@New Jersey Devils

Dougie Hamilton elbowed by Drew Stafford 1/31/13

Dougie Hamilton is elbowed in the face by Drew Stafford, on January 31, 2013.


  1. its comical cuz if this were a bruin doing it to a sabre, penalty on the play, meeting with shanahan the day after, 1 maybe 2 game ban after meeting

    this elbow was so freakin blatant its embarrassing

  2. This no-call is made worse by the fact that in the past few days, you had a horrible no-call on another elbow (John Erskine on Wayne Simmonds) and a match penalty called on a phantom hit against David Backes.

  3. True, I guess that Vancouver fans could make fun of their goaltender's shitty performance in the Finals and have a picture of him letting a beach ball in…. But that is not the case here, I am a Bruins Fan 😛

  4. Hey where is the ass beating on Shawn Thornong by John Scott? Oh that's right it never happened according to Bruins fans.

  5. That happened. I'll freely admit it. But Shawn Thornton actually belongs in the NHL unlike Scott. I'm sure Scott is a stand up guy but he plays three minutes a night and has 5 points and 55 shots in a career of 155 games. Come back when your enforcer actually contributes to the team.

  6. Ya – I see your confusion. Clean, for such a filthy city like buffalo. Anything is clean compared to that dump.

  7. Yes he did. Whether he belongs in the league doesn't change the fact that he beat Thornton. What does Scott do for your team? Does he make Miller feel safe for 3 minutes then hang out on the bench? At least Thornton doesn't just fight, he can actually play hockey.

  8. Lol I don't care about the Sabres. What's funny is you Boston fans get so butt hurt so quickly and are the easiest to Troll. Lol another team cannot win titles without cheating.

  9. i dont understand why hockey fans argue so much. we all like hockey and nothing that happens on the ice actually affects any of us. cant we all just get along?

  10. oh yeah, Thornton got beat up by a guy that's got 6 inches and over 50 pounds on him. Very impressive. And Thornong…? What does that even… never mind, don't bother. If you have to explain it….

  11. LOL right dude??? Kiddos just hating Bruins because they are a Boston sports team… even though they don't even watch enough hockey to know the guy's fucking name. lmao.

  12. I hate losers and choke artists too. Patriots cannot win Super Bowls anymore after being caught cheating. Bo Sox aren't going anywhere without the roids twins (Ortiz and Manny). Bruins wont get anywhere without the protection of Colin Campbell.

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