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Red Bull COLLAPSING after Helmut Marko’s SHOCKING Statement! | F1 News

Red Bull COLLAPSING after Helmut Marko’s SHOCKING Statement! | F1 News

Stops wolf at the moment verstappen and I will not go to Mercedes Together the adviser claims to be impressed and grateful for the driver’s loyalty to him the Silver Arrows boss posited perhaps even jokingly that they would have a place at the team helmet Marco has gone from questioning his continuity at Red Bull to confirming his presence at the next

Grand Prix perhaps for this this reason he has decided to curb the alleged interest of Toto wolf in having his services and those of the star driver at the moment Formula 1 Max veren at the moment we are not going to Mercedes together he confirmed the Dutchman’s victory in

Saudi Arabia and his superiority throughout the weekend took a backseat to the internal war that seems to be taking place in his team in the middle of the Grand Prix Marco stated that there was a chance at least theoretically that the team would suspend him before F1 arrived in

Australia a statement that veren himself was quick to pick up on to show his support for one of his mentors it was the real theme of a weekend in which the sporting even took a backseat at times so much so that the Mercedes boss himself tried to fish taking advantage of the situation

Wolf said he would love the reigning Champion to join their ranks especially now that Lewis Hamilton’s seat is free he also joked with the possibility that Marco could join him seeing the driver’s loyalty to him but now it has been the adviser himself who has ruled out this idea at

Least for the next few seasons as it should be recalled that veren has a contract signed with Red Bull until 2028 it’s a long time I was very grateful for Max’s loyalty he has impressed me at the moment we will not go to Mercedes together he told the telegraph

Media words that come after the driver hinted that if Marco did not continue he could not stay in front of the next cars of his current team something to which Christian hoer has also reacted assuring that his relationship with the driver is good but in case of a hypothetical exit if that

Is what the driver wants they will not retain him just because he has signed a contract anyway and according to what the adviser has now said whatever course they take and whatever decisions are given internally at Red Bull Mercedes seems to be far away right now for both him and

Verstappen Red Bull is already putting pressure on Daniel riardo two races later he has to do something soon helmet Marco has sent sent a message to the Australian driver one of his proteges just after the start of F1 12024 in the Red Bull Formula 1 environment they don’t give Wings just

Like that the cases over the last 15 years are endless the presence of the implacable Dr Marco an Austrian ex driver as sporting adviser and head of the young Talent program has always been a sword of democ for some members of the team after the first two races of the

Longest season in the history of racing Daniel richardo one of Christian Horner’s favorites has already received the first warning the 34-year-old Australian driver is contesting his 14th season in Formula 1 and is doing so in the Visa cash RB team former alpat tari and former Toro Roso the second structure

Under the command of the energy drink riardo returned to fenza in the middle of 2023 after his two seasons there in 2012 and 2013 promoted from the reserve role following his departure from McLaren at the end of 2022 due to a lack of confidence in Nick Dev the Australian was outperformed 10

To six points by his teammate Yuki tunod however his performance after the hand injury he suffered at xandor which caused him to miss four rounds from early September to early October generated some buzz in the F1 Paddock he was seen as a possible replacement for Sergio Perez if Red Bull decided to

Dispense with the Mexican who eventually finished runnerup in the world championship as had been demanded from above but in the first two rounds of 2024 riardo has been outperformed by his teammate in qualifying he has fallen on both occasions by an average of 029 seconds in the sessions they have shared

Track in the race on the other hand the Australian beat the Japanese after a team decision that infuriated tunod who was portrayed on the return lap to the pits the theatrics could have been avoided I spoke to Yuki afterwards with the right strategy he could have been 10th Marco

Said instead in Jetta tsunoda prevailed on track the team has taken a step back from 2023 it has lost 05 seconds and 07 seconds to Red Bull since Abu Dhabi 2023 and has not scored a single point as in the first two rounds a year

Ago even so Marco has started to do his own thing Horner case Red Bull employee files complaint with FIA Ethics Committee according to British press the Herer case goes on and on the employee who accused the British manager of inappropriate behavior has filed a complaint with the FIA Ethics

Committee according to the latest information from the UK the FIA has received a formal complaint against Christian Herer the woman who accused the Red Bull team boss of inappropriate behavior has moved against the energy drinks firm’s decision to keep Herer in his job and take no action against him according to

The BBC the female complainant has lodged a complaint with the FIA Ethics Committee apparently two previous complaints against Herer had already been filed with the committee recall that Red Bull’s internal investigation dismissed the complaint against Herer some sources say that Herer allegedly offered $750,000 in compensation raised by Red

Bull to $1 million according to others to the plaintiff to get her to drop her actions the latter however seems ready to redouble its efforts the fact that the mediating lawyer was chosen by the Thai branch of Red Bull which supports Herer has not been to the plaintiff’s

Liking it has filed an appeal on the grounds that the investigation was not sufficiently independent in other words it could have been focused more on protecting the main team than the plaintiff and would have filed an appeal against this decision let’s remember that as soon as the result of the lawyer’s investigation was

Known about 150 people among FIA High officials F1 and specialized journalists received a copy of a dossier on the matter in which appeared some messages and other details of the affair that were not exactly favorable to Herer and that the ti Branch led by charm uidia and holding 51% supported Herer at all

Times while the Austrian Branch led by Mark mateschitz which holds 49% was about to fire the team boss BBC reportedly tried to contact the FIA without getting a response and Red Bull who said they were unaware of the filing of the complaint You2 is preparing a song about

The harassment case at Red Bull F1 and it could be the final goodbye for Christian Herer the harassment case at the Red Bull formula one team is taking on unpredictable overtones with characters that no one saw coming

Marko stops Wolff: “At the moment, Verstappen and I will not go to Mercedes together”.

The advisor claims to be impressed and grateful for the driver’s loyalty to him.

The Silver Arrows boss posited, perhaps even jokingly, that they would have a place in the team

Helmut Marko has gone from questioning his continuity at Red Bull to confirming his presence at the next Grand Prix. Perhaps for this reason, he has decided to curb the alleged interest of Toto Wolff in having his services and those of the star driver at the moment in Formula One, Max Verstappen. “At the moment, we are not going to Mercedes together,” he confirmed.

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Red Bull COLLAPSING after Helmut Marko’s SHOCKING Statement! | F1 News

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  1. verstappen is a great driver but dont forget redbull have the fastest car hands down and verstappen is a moody guy dont see a fit at the mercs

  2. Jos Verstappen and Helmut Marko are acting like toddlers. They are both men and ought to be understanding to Horner's shortsightedness on getting involved with another so stupefyingly!

  3. Every organ in our body are very complex and vital doing all the work to keeps us alive… except the "ASSHOLE" it only managers wastes disposal, but the ASSHOLE is put to managed all the vital organ, & as their leader.

  4. a disgrace that little "horner sat in the corner" lying as stories keep changing, his Arrogance does not absolve anything. Patriaecal instructions from his dominant big mouth cancer. Women are to be respected (old-school). As a dominant person you need to understand and get all the best out of your women's staff, you treat them kindly, and it will encourage the women to work harder. Thats where I draw the line.

  5. Sometimes it would be better to keep women, 😢out of man dominated sports . Apparently hormones are stronger than common sense and moral . How sad that is we cannot control ourselves,little like animals when it comes to that .

  6. This channel just seems full of Bullshit and speculation. You seem to just say what you think people want to read for ratings. Don't belive a word of it frankly.

  7. what does the comment "we wont go to mercedes together" mean? will verstappen go to merc on his own to begin with?

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