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“Rasmus Is One Hell Of A Leader” | Buffalo Sabres Coach Don Granato After Loss To Vancouver

“Rasmus Is One Hell Of A Leader” | Buffalo Sabres Coach Don Granato After Loss To Vancouver

Rmus gets the two goals and I think he’s laying out in front of the empty net with a few seconds to go what you think of the fight you saw one from the group but two from him specifically is is one hell of a leader so he he he scrapped

Battle obviously uh you know a night a night where you know there was a lot not going right and you stay you stay on it and you have a chance to win it uh with Devon playing very well um and Rasmus uh stepping up in the third period what was

The difference allowed you guys to finally start to generate um against them I mean we knew we had to step up it uh be more direct be harder more direct and you know that was obvious uh you’ve got to have a surge you got to have a

Push and U that was that was it one of PK is taking away the middle of the ice the way that they did what would you like to see your power play do to try to generate and create more yeah our our power play was was yeah very very

Challenged but I would say it’s ourselves uh you know you we had some reads we we didn’t that there were plays just uh reviewing it even in between periods there were some opportunities we didn’t take advantage of simple things we didn’t see and and obviously execute

So no question there they’re uh lots of talent over there and a good hockey team but we had things we didn’t execute we were sharp you’ve had a few games now to uh take a look at Bow and byon what have you seen from him and his game so far

He’s going to be a big part uh big big part of our future um another competitive young defenseman um you know he has some experience in the league but still a very young guy um so lots and lots of potential High compete uh and certainly High skill were you surprised I mean obviously

Challenged the the first goal do you think maybe it got he got pushed in there obviously uh he he did get pushed but it’s it’s you know I I don’t know the criteria the goals it’s it’s you leave it to review you call it to review

And you know those guys in the review room see those things every night so we just felt we we had to challenge that based on you know it’s it’s quick you get camera angles and and sometimes you don’t have camera angles they have uh and youve got to make a quick decision

On it but um you know obviously that’s what we challenged we looked and looked to us that he was pushed in but uh again I don’t have all the camera angles either what does it I mean for him to come in the pressure of this situation

And to play like that is there a positive there yeah as mentioned as mentioned uh you know Devon gave us a chance uh you know all the way through late to to to get a point or win a hockey game and you know you can’t ask

More than that of your goal tender to to give you a chance to win hockey games um you know especially in these situations back to back a great building a team team team rested a team hungry uh and and a highly skilled team you know he

Was great in there and uh gave us a chance coach do a pie on Zach Benson just a couple questions just overall your thoughts on his season and what he’s brought to your Hockey Club this year yeah he’s had an incredible uh season uh um you know he he made our

Team because he’s he’s a very intelligent player specifically without the puck lots of things you’d have to send a guy back to Junior for to the American League for to learn um play without the puck positioning without the puck ability to complement linemates uh High compete uh ability to deal with the

Strength and size of players even despite being 18 years old those are the things you get sent back down sent back to Junior sent down for he’s he he was great in all those areas and he’s been consistent as he was uh training from day one one of the things as a coach

Obviously you love giving kids feedback and then for take that feedback I imagine that Loop’s been pretty solid this year he’s obviously picked up what you guys have told him to to improve upon he he’s gotten as advanced as he is because he’s a learner he’s a self

Learner he’s a quick learner uh so no question you can present things to him in between a shift and he can execute um he he can adjust faster than as fast as any guy in our team um and that’s a talent all its own so that’s what’s

Enabled him to to to be good in all the other areas I mentioned along with high compete and uh we’re lucky to have them

Buffalo Sabres head coach Don Granato spoke with the media after the team’s 3-2 loss to the Vancouver Canucks on March 19, 2024. He praised Rasmus Dahlin for creating opportunities, battling and getting scrappy when not much was going on in the game, and talked about his challenge on the Connor Garland goal 4:06 into the game.

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  1. “Obviously”, “obviously”, “obviously”…if everything is so obvious, why haven’t these issues been addressed??

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