@Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins Options To Lead Bottom-Six Resurgence

On this episode, Nick discusses five players currently in the Pittsburgh Penguins organization that could play a major role in reviving their bottom-six next season. Tune In!

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  1. It's sux to c the gear players we've given away in the past few years that have turned out to be really good, like e-rod, mcann, of course guentzell would've been cool to c them still here under contract somehow

  2. I've no faith in coach Sullivan in giving these guys a fair chance to play for a long time and make mistakes and not punish them by benching them if they do. Plus why is Carter even still playing it serves no benefit at all

  3. If the unofficial start to training camp starts next week…I could see Joel Blomqvist getting a look.
    I think Ned is on the move July 1st.

  4. It's as simple as this Malkin isnot a top six player anymore. This team has a LOT more issues than the bottom six

  5. A 3rd line of- Doc-eller- Jesse p. Would be hard to play against. Earlier in the year they ran that line with big z and it was a momentum changing line (until big z fell off and doc got promoted) .

  6. I do agree that the defense is horrible. I also agree that they need finishers. To fix a huge problem in this lineup they have to stop relying on Tristan Jarry. He has well proven, over the years, he can't play under pressure. Not saying he can carry a team to a cup, but Ned is a better goalie than Jarry and his record proves it. Jarry is a MAF type goalie BUT not nearly as good. He is athletic, but often waaaay out of position. Always overplaying the puck, bad angles, or just not anticipating the play well like an elite goalie.

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