@Buffalo Sabres

The Day After: Edmonton Oilers vs Buffalo Sabres Discussion

The Day After: Edmonton Oilers vs Buffalo Sabres Discussion

Hello Oilers fans Austin here and welcome to the day after discussion video between the Oilers and the Buffalo sabes last night the Oilers absolutely dominated the Sabers pretty much right from the first period on even though they fell behind early to nothing the Oilers ended up winning 83 they scored

Six unanswered goals from the end of the second period to the end of the game including five goals in the third period an absolute offensive Outburst that I was hopeful was going to happen in my pregame report I was like hey I think mton is due for offensive breakout I did

Not predict them to score eight goals I predicted them to score five goals so it was really nice to see now before I get into the oh my God meat and potatoes of this video just like punching my mic uh for those of you who are maybe new or

Unfamiliar with the channel or if you’ve tuned in before and and you haven’t subscribed or anything like that basically the day after is a episode that I do the day after every Oilers game I kind of just go more in depth with different talking points I talk

About players uh on Ice stuff sometimes I bring up analytics it’s just a way to uh engage with you the viewer just a little bit more it’s very formal I just sit down in front of the camera I just have a chat with all of you and talk

About a whole bunch of different things if that is your cup of tea if you like Oilers content if you like daily Oilers content I do provide that so um if you want to uh join us join this amazing community that we’re building make sure you hit like make sure you hit subscribe

And tell all your friends and also let’s just kind of jump into the day after discussion so uh basically first thing I want to talk about is Matias eckholm holy smokes he had an unbelievable game last night he had two goals and an assist he was all over the place and the

Last like five to seven games I find Matias EOL his play he is elevated it to another level this is a level of play that um you don’t I don’t I don’t know how I want to word this not that I didn’t expect but if he can bring this

Type of play he’s always been good don’t get me wrong mattiz atom has always been phenomenal he’s been amazing since he joined Edmonton right from day one but this is like another level in terms of not only his defensive impacts but now he’s affecting the game on offense he’s

Jumping into plays he’s getting goals he’s creating chances and um it’s it’s unbelievable to watch the big Viking is so much fun to watch so EOL since he joined the Oilers the the team has a record of 59 22 and five since he was acquired before last season’s deadline

That ranks first place in the entire NHL by the way and in that time he also ranks first in the NHL in plus minus at a plus 62 now a lot of people don’t put a lot of stock in a plus minus but when it comes to a stat that like really

Sticks out and if you are that much ahead of your peers then I like to mention it because clearly he’s doing something very positive when he’s on the ice his impacts are reflecting that type of stat he is a plus 62 since he joined M10 again that ranks first in the league

And he has seven points in his last four games now Ken Holland gets a lot of flak for the trades that he has made or hasn’t made at least and some of the signings that he’s made and honestly I I get some of it but I think a lot of it

Is also unwarranted the biggest thing that Ken Holland should be criticized for is his inability to draft players that can have an impact on this team there is no player that he has drafted since he took over his general manager that is having an impact on this roster

Right now not a single player so that is where the critici criticism should lie with Ken Holland but it should not lie with the trades that he’s made and being able to get eckol for Tyson Barry and Reed Schaefer and a first rounder I mean holy smokes that trade I’m I’m telling

You right now and I don’t want to sound hyperbolic but I’m going to this trade for Matias eckholm is better than when Kevin low dealt for Chris Pronger back in 2005 I’m just gonna I’m just saying it I’m just saying it I I’m going to be

That guy this is a the impact on this roster is more than Chris pronger’s impact back on that 056 Oilers now that team made the Cup finals great Pronger he requested a trade a lot of rumors about the on off ice stuff that was going on with I don’t know his wife

Didn’t want to be in empt anymore fine it happens but Matias EOL not only does he love to be here his wife loves to be here and this is a I I don’t know his he’s just so good and and he’s still under contract for two more seasons

After this year and I could not be happier Ken Holland uh deserves all the praise on the entire planet for this trade and yeah could he have done more at the trade deadline this year sure but he still brought in Adam Henrik which I think is going to I

Mean you know it’s going to work out and it is kind of working out now Henrik it takes a little bit to adjust to a new team and Sam Carrick there’s value in faceoffs especially dzone draws after ice scenes or on the penalty kill that

Sort of thing so I get why they got Sam Carrick and Carrick has nine goals this year so he can chip in he could be someone that can chip in in the bottom six on that fourth line in the playoffs and once once that level of intensity

Ratchets up I don’t have a huge issue with Sam Carrick as long as the the goals against kind of drops a little bit his goal differential is not amazing but Ken Holland overall in terms of the players that he’s been able to bring in at the cost that he’s been able to bring

Them in um more more than worth their value Zack kyman Cory Perry Evander Kane um now Kane he’s struggling right now but I just mean since he signed Kane and and even when they acquired him uh two seasons ago that value is there uh henrik’s going to be fine EOL has been

Amazing so no issues at all here Ken Holland deserves credit let’s just give Ken Holland some credit here and I’m the biggest Ken Holland hater like I am so vocally against Ken Holland and and his tenure with with the Oilers but I have no problem with uh how he

Has I don’t know acquired some of these guys and the value that he gave up as opposed to what he he got is incredible so there is credit there now the next player I want to talk about another defenseman on the Oilers is Evan Bard now always tons of discourse around Evan

Bard but he has 15 goals and 52 assists he has 67 points this season and he has a plus 28 now since febru uary 1st his on Ice goal differential at 5 on five is A+ 19 so at 5 on five he’s been on the ice for 33 goals for and 14 goals

Against since February 1st that leads all defensemen with a five on five expected goals for a percentage of 61.2% since February 1st with defenseman that have played at least 300 minutes now EOL ranked second in that period at 6.24 expected goals for uh and buard is

Fourth in the entire NHL in goals 4 percentage sitting at a 70.2 one goals 4 percentage which is amazing atom is sixth by the way uh buard also ranks first now this again this is since February 1st he ranks first in these categories shots forward percentage scoring chances four and high danger

Cory 4 he leads the entire league in those categories since February 1 now if we talk only about his play in the month of March Evan Bard’s goal share at five on five just this month just through the month of March he’s been on the ice for

16 goals for and one goal against at 5 on five or a goals for percentage of 94.12% that is just absolutely unbelievable now there’s a lot of talk that echome carries Bard well I think buard also is you know carries eome in some aspects and that’s why they work so

Well together you can’t have one without the other they are a perfect defense pair they are the best defense pair in the entire NHL I’m just going to say that ekom and Bard are the best defense pair in the entire NHL and do not be surprised if Evan buard is in the Norris

Conversation now echol his defensive impacts would say that hey he should be in that conversation too but buard also produces Elite offensive uh talent and and production and the Norris Trophy it does go to players who can produce a lot of offense while also having you know really good defensive impacts and EV

Buard the advanced stats and just the regular stats they show that his impacts on the ice defensively are some of the best in the entire NHL he is an elite defenseman now I’m not saying he’s an elite Defender but he’s an elite defenseman and that’s kind of just how I

Look at it Evan Bard has been absolutely phenomenal he is one of my favorite players now it looks like sometimes the the the um urgency doesn’t always look like it’s there but that’s just kind of how he looks he’s 6’3 but he’s only 190 pounds so sometimes he looks a little

Awkward out there on his feet uh but honestly though Evan Bard the way he plays the game th this is this is the best defenseman Emon has had in my entire lifetime um yes of course you make the argument with Pronger or EOL too I get it but just all around in

Terms of offensive ability and defense Evan Bard has been more than worth what he’s getting paid right now the fact that the team bridged him this this is a mistake from Ken Holland bridging Evan Bard here I know he’s only making he’s making less than $4 million right now he

Makes less than4 million next season but if buard were to produce at this rate next season to he’s going to get over 101 million per year on his next contract and um I’m just saying we probably could have signed him for about six six and a half million a year long

Term if we would have been able to manage the salary cap a little bit better so even though I give Ken Holland a lot of Praise there’s there’s times where I’m like eh should have should have manage that one a little better now next player I want to talk about is

Conor McDavid last night he had four more assists that brings him to 86 assists on the season and he is on Pace to hit 100 assists in a single season and he would become only the fourth player in NHL history to accomplish that he would join Wayne Gretzky who did it

11 times Wayne Gretzky had 100 or more assists in a single season 11 times that is that just blows my mind when I was doing research for this video I could not believe it um that also would join Mari Lemieux and Bobby or now people say

Oh but if Matthews hits 70 goals that’s more impressive is it is it I think there’s been 11 players managed to hit the 70 goal Mark in NHL history there’s only been three players to ever hit 100 assists in a single season now you know whatever you believe if you believe

Goals you know count you know have more perceived value than assists that’s fine I don’t completely argue against that goal scoring is the hardest thing to do in the entire NHL scoring goals it’s hard to do I get it however if McDavid accomplishes this feet of hitting 100

Assists this is not a once in a generation thing this is a once in a lifetime achievement like how many of us watching this video right now have seen a player with 100 assists in a single season just curious now obviously you could be like oh well you know how many

Players have also scored 70 goals in our lifetime which is true for younger viewers that is very rare there hasn’t been a 70 goal scorer probably off the top of my head I don’t want to say Brett Hall but you know someone will fact check me on that cuz I did not fact

Check that but in terms of the amount of players that have been able to hit 70 goals in a season compared to have been able to hit 100 assists in a season and the fact that nobody’s been able to do it since Wayne Gretzky or Mari Lemieux

Sorry was it or was it grety 8889 God I don’t see I do research but I’m clearly not great at like remembering the research that I do this is by far and will be by far the single greatest single season achievement that I’ll have witnessed Conor McDavid do and that any

Of us in hockey will have witnessed a player du since those days of the 80s and that should not be overlooked even if Conor McDavid uh does not win the Art Ross if he finishes with less points than COV or McKinnon I still think if he

Hits 100 assists that should make him a lock for the heart trophy yes you know what who cares about the Art Ross but that would make him a that would make him a lock there’s no reason for any other player to win the heart trophy if McDavid hits the 100 assist

Accomplishment and that’s just my opinion I don’t know what you guys think about that but you can let me know your thoughts now another player I wanted to just quickly touch on here is Zach Heyman he is two goals away from 50 he scored two goals last night at home so

He’s at 48 goals on the season and if he scores two goals in Toronto he will hit the 50 goal milestone in Toronto his former team all these former Leafs that Emon has gone out and snagged um could you imagine if Heyman was able to hit 50

Goals in Toronto on Hockey Night in Canada it’s a nationally televised broadcast you have every leaf fan on the planet watching you have every Oilers fan on the planet watching that would be absolutely amazing I would love to see it and uh just for just for the you know

The Optics of it I think that would be really cool if Zack kman could score a couple against the Leafs and hit 50 goals on on the season now when it comes to Zack kimman hitting 50 goals as well he’s actually in pretty rare company

There are not a lot of players in their age 31 or older Seasons to hit 50 goals it is a very very rare thing to happen usually your your Prime is between 20 and 28 years oldish now obviously the elite of the elite players they will continue to produce well into their

Early and mid-30s it’s not until the late 30s that a you know a guy like McDavid is going to start slowing down and we haven’t seen oetkin really slow down until recently and he’s what 38 now uh cdy Crosby he’s I mean he’s slowed down I’ll go quotation marks you know

He’s not putting up 120 points a year but he’s still scoring at an elite level producing at Elite level a guy like Zack Heyman his career high in goals before he signed an mton was 21 in a single season and he signed with the Oilers when he was 29 so you

Know every year he’s been with the team he has increased his goal output that first year with the Oilers set a career high in goals last year with the Oilers set another career high with goals and then this season 31 years old sets another career-high in goals that’s he

Is breaking and defying what the age curve tells us about players in in hockey not only hockey but just Sports in general that age curve as your age goes up production tends to come down Zack Heyman is just you know what uh age age going up and production is actually

Going to exceed age as well I I don’t know how he does it he’s breaking everything I know about um performance and analytics and how hockey is supposed to work and it’s unbelievable to watch I love Zack kyman unbelievable player and I’m excited for him he will hit 50 this

Season whether it’s in Toronto or Ottawa or later this month whenever he does it he will do it and I absolutely love to see that uh and then the last thing I wanted to talk about back to Oilers defenseman is is about Troy stetcher Cody Cece and Vincent de har who will

Sit when Vinnie returns from his injury now a lot of people are saying Cody CCE should sit a lot of people are saying Troy stetcher should sit um a lot of people are saying neither should sit and you know just as long as the team is

Still winning keep de har out of the lineup which I’m not also against either um but you know I saw a lot of people complain about Cody cce’s game last night against the Sabers and I don’t really know why CCE hadn’t expected goals 4 percentage of over 80% and the

Most of the complaints were on Buffalo’s was it third goal when Cody CCE he got like a stick he he got a stick tied up on the saber that scored and the puck like dribbled underneath steuart Skinner to me I thought Cody CCE made a good play there it was just a

Kind of a weird goal uh it was a goal that Skinner should have saved in my personal opinion that wasn’t really on CCE he didn’t give the puck away that led to the goal and he got 95% of that stick to prevent a good shot from being

Taken so you know Cody CCE again this is a player that I’ve had my complaints about throughout the season and throughout his tenure and I would have actually liked to see him traded for an upgrade at the trade deadline but they didn’t and Cody CCE he has his moments

Where it’s like oh that’s pretty effective and then he has moments where it’s like okay what are you doing but down on that third pair he’s he’s been fine I’ve had no issue with him or Brett kulak I feel like they’ve been playing good hockey overall Troy stetcher Ste in

Played with Darnell nurse last night the advanced metrics weren’t exactly friendly to those two uh but the eye test showed that they they played a lot better than I think the analytics were were showing so that was a situation where watching the game has a lot of

Value instead of just looking at the graphs if I had if I hadn’t seen the game and I looked at their numbers last night I been like oh Troy steter probably had a rough game maybe take him out of the lineup that wasn’t the case Troy stetcher I thought played good I

Thought Darnell nurse played good uh that was a game last night where everyone played good I had zero complaints so it’s a tough decision cuz de har is a very effective third pair defenseman and um when he’s healthy it’s going to be tough to take either stra or

Or Cody CC out of the lineup because everyone’s contributing right now and you love to see that so what are your thoughts who do you think is going to come out of the lineup who should go into the lineup who should stay permanently do you like Troy stetcher do

You like CCE do you like de har which one do you think should be like the full-time second third pair and then who should be healthy scratched now I’ve kind of rambled a whole bunch today I had a lot to talk about I’m kind of getting you know losing my voice here so

I will let all of you go for now tomorrow morning I will have a pregame report up for the Toronto M beliefs and mton Oilers game I will break down all the fun facts and all the fun stats as always and again as always for those of

You who tune into to these videos and that show support I truly appreciate it it means so much to me we just hit 1,700 subscribers we are on the road to 2,000 subscribers which would be it would just blow my mind if we hit that Milestone at

Some point this year here so thank you all so much for watching if you like the video today make sure you hit like if you really liked it make sure you hit subscribe and uh I’m going to steal a little slogan from Tim the tap man he’s

A gaming YouTuber you don’t have to worry about it but one of the things he says at the end of all of his videos is tell somebody that you love him and for someone like me I’m going to start being a bit more positive and just say

Something like that at the end of videos just because I think you know we don’t want to forget about who we are and where we come from and the people in our lives so as always take care tell that you love them and I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye everyone

In today’s video I talk about the Edmonton Oilers 8-3 victory over the Buffalo Sabres. Connor McDavid, Mattias Ekholm, Evan Bouchard, Zach Hyman, and more are discussed heavily as their contributions to this team are incredible. Other talking points can be found below!#oilers #nhl #sabres

Talking Points:
– Intro
– Mattias Ekholm. Oilers are 59-22-5 since he was acquired, and he leads the entire NHL in +/- at +62 since Edmonton traded for him! He has 7 points in his last 4 games as well. Absolute stud. Better than the Pronger trade IMO.
– Evan Bouchard’s recent play! 15G 52A 67 P in 67 GP/+28. Since February 1st his on-ice goal differential at 5v5 is +19. 33GF/14GA. He leads ALL NHL defensemen with a 5v5 xGF% of 61.29% since February 1st. Ekholm is second at 60.24%. Bouchard is 4th in the entire NHL in GF% in that time as well, sitting at 70.21 GF%. Ekholm is 6th. Bouchard also ranks first in: SF%, SCF%, and HDCF%. If we talk about ONLY his play in the month of March, Bouchard’s goal share at 5v5 this month is 16GF, 1GA or a GF% of 94.12%! That is unbelievable. He should be a Norris candidate in my opinion.
– McDavid is on pace for 100 Assists! He would become only the 4th player in NHL history to ever accomplish that feat, joining Wayne Gretzky (11x), Mario Lemieux, and Bobby Orr.
– Zach Hyman is two goals away from 50! He could hit that milestone in Toronto on Saturday. Wouldn’t that be something?
– Troy Stecher, Cody Ceci, Vincent Desharnais… who sits when Vinny is healthy?
Closing thoughts/outro

The Day After is a segment where I have a formal sit down discussion with YOU, the fans, and I talk about a variety of topics from the game from the night before, the YouTube channel as a whole, and more! If you like these and want more make sure to hit the “like” button and subscribe as that goes a long way in supporting me and growing an amazing community 💗 #oilers #penguins #nhl

ICYMI – Oilers vs Sabres Post-Game Recap:

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  1. As Gene Principe would say…. Ekholm is a "NORSE" caliber kind of d-man.
    Also, maybe he's glad he's out of the US.. little safer in Canada for a young family.

  2. i say let another team sign bouchard for 10 mil+ he is good but he's not makar or hughes good.

  3. ekholm is one of the most underrated d men in the league. when its not an oiler fan posting i never hear about him and that is a crime. i really think that they should add a new trophy for defensemen. it just sucks to see the norris go to who has the highest point total and not who the best d man is

  4. I think McDavid's season last year was more impressive than if he gets 100 assists this year. He led the league in goals AND assists while leading in goals/game and assist/game rates! That is just ridiculous! Gretzky himself only did that 3 times. It has only been done 7x total, Gretzky x3, Mario x2, Howe x1, McDavid x1. Mario was tied for assists both times that he did it so you could even say only 3 players have done it.

  5. Agreed about Holland he's good at getting guys from different teams but the prospects and draft picks he sucks at that and to me Oilers need new GM and spot pickers and goalie couch

  6. This game reminded me of survivor series, 1990 when undertaker made his debut and smashed the hart family

  7. I always fantisize the Oilers having a guy lime Sorokin in net. They are already a super good contender. But imagine if they had a superstar goalie. To be honest though i think this Oilers team is the best overall team on all 4 lines and 3 D lines and goaltending in the contention window.

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