this may be his year if I’m going to call it I’m going to say it is RB 34 that is an incredible motor 1100 100 horsepower Taylor James out of too and then of course we’ve got sha poos in a 2JZ it’s an S15 with 800

Horsepower a short scrub for the cwr John Ray Insurance machine and sha potos in the Elite Performance S15 2JZ powered out of the mighty Nai High qualifier will start on the right hand side we’re going to go down to launch Master Willie this is the first run of the top 16

Smith Industries as well on the side the man from tanaki in the hands of launch Master Willie here we go three 2 1 send launch Master Willie lets them go Taylor James will take the outside head around the outside of the codes he will start plucking gears before sending himself

Into drift and it’s an inside clip that he starts with before washing the car out to the right he comes through and switches as he comes down through the D itm the center section of this Topo lap a big switch and you can see an outside line for sha potos yeah Taylor James

Putting on a massive switch as he goes real aggressively into the final turn massive smoke show from Taylor there and Shawn potos right there proximity at the end as they come through to complete their run sha possibly a wheel off coming out of the final turn we’re

Obviously going to come and check out the replay Tony G Talk us through it so you can you can see how much grip his Taylor’s got dialed and he’s up on three wheels as he goes through there the car just bouncing and bobbling over the top

Of the hill and filled out of own nicely he does managed to shallow up a little bit there one wheel over the Ripple strip and fills out of Zone but there’s where he gets very shallow across the bottom of the hill smoke show there and a little bit of a correction from Shawn

Potos in the chase is shello trying to just close up that proximity drops a wheel as he goes through that last inner clipping Point as well Taylor here for the most part a pretty clean run one of the things to look at between this here in some of the other

Traditional Motorsport circuits that we have around the uh the north Islanders I know that toport is pretty bad on tire wear and um I saw a little bit of testing earlier on in the week and the from one of the other classes they’d normally do 200 km on that class that I

Was watching only 150 here is Ty wear going to become a factor because I know the venos they go so far well something that the cameras aren’t showing is that actually the entire turn one or actually the final turn of the drift section is has been fully relay here so um I did

Have a speak to them about some grip issues we go back to the second half of this battle we’ll go back to that in a minute well let’s go and see what happens with sha po Tross repaying the favor from the lead position he will get that Elite Performance this hand out

Into action the two JZ under the Bonnet it’s 2J versus RB and sha is sitting down a really solid lap to start as he comes through the center well sha he’s shown how much Pace that 2J has got under the bondle of that S15 and Taylor

James there’s a bit of a gap open up between them actually’s going to go have to go shallow through the final corner to close up that proximity well it’s possibly again the same as what we saw in the first part of of the battle possibly a wheel drop from the Chase car

We’re going to go through and check it out on the Dale itm replay as the watch the drivers entering for the first time this is Shawn potos in the lead so sha potos well shown they get up on three wheels massive proximity there real close from Taylor James and that’s where

The Gap opened up a little bit Yeah sha poy took off on him there but same thing again we see him run across the inside Ripple strip through the bottom of the hill at the Dale itm h of the section now we’re going to look at the white car

In there we’re watching the inside wheel at this point here and bang there’s a little dirt turbo just comes through and hits it rides over there should have three wheeled it should have run a little bit softer suspension in the rear and he would never have touched it easy to say easy to

Say James Jeffrey sitting up there in the stand on screen well let’s go down and see if there is a result so I know they’re running Theos now on the Elite Performance Team new uh new gearbox on the way for that car on the left hand side Taylor James we’re going

Hollander did you know that yeah I did actually know that well here we go what’s it going to be the result comes through sha potos gets three strikes he’s going through so knocks off the number one qualifier James hey Sean congrat congratulations mate you just knocked off the top qu

First first run oh yeah that’s good feeling after the qualifying you that wasn’t my best um I was hoping to do a lot better than that so make it up in the battles now I hope go get ready all right top qualifier gone man you’re

Upset on round one Tay i’ I’d like to say you’re pretty peeved about that yeah yeah pretty G today just um full SED on my lead and just used Too Much tire and just yeah had nothing left on The Chase so got left a b but that’s what it is

We’ll be back uh next round now see you around till Nels mate cheers Mate well it’s time now for the next battle and it’s going to be Sam West in the Jason overs Builders 180 who’s going to be chasing down the JDM Supra out of mondor Nal Calon mondor in new calonia it is Jeremy slamit he’s the higher of

The two qualifiers and look at him go this is uh what is it 2J or is he an LS I think he’s an LS up front isn’t it B is a 2J oh look at the proximity oh no the big issue for the Sam West 180 and Jeremy slamit is going

To have a massive Advantage moving into the second pass of the B and he’s gone off something has gone wrong so Sam West has done plenty and plenty laps R here been a great qualifier and in competition format as well he had some very good results we’ll

Go back to have a look at the Dale itm replay okay let’s have a look at the rare car great job up front we know he holds his drift what happened to Sam West so he’s looking really good he looks to bring oh it’s almost two wheels

Off the track there well we can’t through itly a massive straight line yeah just fully out of drift and Jeremy slam it just pulls right away so it was lucky he lost a bit of uh proximity to Sam West there and he’s trying to close

It up on the second yeah I think there’s a chance maybe he’s broken something up front hey something also to note about Sam West crew which I think is incredible all girl crew ah all right let’s see what again we have a look from another Angle so did he go over the Ripples and break something is that what the problem was is it something and yeah we have to keep an eye on him as he comes back through again cuz that car does not take the turn as he comes through up here

He’s going good and then all of a sudden massive push the car it’s almost like the wheels have gone right the front right’s gone right the front M gone left so all sorts of problem in the front of that yeah no major vibration up front and he’s obviously come back so

We’re going to say that the suspension side of things is fine the steerings all right so Advantage Jeremy slamet in the JDM racing machine launch Master will he sends them off for the second part of their battle well work to do for Sam West out

Of toer J OB Jason overs builders on the door of that machine JDM a new team member for the JDM crew out of new calonia Jeremy slamit he’ll have an international viewership hoping that he does really well out on track so Sam West coming through the

Second part of his lead run and I mean the cars showing like it’s got no damage whatsoever it’s looking like a real good solid lead run this time tux sows down to the L last in a clip there jery slam it though right there in the JDM racing

Supra and Jeremy slam will say m I’ll just take that one coming to us from new calonia we look at this here yeah good initiation from Sam West there over the top of the hill Jeremy slem is right there and closes up the Gap they both run over so

The lead car there running across the RB strip means the Chase car can also as well good smoke show from Sam there but there slam it comes through the smoke cloud and some good angle from Sam West I don’t think he’s done enough though to close the advantage

Down well they come through the finish it should be enough to uh confirm that gery slam it moves through into the next round and what is the result going to be it’s Andrew Redwood Joe counter and JT fedo Jeremy slamit will take the win there we go steeven MCG saying well

Done you’ve got this get the feeling Jeremy slam is pretty happy about that another upset on the day oh I’m so happy like the JDM racing team helped me so much getting the car back to the track and yeah we managed to take the win uh just like a quick second

To thanks all my sponsors uh so obviously J JDM racing team uh and kadab EFI and turbo for getting the car on point every time um the mod shop and as well as some people back home like um that even following me from back home so big thanks guys bro you’re going to

Be here later okay we love all your sponsors go oygen we’ve got a show to run got a show to run we’ve got a show to run and one person that’s putting on a show is the man that comes from topor Leading The Way Conor Halligan Connor

Heligan in the second of the j o Json over Builders machines it’s a 1.5 JayZ power Miss and S14 up against the biggest horsepower S14 I’ve seen in a while of course right price on the door of Andy Donahue so we’ll go back and take a look

At the first part or of this battle between Annie Donahue so they hel nice and wide local guy from too here get some good angle Andrew Don though right there in proximity but yes oh big actually almost had to reinitiate that Andy Don it’s going to be a big

Advantage to Connor helan here and he big wide Arc tries to TU he’s a good meter and a half actually off that inside clip around there but the straight line from Andy Donahue right in the middle of the Dale itm part of the section and that’s why we have multiple

Sets of eyes on the on that one there I missed that one there yeah Jeremy slam was SP hanging his sponsors so more than 20 years of d1nz drifting and of course one thing to note is that and our judging team for this round we’ve obviously got the first ever d1nz

Champion JT F Andy Donahue this is the uh the story of the tape it’s n syia versus n syia Al is7 versus 1.5jz it’s an S14 versus an S14 and I think he’s lying about 700 horsepower versus 700 but of course a 1.5 can make that absolutely TJ would have made 200

More and it’s a final Affair out here as well good to see the hats on the air mu on and the guns out so second part of this battle between Andy Donahue Conor heligan Advantage Connor heligan at this stage he’ll be chasing Andy Donahue down in the second half of this battle runers

Through this one Steve well they’ll be side by side as they enter into the first turn here in topor and it’s Andy donah turn you see look at how quick Connor hallan tried to jump on that bumper but what he’s done is by doing so is he’s actually lost off and scrubbed

Off a bit of speed that’s allowed the proximity to extend as we see Andy Donahue heading back up to the top corner so Andy Donahue got a good lead over Conor heligan here he’s got a lot to do though or he’s going to wash out

Wi I think he’s missed that in a clip by some space and Conor helan has managed to keep it straight as well I think the advantage of spotter would have given him the heads up that there was a straight line by Andy donu behind him I’m sure

And we’ll take a look back and have a look so you can see that line there that Andy Donahue was on the outside of on the initiation the judges want to see them out nice and wide and what they do this is open up for the Chase car of

Course that means that Connor helan at this stage has actually Fallen back enough uh good chase by Connor helan in the circumstances for him with the advantage that he had Andy donu try to do everything he can with the best lead run possible but yeah looks like he did

Miss that in a clip at the very part last part as well well they come through the Finish back onto the front straight here at too International Motorsport Park and it’ll be into the pits to see who’s going to take the win all right Conor helan Andy donu

We’ve got Andrew Redwood Joe counter and JT fedo Connor helan is going to get the win oh Ste with the graphics there and he’ll have a chat with Conor helan hey Connor congratulations well played through to the eight yeah thank you that was um not my best work but got

Through so not happy with your Chase no not really but um he wasn’t too bad I think the track’s a little bit slier than this morning actually so but that’s right work on it got to go it is got to go says Steve mcy this is Dave stman

Who’s leading the way at the moment in the raicho mimo S14 it’s the RB and that’s a mistake in the final turn we’re going to have to look at the uh what happened with Jordan Joyce in the situation as he came through it looked like a pretty clean run I think

Dave possibly had the advantage coming through into that final turn was that a mistake by by Jordan Joyce was that caused by Dave stman let’s have a look at the Dale itm replay so nice good bit of Anger from Dave stemman on the initiation Jordan Joyce had a good bit

Of proximity to start with and then having to run over the Ripple steps it’s about this point here that I think Jordan Jo washes wide and they see a bit of a dirt turbo pop up behind it is at least one well off and then he tried to

Slow it up from p on the angle as he’s closed right up onto Dave steedman Dave stman out front with a great lead run on that qualifying line he tucked in nicely and look at that three wheeling going up over the hill of course he was last year’s round

Winner here at topor knows his way around he’s been in the Pro championship for probably about eight eight or nine years now freewheeling it as you mentioned but what happened so it looks like he might have just botted buttoned off quickly you can see how much angle

He’s trying to to give when you put in the angle of these cars it will actually slow it down and I think he knew he had to try and gain back that proximity he was at a deficit had to do what he could do so Jordan Joyce with a lot of work to

Do in the second part of this battle well let’s have a look at the second half right now triple three on the door it is Jordan Joyce Elite Performance versus the REO mimo S14 Dave stman will go into the chase position let’s see how they go as they kick into life here

Round one turn one this is the d1nz pro Championship Jordan Joyce comes through snaking through that Center section here in Topo r that inside line clean but is it enough yeah Jordan Joyce is going to have to really do something special here but Dave stman nice and solid here at

Too like you mentioned last year’s round winner and he’s done a great job in the chase position there really good lead run though from Jordan Joyce not to take that away from him as well as he pumps it down over the line and down the start finish straight here at too

International Motorsport Park well let’s have a look at the replay so we come through and we can see three Wheeling it just looks so amazing out there so yeah Dave St look at that little bit shallow through there but he needs to close up on the proximity on the lead

Car and look at that here really good lead run I talk we talk about freewheeling and one of the reasons why it’s doing that is because they have got the stickiest tires that you can get in the New Zealand drift right now which are the the loo tires and these things are

Insane so the final battle on the left hand side of the tree we’re looking for a winner between Jordan Joyce and Dave steon Jordan Joyce on the right Dave Stedman on the left the three judges look to give the result and green lights all three of them for Dave Stedman on

The left hand side Andrew Redwood Jo counter JT fto all say to that we’ll cross down to Steven with Dave stman at the pits why you huffing and puffing oh that was tough uh it’s been a while since has been been on track and uh he was a real

Scrappy lead so uh pretty stoked to get that win actually we’ll leave it at that cuz we’ve got the smoke show rolling baby yep you got it right we’re going to move across to the right hand side of the tree now case pull andb up against Michael

Thorley well let’s have a look at the Battle tree so far so um of course we’ve seen how they got there right now in the mimo top eight we’ve got Jeremy slamet Shan potros Conor helan versus Dave Stedman case b andb is going to get himself a pass through it’s going to be

James mcmanaway versus Brody mAh to challenge him and Cody penbury and fangan wallhouse are going to go up against each other to see who goes up against Luke think that will go onto the top eight from by mimo before heading to the allite petroleum top four this is

Round one this is one of the drivers that finished second and third the Cody penbury case penbury the penb brothers this one here is a bu run because of his qualifying position no it’s not I’ve been been wrong before and I guess I’m wrong Again so Michael Thorley taking the win against Bruce tanck in the top 24 so he would go through against Case penb for this battle in the top 16 okay so Bruce uh so there we go we’ve got Bruce tanck against Michael Thorley do you see who would go up against Case

P andur we’ve obviously got Michael Thorley in front of us now which means that it’s case P andb that was going against so here we go this is the battle between case P andb taking his first step up into Pro this guy here with the

Core civil on the door a 2JZ under the Bonnet he won every round of the Pro Sport championship last year he only missed out one round on getting the top qualifier it was a perfect season and this looks like the perfect start for the go loo brother in the course civil

To JZ he is a specialist Sim racer that managed to switch it off into the pro Championship now put your hands together for case penbury W case penbury he got the second place in the qualifying yesterday held on to it from almost the very start of the day right through to

Win Taylor James took that off from him and now he’s showing why exactly he deserved that and the Pro Sport win last year as look at that initiation runs the left hand Tire around the outside of that box and Thorley with a little correction behind him as well Big Smoke

Show good angle from pull andb in the go loo jeez look at that he just fills the out zones completely perfectly almost I mean no one’s absolutely perfect but case ping B showing you can get extremely close tuck down into that inner clip for the final Corner as well

What a lead run Michael Thorley could not keep up with them so we score out of 100 in the d1n Z now it was in 10 lack of angle Maybe by Michael Thorley but look at the angle that we’ve got from these uh from sorry from case P andb now

One of the things that I noted is that between case and his brother they got 397 scores yesterday of course we work work on the rules of averages now and gu we go through the season we will teach you that but he’s the real deal well it will be the second pass now

GT radio NZ and Valene on the side of Michael thorley’s RB powered 180 it’s 2J versus 180 but it’s Nissan versus Nissan we think we’ve got the wrong one there with Bruce tanck that’s okay we can talk about Bruce as well he’s got an rb3 to and he’s pretty incredible we’ve

Seen him welcome back into the D1 NZ let’s see what Michael Thorley can do from the lead position he’s going to have case penar right on the back bumper of course Michael Thorley sponsored or assisting I am H my apologies and you can text drift to

369 469 I’ll find it out actually don’t text it so look at the proximity that case Pen’s put on Michael Thorley there Michael Thorley put on a great lead run as well that Line’s been really good for case to Chase look at that they both tucked down in the proximity there so it

Looks like to me that case pull andb will grab that win there was almost wasn’t quite a straight line but a little bit of reinitiation a big correction from Thorley in the early part of his Chase we’ll shoot back to look at the replay thanks to Dale itm so

The three-wheel there from the 180 jeez those drift cars look good coming up and over that hill on the initiation part and P andb they allowed to run there uh inside front wheels over the Ripple strip to gain proximity um and and sort of mimic the front car big angle ped on

There for thly out front case P oh little wheel off there actually inside wheel from case on the final Corner might Corner might be a uh slight deduction well we’ll head down into the pits now and we’ll see who is going to take the win is it going to be Michael

Thorley will it be case pull andb let’s go down to the graphics and see what the judges have to see have to say I don’t know which way it’s going to go I’m assuming in the form of case penb let’s go down and have a chat okay so you said before you were

Nervous nerves gone cuz I got to say that chase was epic yeah that was that was mean fun that was that was cool um the nerves are shaking a little bit now but um no that was mean your first full rep c D1 runs out of the way and you get

A pretty impressive win go and enjoy it but there’s a long way to go yeah yeah long way to go one battle at a time but yeah we’ll give it a h here well played mate the nerves the nerves are gone he yeah well he’s on those 265s he spent a

Bit of time on those at Mad Mike sumb just a couple of weeks ago and certainly coming to grips here at Topo International Motorsport Park it is Rip code d1nz National drifting Championship the next battle James MC manway and Brody Mah Bro M out of Australia mcmanaway well he’s certainly been there

Before it’s the 32 the little criminal 32 that causes the stir and look at the speed of it it’s taken about 300 horsepower more than the last time we saw it which was at Bay Park that will be the home of the grand finale again as we see maret sideways almost over

Rotating but loses drift James McMan will certainly need to hold on to the steering wheel and get himself through he will finish his lap off but oh what happened to Brody M he’s happy he’s happy so we’ll take a look at the day itm replay and dissect that run up a

Little bit James mcmanaway there on the JDM skyine he comes up over the hill even the skyline’s getting up on three wheels Brady Mah there doing a great job mimicking the line of JDM but this is it here he just washes it right out yeah trying too much to

Fill out that out of Zone with his rear wheels and it over rotates as J mcmanaway there poers away to the final Corner Big Arc there for him little cring on the steering wheel as he Dives right down to that inner clip and washes

Wide to finish his run and a bit of a bang on the roof roof there he’s excited he’s stok to get that through uh it’s going to be interesting when they get through to the final four if they both make it through mcmanaway and think driving the same car well uh I don’t

Know which way you’d go I think luk think just we oh yeah we can see that and of course the Ripple strips these guys are going what is essentially the incorrect way onto the track this is a perfect track in this this direction but when we see the SE Brock cars and stuff

Going around they going the other way now the Ripple strips are in the favor of the opposite direction so if you hit those the wrong way you could over rotate just like we saw there that’s it yeah those Ripple strips they’re really nasty they’re so aggressive they’re

Actually a lot higher than they appear to be on TV if you manag to ever get yourselves out onto a racetrack have a look they’re a good 100 Mil 4 in we’re talking uh when you’re running them backwards and you think of running just basically car to a 4in

Curb well it’s always fun to watch okay let’s have a look and see the second half of this battle it’s Brody Mah out of Tas Mania going up against oh Mong MC manway as we see already three- Wheeling it through mcmanaway trying to close up that Gap as they come through the center

Of the track so Brady Mah he’s getting a good lead run on there mcmanaway he’s normally one of oh he’s over rotated going into the final Corner he’s managed to gather it he’s going to tuck right down so oh there’s a little bit of a oh manway almost lose

Drip job of the driver to True yes we see them coming through here nice Ang speed by the lead driver as we come through and watch the switch Tony it comes down to this position here has the lead driver so dials on the angle Big Time watch mcmanaway in the background

As well he dials on the angle and then that’s the bit there where he’s going to have to yeah the judge is going to have to make a decision there now one of the things I look at with this one here is as he’s come in the car looks like he’s

Going to over rotate that was in the wrong place it wasn’t a chasable lead maybe for the it might have been for us to watch it but we not behind the wheel of the car in second place if you watch as he comes in there he was hard on the

Um handbrake trying to lock it up because he thought he was coming through for contact are the judges going to think that or are they going to say something different yeah well like you say from mcmanaway position he’s going to see an over rotate he’s going to have

To try and think he’s going to pull out a drift because he’s going to go around so some delation from the judges upstairs we have bro M from Australia on the right hand side James mcmanaway on the left hand side let’s have a look and see what the result is going to be

And it looks like it’s an omt maybe down again so one a piece as Steven mver shows each driver Brody Mah and James MC manway they’ll go back change some tires to head on track Cody pull andb the other of the penbury cars warming up the

Tires well fanger Dan he’s going to do everything he can not to get to a Speedway meeting tonight there’s no possible way that he’s ever going to throw a things so you’re going to see the hardest chase the hardest drive right now he’s had um one of the one of

The worst qualifying results he he mentioned to me yesterday I went to through to R to um see some of the speedway meeting that he is at this evening and he said Steve I think that’s possibly my my worst result uh I’ve had in 20 years of drifting and I said yeah

And you’re also a four times champion and you’re still around because you never up and I tell you what this man here on screen scrubbing the tires he never gives up he’s got castol on this one one door he’s got Sentry batteries on the other he’s got RTR and CTB

Looking after the best interest on Trias tires our four time New Zealand drift King so yeah fanger he’s not used to going through the top 24 most certainly that’s Uncommon Ground for him but he did manag his way through jiren Olive croner to get himself into the top 16 Cody pulling Cody PB

Is the first victim he’s going to try and claim on his way to the round one at here at too International Motorsport Park the rep code D1 andz National drifting Championship top 16 we’re on the right hand side of the tree bottom half well it’s going to go down to the

King of the Indians it is launch Master Willie who says 321 send Cody pbar the high qualifier he qualified third yesterday his brother qualified second the power of the 2JZ up against the mighty Mustang how are they going to do it as fanger that was a oh

It was a slow transition into drift but he’s going to come down watch oh the angle of fanger Dan W house watch out so Cody penb leading out fanger Dan fanger Dan he uh oh big angle as they come through it’s bouncing up and down and on

Three wheels as he goes through tries to tuck it into that inside clip jeez there’s a lot to look at on the rep player this one Steve well there certainly is as they come back down onto the front straight here at topor Round one of the d1nz pro Championship

Certainly putting it on let’s have a look at the replays brought to you by Dale itm so Cody nice and wide around that wi line but yeah fanger Dan we’re going to have to take another look at that initiation from fanger paws on the angle and Cody running through inside

Ripple strip throws it hard into the final corner and some good angle a little bit of cretion on the steering wheel as he tries to tuck it down to that inside clip fanger Dam there proximity not the closest for when we’re talking of fanger dam turns so let’s have another look here

Steve we see Cody’s nice and wide on that outside line and there it’s almost to grab the hand bre now what they’re saying here is that the lead car has crossed over the white line that’s in the center there that’s what they’re looking at right now the lead car

Crossed over the white line now he didn’t give fanger the room to get into drift that’s what they may be looking at that that’s what they might be looking at I mean it’s an assumption but I’m a great judge I mean 11 years in the sport I am

Amazing it making the right call there’s only my call and the wrong one so that’ll be nice we go back to that deliberation word one the judges have to think about that Joel counter Andrew Redwood and jarus fto JT in the hot seats upstairs the hardest

Job in D1 as far as I’m concerned well let’s see what fanger Dan can do from the lead position our four times New Zealand drift King oh listen to the Roar of V8 muscle the power of 2JZ and see the difference between the startup for both of these drivers fanger went right around the outside of that white line but he’s absolutely set up in the Smoke show that is fanger and a Mustang he is absolutely

Dancing and prancing that car around and look how far he backs it in and big issues for Cody pulling bar he pulls out of drift what has gone wrong so Something’s Happened for Cody pull and Bar in the chase there we lost him in the Smoke as far as the cameras

Are concerned what has gone wrong for Cody pull andb there so looks like there might even be a bit of a recovery we go take a look at the replay thanks to Dale itm now F of D we talk about those Ripple strips being high he initiated out on those Ripple

Strips fills that outer zone really nicely though so see if we can see what happens to Cody here uh he comes through and he’s quite he’s definitely run that left hand front wheel and that’s where he started straight lining so pulled out of drift at that point there of course

It’s up to the lead driver to continue on their drift we know that he’s done that with and Cody issues for him so we’re still on the right hand side of the top 16 tree just the one better will go after this one there’s the recovery truck on the pull and Barry

Car it’s the 236 of Cody so dear I say it’s probably his finger Dan down in put Lane and probably swinging his way don’t have the result yet bud oh no yeah I know it’s no good I’m not going to play try and call things or anything like that not my place but uh just um

Get a good shot of the Sentry batteries Castro Edge Commodore you know and commodore is it oh wow wow those those boys are the blue oval be loving you right now sorry it was the Castro Edge man that that threw me off um but yeah now the Ford Mustang is um absolutely

Humming um you know they fix fixed the steering the boys you know I can’t thank them enough um yeah it was so stressful yesterday you know like knowing that you you know we come out of winning the championship and you know we’ve had like three power steering failures on our

Offseason just doing like you know summer bash and okay okay okay you’re starting to make me feel sad I want to cry you’re through you go through okay you’re through baby go and wipe the tears away have a weed drink and we’ll see you in the next

Round well I just messaged Cody penbury I said what happened and he said Steve it’s the E throttle has um stuffed out so that’s what caused the issue there for Cody poenar so um of course um big shout out to the team from Ford obviously the names on the side of

Fanger Dan I’ve got you fanger I’ve got you bro CTB performance if you want yourself an amazing Ford go especially a performance version RTR you got them all it is time to welcome back to aloa the grumpy man that is Luke think he’s G up against Adam camplin if you want to

See keny he’s about to lead about he’s got supporters across the tasmin in Australia and they want their B to go well let’s see what this sued up R32 Skyline can do she be on the front she be right for Luke Fink so Luke thinkink there in the JDM Skyline this is the

Backup car for the JDM racing team and big handbreak drag there for him as he slides in some good angle through to the final Corner cuts into the bottom for that inside cut and that car doing overtime as they didn’t get the proper car ready for him the 180 and James

McMan is losing something earlier in the weekend as well and we shoot to the replay thanks to Dale itm as Luke think good initiation FS Adam Camp right there the proximity great he loses a little bit of space there so more angle from Luke think more

Smoke and fills the out of Zone again nicely Adam camplin is right there but a great lead run from Luke think grabbing all the clipping points that he needs to pretty good Chase from Madam camplin as Well and look at that big wide initiation exactly what the judges are after camplin was looking on for a real tight close battle shallows up a little bit to close that Gap up and that’s a great battle from the drivers here it’s the rip code d1nz National drifting

Championship we are on the final battle of the right hand side of the tree we see Luke think there cross through to finish that run Adam camplan he’ll be happy with that Chase as well well they come through and finish off we’ve got uh the last

Battle of the 16 we got an Mt I think of there as well don’t we well that was Luke think Adam Klan we get ready to go back to the second half of the battle look at him go George from inspire you media one of the best fpv

Drone pilots in the world let’s see what what the FC can do from the front we’ve got the R32 and behind Luke think is going to start knocking on the door wow Luke think was a wide initiation behind camplan there trying to keep the line exactly where he needs to be for that

Runs the Ripple strip oh big dirt turbo for KL looks like only one wheel off though so minor deductions there as Luke V closes the G right look at him go and Luke thinks oh he’s got his hand out he’s like come on you ran me out of

Space we got to look at the tail end of that one there he’s happy with what he saw anyway let’s have a look and see what happened at that point there so we’ll go straight to the replay Luke fin sets himself up nice solid run by Adam

Camplan Adam camplan still on track so it was a very interesting initiation from Luke V and the chase here he was right out wide as we come through everything’s fine there now massive uh right reare wheel drop at this point here and what happens here for Luke fank so he drives

Up tries to close up that proximity which he does he gets past the a pillar of camplin now in dri brief wor yeah so far off line yeah that he was offline but the Chase car is meant to follow the lead car out yes yeah but the the the

Lead car should be setting a qualifying run now he’s so far off at that point there that that’s probably what’s happening when it comes into Luke think he’s like hang on I’m I’m following you but you’re not even on your line that’s what Luke is thinking

Look at that smile from Luke the car’s got to go doesn’t it it’s got the car’s got to get ready for it one more time like he’s being a car he looks more like a Civic than a Skyline so deliberating from the judges upstairs as far as the Luke F and Adam camplan battle goes I think we just leave Luke standing there go on come on judges and of course here like we say look at his dance move it’s Michael Jackson right out there all Right so double duties for that R32 Skyline and uh yeah it’s shot off and J manway grabbed it so still waiting on the judges if I was L I think I would have just hadit [Laughter] him so we’ll take another look if we can as the judges have another look at the replays as well so the judges of course this season have got their own uh own replay system I understand ah so they watching one we should do the same okay what are they looking at yeah

Look at that initiation it’s really wide from think but he follows klin really well through the first OU of Zone a little bit of a correction in behind from think there good lead run runs the one reel that’s where one wheel goes off for camplan and then yeah just offline

Just couldn’t get down to the line of camplan yeah it’s very wide isn’t It camplan team is saying stop talking about it Steve stop talking about it yeah okay I’m just waiting like everybody I’m very patient individual Adam Luke hasn’t got a car anymore cuz of course he’s sharing with uh young mcar is that mcnamar no it’s MC manway

Yeah hey hey it’s a long day I’m stand in the Sun for you all right actually what happens if what happens of you guys Mee in the four have you guys decided if you guys come up each other the four oh R Shambo M I wouldn’t have a clue what

That is rapist say is wrong no you stand there I kick you you oh Last Man Standing mate I know where to kick you you straight away okay I’ll I tell you what we’re going to do we’ll take a weed break come back oh hang on am I throwing to a little thing

Called a commercial bre here we go I can tell you what’s happened we’ve got a one more time so we’ve got Joe cter and JT say and then you know what let’s go up and do exactly what Steven mcgyver said we’ll be back shortly the the1 NZ Well welcome back to everybody on KO and Motorsport TV welcome along to everyone who are here at the the track this is toport international Motorsport Park this is round one of the Repco d1nz Pro Championship see the team there big Ray nice to see him out there taking all the

Happy snaps there drift Corp hat on as well you he’s one of our official photographers he also won the photo photo of the Year also see another um d1nz Pro uh Pro driver from last year of course David Hunter out there link ECU let’s have a look at the battle

Tree so as it sits the link ECU top 16 it was Taylor James versus Shawn potos Jeremy slamet versus Sam West Shawn potos and Jeremy slamet go through to the top eight and they will come against each other Conor helan Andrew Donahue Conor helan took the win there

And Dave stemman against Jordan Joyce Dave Stedman took the win so that’s the left hand side of the tree the top 16 of Link ECU we go through to the other side case penb and Michael Thorley case pull andb takes the win James mcmanaway in that car with Brody May way going one

More time as well as Luke thinkink and Adam camplan going one more time so it’s the same car he going to be some interesting things here I don’t know how this is going to all play out but Cody pulur and Daniel woolhouse fanger Dan woolhouse going through into the final

There uh sorry top eight there uh so the top eight the mimo top eight as we see them from top to bottom Jeremy slamit sha potos they’ll come up against each other and we’re going Conor hollan against Dave Stedman case p still looking for the on and Daniel will house

Still looking for the one more time so here comes the first of the one more times James mcmanaway is this time in the JDM racing our 32 and Brody Mah making their way out onto the circuit so Brody Mah of course from Tasmania he I think won in 2021 the

Australian Championship runner up in 22 Yeah I think i’ a grab a uh a comment from one of our Facebook lives yesterday um we will also have uh excuse me have them in in first place in some Australian Championship so it’s the Luke Fe Adam kemplin graphic we had there Russell V

180 looking pretty in the Sun out There Well this is the Repco d1nz National drifting championship this is toport international Motorsport Park and this is the first of two omt one more time battles using the same R32 we’ve got the JDM machines out there and we’re getting ready to scrub some tires this

Is it’s going to be hectic it’s going to be hectic yes so would you love to be the uh the JDM racing pit crew about now they’ve still got the Jeremy Slammer car on the other side of the tree they’re getting ready as well as uh yeah double

Teaming up on this R32 mcmanaway in the seat at the minute and we’ll see Luke V very shortly as well for a one more time against Adam C so so we’ll see how we go on this battle here bro Mah versus James Mcmanaway mcmanaway the 536 car wow neither of them are running the that they want to be are they let’s have a look and see how they go anyway this is an omt battle it’s an R32 versus the 180 183 Wheeling through the first section as they start their lap so JS MC manway

Runs it through the Ripple strip there oh big close on the Gap up there oh big mistake from mcmanaway as he comes through the bottom of the D itm Dipper now of course the St to the Chas driver to obviously maintain their draft and showing why he’s a champion coming

Through the finish so Brady Mah probably advantage to him after that one there we’ll shoot to the replay and have a look and dissect that one up so Luke F sorry James manway need to get on top of this one very quickly why I and that’s where it really gets closed up but

James so you can see the wheels going the wrong direction and then he also washes all the way out there misses the inner clip by yeah a good few meters whereas Cy M down on the inside of that there so can you imagine the temperature of the engine that turbo was just getting

Absolutely yeah well of course Daryl Daryl Turk from E5 turbo in the mono 2 engine builder for that car and he’ll be thinking to himself actually it’s chicken that’s his nickname um here’ll be go now is fine oh another push there as well so yeah couple of mistakes there

From MC manway very evident with you MC manway you go oh I had a shocker I’ll just take it back in the pits now for for Luke think I’m not sure that James Munger mcmanaway will have that in him and that little Skyline the backup car

As I say doing overtime for the JDM racing team so BR M to leave out jamc manway this time around 77 verse 536 advantage to Bro Mar at the moment the Australian from Tasmania what can M mcmanaway do this time down to launch Master Willie we go

Full s by Willie as we’ll see what BR Mar can do listen to the rumble of high horsepower is engines they might look like road cars but they certainly are not and James McMan one of the most aggressive drivers generally when it comes to proximity and his higher

Powered car not the Skyland that he used to Bro Mah doing a good job up front filling the out of Zone on the way into the final Corner yeah another mistake for the Chase car as well it’s probably going to be enough to see our Australian visitor make his way

Through so maybe a blessing in disguise for mcmanaway there that car probably can’t take much more well let’s have a look at the replay we have a look at the mistakes Good Start by Brady Mah leading the weight big weight transfer from on transition as well and we’ll look for that mistake

From James MC manway and the chase unfortunately for the JDM racing team driver Brody Mah out there filling that out of own nicely as he comes through to the final corner and then yeah he just has to reinitiate doesn’t he James man into the final corner

So look for a result there James menway bro M this is the right hand side of the tree looking to find out who is going to be up against Case pull andb we go down to Steven mver in the pits for the results ready Mah takes the Win righty congratulations first time in the Big Show of Repco D1 in Z across the ditch and you get through yeah definitely with that I made a little bit hard for myself getting lost in the Smoke getting a little bit greedy on that chase in the first one tied it up

For the second one and it was good fun what do you make of too International Motorsport as a track for drifting oh man it’s it’s a really fun track it’s really flowy it’s definitely very di similar to what we have in Australia someone like Queensland Raceway or maybe

SMP um but yeah I’m really loving it out there all right go prepar for the next round bud no thank you big shout out to uh Street St uh ACL race bearing and also ISD so let’s get this well let’s get this all right let’s get

This we were going to go and try and talk to mcmanaway but of course that car needs to get and get given to Luke thinkink what’s going to be it what do we do now I tell you one thing we do is we try and talk the omt to be just

Removed well from d1z drifting I think it’s time we introduce the majority points decision if two judges can’t decide but one of them can to me that’s a majority points decision yeah well I thought that was what was going to happen we saw the Luke think versus Adam

Camplin battle first time round there was two non-decisions but one decision why not just take that one decision I have to be with you this well globally in New Zealand in the world of G drifting only 66% of the decision matters the other judge doesn’t because

You only have to have two decisions to for to make a decision if we went to a majority points for the first time in d1nz history we would have 100% of the judging decision made two people can’t decide but one can to me that’s 50/50 50/50 100 100 each if somebody can

That’s 100 points the other person 200 over 100 the math talks so to me that’s what I’ve never liked about the omt let’s go down and see who Steven MCG has got down in the pets mate I failed maths with all that so I’m confused already

But well played on that one Cody pulur not so have flash just tell us exactly what happened uh just having trouble weekend with the E throttle and yeah gave out at the wrong time I guess and yeah cost us the battle considering where you qualifi you must be I must be

Blunt gutted yeah I’m feeling a I just hate losing to Mechanicals that’s twice now F has got me to Mechanicals in the past 2 weeks but yeah it is what it is it’s all good okay so so now you’re now now you’re the ego stroker for case to

Make sure that his his head’s right in the game yeah that’s right case will get him for us let’s go right mate I’m sorry about the the wi but we’ll see you not the failure but I will’ll see you Nelson yeah yeah all right take it easy

Man and we will see you in Nelson I am I can’t believe how quickly I I sent Cody a message saying what happened of course he he was still getting a line toe back to say Hey look it’s knee throttle issue um and he just said the same thing he

Just said right there it’s okay case is going to take this out for us now you’ve got you know we see multiple teams in drifting where like if we looked at Formula 1 you see like Max for Steep and fighting with this person or leis Hamilton fighting with whoever his

Teammate is the biggest supporter of case penbury is Cody the biggest supporter of Cody is case if they get knocked out the only thing they want and you can say the same we see in the background we’ve got mimo they’re the same thing if uh if Dave Can’t Win It

Adam just wants sorry Dave wants Adam to do it if Adam can’t it’s the opposite and we see that with so many teams across I mean you got Shawn potos Jordan Joyce there Shawn potos sitting there right there so we throw to some highlights of the first yeah well we

Have a look when they can I can see in the background we’ve got uh one car getting winched back up of course yesterday had a shocker we see the white uh that white GT86 with the LS which really isn’t an l anymore she’s got a lot of middle filings and Kurt Blackie yeah

Unfortunately well talking about highlights you mentioned it let’s see them here is what we’re looking through from the day Repco D1 inz Andy Donahue leads way up here that was a great battle between himself and uh and daily so Steve mver on the moves down there andy donu took the win there this

Is Calvin Clark in the FC Calvin Clark he uh he was going up against Joyce and wheels off Calvin Clark here and an unfamiliar car to him as well so often we see that it’s a battle of mistakes look at that it’s a slam dunk by Steven MacGyver as we go down this

Brucey weling welcoming him back to the d1nz and the Magan turbo Hamilton rocket bunny 13 a crowd enjoying enjoying the battles out here today this is Michael Thorley the second half of their battle a little bit of a bubble there behind from Bruce tanic but good to see

Bruce back in the car thly took the win there to go through to the top 16 he fanger down in the first battle of the day for him jiren Olive croner in the parts Traer Lexis and a big angle there from that RTR Mustang that RCF Lexus

It’s only making 1100 horsepower I know it can make 1,400 heartly engines and Motorsport building that beautiful car for the parts Trader team fanger looking pretty happy behind the wheel of that Mustang and big angle by the roofing Industries FC as we look at some of the highlights

These are the cars that were still here half of them now gone so big upset there year number one qualifier Taylor James up against Shawn ptos I’ll tell you what you watch the end of the season Taylor James he’s coming through out of newval calonia new

Calonia mondor is where he’s from it is Jeremy slamit good driving by him there goes the kids it’s all about family here with the d1n Z another battle this is Dave steedman but this right now is live and we are back on track with round one of the rip cut D1

National drifting championship shout out to all the team from Branch 14 which I think is here in toor of course uh I’m from toonga so I’ve got to say Branch 12 97 pie 73 spr Co Branch 46 is the Mount who have you got uh Branch 89 Ro Branch 10 Ro

West there we go so big shout out to all the branches if you’re a ripo person like I once was you know so the one more time Luke think out there Adam camp in the roofing Industries FC RX7 2 JZ powered we always used to single scrub now we give the

Opportunity to Jewel scrub if they can if I was Adam campin I’d probably not do that around Luke cuz Luke we know just like I’ll come knock on your door mate I’ll come knock on your door big shout out to everyone tuning in from Australia watching their man Luke think out

There of course Fox Sport and KO bringing us all the broadcast across the tasmin and sport here in alaa it’s time for our next Battle of the day this is the rco d1nz it is round one Topo International Motorsport Park the JDM R32 of Luke think sets himself into Pace

And makes his way around the first turn big sideways how aggressive aggressive is this switch going to be look at camplan on the door so a nice fill on the OU of zone for Luke think there Adam camplan he needs to keep the proximity cuz we know Luke think will certainly do

That second half of the Run he’s washed his South wide all little big correction on the steering wheel there think as he comes around and misses the in clip in the final part but Adam Camp mimicking his run in the chase there well they come through to finish back down the

Straight we go let’s have a look at the replay three wheeling again yeah so that that JD him Skyline doing all the work up and over the hill and it’s got to be getting hot especially with think and mcmanaway behind the wheel of that look at him as comes through there a little

Bit wide on the inner clip but fills out the outer zone and then watch little little correction on the steering wheel there straightens right up but it obviously stayed in drift the whole time Luke think doing a good lead run Adam klin pretty good chasing behind as

Well glad I’m not a judge well far from one if anything but I uh couldn’t put anything between them really the proximity if anything lacked a little bit for camplan and we’re probably more than likely going to see a lot of that from Luke fin Luke

Think we know this man here is one of the few Australians that’s ever won around of course mty Hill did as well my if you’re watching come on back to the t1n Z Matty Hill’s part of the team Jenkins come back to keeping drifting fun we’re certainly hoping that we can

Have him join us back again with the d1nz well it’s the second half of the battle it is Adam Camp’s turn to lead out this is an omt one more time as they start plucking gears Roofing Industries on the side of Adam camplan again look how much grip they’re getting the difference between

Now and when we started 21 years ago is massive a big switch through to the center section of the track and Luke think pouring on the angle and behind he dropped a wheel so there’s the mistake from think and behind is that going to be the deduction that might oh this the

The proximity we’re looking for and he closes the Gap right up on camplan so one wheel off for think there through the center part of the section we’ll go through the replay and check that out thanks to Dale itm well it’s a solid start by both of

These drivers here but we’re going to watch the rear count Luke think out of Australia out of Brisbane and Australia and it’s the right rear tire we’re looking for now it’s how much of a deduction that is worth he wasn’t there for a long time but right here does he

Gain back the points from how close he was able to throw it onto the door yeah they come across the finish the line there Big Smoke big angle Adam Camp’s happy with that that run be a nice close one to call for the judges once again there is Adam campin in the

Roofing Industries FCX 72 JZ powered that Skyline JDM racing also it’s an RB powered one that one so judges on the deliberation there oh there’s our hello kis nagashima kis of course he is our Round One winner in the Pro Sport champion ship K well done to you my

Friend and of course Dom one of our old volunteers welcome back you’re welcome to come back again would always take you back I think that was a no let’s see is there a result have the judges deliberated so still no result from the judges upstairs in the hot seats this

Weekend we have Andrew Redwood we have Joel counter and we have jarus JT fedo he some hard decisions here between Adam camplin they cannot split the difference between himself and Luke think so here we go and the result goes the way of Adam klin on the right there

Drop down to Steven mver in the pits well you got to say that’s a hell of a scalp to take holy yeah coming up against a big name like Luke think yeah I was pretty nervous but um I just gave it everything I got and yeah obviously got it done so yeah looks

Like the one more time just played in your hand you look pretty cool out there cheers mate yeah looking forward to top eight go get ready for the eight looking forward to the eight they say who have we got left in the eight so the Mico top Eight’s see let’s have a look at our next battle this one here is of course Jeremy slamit mondor new calonia he’s got the 86 fronted super he’s going to be going up against the elite performance sha potos oh okay so we’ve got I think we’ve pushed through the wrong result before

So it’s not Tay James it should be sha potos that he’s going up against Elite Performance on the door new paint scheme for these two drivers this Time so launch Master willly lines them up under the rip code D1 in dead National dri champion ship start line there of course uh big shout out to everyone from Motorsport New Zealand the governing body that gets on the back of the drifting here at toport and around

Aloa our next and of course we’re heading to KATU park that’s going to be our next battle round number two round number two is on the 23rd to the 25th of February 2024 STP KATU drift Park in Nelson the first time we’re going to be heading to

Nelson the top of the South as we get ready for this battle here it is pot Ross who is going to chase down the new Caledonian kid it is Jeremy slamit one of three JDM Racers what can slamit do he learned in a car park he’s out on a

Drift track big angle there from slamit as he initiates some oh beautiful angles he fills that out of Zone but Shawn pot look at the proximity oh big mistake from potos there on the switch and that’s going to Mark him down Big Time Jeremy slam it in the JDM racing Supra

86 looking really good out front he’s going to tuck his nose down for the inside clip on the final part of the section o little correction there but still kept it in drift so one of the things we looked at in that correction there is what you just said there he

Kept it in drift and the other thing that they drivers can do is a rolling burnout left hand side of the track to finish from a lead position so that’s what we saw let’s have a look up now at the replay as Jeremy comes through flying as he comes the switches through

That Center section and this is where it kind of goes wrong for we see a dirt turbo for Sean potos so yeah pot Ross he got himself all out of shape there the proximity was really good in the first part of it for him and then he got once he was all of

Shape he sort of was yeah sort of clutching and straws to get back up on the door of slamet slamet maintaining his drift coming through that uh tailin section again we’re going to look at the smpp reup the Elite Performance car and on that switch there I don’t know what went

Wrong for him but of course came through ran a wheel and that is going to see a deduction now how big a deduction I don’t know also the fact that he was able to hold his line and get back on that back door essentially the back door

There is only two doors on a uh on a Supra so there I say advantage to pot Ross after the first part of that run Jeremy slam it looking really good out there the new calonia kid as you call him 700 horsepower versus 800 horsepower let’s go to the second half of this

Battle and it will be sha poos and the Elite Performance Sylvia who will lead them out and you can see Jeremy slam it was right on now is he going to lose some yeah look and that is the problem there and he is that’s a straight line

So essentially that is going to be h d a straight line is worse than a wheel off he certainly tries to fight back but what he did is was the aggression at the start of the lap the aggression is potentially what cost him where is he now oh oh please don’t say

Hits wow lost in the Smoke there as slam it short I think I saw in the left hand side of our shot we may have seen a car disappear I think he has managed to make his way back out and he has at least he didn’t touch the grass and there’s the

Car right there it is right there there it is and kids that’s why you don’t Vape so lots of smoke from the Vos of Shawn POTUS the Elite Performance S15 with the angle that he pours on fills that out of own nicely and there’s the the straight line

And reinitiation from Slammer in the chase to J racing super 86 and then yeah there’s the smoke from the venos there and slam it unfortunately getting completely lost as potos comes around into the final corner and the smoke machine there slaming just unsure where he’s at out into the dirt and just to

The left of the screen there yeah there he goes rolling off so we’ll Sho down to P Lane and see if we can get a winner I mean did Shawn pot straight line or was it just a wheel off through the center H doesn’t matter he’s got the win he’s going

Through okay you feel like you got away with one there uh yeah car was a bit hooked up I guess in the chase there I was sort of Lucky to keep it in the drift um but yeah it’s going good and there’s a bit of a crowd here so it’s

Good all the fans on the wall and team it’s good oh you’re having a good time oh yeah I’m having a good time I can’t think um Elite Performance for Becky me and Jordan another season so Carl with valo ties how was putting on the smoke

Show I guess so yeah man we’ll see you in the next round yeah we’ll do all right well he is going to make his way back here chucking a new set of Theo tires and he’s going to get his reup back to get so the first of your top four

Drivers there Shawn potos in the Elite Performance we go straight back to Connor helan and Dave stman on track Conor helan is going to lead Dave stman well Conor heligan here’s the local man from from topor in the Jason overs Builders it is a 1.5 JZ under the Bonnet

Of vetus s S14 and we’ve got the Baraka 247 mimo S14 of Dave steedman he won the the round here last year can he go all the way this year a slight Gap being made between himself and Connor helan will he close it up and it looks like he

Will so coming to the final corner there Dave stman looks to shallow up and close that proximity up on the door of Connor helan he gets right down to that clipping point and he did a good job there Mr consistent I almost want to call him d Deadman he’s uh he’s just

Real solid out there every time you see him drive this TPO International Motorsport Park Track and nothing is ever problem from Team DSR let’s have a look and see what happened out there on the track between these two as they battled it out so Conor helan in the

Lead position there he fills all of those outer zones really nicely as he makes his way down through the Dale itm part of the track and pushes it nice for a big wide out huge angle there from Connor and he kept it real minimal wheel

Work as well just missed the in a clip though at the very end and wases out wide to finish off the Run all right let’s have another look at this one here the judges will no doubt do the same yeah nice and wide entry as well that’s what the judges want to see which makes them feel that out of Zone just nicely there is no out of Zone

There as far as judging is concerned but this one there look at that out right at this point they go through the inside again and of course roaring back up so the it is a quite a decent rise and you can see massive angle by Connor heligan

Slows the car down slightly just to power himself out of the that’s exactly where the judges need him to finish clean start clean Chase who’s which way is it going to go I tell you where it is going to go right now the second half of the battle that

Looked pretty even to me for the first half it’s going to come down to this are we going to see mistakes or just an incredible drive by one of these two we’re going to go down to willly willly sends them through and it’s now the man

Who won last year it is Dave Stedman out of toer who will lead this battle the high qualifier always leads the first so we’ll come through here we obviously don’t want to see the car hit that inside line too much I think he’s kind of just come through and look at the Gap

That’s already started can Conor helan push it back so Conor helan has to run over the Ripper strips to try and keep it shallow to close up that Gap Dave SP s pumping out the smoke there he brings it into that nice Arc there minimal steering work also but he actually gets

Down to that inside clip a lot better then ConEd on his lead run one of the other things that I looked at and we’ll see it in the replay is where Dave Stedman finished his lap in proximity to the side of the track I actually think that Connor was a little bit closer

We’ll have a look and see so there is the big nice initiation around the outside of that box he ran the left front over it which is allowed and there gaps him you know and Conor ends up having to shallow up his line just to try and close that Gap right up there

And then Dave filling out the adone really nicely and pushing it wide for that Arc to come down onto that inside flipped there Conor running a little wheel off as well so coup coup little mistakes from Conor we have to be quite nitpicky at these two don’t we to find

Out if we can see an advantage and I think that it might go to Dave Stedman all right well let’s see what it is and it is going to be three strikes for Dave steedman he goes through judges are all over this year quick decisions and a away we go mate uh

That you must like this track I do love this track and yeah I’m I’m glad to get the the bloody top 16 Jitters out of the way because that felt way better than the na Nappa M S14 is oh man I’m shaking cuz we’re we’re we’re jelling now you

Know it’s it’s working we love getting us with excitement right you got it that’s what I got all right off you Go so we’re going to get across to Connor hel where steeven mver going to catch up to him that grand stand up there look like we’re straight into it so this is another Anzac battle we love these ones here it is case penb going up against Brody Mah Brody Mah certainly comes with

A lot of credibility out of Australia but case penar he is the perfect Pro Sport driver from 22 he won every round he qualified the top in all bar one round last year and watch him dance that 2JZ powered Nissan S14 around this toport track the speed of this boy here

Big angle and he gets through but look here comes ma m trying to close the gap case pulling B what a drive out front of the lead bro Mah doing everything he can to stick with him wow huge Drive of case pull andb let’s have a look and see the

Replay case penb here we are three- wheeling again massive angle as he fills that outer zone comes down through the D itm first part of that bit there so a well off there for M just touching and a little one off there as well and case P andb actually that’s looking like a

Really good qualifying run there well that’s what the lead driver we want them to do for civil on the side of that S14 let’s have a look at the second replay look at that how much he fills up with how much angle the star points have to be massive if we saw them

In this battle part of the the day you probably drifted against him up online this guy here is a specialist uh Sim racer they used to hate him the way that he drove it until he said well I can turn this into real life drifty look at that the way he just hits

Every single clipping point on the way through pretty hard to fault him on the way to that lead run Brody M certainly got his work cut out the Australian how how cool is it to be a pull and bar judges obviously just want to make sure what they’re seeing seeing out on

Track you know what let’s go back and we will ride on board with them as they get ready for the return run Run so finding the final we’re on to the right hand side of the tree seeing who goes through to the top four we’ve got the left hand side sorted Shawn potros Dave Stedman already through and there going to be Co case penbury bro M riding on board with

Inspire you this is our drone operator George Moody and he is one of the best of the best he goes from one he goes to the other and we will see them start to pluck gears as they head through into the first turn this is top eight battles

Here with the Repco D1 and Z case pinbar trying to close up look at the proximity he’s got as he comes through that intersection he’s going to make his way back up into the final turn B Mar though he’s knock oh look at the angle of both of these

Drivers putting on a show Tony wow we Steve what a run that has to be the best one we’ve seen so far as far as battles go case P we SP about how good his lead run was Brody Mah came through as well and Orit missed the last in a clip just

So if we take a look at the D itm replay there filled that out of Zone just as good but then look at the proximity from Poland bur there manages to pull it up and runs across the Ripple strip there and M filling out the as well angle

Let’s just back this in like the curry it’s penb and this kid is hot but what a family of Dr wow that has to be the battle of the day so far that one there case penb welcome to Pro the younger of the two well you know we’re going to get shot

For saying it’s a battle of the day because somebody will say oh but they were off their line you know what it still looked amazing big big backies into the final Corner that time so deliberation from the judges upstairs just checking out a couple of replays we’ve got Brady Mar on the right

Hand side case bubur on the left hand side case B and Barry takes the [Applause] win so case pull andb down there look he’s going to be pretty happy he’s going to see if we can get the uh the helmet off if we’ve got a chance so uh said a

Slight technical difficulty for Steven so hopefully there it is hey mate congratulations uh just seem to be doing the business Chase better yeah yeah it was a little bit not as clean as what I would have liked it was a little bit Scrappy but um yeah yeah we’ll learn

From that one and try and move on chucked it in the end though didn’t you yeah yeah yeah good Becky does all right you’re getting close go get him I love it you’re getting close go get him that’s the words from Steven MacGyver and I tell you what I totally

Agree FC it’s the roofing Industries roof. Adam camplan behind the wheel of that car there and he’s gone up against well this guy here he’s won a couple over the years he’s been around forever he drives a VA it’s a Ford a Ford a Ford sorry a stutter Mustang RTR

Chassis it’s a spec 5D he’s a four times New Zealand drift King it is fanger Dan woolhouse let’s see how Adam camplin takes on the champ the four times champ let’s see if uh fanger Dan wants to do what he’s going to do tonight maybe some super stock driving that’s

Not his what his style but here is a whole lot of style out on track at the moment the FC of Adam klin doing a great job leading the way so fer down there in behind though mimicking that front really well as well and Adam Camp a little shallow misses the outside clip

Like it looks like on the way through he’s going to have to tuck down to get the inner clip on the final corner there which he does probably a meter off that where the judges want to see him but Fang it in right there in the Mustang and

Chase solid finish there’s his dad in the middle of the shot let’s have a look at the replay as Adam camplin comes through nice angle to start they come through and switch you’ll see the nose of the car come down hitting that inside clip before working the next one they’ve

Obviously running out of Zone at the same point coming through bobbling up with the well not bobbling just freewheeling it it’s all entertainment around here fanger trying to close the door they’ll come through into the final turn fanger Dan really trying to close up the Gap and come through to finish

It’s a nice job Tony yeah so Adam camplan showing why he’s made way into the top eight and it’s going to be really good oh so a little bit shallow if we want to pick holes in Adam’s lead run as he comes down through there looking

Pretty good on the switch as well a little correction on the front of the steering wheel there yeah probably a little bit shallow on that outer CU you really need to put holes in there runs to uh obviously as you mentioned a strong run by both of them so what we’ve got to

Do is we literally will nitpick it’s finding uh trying to give an Advantage probably any other driver in New Zealand drifting as we hear the rumble of the coyote V8 he’s going to start smashing the gears and we are straight into action here oh what’s happened with Adam M camplan Adam camplan has pulled out a drift I tell you what though that lead driver has

Carried on in drift he is backing it in campin an issue and it’s going to be not enough Dan he’s going to be gone through for another battle this afternoon just has to hold on to the drift jez and you can see how content and how how just minimal steering work

For fanger Dan there he’s starting to really get this mustang dialed in as we get to the lat stages of the battles and he looking really smooth out there is our current and four time d1nz National Champion look how he didn’t even try ini sh actually did

Adam so fer down there coming on Through well I think it’s going to be easy for the uh judges to make a decision right now Adam camplin heading back onto the pits a lot of work for this team right uh this weekend here they’ve struggled with a few things behind the under the

Bonnet there goes John on the right hand side watching his boy of course Sam from CTB the whole team and of course you might as well go straight down to him fanger Dan wouse our four times Champion you can bring you can bring the mesh down champ you’ve gone through

Again oh man that um I thought Adam kin was going to take me you know um he went really well this morning and um you know he’s another star that’s um coming through the ranks so yeah we’ll just keep this uh Ford Mustang humming and

Are you sure it’s a Ford Mustang it is definitely a Ford Mustang mate you know bu Ford tough just like you champ go get rid of the next round well this is round number one of the rib code D1 inz National drifting championship this is topor international

Motorsport Park well what a Day More Action from the d1nz round number one after the Break Well welcome back to Topo International Motorsport Park let’s have a look at how these drivers have headed the way they have Allied petroleum top four we’re going to see Dave Stedman going up against sha poos case penb versus Fang at Dan warhouse to find a spot in the

Final who is it going to be case penbury has watched his brother battling fanger Dan and often not getting the win is this time for the penbury family to get their revenge of course as we look at uh the crowd out there loving what they’re seeing enjoying the battles out here on track

Cars getting back out on track right Now and it’s certainly a fantastic day of drifting here in Topor as we’re seeing many of the cars heading back out and this is out in the pit area fadan a new trailer they just got it finished there they uh the old ones already heading back south let’s have a look at the championship at the moment case penar sitting on 72 points

66 for Dave stman badan 64 sha poos in 63 with Conor hallan in fifth position that’s our top five currently with a Repco D1 and Z of course as the day goes on we can see it changing at the back there Adam Davis you’ve got some work to

Do same with Jaren Olive croner great to see some new names as well in the championship like Clayton Daly taking the Step Up in two pro well for me it’s all about making sure the lawn’s look incredible and this guy here certainly knows what he’s doing I need a new real mower at

Home need you get the launch done pretty quickly with that mower at home Steve looking down and there’s uh zeran John just looking relaxed watching over his boy SW Mustang RT aspect 5D yeah fanger team obviously got to shoot back to root pretty quickly to race s stocks very soon they’re not far Away Rep code d1nz National drifting Championship toport International Motorsport Park top four time the first run of the top four and it will be the Nappa Auto Parts Roo 247 mimo S14 of Dave steedman who leads him out this is where the cream Rises to the top and

Look at the chase at the moment Dave Stedman he won last year can he do it again a wheel off and a big switch into the final turn Dave stman throws some big angle on as he comes into the final corner and sha poess is right there look at the

Proximity from potos as they come around the final turn Dave stman sha potos two are the best in the game and two are the top of their game this weekend here at Topo International Motorsport Park what a top four we have coming up Steve the replay well as we watch him start the

Replay good angle by Dave stman as he gets ready to switch he goes through and transitions in this as where you see sha potos start to claim back some of that proximity so we off through the the middle there yeah look at it PS right

There so one wheel off for poos and Dave stman fills that out out of Zone really nicely but Shawn potos on the switch there in a great position to close the door right up on Stedman and right down on that clip as well with great lead run from

Stedman uh slight mark down for potos in the Chase look how wide stman is there over all over those uh Ripple strips on the way and fills that out of Zone brilliantly and of course one of the things that we see is a lot of trust between the drivers they know okay yes

Got a wheel drop here he knows he’s got to make it up and straight on the door he goes and I tell you what there was nothing between them at the end because they trust their abilities to not be switched back on crossing the line or

Anything like that you can get up there and you can trust your ability to go up against your competitor we’re going to go up and see the second half of the battle now of course this time it’s Sean Po’s turn launch Master Willie he’s

Going to say off you go 719 on the door of sha pot’s car the number three seed is Dave Ste steedman will go into the chase position he better get the gas down now cuz it almost looked like he was going to get Gap from the start and

Here comes the foot to the floor by both of the drivers so potos is a nice big wide initiation there ste’s right there with them as well big angle from potos as he comes through almost a wheel off was it from stman it’s going to be close

One to call as they come down into the latter part of the section well they come through the final the final turn oh absolutely lost and smoke how can he see where he’s going as he comes through to finish in the chase position these two runs were absolutely

Spectacular wow that is going to be hard for the judges though go back to that word deliberating they definitely going to have to do some of that I’m sure as we roll through there’s a great feel of the outside Zone Dave stman look at him right there as well more angle from hot

Tross maybe a wheel off for stman was it and fills out of Zone there ises po Ross now what happens to Stedman here PS on the angle to avoid touching the bonus for stman as if anything did happen none of us can see it cuz he was lost in the

Cloud of smoke and still drove out of it wow hard to split these two Dave stman last year’s round winner here at Topo International Motorsport Park sha POTUS on the right Dave stemman on the left which way is it going to go well it’s t on the left it’s tanaki on the

Right Dave Stedman and it is sha Potos here we go which way is are going to go wow I remember one more last year not having a great time but uh looks like the start of 23 24 is rocking yeah last year didn’t like the tires I was running and had um yeah yeah had um had uh car approach

Me for Vos so hang on a minute I heard Shawn potros no my apologies boys you’re going one more time my bad my bad didn’t hear wow I’ve had a shocker one more time everybody sorry I’m going to blame me I must have said it so look actually it’s not it’s not

Steven mcg’s fault it’s Steve Daniel’s fault it is always my fault around here with a D1 and said you make a mistake yeah broad shoulders and shoulders there Steve so one more time I mean I I couldn’t split them from where I sat here I’m obviously I’ve watched plenty

Of drifting over the years never been a judge I don’t want to ever be a judge I don’t think I’d ever of that I do I would find a winner but I tell you what it’s time now for a big battle and this big battle is between

Two absolute Superstars you have got a rock star in the form of case poen bar you’ve got a superstar with Fang at Dan woolhouse these are the two champions from 2022 199 is case penbury in the core civil Nissan syvia the other the four times New Zealand drift King he’s got

Sentry batteries on W one door cash r on the other and he is backed by CTB and RTR Tri tires Tri Ace Tires one ace driver it is fanger Dan the higher qualifier the kid is case penbury go loo on the plate let’s see how it goes launch Master

Willie says go and we will release them from the line down into the first turn they go as they get ready to build up some pace and head into the first turn and case penbury is plucking gears and making his way look at the angle by case

Penbury fer dad he’s going to have to try and get on the bumper cases I’m out of here if you want to come play with me you better pick up the pace I’ve said it before I’ve said it again case penb W oh big backy into there he’s throwing it

Real deep and Dan’s gone off the track fer Dan oh okay we have to talk about it we know that the lead car went well offline we also know that the chase vehicle it’s a Chase driver it’s his job to use the lead car as a mobile clipping point

We’re going to watch a really solid chase a really solid lead run Fang shallows up a little bit gains back some proximity coming through the center part but it’s all about what happens now Tony yes so case BR is looking really strong on the lead but he’s pushing so hard so

Hard here into the final turn that he over rotates almost hangs onto the Drift But fadan is trying to follow and mimic what case penbury the lead driver is doing so because he’s gone so deep and Fang has followed him out that wide uh I mean case stayed on the track fanger

Didn’t it’s it’s going to be yeah how they’re going to see this I’m um I’m a huge fan of both of these drivers and always have been so now let’s look about the side of things okay as they come through here case is still drifting and

He’s still on the track now that should be a massive points deduction does fanger get just okay you took him there but I still stayed on the track that’s going to be the argument that they’re going to that one is going to use now now we flip the switch and I’m going to

Go up and put my finger head on you took me too deep I’m using you as a mobile clipping point to Great analysis that Steve I really can’t um I mean I don’t know enough about the judging side of things when it comes to that s caller I haven’t

Seen that for a long long time uh fanger Dan I mean above all else they’re putting on a great show case penar fanger Dan don’t know which way it’s gone at the moment advantage to one of these drivers well let’s go up and see if we

Can see a uh a clear winner after this part what case just moved into towards him sort of swerved in towards fanger fanger that beautiful Ford looking maybe a little bit worse for wear with a bit of dirt on it fager never has dirt on his cars it’s always a ulate comes

Through and switches let’s get big angled to Here Comes case well look at the proximity from case penb here big angle they’ve both run over the Ripple strip there which they’re allowed to do and case pandb is right there look at this ladies and gentlemen what a battle

We have here he’s all but on the door and fanger Dan actually a little deduction there at the very end on the inner clip too wow what a battle was the chase of the day case pull andb how old is he 11 he is absolutely flying out there and

Watch he’s like okay I’ve seen this on FD and I’ve also done it on my SIM 30 times a night yeah they both put a wheel off but this is where he starts to say check me out I’m case penb I am a New Zealand drift champion in the Pro Sport

I won everything last year and I’m going to come and put it on your door right now beer Dan amazing lead run case pull andb what a Chase wow what a absolute battle this is going to be an extremely close one to call look at that in the

Pits the pull andb team they are absolutely stoked so because fanger Dan went off the track are we going to see that’s what the results going to be let’s have a look at the result case b and bar takes the [Applause] Win well you could you could use as many cliches as you want Master Against The Apprentice uh The Apprentice is just uh toble the defending Champion but I have I got to say I haven’t seen a chase like that in a long long time yeah I don’t

Even know what to say I think yeah it’s probably the chase of my life but um yeah it was just it was mean to finally battle F i’ I’ve grown up around D1 always you know he’s always been around you know and it was finally good too so

So right from the beginning you said nerves so then you got more nerves coming in the four against fanger yeah yeah four time champ yeah not an easy feat so mate you have Absolut cranked it can you give me a big yeea go get ready for the Final Mate

Hang up I know you I know you will not complain cuz that was one hell of a a chase by the youngster oh definitely man um I just laid down like Max angle like yeah open the door for him to really get up on me um when I was chasing him I

Actually thought he was gone and I was like I’m going to hit him so I got off the throttle and um he managed to pull pull keep it in on track so that’s my fault I should have just left my foot into it and instead of going off track

But hey n good honor man I could hear I could actually hear my exhaust bouncing off his door so like that was cool man um yeah mate congratulations still got third and fourth to play for so get back out there and have some fun awesome man yeah we’re going to do it

To W welcome to at the end no he looked across to Case penbury and he said take it to the top brother ah missed that one and there they are that is his crew that is the penbury crew Jordan Joyce is in there as well these guys are tight

First person to get over there look in the door there that is a dad and that is Cody buar I tell you what Theo that drifts together stays together well the one more time now on the grid sha potros Dave steedman who’s going to go up to take the massively

Informed case pull and bar on and the top final it is the rep Cod d1nz National drifting Championship round number one here at toport International Motorsport Park we’re trying to find the other finalist right now well are they going to go back to back can he go back

To back they saidman one last year we’ve mentioned it many times in the broadcast today can he do it one more time we’re about to find out this is The Rao 247 mimo S14 of Dave steeven out of toong and he’s got taranaki sha potros keeping

It a leite and getting up on that back bumper as they come through the center section of this lap Dave steep throwing out a real solid lead run as he always does but sha potos is right there the proximity all over each other as they come through is washed out wide here on

The final so a mistake from potos late in that run on his chase a mistake at the end but also the lead car not in the in the position he’s supposed to finish the lap from so we come up we’ll have a look at the replay let’s see what

Happened for both of these drivers stepping there up on three wheels as we’ve seen all day these cars are absolutely hooked up as they come over the top of the hill the proximity there look it closes the gap up from pot Tross big angle from Stedman he’s a little bit

Shallow on that Ripple strip fills the OU of Zone nicely now what happens here so Stedman blcks up the front wheels inside off the ground and yeah so what looked like it happened there is he’s grabbed too much break which brought the nose down and as he’s done it so three

Wheeling he comes through at this point here sets sets the car up good angle both these Drive is looking strong he comes through it this section here he’s going to get back on the gas runs up over there may have been wheel off but at this point here he’s got too much gas

Gets on the um on the throttle early and it actually brings the nose down of the car right at this point here now that’s right on the clip but what he’s done is he’s held it there he’s got a lot of angle and it’s B the car to the center

Of the track when it should have been to the left hand side yes so very shallow finish like you pointed out there Steve I didn’t catch that on the replay properly was trying to see what was pot Tross was doing in behind there so which way the judges see that launch Master

Will he sends them off for the second half Shawn pot leading out of course this is an omt this is a One More Time battle and this is RB versus 2J up front Elite Performance and sha potos what can he do to go up and throw some back at

Dave Stedman from the lead position a big aggressive switch and he comes through both of these cars really pushing the limits as they head down to the center and make their way back up the rise well we’re seeing some really quality runs from These Guys these battles are tight they’re close they are

Exactly where they need to be and stemman is right there proxim wise on potos throwing down a really good lead run and steedman as well right there wow try and split these two we look at them pot Tross a really good wide initiation stman right there mimicking that lead

Car fills the out of Zone nicely they come round to the bottom of the Dale itm Dipper there so big rolling smoke show from the Volos there stman look at them wow what a difference the Vos are making to the world of new well the world of drifting really aren’t they well popular

Tire popular Championship heading back out on to the lane on the right hand side sha poos Elite Performance stock Street is4 on Vos and 1 two three Dave stman takes the [Applause] win well first of all I’m going to apologize for the uh the having to go

One more time mate uh congratulations uh again a bit like Cas P andb epic chase that was epic Sean’s such a good driver I could go one more times with him all day long mate that was so much fun oh man that was that was pretty epic this

Is this is why we do this this is you know my heart’s pumping that was Gangsta yeah you actually stting to worry me do you need oxygen or anything like that y please what’s changed over the period of you know an hour an hour just the adrenaline you know getting like I say

Jelling with the car everything’s coming together did make a mistake on that first run coming into The Hairpin against sea but managed to clean that up and yeah just really enjoying myself you realize it’s old dog against the new pup now right who’s that oh some kid called

Case pull andb oh yes look out those boys have been on for the last you know couple of seasons to be completely honest and today’s no different so this is going to be sick go get him I’ll see if I can get sha come on Tony Tony’s my

Cameraman by the way I’ll just quickly wander against sha because he’s talking to Jordan Joyce case’s car’s getting ready to go fans looking down on pit Lane all pumped and ready to go and Sha’s getting uh made okay get B out for third and four so she’s going to

Be good points regardless yeah yeah and the fer so um he’s always a good battler as well so we had to put on the show and um yeah finding the grip of the tires like while the drive of them I guess and just making my driving style suit a

Little more and more every run so yeah it’s good fun I just you look like you’ve had a good offseason to get yourself in the zone for D1 oh I sort of left it last minute really um and it’s been a big rush I can’t think um s Smith

At Smith industry so like doing all the work um the last couple weeks Steve saw at blast and paint um painting the rear quarters and then at summer Ben had a bit of a PR so he fixed it all up and then the Conor had a TR and getting it

Signed and bread FP design making the design for me and Brad so uh for me and Jordan sorry to making our cars look good for the season so yeah hopefully we just keep going all right mate all right we’re going to take a we break now

Because we’re going to get ready for the uh the smoke show for three and four and who wins the opening round of rip Cod D1 and z and too don’t go anywhere you’re about to find Out well Tony they are heading to the final and hav we not seen an incredible uh afternoon of drifting here in topor wow I mean it’s been a stunner of a day and the weather’s certainly been put on by topor and the drifting has certainly matched up to that if not better than

The weather out there uh our final has been set it is last year’s round winner Dave Stedman and the mimo Nappa Auto Parts RB power machine up against your current Pro Sport National drifting champion from last year case penb how good simulator how good and that’s how

They got there the rip sorry the link ECU top 16 let’s have a look at Dave Ste his route there was to win against Jordan Joyce before taking on Connor heligan with a victory after that he went to a battle between himself and Shawn potos which went omt and made his

Way to the final case pbar how did he get there so case penber h Michael Thorley up in the top 16 he went through had Brody M Mah from Tasmania uh they had a good battle between them went through to the four time and current d1nz national drifting champion Daniel

Woolhouse fanger Dan he had a lot on his sort of to get through that and case penbury took the win and uh we see him straight on the podium and he’s no stranger to the podium whatsoever is he at all case penbury welcome to the Big

Show welcome to Pro you are standing on that Podium no matter what happens but Dave stepman you’ve got your work cut out for you case penb is here and he’s here big time for the pro well a great crew here in the shadows of that beautiful

Manga as we get ready for our battle for third and fourth moving into the battle for first and second position the crowd has remained here at Topo and they’ve been put up to one hell of a show and yeah you bring up that mountain Mount toada looking beautiful what a

Backdrop for toport international Motorsport Park the stand is full look at you all over there give us a wave and KO out to the world and of course uh Fox Sport it’s 23° high a 12° low and there’s definitely no low at the moment ladies and gentlemen we’ll be back shortly Hey hey hey Hey Well welcome back to topor International Motorsport Park this is the rep code d1nz National drifting Championship it is round one this weekend we have seen the best of New Zealand Tony they are doing their thing out on track yeah so our battle for third and fourth feran wallhouse in the century batter’s Castro

RTR Mustang making his way around to the start line following him not far behind will be Shawn potos in the Elite Performance 2JZ powered S15 from tanaki so it’s farad Day verse tanaki for third and fourth and look at the heat wave still coming through that high probably

Certainly right out there at the minute 2 23° and of course don’t forget this is the first of five rounds for the D1 and Z Topo International Motorsport Park putting on one hell of a smoke show this weekend before we move to the St kohatu

Drift Park in Nelson on the 23rd to the 25th of February from there we move to Hampton Downs in the mighty W the 15th and the 16th of March and then it will be a trip down for us to the Manfield circuit Chris Aon in Fielding on the

12th to the 14th of April from there we’re off to Mercury Bay Park Stadium in toonga the home of the Grand Final the 10th and the 11th of May 2024 a place that we will Crown a champion and which way to do it the best way to do do it is

Now he uh is getting ready to scrub he is a four times New Zealand grip King he drives a for Mustang RTR let’s have a look and see again how they got there so working back from uh Dave Stedman Dave took on Jordan joyon to got the win he

Went through Conor Halligan again a victory an omt versus sha poess again with the win before making the finals case penber your current Pro Sport Champion welcome to Pro case you are in the final you’re going to be on the podium he took out Michael Thorley in

The top 16 thanks to link ECU the mimo he went through against the Australian Brody Mah and in the Allied petroleum top four took out your current and four-time Champion fanger Dan mhouse it is the final to come very shortly after but first we have Shawn potos and fanger

Dan wallhouse on the line ready to scrub up wow what a day of drifting we have had what a day of drifting here in topor topor it’s the place of Motorsport and of course on the 19th to the 21st of January 202 for Topo International Motorsport Park will host the

International historic Grand Prix we will see the best of the best out there the formula 5000s and it will be the second round of the CT frock Championship the Casual Toyota formula Regional Oceania Championship but now it is time to bring on our battle for third and fourth driving the for marang aspect

5D with a coyote V8 senty batteries Castro RTR and CTB the four times New Zealand drift King this ladies and gentlemen is fanger danw house so well it might not be for the top spot on the podium today at round one here at too International motor park the bigger picture is the

Five round Championship that both these guys are trying to get their points so we look take a quick look at those Championship points we’ll certainly do so case PB still sits at the top 92 points from D Ste on 86 fadam 64 63 to sha poos whichever one wins this one here is

Going to go into third spot Connor helan on 56 and Jeremy slamit rounds out the top six we’re ready for our battle for third and fourth position this is taranaki versus fangar this is sha poos in the Elite Performance 2JZ powered Nissan S15 versus the champion of

Champions the four time man fanger Dan W house fanger this time we’ll lead them out for the first time time as he gets ready to throw that big mustang into action sha poos though we know he’s going to fight it back yeah oh big sort of almost a straight line he held the

Drift just so a big mistake from Sha poos in the chase there fanger Dan just doing what fanger danan does out front oh look at the angle Stacks it on into the final corner with the contact too and look at the difference knock knock who’s there short poos short vros

Keeping an elite in the elite for performance toj we are definitely going to go and check that one out Fang’s going to be just scratched up my door won’t be the first time certainly not the first time here with fanger in a door scratch at to war so nice wide

Initiation from fanger Dan that’s where they want him to be the judges that is and big angle poured on which caught Shawn potos out a little bit he had to sort of didn’t quite see from the overhead shot if he reinitiated but filling out the out ofone really nicely

Fang a d big angle dialed in there which gave sha a chance to close that proximity right up and on the door is what he was as they crossed the Finish Line just the of angle that both of these drivers held I think because of the contact

Fang’s probably going to have that car checked as well isn’t he cuz he comes through just backs it in look at that he’s just carrying so much speed he’s got to scrub that speed off look at the lock on the front of the RTR Mustang how

Much lock all the lock and then he actually gets down to the inner clip as well so sha po Tross he’s always right there he’s not scared to stick it on the door see what’s happening there it is what’s happening in the pits and there’s that an intercooler pipe that’s come off

Ah so he’s got 2 minutes to get it on they’ll go through and uh that’s it so under the new rules it’s not a 5 minutes only 2 minute the car cannot go up on jck Brandon Clark down there doing amazing job gives a little Shak of that

Mullet look at it in the wind that is the dirtiest mullet in all of drifting and I love it all right next got his watch on look at the Louis Vuitton I guess my now definitely my favorite motor in all of D1 and Z Jordan Joyce there in the

Window Jordan going out in the top 16 earlier in the day and for $37,000 you can buy yourself toois V to rock cover C to the Elite Performance Sylvia makes its way back out on track fanger Dan he’s still sitting out there waiting just love the power of those bolos they’re just Carl

Thompson he’ll be nodding his head going yeah they’re pretty good Steve they’re pretty good watching his drivers out there of course a new livery let’s have a look at the head-to-head so Ford mang versus niss and Sylvia V8 versus 2JZ RTR versus Nissan Sylvia S15 and over there

Is our final coming up shortly fanger just waiting for that car to make its way he’s been told look go fast and that is something you never have to tell a Drifter they’re never going to question that the hardest thing is actually keeping grip so yeah you mention grip amazingly

That’s what they want the most of when they’re going sideways as well and and another quick thing about the rule change another rule change is the tire pressure rule is gone yeah no tire pressure so you can run whatever pressure you want well let’s see what happens in the

Return of the battle for third and fourth position sh poos what can he do he’s going to lead this time here they’re going to make their way down the straight into this turn here the battle for third and fourth the second run this is the r Cod D1 National drifting Championship toport International

Motorsport Park and sha potos leads the way so nice fast initiation from pot Tross there he’s put a bit of a gap on fanger Dan as they come down through the center part of the section there fills the out of zone out really nicely into the final

Corner and nice and wide so a bit of a gap between fanger Dan and Sha potros Sha with a really good lead run this time and feran oh almost over rotates and switch backs over the line so let’s have a look at the uh the replay tell me more tell me more okay

Elite Performance on the side of sha potro’s car it’s a good start just gets a slight Gap but fangan it’s like he knows his place that he get needs to gain back some proximity gets lost a bit in the smoke and tries to close it

Up so yeah a real solid run out front for yeah a little over rotated I don’t think it was a before or after the Finish Line look at that nice wide initiation just what the judges want to see to fill that out of Zone really nicely Tross yeah he’s certainly a uh a

Fan of leading out look at the smoke pouring off those venos and the grip that it gets as he throws it into the final turn and down here F Dan he actually looks like he got lost in the smoke a little bit in the final Corner well he’s no used to that

With Taylor James getting lost in the smoke so Shawn potos to the right fangan to the left and we have a decision from the judges there there we go and it’s going to go to well well we’re missing one but I’m assuming that must Be sha potos takes third position you you must have wondered with the old IND caller coming into his Titan W oh not again yeah I wasn’t very that for confidence so i’ done a bit of a PK up there and had a bit of confidence

Then but no it’s finally good to get one on finger over probably like five to him so yeah um even though it’s not the top steep I’m still happy to be on the podium I wouldn’t be there without all my sponsors my crew Jordan’s crew so the other big drift family everyone here

It’s been a good weekend so far mate you you’re you’re look and sound like you’re in good neck and just ready to bring It All season oh yeah we get a bit of a break here over the New Year’s and then go get go to Nelson to a new custom

Track so it’s going to be fun so yeah can’t wait congratulations P3 on the opening round mate thank you mate over to fangan mate uh good Chase again on you right oh yeah definitely you know like um but if you want a good battle

You got to lay down a good uh lead you know so um those last two uh lead runs um I don’t think you can drive any better than that man um so yeah really opening the door and uh you know Andrew um really emphasized and wanted the D

The lead car just to really open that door for the chase cars so all the battles should have been good Chasers you know so um but hey um yeah I didn’t think we were going to be here this weekend um you know with the problems that we had and the boys push through

And thanks to them um we managed to you know at least get um some good points in the bag and and move on so that’s me out of this seat and go across the roor to the super STS and um absolute awesome night there tonight so um yeah looking

Forward to it love long long season mate congratulations on P4 we’ll see you Nelson all right yeah definitely thank you cheers well ladies and gentlemen the time is now as the crowd builds the crowd are sitting back watching some of the best drifting you’re going to see in

Altero these are our two finalists and they are ready to rock with at the hands of launch Master Willie the PO can of Willie as we see them line up this young man can do nothing wrong and he can do everything right he’s got core civil construction on the side of the he is a 2022 Champion his opponent opponent he drives an NAA Auto Parts Roo 247 mimo RB powered

Nissan S14 this is it this is the time Repco d1z National drifting Championship toport International Motorsport Park ladies and gentlemen it’s final time case penbury leads them into the final time through the Section the last lead for Cody anyway big massive angle as he comes through sorry it’s case penb that

Is gets right down in on the inside and fills out that inter ofsection nicely throws into the final Corner big angle it’s going to hook up as he tucks his nose down into the final inside clip and washes wide what a lead run Dave stman right there for the whole pass what a

Run ladies and gentlemen this is the final rep code d1nz National drifting Championship well Tony G this is the final they are the best they made their way through of course one of them the one in the second position he won this round last year but the man up front he

Won everything that there was to win last year in the Pro Sport he is a Cod he is a case penbury he’s part of the penbury Faro and I tell you what he is the real deal as he makes his way further out and you’ll see a nice finish Dave stemman

He is going to get on the back bumper let’s have a look again at this amazing battle between an S15 and S14 and two inredible drivers well I’ll tell you what fanger Dan was talking about opening up the door look at the angle that case penbury puts on and opens the

Door for Dave Stedman not quite there I’m I’m looking really forward to seeing Casey such an aggressive driver he’s got all the qualifications that he needs to be in the final of a d1nz pro and look at him just stepping right up he he said to us last year look I’m winning

Everything that’s to win in Pro Sport every bit of lock he could use he did and why because he could because he could full and bar my gosh this a guy is incredible like a little bit of a a signal sent out there that he spent a

Lot of time on a simulator so if you’re young out there you’re on a simulator and you’re drifting as good as this guy is in real life this is how he started this is how he got in the seat and how good he is and then he’s put it into

Real life and look this is where he’s got him well the judges said I remember Mount smart a couple of seasons ago they said he’s got to stop driving like he’s in a simulator I went down and they said he said what did the judges say I said

Nothing they said keep doing it and he’s done exactly that well we’ve talked enough about case can this man here go back to back he won it last year he wants to do it again he’s got an rb32 under the Bonnet of that Nan S14 Nappa

Auto Parts raicho and mimo look at the Arc of Dave stman a big switch as he comes through into the center section oh here comes Case Case is closing the door so stman the door a little bit coming through there but a great lead run from

Ste as well throws it nice and deep they’re going to come down to the center of all contact from pull andb as they go across the line as well how are they going to split this one there is he’s got a lot of supporters a lot of fans and a lot of

Love down in the pits case bullar look at this team there the elite team are down there as well let’s have a look at what happened there Tony yeah so stman runs it nice and wide fills that out of Zone really well so once again open the

Door good angle this is where case penbury closes the proximity right up there stman shuts the door and puts a wheel off so there’s a little deduction there for stemman and fills the outou of Zone nicely though now what happens on this one here as well needs to get down

And Tuck right in and that’s the point that Co case has given contact to Dave Stedman on the door now is that because he had to slow right up well let’s have another look at it right here so we’re not this part here doesn’t matter they’re both just you know Motorsport

Ballerinas out there essentially but we come down Tony to this part here that’s the wheel office deed we’re going to see his uh deduction now we come back up at this point here and it’s hard on the gas now this is the point I want to

Know he’s a meter and a half off his clip and he’s coming down did he create an unch lead at that point of the track look at the crowd they’re loving it again we’re coming down and it sounds like we might have a winner is going to

Come down to Andrew Redwood Joel counter and it’s going to be well we’ve seen it it’s case pbar who takes the [Applause] Win man I want to hear a yea for goodness sake yeah there we there there we go I’m heavy congratulations uh first rep code d1nz and you’ve just smoked everybody how does that feel I don’t know about that she was she was a big mission but if it wasn’t for all my

Sponsors coming on board this season and making the season possible I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be here so I want to thank Co civil JT performance I want to thank um htech having on Concrete Solutions dier bits uh MF Finance Justin you know the proo man so um onec Banks everyone else that

I may have forgotten yeah thank you guys talk you about the the idea of stepping up from Pro Sport and then going okay I’m going to go play with the big boys and girls now I mean h how big a decision was it or was it just not I’m

Ready um I think we we thought about taking year but we thought why not just if we can just try and um yeah we’ve always dreamed of doing a team thing so it was good to to be able to do it with my brother and the whole family here is

Your head buzzing right now yeah yeah I don’t even know what to say from the mate mate you’ve killed it if you remember the driers briefing this morning you’ve killed it sponsors will be happy go see your team and get ready for the podium we’ll talk to Dave Stedman

Mate uh I got to say two great runs oh hats off to case mate that was you know that was epic I uh just washed a little bit he um he gave me what I deserved so good on him but no that was so much fun yeah

I’ve had a great day thank you so much to my sponsors Nappa mimo I won’t mix my words up this time nmt shipping vehicle service center that’s my company yeah all of our sponsors amazing that’s you know that’s how we’re here not first today but I’ll take second knowing there

Are some new blood in rip Cod D Don’t Run Away From Me mate I’ve got I’ve got After Shave on uh knowing there New Blood rip code d1nz how much does that make you want to strive harder I love it honestly these boys these these P pull

And Barry boys have just like I say they’ve been on and it shows they’ve just won it and yeah New Blood like you say coming through I’m all for it bring it on all right let’s get ready for the podium presentation it’s time for the podium presentation of the opening round

Of Repco D1 in Z Paul Fallon Keith Lewis Lance tasty members of d1nz will hand out the trophies today in fourth place in the Castro Century batteries Mustang was fangan and in third place driving the Elite Performance S15 please give it up for sha [Applause] potros in second position in the opening

Round of ripco D1 and here driving the NAPA Auto Part mimo Roo S14 Give It Up for Dave [Applause] stepman and your opening round winner of the Repco d1nz National drifting championship and his first time in the big time driving the core civil construction S14 please give it up for case Pullen B

That is your Podium for the opening round here at the too International Motorsport Park for ripco d1nz there is your Podium and boys the champagne is ready to [Applause] Spray all right boys just a little just a little reminder you probably won’t want to drink them because you might want to go do some skirts uh celebrity skids now we do have the Kenny where is the uh there’s the there’s the winners flag for case andb to take that out with

Them as well so boys you might as well go do a few skits and have some fun go on don’t look at me go get in your cars and all right we’ll take a look at the championship points while they get ready and I’ll hand this back to Steve the mar

And Tony G thank you very much Steve MAA Tony G what a day we’ve seen let’s have a look at where the championship sits well out of Australia well that was qualifying that’s okay that was some pretty good qualifying scores anyway we’ve certainly seen an absolute let’s go to the bottom in 10th

Position 42 points is Cody pbar in ninth place is Taylor James with 46 Adam camplan sitting on Eighth position with 52 he’s sharing that with Brody mea Maya sorry Brody Mah Jeremy slamed out of new calonia and 54 let’s have a look at the top five Conor helan your local boy from

Topo sitting on 56 points Shawn potos there 63 points fangan wallhouse is in third on 64 points Dave Stedman last year’s Round One winner 86 points and ladies and gentlemen your last year’s Pro Sport Champion sits on top of the d1nz ripco national drifting Championship Championship Standings it

Is case penbury well let’s have a look at the best of the rest with Luke F sitting in 11th place we’ve got James mcmanaway as teammate in 12th from there we go down to Sam West and 13th Jordan joyon 14th from Michael Thorley Andrew donu from ru 6 place and

35 points also we go down to Clayton Delhi on 20 points Bruce tanck welcome back to D1 mate 20 points for you sitting in 18th spot Adam Davies in 19th Jaren Olive croner sitting down there in 20th spot with just 19 points well it’s been a fantastic day here at toport

International Motorsport Park round one of the rip coat d1nz National drifting Championship there’s only one last thing to do now and it’s about to happen you can see they starting to bolt on some tires get themselves ready da stedman’s ready he’s down with Paul Fallon from the Super Sprint Motorsport New Zealand

Championship of course that Championship is coming through for their second round here at topor in January Cody penb looks out to make sure his little Bros okay they’re putting on the tires some people put stickers on the wheels it’s okay the pb’s just spray paint them blue JT performance on the

Side core civil constructions they’re sponsored by howtech well I I’m expecting I just saw some stickers on the tires speaking of on case pullen’s car now what’s better than Victory skids on warn drift tires is brand new tires boled onto the back of case pullen’s car this is going to be

One Epic skid it’s going to be one Epic skid all right the checked flag is in the hands of an absolute Legend of New Zealand drifting Kenny rle from overair TV gets ready to pass it on to our freshly appointed round winner he gets the uh safety devices on that’s a Simpson

Hybrid which is U of course what protects our drivers out there somewhere hands of ice that one there’s always been my personal favorite yeah very comfortable the Simpson hybrids one of my personal choices from when I Race speed we well we obviously with only a handful of minutes left it’s time to

Send them out Oh all right [Applause] well [Applause]

Live-Stream Replay from Round 1 of the 2024 Repco D1NZ Drifting Championship held at Taupo Motorsport Park, New Zealand.

0:00:50 Intro
0:02:31 Top 24 Battles
0:24:33 Top 16 Lineup
0:37:12 Top 16 Battles
1:37:11 Top 8 Battles
1:59:50 Semi Finals
2:20:40 Battle for Third
2:32:00 Final Battle
2:39:00 Podium
2:44:00 Victory Laps

For event tickets, series info and more visit


Official Website:​

#D1NZ2024 #Cars #Drift #D1NZ


  1. I really hope Kase doesnt let himself get stuck in NZ. That driving is too good for here. Needs to be in Drfit Masters asap

  2. Wow that was a bullshit call. Luke definitely won his battle in top 16, not sure what the judges were watching…unreal.

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