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Bob Clarke Blames Ron Hextall For Everything Wrong With The Flyers | SDP

Philadelphia Flyers legend Bobby Clarke spoke recently about how the reason the Philadelphia Flyers haven’t been successful recently is entirely because of former GM Ron Hextall’s decisions. He goes over everything from drafting Nolan Patrick to trading Brayden Schenn.

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  1. The Flyers need to stop clinging on to the past! Clarke needs to stop having anything to say for this team because he only wants to have a team like what he played for. The broad street bullies time is gone the team needs to change and stop clinging to an old style of play.

  2. I think there's alot truth to what Bobby Clarke is saying about former Flyers GM Ron Hextall, who did a terrible job as GM of the team during his tenure

  3. Clarke can't say much considering

    1) he was a worse GM
    2) he's only talking with revisionism, and poor revisionism at that

  4. Yea we ended up with powderpuff Patrick. We got some nice pieces for our team through the drafts but no stars. That’s why we suck. We have no players that can create their own offense. Patrick has had his migraine issues his whole life. It wasn’t a new thing. Hextal also didn’t want to bring up Hart that’s another reason he was fired.

  5. The Brayden Schenn trade was for a 1st that they took O'Brien who is awful. Morgan Frost was their own pick.

  6. Bobby Clarke is such a team player. Wow!
    Comes out years after the draft and wants to claim somebody else picked wrong?
    He's an embarrassment to the Flyers franchise.

  7. Maybe the Flyer and Oilers could do a trade and both help themselves. Patrick for that A- hole Matheson. Let Matheson interview Clarke. See how that goes!

  8. As a Sens fan I understand the sentiment. Early 90s Sens could not draft high picks to save their lives! 1993 they draft Daigle instead of Pronger or Paul Kayira… It happens. Sometimes the later picks kick you in the teeth. In 2011 Ottawa drafted Zibanejad and everyone now creams their trousers over Zbad, but it took till the 2018-2019 season before he became a legit top centre in the league almost 8-years after he was drafted and a trade from the team that drafted him (Ottawa to the NY Rangers). You think Edmonton, New Jersey, Florida or the New York Islanders are not kicking themselves that they let Zbad drop to 6th?

    It sometimes takes time for a player to reach their potential. It took Zbad 7-8 years to hit his. Nolan Patrick could still work his way up to the potential people saw what he could be. Give him time to settle in and maybe he's a bust maybe he's a gem. We don't know and maybe we'll know in a couple seasons. Patience is a virtue.

  9. As a flyers fan these problems trace back earlier than Hextall even to Holmgren and Clarke they absolutely suck at drafting

  10. Makar is not better than Erik Karlsson was in his prime…Karlsson scored 84 points for a career high and he would always score 70-80 points a year. Makar is about the same…he's not better

  11. Imagine if a team just fired all scouts and picked based on the top draft pick available on Bob Mckenzies draft rankings,

  12. Bobby Clake has been the one constant over years of dysfunction. Misplaced loyalty & the city's love for #16 player (2cups) continues to plauge this organization. the President or GM clouded by years of dysfunction from Russian players. to contracts. Lindros. Owners son. Trading Richards & Carter for being bad influences on young Giroux. winning organization is bullshit narrative & not a single reason for his current role as "senior advisor"

  13. Justin Williams! Patrick Sharp!

    And which GM was responsible for the 2006-2007 team that finished dead last?

  14. Blanking on the name and making the best pick in the draft with Giroux is fine…He tall did nothing but let contracts expire make terrible picks and got praised. It’s a joke his 1 big time signing JVR great job HEXY…As a flyers fan i love that Clarke spoke up about this and said it…Ron Hextall is a trash GM he road Dean Lombardi’s coat tails to a GM position

  15. This is why I say that Bernie was the number one Flyer of all time (Mr. Flyer), and Lindros is personally my favorite, but a close second in most peoples, book. Clarke is third because he's 2-2 in the Stanley Cup Finals while Parent in 2-0. Had Parent been healthy in 1976, the Flyers would've won their third consecutive cup but it was never meant to be. And now not choosing Makar and Gaudreau ..😔😤😠😡🤬

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