@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Siegel] Sheldon Keefe on TJ Brodie: “I’d just like him to clear his head … He’s had a tough go here right from the beginning of training camp all the way through. And because of the demands that we put on him he hasn’t really had time to breathe and regroup and find himself.”

[Siegel] Sheldon Keefe on TJ Brodie: “I’d just like him to clear his head … He’s had a tough go here right from the beginning of training camp all the way through. And because of the demands that we put on him he hasn’t really had time to breathe and regroup and find himself.”

by rsyzygy


  1. More from Keefe via Koshan – “Better player than he has played. He has also played better than the perception might be. We and he acknowledged that he could be better. We need him at his best. If we have to take a step back in order for that, that’s what we’ll do.”

  2. Hope he’s doing ok. He’s become the new Holl and I don’t think it’s completely justified. Keeping him with Morgan while that obviously wasn’t working didn’t do him any favours.

  3. PrimoThePro

    It worked for Sammy, there’s no reason it can’t work for Brods.

  4. 34GoLeafsGo34

    dude lost his dad. as someone that is comin up on the 4 year anniversary of losing mine, i cant fathom having to perform at a professional athlete level after doing that. i can barely get out of bed some days. i get that it’s part of the gig but maybe think about it before shitting on this dude

    edit: for the record i’m not saying we should keep him on or not make decisions based on this, just that the fan base could maybe not drag the dude idk. obviously it’s professional sports and a team has to do what they have to do. i’m just a dude on reddit, just was sharing an opinion on it.

  5. We have the depth to allow him to get himself right. Take the time. We are all ravenous fans and hate losing and have seen his struggles, but at the end of the day the human element remains.

    Sammy took his time and look how he’s come out of it. I’m rooting for Brodie to get it figured out too. I think we all are, even if we’re super hard on him. The Brodie redemption arc begins!

  6. HandsomeIguana

    Took Sheldon 3/4 of the season to act. Front runner for the Adams

  7. 3X-Leveraged

    So, you set him up to fail and it’s spiralled out of control and now a month out from playoff you are addressing it?

  8. This situation compared to the way Torts handled Couturier is night and day 😂

  9. postmodern_lasagna

    He plays 2 on 1s better than any defender on the team, *even this year*. But the time off will hopefully help him in the other area of his game. We know Rielly is 1LD. McCabe can play the right. That leaves 2 LD spots for Brodie, Benoit and Edmundson. Injuries happen and I’m sure they’ll all get games.

  10. Letterkenny_Irish

    Well if they gave Sammy the time to regroup… Can’t shit on this logic.

    Hopefully he can return to form back when Reilly/Brodie were a legit duo. If it works, will be a huge boon for the playoffs.

  11. Emotional_Arm_8485

    If we just played him with anyone not named Rielly and then never on his weak side. We wouldn’t have this conversation ever again.

    But you monsters have to fabricobble a bullshit story about Brodie being done and washed.

    Fuck you. That’s what I think about you inconsiderate cunts.

    Not everyone.. but the haters are out there and real.

  12. billcosbyinnocence

    So you acknowledge you know he’s been shit yet took 65 games to scratch him. Lol. Fire Keefe bruh

  13. Evening_Extreme_1681

    When he comes back I hope leaf nation gives him a huge ovation. He needs some positive vibes.

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