@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins CAN’T STOP Blowing Late Leads – Felger & Mazz

Boston Bruins CAN’T STOP Blowing Late Leads – Felger & Mazz

Bruins they uh they how’d you like that Saturday night up 5’2 all of a sudden here comes the crapfest and uh they pull it out but once again that team cannot play with the lead your thoughts muray I just thought this is wild it’s indicative of everything that’s been

Wrong with them and why you still need to be concerned about them going forward they can’t close 5-2 even Jack they’re they’re calling this game like we thought it was over you know they were able to say this once it was over was 65 was your final but the thing was a

Complete roller coaster ride they can’t close these games up five too I too I’m like I’ll just have this on his background noise as I’m doing some stuff fussing around the house all of a sudden bang goal all right 53 bang 5’4 even when they get up a couple of goals again

The thing finishes 65 they cannot close I checked out at 52 I was stunned to see the final score but maybe not right exactly I mean really again it’s like you got to be kidding me 52 I thought it was over so how can you look at this as

Anything other than a fatal flaw like what when the pressure is at its greatest now in March March November that all season long they’ve had this when the pressure is at its greatest in the regular season they fall apart how could they possibly keep it together

When it’s even worse in the playoffs and the thing yeah this is the thing so they’re playing teams that are like desperate for a playoff spot I know Philly right now is in one of the Wild Card spots right so like what this is going to get less like that as this

Moves along here you’re going to be playing more desperate teams we all know how it ramps up in the playoffs this is what it’s going to continue to be like how is this anything other than a fatal flaw for them I I I just don’t I fail to

See it it’s it it’s like it’s it’s one of the few glimpses of what you get in the playoffs is these third period situations in the regular season one goal game third period teams Des desperate for points that’s the only time that’s as close as you can get to a

Playoff situation as you can in the regular season and they suck at it so like I I don’t know how you look optimistically at that Steve Conroy tried our buddy in the Boston Herald he said actually the last 130 of that game so again they blew a 5-2 lead had to win

65 but in the final 130 with all the momentum on Philly side and their goalie pulled for an extra attacker the B the bees were able to kill it off with some pretty good team defense they relied on five skaters more than Jeremy San to close it out good

Thing cuz Swan can’t stop a beach ball right now that’s me uh Conroy says the bees won three faceoffs down that stretch and were’re able to keep pucks off of the goalie for the most part sealing it with an empty net would have been nice but it’s a start so they

Actually held off on the final 130 okay maybe that’s a glimmer on the goalie interesting how San has turned since the uh trade deadline yeah and since it was reported that he was closing in on a contract extension and Don Sweeney may have sort of scolded him for it in that

Press conference that Ty Anderson pointed out last week interesting how this has all turned and since a trade deadline allmark has been nails and Swan’s been a puddle how’s that and so now on the goalie rotation it’s it’s like uh oh what happened to your goalie rotation doesn’t feel like

It’s happening here’s Jim Montgomery yesterday on the go on Swan and the goal tendon go ahead this is yesterday I I gotta Wonder now Jim and it’s obviously no Jimmy yesterday please the hasn’t been as sharp as last couple of outings is that just Again part of the package

Or is that a concern uh it’s not a concern you know but you know we need him to get back to the form that he was at some of that is our team defense and some of that you know is just the the schedule and the way it happens but you

Know we’re you know he’s probably what six to seven starts away from starting the playoffs him and lenus they both need to get sharp for it at this juncture you thinking rotate straight through uh you know regular season I’m not going to commit to anything but I’m very comfortable platooning them in the

Playoffs so we’re not going to commit to anything what happened though when I heard you on with toucher and Hardy last month it seems like you had committed to something here he was he was pretty definitive y here’s Jim Montgomery with Tian H I want to say this is January

Maybe not February but either way uh recently go ahead I I got to wonder now Jim and it’s obviously way early to have this conversation but you just said you’ve alternated every night uh you know all Mark’s been backto back I think twice this season maybe swan has once if

This is the model and this is how this team’s Foundation is built will you keep this going in the postseason yes I mean there’s no reason uh and I think you know you got to learn from the past too and you know I think um last year I made a mistake not doing

That in the playoffs and I think that we we as an organization we evaluate everything and when you have two Elite goenda of the playoffs are much more strenuous mentally than they are physically because you’re only playing every second day it’s not like the regular season uh but the mental demands

That they demand a lot and if you know you can have a day off to get a breather reset refocus and bring your aame again I think it just behooves us to play to our strengths okay sounded pretty committal there so what was the date on that

Jimmy January 3rd so January 3rd are you going to put ton the goalies into the playoffs yes full commitment March 17th I’m not going to commit to anything like this is like they can’t even keep it together during the regular season what makes you think it’s going to happen in

The postseason 10 weeks later like come on 10 weeks like stop that was a quick 180 they couldn’t even keep it together during February in March how are they going to do it in April May June when the I mean come on what he should have

Said is you know is you’re playing the rotate with the way Swan’s going hell no but so but this is like so now what this is is bad news cuz I I’m sick of watching allmark in the postseason uh and I I I want it to be

Swan’s turn but last two games he’s given up five and six goals and five goals five goals and each he’s G up 10 goals in the last two games you play that guy you play that guy going to the Poston he looks unsure of himself too

And look I know it was a great move when the guy went between his legs yeah that oh sweet but you know what swan went down like he left a lot of the net there you shouldn’t get beaten like that on that play do you want the goals against

In save percentage since the All-Star break you got it San is goals against is 3.17 save percentage 902 allmark goals against 2.36 save percentage 910 so all Mark’s been better so playoffs start tomorrow night who’s playing all Mark and if he wins you’re going back to Swan because you’re platooning yes you

People no no I told you we’re doing this this year yes yes I want to see Swan between the pipes game two I don’t care what his sa percentage is I don’t care what his high danger numbers are kids you committed to a platoon you told me I

Was an idiot for thinking having two goalies was a waste of time so we’re doing this okay but I do love it I’m not going to commit wait a minute what happened to the what happened to the goalie platoon

Mike Felger, Tony Mazz and Jim Murray wonder why the Boston Bruins keep blowing late-game leads!


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