
NHL teams ranked by GF, xGF and shot quality this season.

NHL teams ranked by GF, xGF and shot quality this season.

by datadrivenhockey


  1. InvolvingPie87

    Moving up in the world. Now we are just really bad at scoring goals as the season average, just not gutter tier anymore

  2. timmablimma

    Shoot many times, expect many goals and in 2024 get those goals.

    -Rod the Bod probz

  3. Young2k04

    Makes sense for us. We don’t really shoot the puck much and usually wait for high danger chances instead, so makes sense we’d be higher on shot quality for and a little lower on xGF

  4. Oh, Ottawa…

    Playoff level offense.
    AHL level defense.
    ECHL level goaltending.

  5. Please don’t look at us

    Of the bottom 13 in xGF, 12 are in the bottom 14 in actual GF. The only exception is the Wings, who are #8 in actual GF.

  6. Jan_17_2016

    Number 3 in xGF and number 25 in GF.

    Our finishing ability has been going downhill for the last 3-4 years. It’s in the gutter now.

  7. crackpipesndcoleslaw

    Honestly, maybe I’m just too old, but can someone explain these stats to me please?

  8. SupernovaPlus5

    Well that settles it. We’re winning the Expected Stanley Cup

  9. OneLessFool

    Damn we must be fighting for a wildcard spot right?

  10. BlueBeagle8

    Looks like the Devils must be having a great season! Now, to take a large sip of coffee as I check how the Vanacek/Schmid tandem worked out…

  11. TemplarParadox17

    So what do you know Canucks fans who were saying we score a lot on low shots is because quality of shots were right.

  12. Avs leading the league in GF and out-performing their xG despite having a black hole for a 2nd line all year.

    Not sure whether it’s good or bad.

  13. You might not expect us to score many goals, and we might score even fewer of them than you’d think, but those are going to be some really nice shots we take when we get em off

  14. bellerinho

    Detroit is very interesting. I admittedly don’t watch much Red Wings, are they a lucky team this year? These numbers would suggest they are right?

  15. Square-Compote-8125

    Blues at the bottom of GF but in top 10 of quality is the bluesiest.

  16. loosed-moose

    _scrolls and nods_

    _not surprised, scrolls to last page_

    Aaand _that_ is why we’re somehow a playoff team

  17. And Thomas is somehow on pace for around 88 points.

  18. samueLLcooljackson

    how are you ranking their girlfriends and x girlfriends? advance stats are dumb.

  19. EarthPornIsBestPorn

    Please, I’m begging you, use our new logo! The mid 2000s one sucks so bad

  20. capitarider

    Look at that shot quality baby! (ignore everything else)

  21. Ewok_EWOKE

    This really highlights Winnipegs defensive quality. Not top 10 in any of these attacking stats, but still one of the best teams in the league

  22. IncompltlyHuman

    This hits so hard…. I can’t cope any longer…..

  23. Republic-Of-OK

    Calgary nearly tied for the middle of the pack is exquisite.

  24. marbanasin

    I’m honestly shocked we aren’t worst. It felt like we scored 4 total goals in our first 12 games.

  25. igonnawrecku_VGC

    22nd in goals for, 19th in goals expected, 30th in shot quality? Those kinds of numbers clearly have the makings of a playoff team

  26. KingEsoteric

    I am stunned that the Jets, Avalanche, Knights, and Sabres have worse shot quality than the Kings. I felt like the Kings had to be in the bottom 7 or 8 teams because their xG has them up there but the results haven’t been outside of that hot stretch near the start of the season.

  27. fillyflow

    Considering that a vast majority of the league is within 0.3 goals of the median goals per game (3.15) is kinda stretching my brain, as that variance seems pretty small to me. If you’re an average team and you manage to score one more goal over the course of three games you’re now at the pace of an elite contender. Or, score one fewer goal every three games and you’re now a bottom-feeding joke of a team. That margin for error is so thin that it goes to show how hard it is to score goals at the NHL level.

  28. Commander-Fox-Q-

    Interesting that Colorado is leading the goals/gp category yet are really far down the list of shot quality. How is that happening?

    Similarly on the opposite side is Washington with really good shot quality but near the bottom in goals/gp

  29. FreshEclairs

    I 100% thought you got your girlfriend and ex-girlfriend to rank teams.

  30. funkadelicmoose

    Crazy how much the Sabres scoring dropped this year

  31. SuspiciousUsername88

    I’m starting to suspect we’re not doing great this season

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