@Calgary Flames

Vladar out for season

Vladar out for season

by FinkBass420


  1. Shame. Really like his play, but something was clearly off a couple days ago and that seems confirmed now

  2. hawkeyemoraze

    Did not see this coming, glad that wolf will get to finish the season with the flames.

  3. FinkBass420

    I’d assume this means Markstrom will get Vancouver on Saturday and Wolf will be in against Buffalo!

  4. slapmesiIIy

    Sucks that Vladdy will be out, but definitely will be glad to see more of Wolf and get him more NHL level games

  5. yeastneast

    damn, wranglers are gonna have to make due until the end of the regular season without wolf!

  6. Given Vlader haven’t played for 3 games but was backup I didn’t see this coming. That said I’m glad this finally gives Wolf the opportunity to get a lot more NHL reps till the end of the season and continue his development.

  7. Hungry-Raisin-5328

    Hope Vladar has a good surgery and comes back strong! He’s been better than his stats show and unlucky with the play of the team in front of him.

  8. quantum_ass

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ take my hips ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  9. -Disagreeable-

    Well wishes to bottom text through the surgery and recovery. See you next year, dude.

  10. Wishing a good recovery for Vladdy. Excited to see Marky and Wolf down the stretch in his absence.

  11. brokensword15

    The fanbase has seemingly given up on Vladar in favour of Wolf (can’t blame them) but I still think Vladar has more to show.

    He has proven he can steal big games, and I really don’t think his play in the post-hanifin-trade blowouts was bad. The team just played like dogwater horseshit trash. There is a solid goalie in there, and he’s only 26.

    He has also not really had much of a chance to take the reigns. Sutter barely ever played him and we’ve been riding Marky’s hotstreak this whole season. Not saying he’s gonna be a #1 superstar (nor am I saying he’s not) but he deserves a true chance. If Marky gets moved in the summer than we should let Wolf/Vladar fight for the #1 spot.

  12. Professional-Dingo95

    Is Markstom back? Or is it now Wolfs net?

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