@Boston Bruins

Why Linus Ullmark DID NOT Get Traded by Bruins – Ty Anderson with Zolak & Bertrand

Why Linus Ullmark DID NOT Get Traded by Bruins – Ty Anderson with Zolak & Bertrand

Okay so Lena alark was not moved at the deadline when you were in here last week we were talking about the possibility of that but it wasn’t because the Bruins didn’t try he reportedly turned down a deal that would have sent him to La that’s one of the teams on his list that

He doesn’t want to go to I don’t know why the Bruins tried it again with a team they knew he didn’t want to go to and he had already told them once before I’m not accepting a deal to a team I don’t want to go to how does this make

Things awkward not between Lena alark and his teammates because that doesn’t seem awward at all how does it make it awkward between lenus alark and his employer well I think it’s confirmation that don’t even bother trying to trade him to a team that’s on his list he’s

Not going to wave he’s made it very clear he loves it here he doesn’t want to go so you need to find a team that’s not on the list and now where this gets interesting is that I don’t know did you see Tom Fitzgerald the GM of the uh

Devils his comments after the deadline I did not so the Bruins were the Devils were a team looking for a for their high quality Assets in exchange for aend my understanding is that the devils are not on Linus’s list so he could have been traded there but

The Bruins were saying okay if we’re giving you a goalie you got to give us something really high in value in return and the Devils were saying no which by the way Tom grow up you’re you’re a you’re a win now team and teams are going to ask for your high-end assets do

You think the Bruins wanted to get rid of a thousand first round picks over the last 10 years no but they had to because that’s the price so that those comments from Tom fr made me think that the Bruins were driving a hard bargain when

It came to teams that were not you know that didn’t require Lena signing off on them because it’s like if we’re going to get rid of this guy it’s got to be for a top tier return which is what’s been the case the entire time does this impact

His play moving forward though Ty because he’s been pretty open about how he was impacted emotionally leading up to the trade deadline understanding that his name was floating around out there and rumors does it impact him moving forward at all do you think you know I wonder watching his game on Saturday he

Was just he was so good he was on top of his game 37 to 38 performance uh and then after the game like it just felt like it meant more to him in a lot of ways and you know is it a galvanizing moment for him like that’s probably what

You hope I mean that’s what the Bruins have to hope right like you go back to 2010 the Bruins tried trading Tim Thomas nobody wanted him nobody wanted him Philly didn’t want him San Jose didn’t want him and he came back to Camp he scraped all of the Bruins colors off his

Pads and his mask and he was like you know what everyone can go screw and he went on the best year I’ve ever seen a goenda wire and so that’s like the ultimate best case scenario is that it pisses him off and it galvanizes the team around him and it invigorates his

Own play and he goes on a massive run and so that’s where I think that that’s what you hope I mean clearly it’s not like he he wasn’t crying in his locker you know after the after the wi making it more than it was but maybe this

Pushes the right button you know for him to kind of get going and prove that he is still a High you know high-end goal tender in this league and he was pretty open about that because after the game uh or maybe it was the game before I’m

Sorry um I think it somebody asked him like do do you feel like you have a no this after the Saturday game someone asked him if he has anything to prove he goes no I I proved it was pretty good goalie last year but I’ll do it again

You know like all right get that attitude going a little bit go from there

On Thursday’s edition of Zolak & Bertrand, Ty Anderson of, joined the show and explained why Linus Ullmark did not get traded at the trade deadline.


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