@Edmonton Oilers

Of course this happened to Jack Campbell

Nhl edmonton oilers season has been a complete rollercoaster, and one of the biggest embodiments of that has been jack campbell , who’s actually been playing very well in the ahl for the bakersfield condors , but a fluke penalty shot goal has been doing the rounds and yeah, it’s wild but I also think it’s important to highlight that his game is coming around. For daily coverage of nhl highlights today , news and rumors , predictions rankings and nhl picks today and/or for the whole season plus team/player specific videos (we’ve done connor mcdavid leon draisaitl auston matthews pastrnak etc and will probably do roman josi next), plus of course edmonton oilers highlights recap reaction and breakdown content, subscribe. Jack campbell penalty shot goal vs calgary wranglers Nhl hockey 2024

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  1. Happy that Soups doing really well with the Condors. Sounds like all the goalies in the Oilers organization (Oilers/Condors) are doing very well.

  2. WHY DO PEOPLE FEEL BAD FOR HIM!! He has made over 25 million for playing hockey!!!! HE ISNT THAT GOOD OF A GOALIE!!!

  3. I’m hopping by that this just raises his trade value to any degree. If Holland can get rid of even 3/4 of that contract it would be huge

  4. Idiots blame him for something like that. He’s been very unlucky since joining the Oilers organization and that just made the water he had to carry too much. Glad he’s found his game and he’ll be an nhl goalie next year. He’s a better than .900 goalie so lots of teams will be willing to give him a try.

  5. I miss soup in Toronto and it sucks he declined the way he did, but I'm glad he's picking things up a little, and if it's anything like the Samsonov situation we had this season in Toronto then he's gonna have a BIG rebound year, love you Soupy! 💙

  6. He’ll probably get called up to be 3rd string in the playoffs (when salary cap not a concern) so he doesn’t block Rodrigues in the AHL playoffs, but it’s highly unlikely that he sees even a minute of ice time in the NHL this season or the playoffs. Destined for a buyout.

    I’m sure someone will sign him to a league minimum deal after buyout and give him a chance to play games next season though. There’s a chance at redemption, it’s just highly unlikely that chance will come with the oilers.

  7. Okay maybe this is my lack of AHL knowledge showing, but should that not count? Either he missed the net, or it was saved by Campbell, but that shoudn't count

  8. Loved him in toronto, the playoff series vs tampa with him was electric i was at a game yelling soup after every touch and man hes just the kindest guy youll ever find

  9. Just gonna take a moment to say the biggest losers are the ones who have spent time complaining about Jack Campbell.

  10. He was the better goalie in the playoffs last year, which to me was a headscratcher as to why Woodcroft kept going back to Skinner. I saw him play a few weeks ago. My team was one of those 3 shutouts he got. Looked pretty good to me. I think he deserves a shot, and I think it should be in the playoffs.

  11. Its not looking good for him overall but i do think he will play again in the nhl but not that many games like around 40 gamess at most

  12. Jack had his bad games, and he was also undeniably blamed for bad games that weren't his fault. It's a shared responsibility situation where there's some truth and some BS (and bad puck luck like you talk about). He seems like a really decent guy, he's clearly got potential and I'm glad to hear he's finding his game.

  13. Oilers were bad, skinnwr was bad. On the leafs samsanovs bad. Canpbell goes down plays ahl smlamsonov has a team that belives jn him, edmonotom has all that monry and just gave up, then got new coach caught fire and wow skinner got good with the team makes you wonder if they actually gave a F how good campbell coilda been for them pickard is dog shit btw

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