@Boston Bruins

Behind The B: Claude Julien Speech

Behind The B: Claude Julien Speech

All right guys we got a special guest doing the starting lineup tonight and one of the greatest Bruins coaches and a great [Applause] person hi hi guys thanks first of all Monty for the uh the opportunity and the privilege to come in this dress room

Again and uh you know talk to you guys uh before I I talk about the starting lineup it was pretty interesting you know obviously with our 2000 11 Stanley Cup group talking about different things and as a coach you know some of the stuff that’s going on but you don’t know

Everything that’s going on in the dress room because you know you as players take charge and you take ownership and it was interesting to hear some of the players talk about what they need they felt they needed to do in order to be Champions and one of the things that you

Know I was really impressed with was number one you know we back in the day we didn’t want to call anybody a rookie they were first year players not rookies they had their dues to pay like everybody else but at the same time we wanted to treat them with respect the

Other part of it is that it didn’t matter whether you were a firste player and you were or you were a veteran of five 10 years the same thing was expected from each and every one of you and I know Marsh you were a rookie at

The that that that year and uh you know the expectations were such that you know you didn’t get a pass cuz you were a first year player and say it’s okay for me to not have you know an okay game I can get away with it I’ll be forgiven no

You took it upon yourself to go out there and be a Difference Maker whatever you did you did really well and this is what you guys have a chance to do this year like as an outsider and I say as an outsider I’m really impressed with this

Team with all the changes and all the stuff that’s happened guys coming in guys uh uh and everything else you guys are still a great competitive team and it’s amazing what you can do as a group if you pay attention to details and the details are what makes a big big

Difference and the details that you you know work on in practice become second nature in the game well this is what you guys have an opportunity to do tonight and moving forward here for the rest of the year you have an opportunity to do something really really great but it’s not gonna take

All of you to accomplish that because if the young players are saying well you know I don’t have the experience the older guys will take over the older guys say well I’m tired of always being a guy every one of you every night want to come in here and be a Difference Maker

So love to see that tonight going to be up there watching with the rest of the guys that uh were able to sit in here and be Champions and as we’re sitting up there honestly we’re hoping that see you guys become Champions as well lot of

Work to be done still a long ways to go but you have that opportunity so uh before I talk about the the lineup the last thing I want to say for Old Time sake Mary don’t do something stupid tonight okay D promise it all right starting up

Front Brad Maran all right Charlie Coyle yeah shake the brust on the fence we got Matt brisli yeah and Charlie makoy and in goal nickname Bulldog Jeremy Swan all right good luck guys

Former #nhlbruins head coach Claude Julien gets the team going one more time.


  1. Truly miss Claude, he was a great coach, I was sad when he left. This clip was awesome to see him again in the room! Thanks Bruins organization for setting up this moment! 🐻🖤💛

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