@Vancouver Canucks

Donnie and Rick update the latest with Elias Pettersson and topic of players dealing with “noise”

In our opening segment Donnie and Rick talked about the latest with Elias Pettersson and the topic of players dealing with “noise”.


  1. The pay off IS great, But if I could work somewhere with less pressure and STILL get the great payoff (possibly with less tax?), I'd probably want to keep that option open too. Why not max out every bit of leverage? Teams certainly do.

  2. All this got started because Friedman thinks he “ might have heard something”. No source, no confirmation, just lazy speculation. Awful job of “ reporting”. And then this show puts out a an inflammatory poll question and away you go. You got ratings so it must be okay. Terrible reporting by Friedman and terrible follow up by this group.

  3. I don't care about laying blame. It's all business for me and about the team going forward. Pettersson is going to do what's best for himself, and management needs to do what's best for the team. If they can resign him to a 6-8 year deal, great. If it's a 4 year deal, I'd be open to moving him asap, if they can get big haul for him. He's a great player, but almost everyone is replaceable. One player does not make a team. It's management's job to make it work, whether that means keeping him long, long term or moving him for a lot of great assets. Right now, it's about asset management. All this stuff with fans arguing with the media about coverage of this situation doesn't interest me. The media has a job, which is to report what's going on. I get why fans are up in arms, because there's a history with this franchise of botching star players and letting key guys go for nothing, but there are 2 options here: Resign him to a 6-8 year deal or if that won't work for the player within a reasonable time frame, management has to get the most return possible for him and move on with building a long term contender. Pettersson has a right to take his time, but management has a responsibility to make sure they're doing their jobs and keeping the team competitive long term.

  4. Look out for all the bandwagon Canuck fans that all were hating on him the last few weeks that are now going to say “ see I told you he was going to resign long term” when they were the same ones that were saying “ he’s not a player you build a team around”

  5. Higher than 12 for a guy that only tries 40 games a season? People need to understand, yes he's 100 point player, but I'd rather have a 100 point player that tries 82 games. 13 Mil a season? No chance. I'm with Donnie.

  6. Guarantee you that these same fans/media people calling $12M for Petey an overpay will be the same ones praising the deal in a few years when worse players are asking for the same amount of money. I don't think these people understand finances. The NHL cap is going to rise rapidly over the duration of this contract, when agents negotiate deals they don't use $ amounts, they use % of cap amounts.

  7. It was always a wrong take that dealing with the contract during the season would be a distraction. The distraction comes from NOT dealing with it so all this uncertainty and speculation festered.

  8. Players making between $8M-$9M:
    Jordan Kyru, Robert Thomas, Tomas Hertl, Brady Tkachuk, Roope Hintz, Tim Stutzle, Mark Scheifele, Mika Zibanejad, Bo Horvat, PLD, Patrik Laine, Sidney Crosby, Dylan Larkin, Timo Meier, Filip Forsberg & Leon Draisaitl (sweetheart deal about to expire)

    Don thinking EP40 is worth $8m a year is asinine. Only players better than EP40 on that list are Crosby & Leon, both of who took less than market value

  9. So because he plays hockey he isn't allowed to feel pressure or have feelings? Great take Donnie. You think it's great that he goes to Tocchet for advice but in the same sequence bash him for feeling the stress of the market?

    Go take a nap and come back

  10. no more than 8 million and no more than 3 years…he isn't worth any more…doesn't penalty kill, is only avg defensively and isn't a top 5 or arguably top 10 player in the league. 10 million dollars and up is reserved for the top 5 or 10 players on the planet. Miller is more valuable and he's at 8 million…if he thinks he's worth 10 million or more, get rid of him…btw, don was wrong when it came to the poker controversy with dave pratt…

  11. I think we should have the 3 Hughes’, 2 Elias’, 2 Pettersons, 2 Tanevs, and some Tkachucks!
    What fun that would be!
    😆 as long as prima donnas don’t fight amongst themselves 😅

  12. These 2 are so annoying and everything wrong with why players hate media. Leave petey alone. You guys created this "noise".

  13. There’s a players union too. People seem to forget what unions will do to make sure their reps get maximum value because they in turn will get maximum return for their “representation”.

  14. Donnie was rediculous in this discussion for this simple reason. They DONT HAVE TO PAY HIM. If they dont like the price, trade him, pure and simple

  15. Petey should have better seasons have to think that way but he is definately not worth more than mcdavid or McKinnon.not a chance.If I was Miller I’d be pissed if he pulls down 12 mil.But whatever the market will bear.Donnie is right it’s a game for kids.facts are that the fans are the losers by way of their wallets.

  16. Dear Donnie – #MentalHealth is Very Important and should not be dismissed. Look at Rypien and many others who didn't look after their mental health and they decided to end their life.
    Don't hate the player hate the game if you have to.
    If Nike wants to pay an athlete $30M/yr should the player turn it down?
    Us non pro athletes who don't get pulled in every direction 10x/day have no idea exactly what that culture/lifestyle is like.
    What exactly is the toll on the players family, friends, fellow athletes etc.
    Be careful of the Slippery Slope when you state "The pay off is pretty darn good."
    Donnie – BAD take. Luv you and you are in the BC Hall of Fame for many contributions over decades but this take is NOT a good one.
    #BellLetsTalks #Canucks #Vancouver

  17. You’d have to look at the % of cap when guys sign their contracts to compare contracts from different players that sign at different years

  18. Pettersson will get paid at a percentage of the cap, just like Connor and Nathan got when they signed. I believe EP40 is just waiting for that number to be confirmed at 80 whatever million for next season. They don't make these numbers up out of thin air, you know that, right? Be nice if he gave a hometown discount to us though.

  19. Just let petey play and improve on ice performance and get ready for the playoff. I will also limit my criticisms of him about everything.

  20. Glad Rick is not the GM. We would only be able to afford about 10 players, maybe. No fan wants players who whine about the attention in a Canadian market. No attention your freekin unemployed. You get the money because of the huge fan support period.

  21. Donnie; What is this inflation thing? He costs how much!? More thank that other guy!?

    Meanwhile his Vancouver area home could be worth close to $2 million. 😂😮😅😊

  22. If you're Pettersson and you aren't signing it doesn't matter what city you play in. People are going to talk about it

  23. Dhaliwal is such a fake insider guy, he literally piggy back what everybody else says like after Elliotte said that theres attention for Pettersson thats when Dhaliwal decided to stir s*** up and say things as if hes the one that broke the news

  24. Big picture it's true. Regardless of how much, these players should count their blessings. They were gifted genetics, and of coarse earned the rest of their success with hard work.

    Nobody said they would be making 1M+ a year for 10 years of their lives. Nobody promises anyone money on projected earnings in their career.

  25. Is Pettersson worthy of a 12-million dollar contract is one thing, whether paying Pettersson 12 million dollars a year would cripple the Canucks' ability to sign other players needed to be a consistent cup contender is quite another thing. Look around the league and their highest-paid players – among the top 10, only Nathan McKinnon has won a Cup. A team like the Leafs with three players paid in the top 10 inevitably would have many missing pieces and likely cannot win the Cup.

    Do I think Petey is worth 12-mil a year? Possibly. Would I want to see the Canucks sign him to a 12-mil a year contract and perhaps hamper their chance of winning a Cup? I have really mixed feelings about that.

  26. This market paid Bryant Reeves 10M AAV TWENTY FIVE years ago!! A 12M AAV at 2024 does not sound too bad for a quality player 😂

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