@National Hockey League

What do you think boys? Little slap on the wrister?

What do you think boys? Little slap on the wrister?

by moderngamer6


  1. Jaded-Statistician87

    Guy is a piece of shit …. NHL is a joke when it comes to punishing these repeat offenders

  2. SpeakNowAndEnter

    How is that not intent to injure? Absolutely nothing he did there was a hockey-related play. An obvious swing with the intention of hitting him in the head

  3. cheeba2992

    Wouldn’t expect anything else from the shit stain Wilson

  4. justinreddit1

    That’s suspension worthy. No question but it is Parros.

  5. hydromatic456

    Complimentary reminder that there are Caps fans that try to justify and defend Tom Wilson.

  6. Stonewall30NY

    Intentional with the intent to injure from the dirtiest player in the league. I wish they’d just kick him out already.

  7. No suspension, obviously it was accidental

    ^Please ^I ^need ^him ^to ^keep ^racking ^up ^PIMs, ^it’s ^the ^fantasy ^playoffs

  8. Ok_Bug4810

    Back in the 70’s this clown would have gotten the crap beat out of him every time he stepped on the ice, all season if necessary, until he learned.

  9. He does look like he knows he messed up as soon as he did it, but no excuse when you have a history.

  10. mgnorthcott

    He was in an angry moment and used his stick as a weapon. There was intent to injure in the moment, despite how immediate his remorse for doing so was.

  11. mdbeaumont

    I was at the game last night seated next to a pair of guys in Wilson jerseys, and a couple of shifts before this, Wilson was standing on the bench leaning over the boards yelling at someone on the ice for a solid 30 seconds and one of the two guys said, “Aw shit, Tommy’s about to goon it up…” and then this happened and they both looked at each other and that same guy said, “Yeah, that’s a suspension…” Other guy just nodded sadly and downed his beer.

    So I guess not all the Caps fans are willing to cape for Wilson after shit like this, which is a nice improvement.

  12. Consistent_Lab_6770

    I’m a caps fan, and like Wilson (because he is on my team) but he definitely deserves a multi game suspension for this.

  13. PositivePrimary8773

    Dude has been a stain on the league for far too long. I believe he was suspended 20 or was it 40 games when he hit Oscar Sundqvist? At this point just get him the fuck outta here. Dude just cruises around looking for ppl to injure

  14. Anyawnomous

    Didn’t they give McSorley a year for a similar incident?

  15. RUKnight31

    Wilson immediately went into “Don’t tell mom, you can hit me back” mode.

  16. Sarge1387

    Leaf fan here. IRT watching I didn’t think it was that bad. The view from behind the play however shows Wilson clearly rearing his stick back to swing…clearly intent to injure and should be 5 or 6 games.

    All eyes are you Parros, you bumbling oaf.

  17. ImOldGregg_77

    That was assault. 20 games suspension. Send a message.

  18. Sponger004

    Holy shit that’s bad. I still don’t understand why people don’t wear cages.

  19. Ouch. You can see him get pissed and lose his temper then realize and pretend he’s sorry and didn’t mean to

  20. This should be like 20 games in any sane persons mind.

  21. Sainte-Devote

    This should end his season, playoffs or otherwise, this is ridiculous

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