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Joe Rogan Guest CAUGHT with BODY PARTS in his FREEZER!!! He’s a WOKE ACTIVIST!!

Joe Rogan Guest CAUGHT with BODY PARTS in his FREEZER!!! He’s a WOKE ACTIVIST!!

So when I try to think of the most devastating story that has ever happened in human history to a specific person who stands for a specific social issue I don’t think that you’re going to find an example that is more catastrophic to the people involved than this story right

Here and to be clear in advance the social issue involved is Harsh sentencing guidelines okay for violent criminals which is hilarious because since when is that a thing to be an advocate for okay like I understand if you’re like hey man mandatory minimums on drug laws that’s crazy a guy’s

Selling drugs and he gets an automatic 30 years that’s crazy right right right right right who is taking up for violent criminals who got too much time you know what I mean talk about like just destroying your credibility he’s like well it’s really important to get these

Guys out of prison these white judges with their white hate and they’re putting these black people away for decades and it’s just a disgusting it’s like I mean is it about race though you know they’re violent criminals maybe the judge had a good Instinct about a guy

Not better than my instinct oh yeah let’s see how this story plays out what you’re looking at uh as I’m sure that you saw from the thumbnail and the title uh is this is a guest on The Joe Rogan podcast uh who was on February 1st only

Five weeks ago he accomplished what all social Advocates dream of if I could just get my message out to enough people we can really make some change so he did that uh and he got on there because he knows this guy right you guys may recognize this gentleman uh

He’s been on Rogan quite a few times Josh Dubin and then the other guy’s name is Sheldon uh something or other I don’t want to give away the game I would go to the article that’s written about this but I mean you guys probably already know where this is going right if you

Clicked on the video you already know that this social justice Advocate who got out of his prison sentence due to this guy getting him out of jail murdered a dude and then chopped him and put him in his freezer and there are some details about this case that I just

Read like obviously the headline is very Sensational it’s like Joe Rogan had this dude on his show and then five weeks later the guy got caught with a body in his fridge listen that is far far from the end of that story when I read you

The details of this case you’re going to be like wow but I’ve talked long enough let’s actually uh listen to him speak a little bit and I think you’re going to laugh at the first line out of his mouth because of the irony of where this ended

Up all right let’s go and we’re going to watch we’re going to watch him talk then we’re going to watch the other guy talk and you could just get a read on whether or not you would have seen that this guy’s obviously a psycho and then we’re

Going to get into the actual story of the dude and the body in the freezer and uh how barbaric that actually was go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t yet like the video comment tell me what you think and let’s rock headline Sheldon is guilty yep um and I

Thought it would be a real interesting conversation to learn his um background learn about his upbringing learn about the crime that he committed and hear the sentence he got which I don’t want in hindsight was 100% appropriate and was protecting people in society and had you not gotten him out

Of jail the person he dismembered would still be having Thanksgiving dinner with his with his kids CU he has kids that’s where this is going want to to shade it and uh inject my opinion I have a strong one but it’s uh pretty astounding how he was treated by the system I think

That there’s a real interesting twist that happens at his sentencing I think there’s an interesting twist to where this story is going now that we have the following five weeks after you recorded this as context and um I know I’ve said this before and it probably sounds repetitive but another miracle sitting

To my right just like a a marvelous human being who was basically told by a judge um by an African-American judge that who apparently is better at reading people than you by 100 miles you don’t matter he didn’t say that you don’t count and I’m going to throw your life

Away I think more so he was like hey guy uh I’ve looked at a lot of career criminals and this guy is a violent psycho and I’m gonna put him where he belongs so that he doesn’t kill a bunch of people for a crime in which the victim received two

Stitches and um on a second offense his first offense being a gun possession charge so I will say this that he received a sentence that far eclipses a sentence um that would be commonly doled out for murder or manslaughter so with that here’s Sheldon Sheldon how long you

Been out for um going n months I got out uh May 4th so he did not make it one year from release to dismembering his neighbor couldn’t make it he didn’t make it a year dude and by the way this is just the one he got caught for you know

Who knows how many guys this guy’s actually put down you know just because the crime that he got caught for originally did not resulted a death does not mean this guy had not whacked people out I would bet my life that he had you know and uh again maybe he’s whacked

Other people out since being out that he didn’t dismember and you were in for 25 25 years and five months for two stitches two stitches Jesus but one one of the things that always struck me about Sheldon um was I didn’t know him and I got a call from these two remarkable

Attorneys at uh organization called the center for appell litigation bar hey I I’m just pausing here because these guys if this if like this story if this podcast episode came out today these guys would be like please God do not say our name right now don’t say it don’t say

Our name man whatever you do do not say our name Barbara zolot and Alison Hof who had been working on this case for a long time and he’s all wait what what are you demonstrating did you just do a noose with a black person involved I was like no actually

This was their career that was their career because now their names are always going to be associated with the story of they spent years trying to get this violent criminal out of prison who subsequently 10 months later killed someone’s father and then put him in his freezer if I

Sound like I’m being harsh on this you know I mean it shouldn’t obviously the got just remember to dude just wait till you hear the actual story of the crime and if you are super impatient I am sure I will have timestamped the where I moved to the article it’s you know this

Is much more fun though and they called um me and Derek Hamilton and said you know we know you’re working on some stuff with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office because we have this case that is sort of hit a snag I want you to take a look at it and um see if

You could help us and I called Barbara back and said I think I think that there’s a mistake here because it says that he was sentenced to 50 years um I mean that’s no I could not believe what I was reading and then I read about what Sheldon had accomplished while in

Prison um and then his earliest date of release was I think 2049 49 and he had already served 25 years so um I was just blown away by the level of accomplishment and the mental wherewithal that he possessed to accomplish what he did while incarcerated I would love to hear this

But nonetheless uh in all seriousness as I watch this I feel for this guy now dude I this this this guy his whole life is this is getting you know people out of prison that he thinks have been wrongfully or being are being held wrongfully this story is going

To I mean you got to figure it’s gonna it’s gonna very greatly impact his uh view on life you know what I mean because the person that got murdered in this story if you’re if you don’t feel feel responsible for that if you’re this dude then uh what movie are you watching you

Got this psycho out of jail because he got his GED you know and he’s working in the law library with his 25 years he was like I could either watch TV or I could start reading a couple books and you’re like he read books this guy chose books while he was

In prison it’s like yeah uh but is he a violent psycho or not what did you not read his file he got his GED he was he was studying law all right uh and was he juggling anything else while he was doing that like it’s it’s not like they’re not like

They’re animals dude they’re human beings you don’t have a lot to do literally take every single thing that he accomplished right it’s like he accomplished all this it’s like could you how long would it take you to do that what how long would it take you to

Do all the things he did well I don’t know why I’m like if you had nothing else going on how long would it take you well this long okay well he had 25 years whatever you’re looking at that’s what he did you know like good

Cool did he also Jam an ice pick in anybody’s ear how much you want to bet how much you want to bet that that dude the the other guy has called this dude and told him that he’s innocent I how much do you want to bet that that guy

Has called called him and told him that it’s a fra it’s a frame job and this guy is sitting here listening to this like it’s a frame job he probably believes him I mean I don’t know and then the path he’s taken in the eight months since he’s been out is um

It’s it’s uh we talk about on these episodes how do you make change happen he’s living it and making it happen so I thought it would be just fascinating to go through um like I said his life um how he got to where he was why he got this what his thoughts

Are and our thoughts are on the sentence he received why that happens too often to people of color um and I know there’s one thing I by the way uh if I looked snide at the beginning of this video here’s why you know here’s why you want

I listen dude if you want to go on Rogan and uh start sticking Flags in the ground you know you know you might get some people that are going to cover you in the way that I’m covering you in the event that the person who got out of

Jail dismembers his neighbor I want to say then I’m going to shut up and really let Sheldon talk and you talk um I get I get this a lot why you always bringing up race when you talk about the system and um my my response to that is

If you don’t talk about how it impacts the system even for people that have been found guilty um it’s like um it’s like having a conversation about President Biden and ignoring the very obvious apparent cognitive deficiencies he has now you would think that you’re like oh all right so this is like a

Common sense guy right but don’t get confused that is a setup for what he actually wants to say so he’s like Hey listen guys I’m not like one of these partisan guys who’s like crazy and has Trump derangement syndrome but but uh I’m going to point out the most obvious

Thing of all time and then I’m going to follow up with this it would be like talking about Donald Trump and not recognizing that he seems like an unhinged lunatic oops oops an unhinged lunatic huh uh I don’t want to be the guy that says it actually I do but you call Trump

An unhinged lunatic while you spent months or even years of your life trying to get the dude sitting next to you out of prison who subsequently after only being free for nine months murdered A Guy In Cold Blood who was begging for his life because he has kids and then he subsequently

Chopped up his body but yep it’s Trump who’s an unhinged lunatic good job you’re your uh radar for unhinged lunatics top-notch dude it’s really impressive actually now now let’s just skip forward a little bit so you can listen to this dude and see how obvious

It should have been uh that this guy is a psycho now uh it’s a solitary confinement facility in New York state and um I was on a loaf which is also unconstitutional now so the loaf is a a dietary restriction that they give you it’s a chunk of bread and it has cabbage

And carrots in it and they give you like a quarter of a cabbage and they give you a cup of milk when they can’t take any more of your privileges this is what they would give you six days out the week on the seventh day you would get a

Hot meal breakfast lunch and dinner and then it would go back for 21 days they would do this six and one six and one six and one let me ask you a common sense question guys a common sense question what did he just say he just

Said when they take away all of your privileges and there’s nothing left to take away that’s what they do oh weird so remind me again what do they take away privileges for in jail like if you’re in jail and you get privileges taken away usually what is that the

Result of uh usually it’s the result of violence yeah that’s correct usually it’s the result of violence so how do you know that that’s what they do guy because you’re talking about this happen to you so was there some violence in prison also that maybe somebody should

Have looked at before they put you out on the street so that you could kill somebody’s dad uh anyway honestly like there’s nothing that interesting here other than the second put eyes on this guy I was like this guy’s a psycho like this is a dangerous person

And it is incredibly obvious now let’s hear about the the actual details of this case so Criminal Justice Reform Advocate charged with murder after body parts found in his New York City Apartment um yeah all right so the 48-year-old man uh body parts are sound found inside of his New York City

Apartment Sheldon Johnson charged with murder manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon he’s accused of killing and dismembering a man police say Johnson is an ex-convict who works as a Criminal Justice Reform Advocate yeah just right in the nick of time you know right in the nick of time

When there’s definitely the worst CRI like the worst crime wave since like the 70s and 80s in New York City but yep uh so this is the part that I was talking about where I told you I’m like the details are gnarly the gruesome Discovery was made in the Bronx on

Tuesday when authorities called uh were called to 979 Summit Avenue in the Highbridge section around 8:25 p.m. for a wellness check of an occupant in apartment 6G Orlando Medina the building superintendent says a tenant called him around 1:00 a.m. someone was pleading for their life she said she heard two

Gunshots someone said please don’t kill me I got a family something like that and then two more gunshots pretty quickly a torso and arms were found inside the apartment detectives obtained a search warrant Wednesday night for a Johnson’s Harlem apartment on Fifth Avenue where they found the victim’s legs and head in a

Freezer uh the victim later identified as 44-year-old Colin small had been shot once in the head uh the medical examiner’s office told detective bullets fra bullet fragments were in his head concrete was found in the suspect’s car and investigators also recovered a tyvec suit officials say so he was going to

Wait the body down and sink them to the bottom of the Hudson sounds like a person who’s never uh done something like that before you know hasn’t certainly not a career criminal that would know how to disappear a body uh he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast last

Month where he talked about how he turned his life around it was at that moment when I really said I have to change my life I have to change my life I just can’t do this uh I had a wife I had kids I had a family still my son was

Growing up he was hearing stories of my so-called notoriety I just didn’t want to be that Dad hey you’re going to be pretty notorious now guy um uh Johnson went on a on to talk about being a former gang member and when he was released from prison he said he said he

Chose to walk away from that life uh when he was released from prison he chose to walk away from that life you would think that you would want to release someone from prison who’s already walked away from that life you know what I mean um so bottom line uh

And the executive director of his employer the Queen’s Defenders was also at court they all declined to comment oh geez probably a frame job you know probably a frame job versus a dude who In Cold Blood put a bullet in the head of a guy who is crying and saying

Don’t kill me I have a family you know one of those things that’s what happens in all seriousness if you can’t tell looking at that guy while he’s talking that he’s a person where if you rubbed him wrong he might shoot you in the head you are not good at this very obvious

Dude very obvious anyway it’s a up story I am very curious to hear what everybody has to say about this so uh leave your comments and uh subscribe to the channel ring the bell love you guys bye-bye

Joe Rogan recently had a guest on in Feb named Sheldon Johnson who yesterday was found with chopped up body parts in his apartment. You’ll never guess what this guy’s job was…

0:00 – 2:32 Intro
2:32 – 6:13 Josh’s Logic
7:45 – 13:42 Josh has TDS!
13:42 – 19:03 Sheldon & the CRIME

#joerogan #jre #sheldonjohnson #jreclips

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  1. He says he had a nation under him, you don't get to rule a criminal nation without serious bloodshed.

  2. Bro sound 🌽 criminals selling drugs shouldn’t be punished for years especially them legalizing many drugs in America and those that were punished for years for a substance that’s now legal gtfo

  3. Where can i watch this video without this fuckin guy yapping his cock holster every 15 sec, we're not stupid we're perfectly capable of understand what they guy says, you don't need ur commentary shit. Every fuckin video is a reaction video nowadays smh

  4. How can you tell he is a “ lunatic “, not even try side with this dude. were you able to tell Jeffery Epstein or Jeffery dahmer was or you just saying you can tell cause he was black ? . You can get taken to lock up in prison off pure assumption of doing wrong wethers it’s violence , disobedience, or you have something your not supposed to have btw COs unfairly treatment inmates all the time, Do your research on Khalif browder .Most prison aren’t filled up with violent offenders either more drug related cases . But I do sympathize for the guy who help this man get out it’s like damn you really screwed me on this

  5. Meanwhile i was given a felony for violating probation for a possesion charge because my probationer took the day off for my appts 3months in a row. Then i showed up a week late on the 4th month and got a felony conviction.

  6. His victim prob said the N word. Totally justified due to the racisms. This poor man wouldn’t have had to dismember him if he wasn’t assaulted with a racial slur. The oppression continues

  7. But my question is would he have become this murderer had he not been done dirty and incarcerated for a quarter century? Had he done this type of gruesome act had he not gone through such extreme circumstances for such minor crimes, maybe him feeling betrayed and all this changed him into a monster that he wouldn't have been had he not been given such a racist sentence, idk. Just asking what you guys believe.

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