@Boston Bruins

Bruins Highlights: Best of David Pastrnak’s 17th Career Hat Trick, Second of Season

Bruins Highlights: Best of David Pastrnak’s 17th Career Hat Trick, Second of Season

Welcome to Bruins overtime live presented by biat for offers Not Seen On TV visit biat with billi and Razer I’m Sophia 6 to the final over the Ottawa Senators they served pasta here for dinner I had three helpings David poso had three goals coincidence none at all no it has to

Happen every game okay I’m going to have three Serv and fosta every time a hatrick for David poso his 17th career regular season hatrick not joking I really did go up three times it was very good it was very good was very good had mushrooms in it though oh yeah that’s

Why he didn’t go for any they had like two little mushrooms come on dude it was good that’s two too many all right two saved it for you guys two postseason hat tricks so 19 total in his career lots more to discuss but let’s start with

Pasta he was hungry in the first period he was he was out there uh playing by example get revved up here in the neutral zone 11 and a half minutes into the game and then he tries to push it over to zaka Puck actually I think gets

A fortuitous bounce into the corner but because he’s so hungry he picks it up he gobbles it up like Sophia eating mushroom pasta and then back to the point and then here he just gently gets the stick toe of the stick blade on it nice shot from grizzli in a real

Shooting to the stick plate beautiful shot ramped by the goer corporo and it’s this play right here where David uses his stick to get that puck away from jeru goes right to the front of the net and like you said really presents well with the stick grizzly like easily RIS

It off of it and no chance for Corpus Alo and David Pastak was Off to the Races yeah goal number 42 that was for him then we see uh a beautiful breakaway goal from him as well which was number 43 and it’s the four check it again just

Like you were just saying Billy he his he was getting up and going and it started on that four check 15 seconds later he gets the terrible turnover from stel and makes Corpus Salo pay with a little forehand backhand Action Real Simple uh and makes Corpus Salo open up

Puts it underneath him almost a boring move right almost you know here but here he’s seeing all right Puck’s going over to stla stla now is Pono says I’m just going to stay in between the weak side D and and stla and studa doesn’t look sta

Doesn’t look gives it to him and he just takes off he’s like I’m going to go and he knew he had the breakway from Red Line in controls it there’s that little fake the pump fake just gets the goalie Corpus Sal I guess the open just a

Little bit over the blocker side cars off the blocker and into the net so that was number 43 guys both of those goals very impressive like you said that move may be a little boring but the backhand snipe shot kind of on the on the hattick that was impressive well

This is all about hard work here I mean look if you said that David posar was going to score a hattrick and he was going to score all three goals without one of them being a one-time from the flank I’d be like no way true I I would

Have lost the uh the the betting segment right I would but here he gets to it on the back end after working hard razor here he opens he wants the one-time but now it doesn’t work so here he’s below the goal line and we’ve said now we’ve

Seen it for a couple of months when he’s working below the goal line that’s when the Bruins know they’re in a good place that’s right it’s because he can open up and he can find the areas and he seems to have more room on the ice when he

Gets down low and works from there and this is just pure hockey sense he read corus Sol made made a nice play to poke check that puck away but unfortunately for him it goes to David and and he doesn’t dust it off he picks it up and

Then we get the hat trick Award of the entire season how did that make it off to the ice that must have been a good toss a good toss there it is yeah you got to take that one that is a no-brainer one but is that a hat is it a

Robe is it uh does it matter it’s like a do matter just doesn’t matter if it didn’t go on her on your head then we would cancel that as a hat but it did have a headpiece hat Cape maybe maybe a hat you know when they block the the sun

Yeah those little flaps maybe extra long one I got we got creative he’s got to take that one we with it we’re we’re goingon to go with that one how’s she going to replace that one you know what the fact that David poso has that she

Might probably makes her day I hope we see it in in post game we will see oh hope maybe he that would be good be nice he is should be doing the interview with him of course our subu star of the game guys just six goals away from 50 on the

Season and with that also so 345 surpassing Cam Neely for most career goals in Bruin’s history 37 points now in 26 27 games against Ottawa ooo yeah okay so take that when you’re doing the bets shines against them he of course spoke with Adam pin all right why aren’t you wearing the

Bear suit where’s the bear suit uh the bear suit went straight to the trainers uh so going to have to check it out and um sign it and you know they’re going to hang up nice uh in training room nice nice uh in terms of the game itself uh

You know what stands out uh third period uh you guys pull away you know how nice is it to do that uh yeah we obviously uh didn’t play our our aame the first two you know it was a little slow start we got the lead after first so that was the

Positive but uh after second you know we were up by a goal and uh with uh nowhere near to our standard game so we were focusing to make sure we get our game play on our toes and extend the lead and and uh you know don’t sit back so um

First five minutes of the third uh set the tempo for the rest of the game different guys to step up obviously as you get closer to the playoffs to see Justin brazo brazo with two goals what does that mean yeah it’s it’s amazing it’s fun you know he around the net is

Unbelievable and uh you know he’s strong on the park so uh it’s good to see him get couple and and uh you know he’s he’s you know he’s been great ever since he he came up here so hopefully he can keep going all right David thanks for your

Time so with a high scoring game and David Pasto and we he just mentioned Justin brazzo as well maybe taking a bit of the spotlight maybe hard to or easy to forget about Lena star but we can’t because he made some unbelievable saves he was incredible in the second period

21 saves on 23 shots in the second period he faced a five on three for 42 seconds couple other power play opportunities from the Ottawa Senators when this game was still in doubt and and up for grabs he made a huge right shoulder save there from the corner and

Now he’s got the Bruins have had points and 11 of his last 12 games he’s 51 and five over that time and he he’s starting to feel it since the trade deadline and all the noise around his game he’s 3 and0 and played very very well and especially tonight when the game

Mattered in the second period yeah I he’s really picked it up Rusk has picked it up you know since the trade deadline I don’t think it’s coincidence but I loved his presence in this game when it was two nothing yeah they ended up scoring the pinto goal uh to make it 2-1

But still he was big he was he I don’t know I mean to me when I say Fierce he’s not the kind of guy not going to attack you per se but he was presenting himself to me Razer coming out and saying you’re not going to score on me or it’s going

To take a great opportunity to beat me and I I just loved it I thought it was very statement worthy it was you can tell when he’s in control and and he he’s talked like he talked about it he was getting there he was getting there

He’s getting there and a few weeks ago he felt like he was really where he needed to be at with this game uh I think some circumstantial games where he was getting goal scored but it wasn’t really on him there was just what was happening around him and now you see the

Last three games with the brues have tightened things up a little bit his game’s there for them for him to bail them out we can expect a jolly morning Brew with this win probably a lot more fun to do when they win like this and there’s lots to talk about right

Goals pasta mushroom pasta yes lots to talk about and good news is we’ll get be getting done quickly tonight that’s right yep right I’ll keep I’ll keep reading let’s get you guys out of here uh presented by Burkshire Bank home lending go to podcast wherever you get your podcast

Coming up next brickles oneone with Jim Montgomery ruins overtime live on nessen is presented by bi for offers Not Seen On TV visit biat

Highlights and analysis from the Boston Bruins strong team performance vs. the Ottawa Senators.

Bruins Goals: David Pastrnak (42), David Pastrnak (43), Justin Brazeau (2), David Pastrnak (44), Jesper Boqvist (5), Justin Brazeau (3)

Bruins Goalie: Linus Ullmark (30 Saves on 32 shots)

Senators Goals: Shane Pinto (7), Brady Tkachuk (31)

Senators Goalie: Joonas Korpisalo (20 Saves on 26 shots)


  1. Whoever here is a B's fan and is attending the game on 3/21. Please do all of the following:
    1. Only wear black and gold from head to toe ⚫ 🟡
    2. Take the MBTA instead of driving #GOGREEN 🌎
    3. Arrive at TD Garden earlier than usual #EXTRAEARLY
    4. Boo the Rangers as loud as you can when they come out of the tunnel and whenever they score
    5. Stand up when the B’s come out of the tunnel and if there’s a player fight
    6. If you get snacks from concession stands. Eat in your seats and NOT in the concourse
    7. Chant "LET'S GO BRUINS!!!”, “U.S.A!!!”, and “BULLS*IT!!!” as loud as you can
    8. Go crazy whenever the B’s score
    9. Sing along to “Mr. Brightside” as loud as you can (if it plays over the loudspeakers)
    10. If the B’s win please remain in your seats for the presentation of the game’s 3 stars and post-game announcements


  2. To the fan who threw that epic get up for Pastas trick … you deserve a fan of the year award 😆 I hope you see this somehow lol . We are the best fan base in the nhl

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