@Detroit Red Wings

Current odds, not great.

Current odds, not great.

by Corpsicle_xx


  1. Free_Engine_8376

    The team has basically given up. Give Raymond an A and bag skate everyone else.

  2. Strypes4686

    If we deserve to play postseason hockey we’ll be there. If not Stevie will have to trim the fat as best he can and get us there next season.

  3. dopesickness

    Why have they given the Caps and Isles more than twice our chance?

  4. BLaRowe10

    It’s ok though guys because we weren’t even supposed to be here, remember? 🥴

  5. Don’t forget those odds are based on the fact that we’re only fighting for 2 spots with all those teams, but the islanders caps and flyers are fighting for 1 spot between the 3 of them, plus the 2 wild cards we are fighting for

  6. goressnortstraw

    I think we d do well to just put the puck on net more. We re being grossly outshot. When i watch the games i noticed the other team soft shoots or lobs the puck through traffic and it goes in after a deflection or two…

    Idk just my thoughts.

    Edit: changed in net with ON net lol

  7. ReptarTheBrave

    Considering we’ve been down to like 6% and as high as 80% I’m not sure what to make of this team

  8. Life_is_a_meme_204

    That’s what happens when you implode late in the season. Derek Lalonde should be held accountable.

  9. SkepticalVir

    The current odds are greater than they’ve been in a lot of years. I’ll take it.

  10. FragmentEx

    If Larkin gets back and we kick it in gear, we make it. If not, we die. Our odds are whatever the odds of that are imo.

  11. mostdope28

    They’d be better odds if we didn’t to on 7 game losing streaks

  12. Danengel32

    The odds vary so much across the different analytics sites that I don’t know what to believe. They all weight certain things extremely different, like strength of schedule, current streaks, games in hand, etc…

  13. Gotta wonder if Husso coming back is going to light a fire under him to perform, as Lyon has now seemingly played his way out of the 1g position.

  14. DistributionParty506

    I can’t wait until the fan base comes to terms with the fact that Yzerman is not doing a good job with the team.

  15. If we win 6 straight I bet we move closer to 50/50 chance

  16. PineapplePhil

    As disappointing as it would be to miss the playoffs, everyone has to remember this team way over performed this season. Not only expectations wise, but also even when they were on a damn bender, their pdo and shooting percentage was insanely unsustainable. The team is regressing to the mean without their best player AND as Lyon too has regressed to the mean. It’s a shame it happened when it did, but it is what it is. There’s a lot more work to be done to make this team a playoff team. Such as shooting most of the blue line out of a cannon, finding some actual goaltending to play with Lyon, and actually letting high profile prospects develop at the nhl level.

  17. Premiervik1990

    Just ask Lalonde we aren’t supposed to be there…

  18. I see a lot of people on opposite sides of the spectrum here – so here’s a couple general questions:

    Are you satisfied with this season as it is right now?

    How does that change if the team makes or misses the playoffs?

    Do your expectations for a season change as a season progresses – ei a team either outperforming or underperforming expectations after a significant portion of the season?

    I’ve said my views already in another comment, but i do adjust my expectations if the team is performing significantly differently from expectations at the beginning of the season. I will be overall dissatisfied with the season if they continue this side and miss the playoffs at this point. It would be different if the losses hadn’t looked as bad as they do and the team is simply being outcompeted in tough games.

    I still enjoy the team and am entertained. I’ll have gone to around 10 games by the end of the season, and will definitely be at any playoff game if they make it. But missing the playoffs at this point is a big discredit on the season for me.

  19. Vendetta_2023

    How in the hell did this team fumble the bag so bad? 🤦‍♂️

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